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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    MissRobin got a reaction from OasisTerry in What is the best pharmacy in Tijuana? Recommendations?   
    when you are discharged from the hospital are you given a prescription from the hospital or medication already dispensed?
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    MissRobin reacted to thislette in 1 day post op. My experience   
    I come to Tijuana Mexico on the 3rd. I had my surgery yesterday with Dr. Garcia. My first day in Mexico was nice. The Marriott hotel is really nice and most of the staff spoke English. I got into Mexico really early so my driver brought me to the hospital to get some blood work and my ekg done early. They come and got all of us that were having surgery on the 4th and took us to CER Hospital pretty early in the morning. We were put right into a room and changed into a hospital gown. They gave me some stuff to calm my nerves. All of the Dr's speak perfect english. The other staff is about half and half but usually they know enough that you can help them figure out what you need.

    I waited for quite a while before surgery because another girl went before me. Finally I was taken down to OR and I remember a man asking me questions about my name and where I had come from and that's it....I was asleep. I woke up very sleepy and nauseated. I'm not sure how long I was down there before they brought me to my room but my husband said I wasn't gone long at all.

    I felt terrible when I first woke up. My chest was full of gas. It was the worst feeling. The bad gas pains lasted about half the day but wasn't completely gone until today. You can feel it getting a small amount better by the hour. I just kept telling myself it would pass. As soon as I was able I did some light walking as I was told this helps the gas pain.

    I was so nauseous that walking made me sick at first. I actually threw up 2 times. Both times it was a very small amount but there was blood in it....the blood was normal. They also told me I could see some blood in my bowel movements but I haven't had one yet so I don't know. Throwing up was terrible. I was so scared I would rip something open because it was pretty violent feeling. I didn't mess anything up.

    So today is the day after surgery and I feel soo much better. My tummy is sore like I did a hard workout. My drain tube is my biggest complaint....it hurts. It comes out tomorrow if I pass my leak test. Not much gas pain at all today....maybe just a little in waves but hardly noticeable. The gas pain also moves. It started real high up on my chest and moved down under my breasts. Today when I do notice a bit lingering it's on my sides toward my back.

    They have been giving me antibiotics, pain meds, and nausea meds around the clock. They also drain my tube and check my vitals every so often. If I ask for anything they get it. I'm wearing normal loose fitting clothes. I was allowed a shower today and they changed my bandages right after. I can have Water and Gatorade today. Not hungry at all and haven't eaten a real meal since Sunday night. I did have broth on Monday.

    So far my experience has been good. Yesterday my complaint was nausea and gas pain. Today my complaint is the drain tube. I am happy with the care I have received up to this point.
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    MissRobin reacted to antpatte in September 10th   
    HI There I am scheduled for Sept 11 myself with Dr. Garcia ! Who is your doctor? why are you feeling so lost ?
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    MissRobin reacted to FixerUpper50 in September 10th   
    My surgery will be September 10th also, and I'll be with Dr. Ariel Ortiz. Is there something in particular you're feeling 'lost' about? Who is your surgeon - maybe we'll be seeing each other soon!
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    MissRobin reacted to ready2besleeved in Canadians self-paying in Mexico   
    Hey guys, I'm from Edmonton as well BMI 35.4. I'm having my surgery in September 11 with Dr Maytorena. They have a promotion of $3000 so I decided to get it done with him! Plus Ive been discussing with couple of his patients and they all doing great and look great.
    My questions is for those who went thru this procedure, what did y'all have as your preop? I got the Premier Protein bars with 30g of Protein and they too sweet for me, and also got the same brand but in shake chocolate flavour it only has 1g sugar but the taste is juste awful. Any suggestions please?
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    MissRobin reacted to JamieLogical in Well, I made it! (after pics)   
    Today is my one year surgiversary and as of my weekly weigh in yesterday, I have surpassed my goal by one pound. My starting weight at the beginning of this process was 260. I was 236 on my surgery date. And I am now 164.
    It's been a long road. The early days/weeks/months were rough. But for a long time now, I've just felt "normal". I eat 5-6 times a day. Always Protein first, but I occasionally have some treats. Juts yesterday I shared a piece of cake with my husband. I love not feeling deprived. If I want a treat of some sort once in a while, I have a little bit of it. I don't track my food or calories. The big thing to really get my head around through this whole process is that this is not a "diet". This is the rest of my life. I don't have any deadlines to meet with my weight loss. The goal was just to eventually get down to a healthy weight and stay there.
    Were I on a "diet", I would have been tracking every calorie in and every calorie out. Sharing that piece of cake with my husband, I would have tracked those calories eaten and then tried to make up for it in calories burned so as not to "fall behind". I would have to "make up" those extra calories. Now... if I eat half a piece of cake, I don't sweat it. If it takes me a week to burn off those "extra" calories, what does it matter? What's a week in the grand scheme of things? It's definitely been a real change in thinking for me.
    As for exercise, I've been killing it in that department. I've run several 5k races over the summer and plan to continue with my running and working on improving my time. I was pretty hard-core about strength training as well until my sister and her four kids moved in with us temporarily. That makes getting time to myself to SAFELY do strength training a real challenge, but I plan to get right back to it once they move out later this month.
    So now, what you've all been waiting for: PHOTOS!
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    MissRobin got a reaction from comisa27 in Things we dont have to worry about anymore!   
    I wont miss being able to NOT hide under the covers when my son and I are playing hide and seek.
    I wont miss wearing an extra size too big winter jacket that makes me look like an big balloon.
    I wont miss how quickly the soles of shoes get worn out from the way I walk
    I wont miss the awful feeling when you get off or on a camping air mattress and my spouse gets bounced around.
    I also wont miss Water retention in my feet on hot days when I just want to wear a cute pair of wedges or sandals.
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    MissRobin got a reaction from brandeett in Coworker outed me   
    That was extremely RUDE and unprofessional.
    Who is she to say ANYTHING about your personal life, regardless whether you told her or whether she was told by another co worker.
    There is certain things that you should not bring up due to sensitivity issues. Weight, politics, religion, sexuality and money.
    I am angry right now for you !!!
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    MissRobin reacted to mykdzmom in Sept date I am all set   
    Finally got my date! September 30th! So excited to be joining all of you
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    MissRobin reacted to Smytty in Canadians self-paying in Mexico   
    I am from Alberta and am scheduled for sleeve in Tijuana September 24!
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    MissRobin got a reaction from kimaly in September sleevers?   
    Good Morning All !
    I am scheduled for September 10th for surgery. I fly into TJ on the 9th.
    I am so excited.
    I see a dietitian in a few weeks to get a pre-op diet started and a post op diet in the works so my body isn't in complete shock in September when all it gets in broth.< /p>
    When booking my procedure I booked 3 months in advance to give myself extra time in case I changed my mind. Plus I wanted to enjoy the summer with my kids. Once I saw my family doctor and told him about my decision, he was so supportive it made me want to change my surgery date to July. Looked into changing my surgery and plane tickets, but to change the flights would have cost half the original price. NO THANK YOU WEST JET !!
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    MissRobin reacted to rking in Having second thoughts.......   
    Thank you so much. That is what I needed to hear. I have made up for it! Yesterday, we had birthday cake which is my very favorite in the world. I did not have any!!!!! I also passed up a coke this morning. I am very proud of myself . You will be hearing from me Jessica . Have you had surgery? Will you tell me your story?
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    MissRobin reacted to Jessica Ellison-Correa in Having second thoughts.......   
    one slip up does not define your whole journey no one is perfect that is what the therapist and support groups are for to enable you to make better choices dont beat your self up and go into the classic dieters shame spiral well i messed up to day so now its all ruined just make better choiced the next meal not the next day or week next meal and get back on the wagon dust your self off and recognise your only human and you have come farther each day then the last i believe in you if you need a buddy just message me or find me on Facebook jessica ellison-correa
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    MissRobin reacted to McButterpants in Keeping WLS a secret.   
    I told 5 people about my surgery - my husband, son, parents and best friend. Since surgery, I've told two people - my hairdresser and financial planner. Weird, I know. (The hairdresser because my hair was falling out and I'm not really sure why the financial planner - he used to be a minister, maybe I felt compelled to tell him!).
    This is such a personal choice - the right choice is different for all of us.
    I live in a small community where everyone gossips. I did not want to give anyone any fat to chew...I knew if I told my brother, he would tell his wife, who would take great enjoyment out of picking up the phone and calling everyone we knew - by the end of the day, word would have gotten back to me that I had weight loss surgery, got a new job and had sex with a goat. It was not worth involving them.
    If you keep it a secret, you do have comments about your rapid weight loss. I'm sure that some people suspect I had WLS and that's fine - suspect away. When people asked, I just said, "I got some things straightened out with my doctor and totally changed my lifestyle." That's a good enough explanation for me.
    Do what's right for you - that's the right answer!
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    MissRobin reacted to nursey 46 in Sept date I am all set   
    Sept 9th for me, congrats everyone
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    MissRobin reacted to AmyNLaynie6 in Worried about regrets   
    Starting get kind scared :/.
    I'm still really early in the journey,my seminar is this Sat. I guess I'm just afraid ill regret this and loose who Iam. What if I don't loose any weight? What will I do with all this spare time i'll have not going to restaurants and cooking. How many people have major sickness/discomfort/ weakness for a extended time after surgery? I'm worried about being able to take care of my two yeay old.I'm also worried ill be grumpy with her. I'm like afarid ill become more unlikabable. Idk I'm just afraid of who ill become after the surgery. Sorry for the rant everyone I guess I just need to talk it out. If you made it this far thank you for taking the time.
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    MissRobin reacted to lachellove in In the first few days of my new life...   
    I had my surgery on the same day. Head hunger started today lol due to commercials etc. lol I didn't have much pain in the hospital . With me it's a mental fight. And worrying about what could happen leaks, clots etc. can't wait for the worrying to stop so I can feel better emotionally.. The buyers remorse sucks. Lol I'm told it passes once I can eat again????????
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    MissRobin reacted to hcwild in In the first few days of my new life...   
    I had my sleeve done on 8/12/15. I had very little post-op pain in the hospital, but I'm pretty sure they were johnny on the spot with my pain medications. I also warned them ahead of time that I usually am extremely nauseated and vomit after anesthesia, none of that this time! The worst part of the experience so far has been how tired I was in the hospital---no rest there! I have been home for 4 days now, and am dealing with the "head hunger" I was warned about on this site. I am not getting in my recommended fluids, although I am trying like mad. I have not cheated for the fear of damaging the sleeve. I still feel fatigued, but nothing like in the hospital. The whole thing still remains a dream to me. It seems so weird that this will change my life. I have the incisions to prove to myself that it was done, but my brain hasn't accepted the reality yet. I am super excited for the future me to bloom!
    My husband and kids have been a great support system these past few days, as have my friends. Some family still thinks I made a HUGE mistake, but it was MY mistake to make, if indeed it is one.
    I will be reading all of your posts for support in this clear liquid stage....already can't wait to get to pureed foods, but you won't hear THIS girl complaining!
    Thanks for all the support so far and to come.
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    MissRobin reacted to laguerr13 in Just posing a question, not looking for an argument   
    It was a long hard process to decide to get my sleeve versus bypass, or band, but after seeing both here and in my experiences in talking with fellow bypass vets, why are they still allowing the Band procedure?
    I keep seeing alot of negative reports and alot of conversions from band to sleeve, or bypass, my preference was sleeve because I didn't want a portal under my skin and having adjustments made often, and I didn't choose the bypass because I was in fear of altering my whole abdominal system, so why the Band still????
    I'd love to hear from Banders and would humbly listen to any point of view!!!
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    MissRobin got a reaction from Clementine Sky in New passports still haven't arrived and surgery is next week   
    Mexico requires passports for all American Citizens traveling into their country
    Travelling back from Mexico to the states is different too depending on how you travel
    Entry to the US by land or sea: Regardless of your final destination in Mexico, all U.S. citizens age 16 or over must present either a U.S. passport book or card to re-enter the U.S. by land or sea. Minors under the age of 16 may enter the U.S. via the land border with a certified birth certificate, consular report of birth abroad, citizenship certificate, or naturalization certificate.
    Entry to the US by air: All citizens, regardless of age, entering the U.S. by air must present a U.S. passport book. A passport card is not acceptable for entry to the US by air

    I hope the passports come soon.
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    MissRobin reacted to KindaFamiliar in Coworker outed me   
    As I see it, your co-worker, altho somewhat rude, simply stated fact.
    You DID have surgery.
    That IS why you're losing weight.
    Your co-worker is actually being more honest about it than you are.
    I seem to be a little different from most people here.
    I told EVERYONE.
    I still do..
    When people comment on my loss (100+ pounds since end of Feb), I simply say "Yep, I've lost heaps but have heaps to go."
    My co-workers know.
    My management know.
    My mates know.
    The cleaner in my office knows.
    I'm not ashamed of the fact that I've had surgery.
    But then I'm not simply relying on the surgery to lose weight.
    I'm also exercising before and after work.
    So, I've turned this into a post about me...
    I'm such a man sometimes...
    My opinion (and it's just my opinion) is as follows...
    You're being a little sensitive.
    Yes, your co-worker is a toolbag for blurting that shit out...
    But as someone before me said, once you tell one person, your stuff is no longer a secret.
    You took a chance and told people...
    It looks like that's come back to bite you.
    And not in the good way...
    Take care,
  23. Like
    MissRobin reacted to scarletwitch19 in What's your "weight loss pet peeve?"   
    My mom has invited me over for dinner, then ordered pizza. Wtf. It's as if she's trying to rub it in my face. I also get frustrated when my bf wants to go out to eat, which is totally fine, but wants to go to places that have nothing I can eat. Or decides we shouldn't cook, he wants takeout. Come on. Get take out or go to grease ball restaurants with your friends. I think it's a little insensitive to do that in front of me, especially because I'm only 2 months out. It's going to be tough forever, but eventually we need to get used to being around food we can't eat or social events that aren't ideal for us. But I think it's reasonable to expect the first few months my family and close friends try to think about me when making plans. I feel selfish saying this, but this year is about me and I need to do everything I can to get the results I want. Sometimes it would be nice for a little more support
  24. Like
    MissRobin got a reaction from brandeett in Coworker outed me   
    That was extremely RUDE and unprofessional.
    Who is she to say ANYTHING about your personal life, regardless whether you told her or whether she was told by another co worker.
    There is certain things that you should not bring up due to sensitivity issues. Weight, politics, religion, sexuality and money.
    I am angry right now for you !!!
  25. Like
    MissRobin got a reaction from tomi71 in Why Getting Sleeved was the Biggest Mistake of My Life   
    I am one month pre-op and i read 3 paragraphs and am now more frightened than I was 10 minutes ago ......
    *** CRAP ***
    Glad I stopped reading when I read the replies.

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