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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Hugs
    LaDivaDev reacted to Healthy_life in I need to get back on track   
    You can get into weight loss mode again. I needed to change my behavior of eating to calm anxiety/stress/emotions. If you need help with anxiety/panic attacks, You can get ahold of your family physician or a therapist. Getting back on track and maintaining your weight is work. I'm not always motivated.
    Its easy to gain a pound a month. It turns into 12 pounds in a year...24 the next year. and so on. I had a 16 pound gain in my third year and worked it back down. Maintaining for me is weighing every day. I gave myself a ten pound bounce range. When the scale goes up I get back into weight loss mode.
    Losing the 16 pounds:
    Had my hubby hide temptations in the house. Went grocery shopping. Logged my food. I found that I had to dial in calories and macros to see where my body starts losing weight again. Get activity in.Can you work in 30 min at home? If you can't weight loss will be mainly from your diet. This may not be helpful to hear - Im not sure what will get you back your old discipline/motivation. I put motivational weight loss mems on my fridge. I look here for newer people in weight loss mode that are excited. I do weight loss challenges. I have a goal dress I want to fit into for new years. I hope you find what works. You are one busy lady.
  2. Like
    LaDivaDev reacted to Bears_Chick in Back to basics and really doing it!   
    So I've been MIA for a couple weeks due to vacation and staying away from the internet.... I'm an aspiring novelist, so I REEEEAALLLY have to try to focus on my writing if I ever want to "get there." But I just read posts from the past couple of weeks and have seen the ups and downs... I had a couple myself. But as of today I'm 169.6.... within 10 lbs of my goal weight! I'm pretty excited about that. I had to give up 80% of the carbs I was eating, and I've been careful with sodium.... upped the Protein, and 'as for now' it seems to be working. I'm happy, but always scared.
    This is the first 4th of July in YEARS that I haven't been embarrassed to take a picture with my family. So I'm sharing.

  3. Like
    LaDivaDev reacted to eliminnowp in I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)   
    Still progressing! Slowly but surely...

  4. Like
    LaDivaDev got a reaction from chynadoll619 in TODAY IS MY F'ING Day.!!!!   
    Today is almost like a birthday...you're getting a great gift that will assist you in amazing ways for life!! Sending love your way today!

  5. Like
    LaDivaDev reacted to K_aane in Sharing with coworkers??   
    I guess this is such, a difficult thing because I have faced this in another situation all my life. Ok here,we go, coffee and tmi.
    I am married 38yrs. We have no children by choice. You cannot imagine the things that have been said to me because we chose to not have children. I have fielded those ugly remarks all my life. My response was always the same. "Children are a lifelong commitment and I chose not to take on that responsibility." I never though that made me selfish, but rather that I understood what having children would require of me and I knew what I would need to do and chose not to. Does that make me less of a woman, selfish, or uncaring? No not at all, but it's the least of what I have told.,by people who are close. Sometimes you don't always get roses and candy from everyone around you. Thank God for my husband, who from day 1 when I mentioned it, said, "babe, let's check it out and learn about it and if you make the decision to do it, I am 100% with you."
    Needless to say I cried tears of happiness when we went to my first app together.
    This has been a long 6 month wait. All the approvals, all the visits. At this point, down to the wire to get my date in July, I am going in secretly.
    One thing I do know. If my journey inspires someone else. I will be there right with them along the way with all the support I can give.
    Such am emotional moment and I know there will be more.
    Coffee is cold now...thank you all who come here to lend support, who give your whole journey to us as an open book. You cannot begin to imagine how precious that is. Love you all.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. Like
    LaDivaDev reacted to Monasmle in Blew it this week   
    I see a therapist every two weeks and keep a journal to empty my thoughts. I fight with those same urges and feelings creepping back, thoughts of failure,guilt, shame, failure. I'll have weeks where everything goes right, for exercise, and today, blew it, like you said. It's a process, every day is one step, and sometimes we trip along the way. But tomorrow is another day. We get up, Vitamins Water Protein first. The times I trip, it's because I forget protein first. I'll go a few days eating salad, fruit, hummus, stir fry, and then the hunger and cravings catch up to me. Don't beat yourself up, you know that only leads to more guilt, restricting, and losing control. I highly recommend working with an eating disorder counselor. Not that you have an eating disorder, but they can really help with the pattern of thinking that you speak of. Good luck, and just remember that tomorrow doesn't care what you did last week, just make the best of it.

    Sent from my SM-G920T using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. Like
    LaDivaDev got a reaction from LoveMyBypass in I Have a Surgery Date - RNY   
    Update: I had my RNYGB yesterday. Surgery went well. Things took close to 3 hours, but turned out very good. So far, no complications or complaints. I'm trying to breathe deeply since my lungs are still coming back. I've been walking too. It's tender and tight, but I have been moving! Nurses and staff have been great as well. No nausea/vomiting (I'm keeping my fingers crossed on this one). Dr. Started me on liquids and I kept them down no problem. Heading home from hospital now. Thanks to everyone for al the love and support!
  8. Like
    LaDivaDev got a reaction from Dashofpixiedust8 in 8 1/2 months out...   
    It's amazing how much younger you look. You are so beautiful, before and after!!!
  9. Like
    LaDivaDev got a reaction from Mindy78 in Can't believe it   
    How INCREDIBLE!!! Isn't it amazing to see how many years comes off our appearance just by the weight loss? Absolutely amazing. You are beautiful, before and after!
  10. Like
    LaDivaDev got a reaction from Dashofpixiedust8 in 8 1/2 months out...   
    It's amazing how much younger you look. You are so beautiful, before and after!!!
  11. Like
    LaDivaDev got a reaction from 4MRB4PHOTO in I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)   
    Before picture was 1 month before I began the journey. October pic was 1 month ago. Surgery was RNY on Aug 8, 2016. I'm down 72 pounds from my highest weight of 355.

  12. Like
    LaDivaDev got a reaction from Who'sThere in You might be a WLS patient when...   
    When you are a lady and your wardrobe consists of leggings and oversized shirts with belts or dresses with belts because your pants no longer fit.
    And another: when your tailbone KILLS you after sitting for a while. Ouch!
  13. Like
    LaDivaDev reacted to gustavio in You know you lost weight when   
    When you no longer avoid the camera
    When you can wear jeans all day and not be dying to change to stretchy pants
    When your friends and family tell you that you need a cheeseburger
    When your kids can wrap their arms all the way around you.
    When you and your spouse can both sit comfortably side by side in a recliner.
    When you can buy fitted shirts and not feel insecure
    When you can wear shorts again
    When people mistake your teenagers for your friends or siblings
    When you can cross your legs
    When you can sit Indian style
    When you can sit on the floor, and then get back up again
    When you can shave your legs or tie your shoes without holding your breath
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. Like
    LaDivaDev reacted to Ruth1ess in You know you lost weight when   
    When you don't automatically scout out the handicap stall in the bathroom, but find the normal stalls to have adequate and even more than enough room for your needs!
    When people ask you to join them on the couch that is already near-full, you look at the space and realize there's no possible way you will fit comfortably, but you do.. with room to spare.
    When there is enough room in the airport seats for not only yourself, but your bag as well..
    When you get on the plane and there are two inches of seat space on either side of you in coach. What the heck??
    Normal bath towels... that's a biggie!
    When you just 'fit' into the world without constantly feeling like you stick out.
    When you find yourself jogging during your workout for several minutes non-stop -- and it's not easy, but you don't quit, either.
    When tight pants don't cut across your belly painfully, but instead dig into your protruding hip bones painfully.
    When you don't have to dig to the bottom of the pile of sizes while shopping anymore, but dig from somewhere in the middle.
    Shopping literally anywhere I want to and finding clothes that fit every time!
    When you don't look up at a long flight of stairs with dread anymore, but excitement.. and no huffing and puffing at the top!
    When your skinny friend says she has some pants that doesn't fit her, maybe they will fit you? They're too small for her. And they FIT!
    When you walk into Lane Bryant and you get shunned by the same employees that used to faun over you at the entrance every time you walked in.
    Two words: Victoria's Secret!
    When you walk out of your work shoes on a daily basis.. darn feet getting smaller!
    When your boyfriend uses any excuse and every opportunity to pick you up just because he can now.. and to hear me squeal!
    When you pray that your clothes shrink while putting them in the dryer, instead of the other way around!
    When your knees hurt from constantly having your legs crossed because it feels so glamorous and feminine that you don't want to stop!
    When you don't have to take 12 selfies to find a flattering angle.., one and done!
    When you realize you never had bad balance, your excess weight just threw you off.
  15. Like
    LaDivaDev reacted to CStoned in You know you lost weight when   
    I'm loving these responses!
    I'm only 3wks post op but I got one for the future.....
    When you're not tired af after taking a shower.
    I swear can't wait for that day...
    Sent from my LGMS330 using the BariatricPal App
  16. Like
    LaDivaDev reacted to Ariel16 in You know you lost weight when   
    And lastly being able to buy bras and panties from Victoria's Secret instead of just shower gel.
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  17. Like
    LaDivaDev reacted to Redmaxx in You might be a WLS patient when...   
    When the Center for Disease Control declares your gas a biological weapon.
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  18. Like
    LaDivaDev reacted to clc9 in How do you view overweight people now that your thin?   
    Considering how many times I've flipped from fat to thin, I feel compassion mostly.
    But it seems that we are most critical of traits we see in others that we dislike in ourselves. So I guess his disdain is a reflection of his fear of going back to being that fat guy again.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. Like
    LaDivaDev got a reaction from Who'sThere in You might be a WLS patient when...   
    When you are a lady and your wardrobe consists of leggings and oversized shirts with belts or dresses with belts because your pants no longer fit.
    And another: when your tailbone KILLS you after sitting for a while. Ouch!
  20. Like
    LaDivaDev got a reaction from Who'sThere in You might be a WLS patient when...   
    When you are a lady and your wardrobe consists of leggings and oversized shirts with belts or dresses with belts because your pants no longer fit.
    And another: when your tailbone KILLS you after sitting for a while. Ouch!
  21. Like
    LaDivaDev got a reaction from Who'sThere in You might be a WLS patient when...   
    When you are a lady and your wardrobe consists of leggings and oversized shirts with belts or dresses with belts because your pants no longer fit.
    And another: when your tailbone KILLS you after sitting for a while. Ouch!
  22. Like
    LaDivaDev got a reaction from Who'sThere in You might be a WLS patient when...   
    When you are a lady and your wardrobe consists of leggings and oversized shirts with belts or dresses with belts because your pants no longer fit.
    And another: when your tailbone KILLS you after sitting for a while. Ouch!
  23. Like
    LaDivaDev reacted to WLSResources/ClothingExch in Starting to 2nd think!   
    The truth is that no one can tell you whether you'll have any problems as a result of surgery. The great majority don't.
    No one can tell you whether you're making the wrong choice. The choice is yours. The best any one can do is share their experiences and views on surgery.
    I'll bet cold, hard cash that the people who say "You'll get too small" are fat. They don't want to be left alone in the dust.
    You'll do well to stop talking about surgery to everyone you know. Everyone's got an opinion. All the talk is making you cuckoo and offering no clarity. Take time for yourself and see what you come up with. Start with recalling what it was that made you consider surgery in the first place.
  24. Like
    LaDivaDev got a reaction from 4MRB4PHOTO in I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)   
    Before picture was 1 month before I began the journey. October pic was 1 month ago. Surgery was RNY on Aug 8, 2016. I'm down 72 pounds from my highest weight of 355.

  25. Like
    LaDivaDev got a reaction from 4MRB4PHOTO in I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)   
    Before picture was 1 month before I began the journey. October pic was 1 month ago. Surgery was RNY on Aug 8, 2016. I'm down 72 pounds from my highest weight of 355.

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