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Shell ????

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    Shell ???? reacted to MojoCAMI in Terrible reflux after eating & vomiting   
    Proud2BeMe speaks the truth, Reflux is real, I did not think I would get it, but I did.. I learned the hard way... sometimes you can predict it, other times you can't but you will get better at knowing your body and what combinations or times of day cause it..
    My wake up call came, one night when I had a yogurt cup before bed, I ate the yogurt then stayed up for 10-15min, then went to bed.. about 30min later, "hack hack, cough, hack hack, cough belch burp.. hack vomit".. since then when i know I am going to eat something late, I take my reflux pills.. Early on post surgery, I took them because that was what I was told.. I backed off after the frist 40days... and it was about 2months post surgery when the yogurt happened...
    So now reflux pills are just part of my routine when I know i am going to be eating late, or something spicy for dinner.
  2. Like
    Shell ???? reacted to dashofsunshine in Before & After pics   
    I'm a year and 5 months out, and surpassed my doctors goal last month. Life is great

  3. Like
    Shell ???? reacted to Proud2BMe in Terrible reflux after eating & vomiting   
    Unfortunately reflux is a side-effect for many sleevers. I didn't worry about it because I had reflux before the surgery. You will need to continue to take you meds. In time it might mellow out but you will likely have bouts with it the rest of your life.
  4. Like
    Shell ???? got a reaction from Falecha in Using the bathroom   
    I got sleeved the same day as you and I have the same issue I now have TMI haemroids (can't spell it) the pain down there is worse than my operation pain and issues I can't go so I use an microlax enema then I go but it's awful and takes forever then last night I took two ducolax before bed and today is not a good day I'd be scared to leave the house so I go from one extreme to another than back again it's frustrating I've never ever suffered Constipation.< /p>
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  5. Like
    Shell ???? got a reaction from Jessicad in 8 weeks post-op (sleeve)   
    Yes it does it's constantly making noises of some kind worse after eating but it goes on a bit
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  6. Like
    Shell ???? reacted to demonchick in Australia - Melbourne   
    Hi Shell yes I was under strict instruction to not have poached eggs or scrambled eggs till this week (week 4 mushy foods) and to still be careful as eggs are very chewy. I had a poached egg tied, smashed it up and chewed a lot and tolerated it but the next day didn't smash it up as much and threw it up.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. Like
    Shell ???? reacted to kiwijet in Australia - Melbourne   
    Yeah my clothes are already starting to hang off of me. Yeah Beans sound good. Think i might get some buttered Beans and do something with them.
    Sent from my SM-G900I using the BariatricPal App
  8. Like
    Shell ???? reacted to kiwijet in Australia - Melbourne   
    Hi all, so staples out and Id be lying if I said it hurt much. Most I didnt even feel. I got a slap over the hand for straying from my diet, but was also told I wasnt the first and I wont be the last. But they did remind me if the need to ket the stomach heal as much as possible before working it to hard so everything has to be blended. Mashed potato, egg, greek yoyurt with low fat ice cream anyone?
    On a better note I have lost over 12kgs so far which is great. The beauty of not being able to weight myself at home lol.
    I was given nexium for reflux when i was discharged but havent needed it, but my nurse told me today that they want me to take it everyday until finished as it helps to protect my stomach staples whilst healing from my stomach acids. Anyone else get told to do this.
    Sent from my SM-G900I using the BariatricPal App
  9. Like
    Shell ???? got a reaction from elaina831 in Who else got sleeved on the 28th of march?   
    I was sleeved the 29th and I have pain also in the incision where the surplus was removed the rest are all fine. Are you on liquids or purée ?
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  10. Like
    Shell ???? got a reaction from kiwijet in Australia - Melbourne   
    Snap you two had the same Cereal haha wow exciting Kiwijet you can weigh in and catch up not so exciting about the staple removal but still it's moving forward. I had an eye appt after I had Breakfast and I was in his office and had the worst reflux and started dry reaching had to grab his rubbish bin thought I was about to throw up it was awful I had the shakes.
    Let me know how your appointment goes today Kiwijet
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  11. Like
    Shell ???? reacted to kiwijet in Australia - Melbourne   
    Special K Cereal with fresh milk and fruit sounds delecious. Big day 4 me. I get 22 staples out at 3pm. Gives me a chance to catch up with my dietitian and discuss my trials and also a chance to weight myself as i dont have scales that can weight me yet.
    Sent from my SM-G900I using the BariatricPal App
  12. Like
    Shell ???? got a reaction from Falecha in Weird s**t your body does (or "I know I ate too much, I need to sneeze.."   
    Haha that's hilarious
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  13. Like
    Shell ???? got a reaction from miss_smiles in What are you looking forward to after WLS and the weight comes off?   
    I'm looking forward to getting married I've delayed it due to not wanting to be married overweight I don't want to look at my wedding photos and be sad basically il get married when I'm at goal however long that takes. I'm looking forward to loving the face staring back at me in the mirror. I'm looking forward to wearing jeans and more stylish clothes off the rack over the sack type dresses I'm wearing now that cost me over $300 a piece. I'm looking forward to hopefully not getting chaffing in summer. And hopefully I'm looking forward to not thinking about food so much and being hungry all the time food has controlled my life for so long I want to be free.
    I'm also looking forward to having more energy to do things with my fiancé
    like bush walks bike riding we are off to Cambodia and Vietnam again for Xmas and I want to be able to sit on the back of his motorbike and not feel like I'm being stared at and go to all the temples and walk around with ease see and do more
    Those are my wishes have a long way to go was sleeved 29/03/16
    Sent from my iPhone
  14. Like
    Shell ???? reacted to Bellarose100 in Australia - Melbourne   
    Hi guys
    Congratulations you made it to the other side now the fun starts!!
    These few weeks are the hardest as your head will still want the big meals you were use to having but the stomach can't take it.....my mouth would Water every food ad on TV.....it drove me crazy! But it passes I promise and the scales will drop it will happen! I had days of eating shit all day long and thought it's not gonna work......but it did work as the amounts felt like a lot but they were nothing compared to before the sleeve.....I'm now 1 year and 2months sleeved it's been the best year of my life I wish I did this sooner!!
    35kgs gone!!!
    A year out I can still only eat about a cup of food somedays and other days less in one sitting........ But I can eat often it clears quickly so I can still gain if I'm not careful.......I don't drink with meals ever and have not had soft drink since preop my reflux stopped when I gave up diet coke! Haven't had it since!
    I don't exercise at all which is really bad!!! I need to pull my finger out........My taste buds have changed i know eat salads and vegetable I would never touch before!!
    You all have made the right choice this is going to change your quality of life ????????????
  15. Like
    Shell ???? got a reaction from destinedtofindher in Anyone not telling anyone about their surgery?   
    I said I had a peptic ulcer removed to work and some friends who I knew would be unsupportive no one needs to know your private business I told a few friends and family and boy did I learn a lesson keep it to yourself the negativity is awful I found my skinny friends were like yay good for you and my big friends were negative saying things like your cheating you always take the easy way out etc so I stopped dead in my tracks however I decided that down the track when I'm smaller if a larger Person came up to me and said wow you look great how have you lost weight I would be 100% honest with them because giving someone false hope who is struggling is unfair I can't do that.
    Sent from my iPhone
  16. Like
    Shell ???? reacted to kiwijet in Australia - Melbourne   
    Both i make a drink of the yogurt by mixing 2-3 tablespoons low fat greek yogurt with blended fruit or Syrup and a cup low fat milk. All my vegs and sauces etc are pureed.
    Sent from my SM-G900I using the BariatricPal App
  17. Like
    Shell ???? reacted to deanna2178 in Day before surgery   
    I just woke up from surgery and sore as hell but overall I am happy it's over and I'm ALIVE!! Lol
    Sent from my Z812 using the BariatricPal App
  18. Like
    Shell ???? reacted to KindaFamiliar in Australia - Melbourne   
    Sorry to butt in...
    As I've posted elsewhere, if you're struggling with the liquid/purees not making you feel 'full' try crunching on some ice..
    I found that my brain assumed that, as I'd not chewed, I'd not eaten...
    That way you can chew on something that won't upset your sleeve...
    It also has the bonus of helping with your Water intake...
  19. Like
    Shell ???? got a reaction from kiwijet in Australia - Melbourne   
    I think I should get some berroca it may help with my energy my Nut recommended. Start my multi a month out but she recommended a cheapish supermarket brand Centrum so I'm not sure I may go to the health shop and get a better one as I need a good multi
    I've been using up my Optifast but I need to go buy some other flavoured Protein as the whole brand one I got tastes terrible it's gritty.
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  20. Like
    Shell ???? reacted to kiwijet in Australia - Melbourne   
    I am having up and go and sustegen from time to time and a still have a bit of optislim to finish off. I am also on a berroca a day until i start solids, then i switch over to Multivitamins.
    Sent from my SM-G900I using the BariatricPal App
  21. Like
    Shell ???? reacted to Proud2BMe in Need advice   
    Very common. If you want to maintain your marriage then get into couple's counseling fast. It's very common for couples to get divorced after one person loses a great deal of weight.
  22. Like
    Shell ???? reacted to McButterpants in Ideas to keep wedding ring on   
    What a great problem to have, right? I have the same problem - I wear a smaller band on the outside to keep my engagement ring and eternity band from falling off.
  23. Like
    Shell ???? got a reaction from destinedtofindher in Anyone not telling anyone about their surgery?   
    I said I had a peptic ulcer removed to work and some friends who I knew would be unsupportive no one needs to know your private business I told a few friends and family and boy did I learn a lesson keep it to yourself the negativity is awful I found my skinny friends were like yay good for you and my big friends were negative saying things like your cheating you always take the easy way out etc so I stopped dead in my tracks however I decided that down the track when I'm smaller if a larger Person came up to me and said wow you look great how have you lost weight I would be 100% honest with them because giving someone false hope who is struggling is unfair I can't do that.
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  24. Like
    Shell ???? got a reaction from futureskinnygurl in Size 6 Success   
    Yay you look stunning congratulations
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  25. Like
    Shell ???? got a reaction from KindaFamiliar in Day before surgery   
    Everything's going to be ok I'm a week out today and I'm fine positive thoughts be excited for the new you
    Sent from my iPhone

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