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Clementine Sky

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Clementine Sky reacted to Katnroyal in Low BMI slow losing encouragement thread   
    My longest stall was three months. I lost my weight really slowly also. What I did notice was during a stall I would lose more inches, it's your body trying to catch up. So in a stall weigh every other week instead of each week and take your measurements weekly instead. Also usually when a stall breaks you lose more weight over the next couple of weeks than you otherwise would have. This is a long hard process, keep you head up, stay focused and it will happen. All you have to do is compare what you are eating now to what you used to eat. There is no way you could not lose weight!!!! I am here to help if you have any questions!
  2. Like
    Clementine Sky reacted to sbg224 in protein   
    when I have days I struggle, I am 6 months out, I use GENEPRO unflavored Protein powder and add it to yogurt usually, and that helps t get in the Protein for the day. 1 scoop of the GENEPRO has 30gms of protein
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    Clementine Sky reacted to meganliz0824 in Favorite Greek Yogurt   
    I like taking the yoplait greek whipped yogurt and throwing it in the freezer. Take it out like 5 or 10 mins before you want to eat (if your freezer is super cold like mine) then enjoy. The vanilla cupcake one is heavenly. So is the strawberry cheesecake one!!
    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  4. Like
    Clementine Sky reacted to Heather I in Favorite Greek Yogurt   
    Siggis is awesome, low sugar, high Protein.< /p>
  5. Like
    Clementine Sky reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Can you see a difference ?   
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    Clementine Sky reacted to scarlep in Can you see a difference ?   
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    Clementine Sky reacted to Kindle in Stretched Sleeve   
    This is exactly why the lifetime commitment to changinging behaviors is so important for success. Patients need to be better informed about the long term realities of any WLS. Our lifestyle changes and eating habits are far more important than the physical changes of the surgery. Without the mental commitment the surgery itself is pointless. No one regains by staying on plan, excercising and making healthy food choices. I know if I regain any weight it is entirely my fault and a result of my behavior, not a "failed" sleeve.
    The OP is living proof of how this works. Once "back on track" again, she is losing weight, stretched sleeve and all. Congrats, BTW!
    Having WLS and grazing, overeating, or basically just consuming too many calories, is like a heart bypass patient continuing to eat poorly, smoke cigarettes and not excercise. Or a liver transplant recipient becoming an alcoholic. Their surgeries saved their lives but they are back killing themselves with their behaviors.
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    Clementine Sky reacted to VSGAnn2014 in Stretched Sleeve   
    The authoritative sources and answers re "can my sleeve stretch" vary much more than I would expect a basic question like this to generate from medicos. In videos, research studies and during informational seminars, we see doctors' answers range from "Hell, no!" to "Hell, yes!"
    And then we hear of real-life situations like @@Kaila312 's:
    I am persuaded by the logic that VSG surgery removes the fundus (the expansive portion of the stomach) and that the remaining stomach tissue (the sleeve) isn't very stretchy. Yet situation's like @@Kaila312 's make me wonder if some surgeons' surgical techniques or the physical characteristics of some patients' sleeves or some patients' overeating behaviors -- or a combination of all of the above -- do create situations where some patients' sleeves stretch more than others. ???
    In any event, I hope you get this situation properly dealt with, Kaila. I would also like to hear what else you learn about your sleeve and its changed size. I also hope your NUT and your surgeon can get on the same page with regard to their advice for you.
    P.S. Congrats on your weight going down again!
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    Clementine Sky reacted to bellabloom in Stretched Sleeve   
    OP i too am sorry you're having a hard time. Like I said, I don't know you or your regular eating habits. And even if they weren't so good, I'm not judging you. This journey is hard for everyone!! I only wanted to be supportive and offer help. I wasn't trying to patronize you.
    There are some terrible trolls on here. One member in particular is very cruel and sarcastic in her comments, I don't know why she still comes on here so much since she clearly doesn't care what people are going through. I've noticed a few others in her pack. I don't like when they post to my threads and wish they wouldn't. I don't understand their harshness and I'm sorry for you if you were hurt. There are good people here and mean ones as well.
    I live in fear of weight regain and truthfully I don't follow "plan" very well so it's a real possibility for me. I do hope you are doing okay and you and you have all the support you need in real life.
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    Clementine Sky reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Stretched Sleeve   
    Even if your sleeve is stretched and to the best if knowledge, the issue isn't stretching, the sleeve was never formed properly by the surgeon. It shouldn't matter. We can't rely on the sleeve to control our portions forever. We have to learn and follow proper eating habits.
    My sleeve is not stretched and i couls eat what you had at the party if i did it over the legnth of thr party. I could grave my way thtough a full meal with enough time and determination. This is why i weigh all my food, so I have proper portions. At parties, I have one low carb appetizer like shrimp cocktail, then i just sip Water with lime or lemon all night. I learned over the holidays it is too easy graze at social functions.
    I work from home and i could easily graze all day at home also, especially on stressful days. When i feel the urge for a snack that is not in line with my needs for the day, I take a walk. Head hunger and grazing is boredom or emotional. I stop it by changing what I am doing at the time.
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    Clementine Sky reacted to RILEYSMOM22 in Hair loss   
    I had a check-up with my surgeon this week and mentioned the hair loss. They said that people take Biotin, etc. and I can try that, but most often, the Hair loss lessens when the weight loss slows down. At this rate, I will be extremely scalpy by the time I am 1 yr post-op. On the upside, I got into a pair of jeans I haven't worn in 15 yrs, and I look hot in them (according to my daughters).
  12. Like
    Clementine Sky reacted to bellabloom in Hair loss   
    People can post whatever they want as much as they want. Be caring. This is the first time for everyone that's new!! I'm tired of some of the people on here with such bad attitudes. Your hair fell out and apparently so did you heart.
    hair falls out. It's sad but true. No everyone, but most. For me it was about month 6-10. Oh it was bad! Luckily I had very thick hair. Now it is thin but it's stopped falling out at last.
    I believe that Biotin can't hurt. But really.... There isn't much you can do. Just breathe. It will pass
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    Clementine Sky reacted to LVGhostgirl in Hair loss   
    It does not matter if it's been posted before or not. A refresher is never bad. Don't ever feel bad about posting a topic that has been discussed before.
    I find this post enlightening
  14. Like
    Clementine Sky reacted to HopeandAgony in Hair loss   
    I wish people would stop acting like self rightous keepers of the internet forum and realize that people do have the right to ask questions. Regardless of how many times they've been asked. If you don't want to weigh in, then move along. The forum wasn't set up for only what you deem to be important discussion in this moment of time. So there's a search function. Well holy hell. That would mean that nobody should ever ask any question ever, anywhere. Because I'm sure all the questions you've ever asked have been answered somewhere on google. Right?!?! Only makes sense...
  15. Like
    Clementine Sky reacted to JamieLogical in Stretched Sleeve   
    I certainly don't eat like that every day! Of course you would gain weight over time. If I go to a birthday party, I will eat some of that stuff. What is that, like once every couple of months? I have to live the whole rest of my life. There's no way I'm doing that without EVER having pizza, cake, or ice cream again. I'm 17 months post-op and struggling to find a way to eat ENOUGH calories to maintain my weight now that I'm training for a half marathon. I don't apologize for having an occasional treat at a party at this point. I have ice cream in my freezer at home in fact. It just sits there. I haven't eaten a single bite of it in weeks. But if I do decide to have some, I'll just work it into my day.
  16. Like
    Clementine Sky reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Portion Control   
    I got two of these toddler containers at CVS yesterday. They are the perfect size for nuts. I divided up a 4 oz bag of pistachios between the compartments and it worked out great.
  17. Like
    Clementine Sky reacted to JamieLogical in Protein shakes burn out!   
    I switched to Protein bars the minute I was allowed solid foods, because I was SO OVER shakes. You just have to be very choosy and make sure you don't get anything high in net carbs, sugar, or saturated fat. I used to swear by Quest Bars until they changed their main ingredient and now they do NOT agree with my intestines. I now use Combat Crunch Bars, but they are a little higher in calories and net carbs, so I am not sure I'd recommend them for the weight loss stage (I'm in maintenance).
    You should be able to get a LOT of your Protein from food by now as well. Greek yogurt, string cheese, and turkey snack sticks were all good ways for me to get protein in between meals. For meals themselves, make sure you are making high protein choices and always putting your protein first.
  18. Like
    Clementine Sky reacted to CowgirlJane in Fat Shaming Husband...so hurt   
    Those are some very hurtful remarks from him. He sounds kinda controlling BUT I realize there are many sides to a story. One thought that struck me is you went I to his office hoping he would reward you for losing those 10#. I lost 125# and the man I loved never said a word. If you are looking to him for that kinda "atta girl" for losing weight you are setting yourself up for disappointment.
    My dad belittled us kids and one time I overhead my mother, who was normally a doormat, stand up to him. His reply was that he wanted the me to do better so I could have a better future. His idea was that if you point out people's failings, they can then improve. It all made sense to him....
    I share that example because I have to believe you two were in love...pretty recently. Maybe he is embarrassed, scared, insecure - who knows - and says those things without really hearing how mean they are.
    I hope you consider marriage counseling and perhaps counseling for yourself.
    This weight loss thing is very emotional anyway, and at least having him not be negative would be great.
    I also ask you to gently consider the impact of saying words like "I hate you" - that is strong stuff that is hard to take back.
  19. Like
    Clementine Sky reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Fat Shaming Husband...so hurt   
    Christian or not, this is just not acceptable:
    "I need to be on "His plan". And he is angry at me for gainig weight, and not being an obedient wife."
    You are a grown, adult, human being. No one "controls" you.
    If he can't lovingly support you, and accept that marriage is a partnership then he sounds like a lousy "husband". Coercion is not an expression of love.
    No, he doesn't have to buy you junk food. But, he also doesn't get to criticize and belittle you without serious repercussions to your marriage. That is abuse as far as I am concerned.
    There is a reason I'm not married...
    This crap certainly wouldn't fly with me.
    You deserve so much better.
  20. Like
    Clementine Sky reacted to psylocke72 in Early 2016 - what are you streaming on netflix, amazon etc?   
    Jessica Jones- netflix, super-powered PI on a mission to take down a super-powered villian (played so evilly by the dashing David Tennant). Excellent series!
    Daredevil- netflix (I'm not watching now, eagerly awaiting season 2). Blind, super-powered attorney who fights evil both in and out of the courts. I was not a fan of the comics or movie but this series is fantastic- well written, well acted, engaging story for superhero fans and non-superhero fans.
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    Clementine Sky reacted to CowgirlJane in Early 2016 - what are you streaming on netflix, amazon etc?   
    I ask that you mention which service you watched it on and say a sentence or two about it!
    Ripper Street - Netflix, set in White Chapel right after the reign of terror of Jack the Ripper. the central characters are detectives working in a fairly troubled police station where the people don't really trust them. And the women from a Brothel are major supporting characters, but in ways you wouldn't entirely predict.
    Grizzly Man - Amazon prime. Documentary about Tim Treadwell who was obsessed with grizzlies.
    Making of a Murderer - netflix documentary 8 part series about alot of bad behaving people that everyone has heard about. By the end you don't know what to believe but I feel very strongly that the low IQ 16 year old boy with the crooked attorney did NOT get a fair trial. I actually have a theory about what happened. .but not sure the truth will ever come out.
  22. Like
    Clementine Sky reacted to bellabloom in Before/After Photos at Goal   
    I'd like to start a post for pictures that focuses on before and at goal (or near to goal) pictures only. I think it's really fun to see the complete transformation and super motivating!!
    It's awesome for those on the journey to see the end results! Showing the incredible results this surgery and hard work can provide. I'd love to see all of your photos so please post with your stats- start weight, end weight and height.
    Here's mine.
    Start weight 250 ish
    End weight 117
    Height 5'
  23. Like
    Clementine Sky reacted to James Marusek in Before/After Photos at Goal   
    Congratulations on your weight loss. Here is my before and after photo at the 6 month post-op mark. I have lost additional weight since then but it is unbelievable what can happen in 6 months.
  24. Like
    Clementine Sky reacted to Rock* in Almost a year out and only lost 64lbs   
    Talk to your dr or nutritionist. I was having the same problem and found that I wasn't getting in enough calories. I was eating around 1000 to 1200 calories a day. With my height weight and daily exercise I should have been eating 1500 to 1700 depending on how hard I worked out. So I embraced it (it was really hard to eat that much, physically and psychologically) upped my calories and the weight started falling off again. I think we spend so much time focusing on low cal diets while we're heavy that we forget that we need to adjust our lifestyle for our new bodies. Good luck! Don't give up
  25. Like
    Clementine Sky reacted to branlee90 in Almost a year out and only lost 64lbs   
    I'm 5'0

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