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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    lisaanewme67 got a reaction from MichelleTN in Curious to hear people's stories of gastric bypass....   
    @MichelleTN.. awesome and GREAT news. Keep up the good work and can't wait to read your updates!
  2. Like
    lisaanewme67 reacted to finediva in Not telling anyone   
    S M H, really hard. Why do people feel the need to ask people such personal questions? Why do people feel they have to share ANYTHING about themselves? Both questions baffle and annoy me, greatly. I told absolutely no one I've had surgery. There was only one reason. It was absolutely no one's business. Including the teenage I am still parenting. From the day he was born I made sure his financial future was secured and have guardianship in place for him. I could leave my house any day and never return, due to mishap. While I hoped and believed I would return to my child, and my adult children, I did not share my decision to have surgery with them. Almost nine months later, it was the best decision I made. I did not have to endure foolish comment and nonsense from anyone, and NO, I didn't need the support. I went after this process like it was my J O B! I prepared to the best of my ability and self cared from day one. I am grateful that I've had minimal complications and my life is SO much better now. Ok, so the mini rant is over. Told no one and never plan to.
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    lisaanewme67 got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in SLEEP STUDY   
    I was contacted by my surgeons office and told that I am done with all of requirements. When I have my sleep study on Monday, April 27th and if I am diagnosed with sleep apnea all I will get is a cpap machine or any treatment that is recommended. I don't need to keep a log for 30days and wait for a surgery date. I was previously told this by an intake coordinator at my surgeon's office. I will have my PREP 3-hr Session in June (Prep only scheduled 1nce a month) then surgery. I may be able to go to Prep in May. I am to call her office the first week in May to see if there are any cancellations.
    This is wonderful NEWS!!! Surgery is closer than ever I am so happy that I am in the clear. Excited to feel better inside and outside. I am literally walking around feeling all of my symptoms of my diabetes, high blood pressure and High Cholesteral although I am on medication for all of this, I know that one day I will feel much better...
    That day is coming for all of us!!!
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    lisaanewme67 got a reaction from KalelsWifey in Feeling Excited!   
    Thats Awesome @ @KalelsWifey. I hope you are resting well and comfortable. I would love to follow your progress as am almost finished with my surgical requirements and close to getting a surgery date.
    Keep up the hard work and I look forward to hearing from you!!
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    lisaanewme67 reacted to kikilay17 in 25yr old Newbie   
    Hello everyone my name is Kiasha I am 25, happily married for 3 years, and planning to have an RNY done as soon as possible. Its a decision I have thought long and hard about for 3 years. I tried losing weight on my own and it just isn't working. I have PCOS, Papilledema, and Pseudotumor cerebri all which I have been repeatedly told would get better with weight loss. I am ready to make a permanent change in my life. I am hoping the surgery will make it possible for me to have a baby and most of all just be healthy.

    I look forward to getting to know everyone and providing/receiving as much support as possible.

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    lisaanewme67 reacted to Martene81 in Feeling Excited!   
    Good luck!
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    lisaanewme67 reacted to KalelsWifey in Feeling Excited!   
    Thank you, I've been here all day. sleeping most of the day, walking in between and drinking as much as possible. Just wish I didn't have the gas pain right now.
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    lisaanewme67 got a reaction from ProudGrammy in It's so WEIRD not looking fat.   
    My main concern is the drastic weight loss that I see from other people. When my Dr. recommended Gastric Bypass as the best option for my medical condition(s) I gasped. He asked my what my concern was and I guess the biggest is how fast losing weight can be. I know everyone is different. I really want to be healthy and rid of my meds. I will do any and everything to achieve this. He told me working out with strength train to build muscle is the answer.
    I felt foolish being alarmed with becoming thinner again. Its been this way for me since I had my daughter in 2004 and being diagnosed hypothyroid. It weird being used to being over weight. I am READY for this cure and new life.
  9. Like
    lisaanewme67 got a reaction from ProudGrammy in It's so WEIRD not looking fat.   
    My main concern is the drastic weight loss that I see from other people. When my Dr. recommended Gastric Bypass as the best option for my medical condition(s) I gasped. He asked my what my concern was and I guess the biggest is how fast losing weight can be. I know everyone is different. I really want to be healthy and rid of my meds. I will do any and everything to achieve this. He told me working out with strength train to build muscle is the answer.
    I felt foolish being alarmed with becoming thinner again. Its been this way for me since I had my daughter in 2004 and being diagnosed hypothyroid. It weird being used to being over weight. I am READY for this cure and new life.
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    lisaanewme67 got a reaction from Djmohr in Am I obsessing to much?   
    Hi Friends,
    I am so happy to have this forum for many reasons...to read, agree/disagree, share, and VENT. Since I have decided to have WLS, I have been working hard to get my appointments scheduled/moved up. Make the right decisions for me and start preparing myself for my new diet, eating habits and changes that are needed for my new life path. This Journey is new to me and I want to learn everything there is to know to be successful. I feel that I may be thinking about WLS all the time. I have a busy work schedule, mom of 2 and a serious relationship. I have only decided to tell my boyfriend (who is 100% supportive), my son who is 19, two close and personal friends. One who recently survived breast cancer. They tell me that they want to know about my process every step of the way. I feel sometimes I may talk about, brain storm or think about WLS too much. They have no idea how much I don't share with them about it. Neither of them has told me to "put a lid" on the weight loss talk, I just don't want to make them feel that it may be too much at times.
    Just wondering who else in this journey newbies or veterans who have WLS on the brain 24/7???
  11. Like
    lisaanewme67 got a reaction from Martene81 in Curious to hear people's stories of gastric bypass....   
    Hi Rebecca, my name is Lisa. I have made the decision to have Gastric Bypass Surgery based on my medical Condition(s). High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol and Diabetes. I have started the process by meeting with the Bariatric team last week. When I first made the decision to have bariatric surgery, I only wanted Lap Band. Then I decided on the Gastric Sleeve. However, Gastric Bypass was my surgeons recommendation based on the medical issues and at that meeting at that moment... for me. That was my "Yes I am having surgery and No I am not". I totally FREAKED OUT! I told my surgeon that I would think about it and let him know. I high tailed it out of there... BUT after I researched, I agreed with him, contacted his office the next day. Today, I received the email with the list of pre-surgical requirements. I will need to complete a sleep study and it is scheduled for Monday, April 27th. If it turns out I have sleep apnea, I will be prescribed a CPAP machine and keep a log for 30 days and then be ready for surgery. If I don't have sleep apnea all I will need is a PREP session then be ready for surgery. I am excited about my decision and I know it is best for me. I know I will "freak out" again and again througout this process and it is only natural but I will get back up, dust myself off and keep forward on my journey. I am sure you will find what is right for you and your life. This site has been great help to me so far!!!
    Best of LUCK and safe Journey!!
  12. Like
    lisaanewme67 reacted to sparksrn in Ready!   
    I am planning on May. I have psych eval tomorrow, nutritionist and cardiac stress test on Monday. EGD on Thursday, then it gets submitted to insurance. They have 15 days to reply but the doc's office said it was taking more like a week. Then I have one more pre-op group meeting before we schedule surgery. I am so ready to get this done!
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    lisaanewme67 reacted to drmeow in Waiting seems to be the worst   
    If you haven't already, it's a good time to practice some of the post-op habits you'll need, like not drinking with meals, chewing your food 25 times before swallowing. My NUT has me trying to do this and I was having trouble remembering when eating, so she suggested I get some special plates or napkins that would be automatic reminders. My regular dishes are mostly white, so I got some Fiesta ware red salad plates - instant trigger to help me remember.
    Also, if you are still drinking coffee or tea, it's a good time to wean off the caffeine slowly (hopefully you're already off soda) so you don't get a big withdrawal headache.
    Increasing your exercise (I know, hard to do while we're heavy) - longer walks, maybe some light weights, etc. Supposedly helps with recovery.
    Take some good "pre-op" pics showing you at different angles, and measurements too, for post-op encouragement.
    Think about what food means to you now - comfort, friend, etc. and if you haven't come to terms with that yet, work on it - therapy or just finding substitutes for eating.
    I'm looking at June surgery and have been waiting since Dec so at least you're a little ahead of me!
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    lisaanewme67 reacted to laurenjane in SLEEP STUDY   
    If you do have to do the sleep study, make sure you're extra tired when you go in. Do whatever you have to do to wear yourself out so that you'll fall asleep! I made my appointment for a Friday night after a really long week and just slept less the night before. I was falling asleep waiting for the tech to come in and hook me up with the wires!
  15. Like
    lisaanewme67 got a reaction from STARTING NEW in Looking For Bypass Buddies!   
    Hello everyone, My name is Lisa and I am just starting the process. I though about it back in 2012, went to the informational session then chickened out of surgery. I felt that I could lose weight on my own. Well I am back 3years later 20pounds heavier with diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesteral and sleep apnea. I went back to the informational session, scheduled my appointment with the surgeon within a week and now just waiting on insurance approval. I would love some buddies...I have lots of support from my family but I know I am bugging them to DEATH. Plus it is helpful to talk to people who are in the experience with you, been there and/or going in that direction. I am so excited about this platform and Forums. I am happy to communicate with anyone. Love all of the support!
  16. Like
    lisaanewme67 got a reaction from MichelleTN in April 20th!   
    Congrats to all of the April Bypass Buddies!!! Stay Strong and keep your eyes on the prize... My name is Lisa and I am just starting my process but have gotton alot done so far.
    Can't wait to read all of your updates!!
  17. Like
    lisaanewme67 reacted to Bufflehead in Not telling anyone   
    You don't have to tell them you are having surgery. Just tell them you are taking some time off. If you do tell them you are having surgery, or they find out somehow, I wouldn't lie about it -- that can come back to bite you and erode your credibility and trustworthiness at work. Sample answers:
    "It's female stuff" (assuming you are a woman) -- this is true to an extent because most people who are obese are women, and something like 75% of wls patients are women. If they ask you for more details, just say you aren't comfortable discussing it.
    "it's really embarrassing, if I told you we would both be mortified" (let them assume you are having anal fissures repaired or vaginal rejuvenation, who cares)
    "it stresses me out too much to talk about it, let's talk about something else"
    Or if you are super-confident about your right not to have your privacy invaded:
    "that's a really personal question. why would you ask me that?"
    I just told people at work that I was taking a couple weeks off for surgery. No one asked me what I was having done -- they are smart people and figured out that if I had wanted to tell them, I would have. Also, I work in a legal setting and the people I work with know that they have no legal right to know about my medical situation, so that made it a bit easier.
  18. Like
    lisaanewme67 reacted to B-52 in Not telling anyone   
    I told no one and I'm glad I did....
    I simply took a weeks vacation time. Had surgery on a Monday morning, and was back to work the following Monday.
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    lisaanewme67 reacted to canes2015 in Exhaustion & hard to drink liquids   
    Great thing is 2 days without BP meds!!!!
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    lisaanewme67 reacted to Magic Mojo in Exhaustion & hard to drink liquids   
    One week out and you are not feeling great yet? I am guessing that I will take about two or three weeks before I feel like myself again. I go in tomorrow. This is our time to get good at positive self talk. Use your time well. We are pioneers in this new world.
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    lisaanewme67 reacted to brightlife0305 in Exhaustion & hard to drink liquids   
    Just keep trying your best to do what your doctor tells you. Most important right now is that Fluid intake. I couldn't reach my Dr order of 60 oz daily for a while either. 50 oz isn't too bad. If you're managing that, you should be okay, at least keep you from having to check back in the hospital to be hooked up to an IV again. It is a slow process to get back to feeling normal and accustomed to the new way of doing things. Hang in there, it does get better!
  22. Like
    lisaanewme67 got a reaction from STARTING NEW in Looking For Bypass Buddies!   
    Hi Vicky, thamks for sharing your story. Its awesome that you are now taking steps to take care of yourself and its never too late. I have added you on your friend list, please add me as well. Its great to have support at any level of this process. I live in Indiana. Please reach out anytime,
  23. Like
    lisaanewme67 reacted to STARTING NEW in Looking For Bypass Buddies!   
    HELLO!! MY name is Vicky I looked into surgery back in 2002 I was in a awful marriage got divorced since and gained a ton of weight probably around 100 pounds I am at 331.5. I started this process about 6 and half to 7 months ago with my hope of finally doing something for myself my children are grown and now it's time for me. I got my much anticipated call today I was approved and I am now scheduled for May 20th! I am 39 and my biggest regret so far is I didn't do it years ago! But here I am and it's never to late! I would love to find some buddies or a buddy for encouragement and I can also give my help in anyway as we all start this new life change! Please add me as a friend to your list if you like. I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF US!!!
  24. Like
    lisaanewme67 got a reaction from STARTING NEW in Looking For Bypass Buddies!   
    Oh WOW, I am glad that you came back. Congrats and 4/28 is less than 2-weeks!!!
  25. Like
    lisaanewme67 got a reaction from STARTING NEW in Looking For Bypass Buddies!   
    Hello everyone, My name is Lisa and I am just starting the process. I though about it back in 2012, went to the informational session then chickened out of surgery. I felt that I could lose weight on my own. Well I am back 3years later 20pounds heavier with diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesteral and sleep apnea. I went back to the informational session, scheduled my appointment with the surgeon within a week and now just waiting on insurance approval. I would love some buddies...I have lots of support from my family but I know I am bugging them to DEATH. Plus it is helpful to talk to people who are in the experience with you, been there and/or going in that direction. I am so excited about this platform and Forums. I am happy to communicate with anyone. Love all of the support!

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