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Shell ????

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Everything posted by Shell ????

  1. Shell ????

    Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve

    I find my self these last few days wishing I had chosen the RNY instead of sleeve as someone explained how there doctor explained how their doctor explained the two surgery’s and that was I’d you like sweet things and have no will power rny is for you if you can work out and a strict sleeve is for you no I find myself full of regret that I chose the wrong surgery
  2. Shell ????

    Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve

    I’m in the same boat I’m 2 years out in March and I’ve regained exactly how much I’m to scared to look lately but it was 5kgs a few months back drinking alcohol has been the biggest issue as I get drunk fast but I use to never drink prior to surgery now I do every night except the last week I’ve stopped I can also eat bread and chocolate and lollies I was sleeved and wish I had chosen RNY so I’d atleast get dumping and not continue to eat bad things I snack all the time and don’t exercise I’m miserable I Was self pay and cannot believe I’m having these issues now I was so good in the beginning so strict Please let me k ow how your going with your weight loss
  3. Shell ????

    My 600 lb life

    Yes I love the show it's just started here in nz
  4. In nz insurance won't pay they may contribute a tiny amount if you fit certain criteria which is hard to do I was self pay as public hospitals don't do many a year and you have to be very very very large and be half dead to qualify. I chose self pay it was fast and I had no issues if I'd had to jump through hoops in order to get surgery it would have put me off if I'd had to wait I'd probably have talked myself out of it. Self pay all the way best thing I ever did you can't put a price on healthy & happy
  5. Shell ????


    I was allowed coffee as soon as I felt like drinking it biggest relief ever some surgeons say No.
  6. Shell ????

    Do portion sizes get bigger

    I'm a year out and my portion sizes are half a plate I watched a video on here yesterday someone posted and I see it's now on this thread it was so interesting it talks of 3 months portion sizes 12 months 3 years and 5 and 10 years so yes your portion sizes absolutely get bigger but they will never be Ike they were before surgery.
  7. Shell ????

    What did u eat???

    Hi I would eat lots of yogurt , some cottage cheese didn't love that, soft scrambled egg, I tried purée meats with veggies but didn't really love that I also tried steamed fish but found that hard to digest. Mashed avocado Refried beans Mashed banana That's about it I think
  8. And how are you doing have you had the op yet or in the process how is it all going for you?
  9. Well here I am wow my 1 year anniversary today I had sleeve surgery this day last year And what a ride it's been! This was the best decision I have ever made ! I had done every diet known to man kind and failed time and time again my rheumatoid was out of control my prescriptions where growing by the month and diabetes and heart disease where just around the corner and I was deeply unhappy within myself desperate to be healthy but unwilling to make the necessary changes and sacrifices to get there it was all just too hard. steroids played a large role in my weight gain and lack of exercise due to the pain in my feet and hands it was a downward spiral at my heaviest I was 115kgs so 230 pounds Some would say not that big but to me it was huge. I followed a blogger in nz who had the surgery and an idea was born she looked amazing so off I went to her surgeon next step to come up with $20,000 as I was self pay I saw the surgeon in December and in March I had the surgery. Looking back at times I felt defeated like this weight won't come off it's so slow couldn't imagine myself smaller and it took a long time for my mind to catch up with my body I still felt big up until recently. Basically this journey has been the best decision of my life I am so happy within myself I feel alive,confident,beautiful,healthy these are things I've not felt in a very long time I am now 71kgs and I'm happy at this weight I know maintaining this will be a life long commitment and sometimes I eat bad things I'm human but it's not often and I always think of where I've come from and where I'm going and I can't go back I've come to far and it's true nothing tastes as good as skinny feels I will keep these comparison photos and look at them when I need to be reminded of where I've been in this journey For anyone considering surgery don't put it off you won't look back a new you is possible you just have to want it !! the surgery itself and recovery was fine sure at times I hated it but looking back for me it was easy. Good luck to everyone on this journey it sure is an amazing one this app has been so helpful and I'm truly thankful for it.
  10. Youve got this and in a year when you look back you won't believe how far you have come xoxox
  11. I can't wait to hear and see your success good luck on your journey how exciting!!!!
  12. Shell ????

    Australia - Melbourne

    Hi Kiwijet yay I'm so pleased to hear from you!!!!! I wonder how you have been getting on I'm exactly the same I sneeze too weird isn't it and it's like heaps of sneezes sometimes if I eat to much past a point I dont sneeze Tasmania sounds amazing I'm glad you are enjoying life and have no regrets life is to short for regrets. I have none either best thing I ever did for myself dont be a stranger keep In Touch ID love to hear what's happening
  13. Shell ????

    Australia - Melbourne

    Demonchick have you heard from kiwi jet I pm him but I think maybe he's left
  14. Shell ????

    Forgot i was on post liquid diet!!!

    No can't say I ever forgot I was sleeved Hope your ok as I'm assuming if it hurt you can't be to far out.
  15. Congratulations thanks for sharing your story my one year anniversary is the 29th of march and what an amazing year it's been best decision I ever made
  16. Shell ????


    How are you feeling are you home yet?
  17. Shell ????

    Stomach pain when I drink

    Yes it does get better I noticed it eased off around the 2/3 week mark and drinking room temp water was better for me as cold water made my stomach spasm and hurt at the time I remember thinking how will I ever drink anything again in life it does get better
  18. Shell ????

    Body image issues

    I hear what your saying and can relate I found it took my mind a lot longer to catch up people were saying oh my you've lost so much weight you look amazing I felt the same as I always did like a whale and then a couple of months ago I'm almost a year out I was like wow look how much smaller I am I looked at photos and couldn't believe my eyes and the size clothes I buy now blow my mind but sometimes my mind and body are not on the same page.
  19. Shell ????

    Self pay?

    I self paid cost me $20k in nz
  20. First of all it depends are you self pay or insurance I'm self pay so know nothing about insurance but from being on here it seems insurance can have a longer wait time as there's requirements like dieting and meetings as I went private I saw the surgeon then when I had the money sorted I booked in for a few weeks away you can have it pretty fast I found Questions to ask surgeon What's best for me sleeve or bypass due to current health issues What to expect in terms of weight loss goals and time frames Life going forward what does that look like eating habits social life etc Questions to ask yourself after meeting doctor Why are you doing it ??? is it sustainable for you for life do you have realistic expectations Theres alot to consider as its life changing and its surgery it was the best decision I ever made and it's been very positive I've not had a negative experience and am very happy and wouldn't change it for the world
  21. Shell ????


    Also remember that often hunger is not hunger but stomach acid very common issue After surgery I went on medication and the hunger stopped as it was not hunger but acid
  22. Shell ????

    Post Op Depression

    I know exactly how you feel but this to shall pass at the moment you have made this huge sacrifice and feel miserable and you haven't seen any major results yet have you done the rite thing what have you done to yourself those types of thoughts well I promise it gets better it will take a few more weeks and you will be feeling better less fragile emotionally and physically I'm now almost 1 year out and I couldn't imagine myself slimmer and wondered what the hell I had done This shall pass and you will be so happy and you will lose weight just focus on rest and fluids
  23. Shell ????

    Pizza that is the ?

    Yes you can I can eat one piece of pizza a year after sleeve surgery in my old life I'd have eaten an entire pizza moderation is the key and If I do have a piece of pizza it's a treat But yes you can enjoy a piece of pizza eventually I had mine about 8 months out you really want to use the rapid weight loss time to its full potential while it lasts
  24. Shell ????


    I drink coffee my surgeon said don't stop drinking it I could have it as soon as I got home from hospital it was a saving grace to be honest it was my treat and that can't be a bad thing it's better than donuts choc bars and cakes lollies I love coffee I have up to 3 a day myself and I'm almost 1 year out and at goal
  25. Shell ????

    10 days post Op!

    Try different temperature water if it's cold try warm etc it's normal to have this issue this early on it usually comes rite I was terrible at the start now I can drink all temperatures fine now I found yogurt and scrambled egg good to eat also had some cup a Soups This shall pass be strong you'll be out the other side before you know it [emoji4]

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