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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by Smye

  1. 180 pounds gone, holy hell! 15 to go.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. lealor


      holy hell.....that is frickin amazing

    3. Stevehud


      WOO HOO!!!!

      Rock ON

    4. wascott


      Very nice! Congrats!

  2. 120 pounds? Really? Yes! And then some...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. wascott


      That's exciting! Do you have a carb target that you try to stay under?

    3. Smye


      After looking at my VO2 and RMR, I dialed it in to right at 40 g - I don't want to starve my body of carbs but given my glucolytic rates it's about perfect for my body at this time. I'll test my VO2 and RMR monthly to check in on this number.

    4. wascott


      Thanks. I'm hoping to get my carbs below 50 gr once I'm able to eat a wider variety of foods.

  3. And now, maybe, possibly, the dating begins...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Smye


      @jane13, thank you and - although I've never been there - I agree!

    3. OKCPirate


      After many years of searching I finally found one who makes my heart sing every time I see her. But what is interesting in hind sight is I would not have known why if I didn't have the bad experiences. Take your time and really get to know her and enjoy the experience of getting to know another human being first, romance can follow if all works well.

    4. Smye
  4. Wasn't surgery supposed to be the hardest thing I did this year?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. dancingqueene


      @Pink dahila- love your response!!!

    3. Smye


      @SLIPSHOD, congrats on the new name, and I'm so sorry about your son - I cannot imagine how excruciating and isolating that must be. Do let me know how/if I can provide any support.


      @proudgrammy, thanks!


      @pink dahlia, I don't even want to think about it :)


      @Kathy812, Thank you, I appreciate it!


      @dancingqueene, Thank you. We'll just have to wait and see. Too bad I hate being in pain in the meantime.

    4. jane13


      thanks, just by offering your support even through BP is greatly appreciated. I am here too if you need someone outside to give you their prospective ;/

  5. NSV - bought new slacks today, AT COSTCO! Say goodbuy CasualMaleXL. Pictured on my profile are my pants from February

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mountaingal


      Congratulations. Boy you have come along way.

    3. dancingqueene


      Congrats!! So happy for you!!!

    4. Stevehud


      its the most amazingly fun thing to shop off the rack and never go back to casual male. or to the big and tall section. I actually picked up a pair of calvin klein jeans ( regularly 110 bucks) at marshalls, they were amazingly soft, slim fit even! 36 waist and i normally wont pay 39.99 for a pair of jeans, but my wife made me try them on and Wow! , so i had to get them. but even to be able to go to thrift stores and the like is amazing.

  6. As of this morning, I've lost the equivalent of my wife! Now THAT feels weird, realizing that the two of us on the couch together is the same as what used to be when I sat on the couch alone...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. rsb0807


      Fantastic!!! You are doing great!!



    3. Kushka


      I'm just starting my journey, but some day I want to weight less than my husband (will need to drop about 40 pounds). This is much cooler. :)

    4. Debiann813


      That is amazing! Good for you :)

  7. WAH-HOO! Goodbye 300's, hello Two-terville!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Stevehud


      You go girl!

    3. OneDollarBill
    4. Sara51692


      Congrats! I'm right at the end of 300ville....I'll meet you in Two-terville soon!

  8. Selling the farm: http://bit.do/farmsale

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LipstickLady


      Hugs, friend.

    3. jane13


      I have missed you, glad to see you again. KEEP in touch please.

    4. Smye


      @jane13, absolutely

  9. Gingerbread houses (https://t.co/8W4ZAGUGZ0) and Chocolate Chip Cookies (https://t.co/ibNhTnxd8Z) now posted!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Smye


      You can also email me anything particularly good and, if it passes muster with my chef neighbor I'll gladly add it to the blog as a 'guest post'

    3. Smye


      @jane13, thank you for asking, I will PM you

    4. ProudGrammy


      thanx for the link - 180 lbs down!!! keep up the good work (i know you will) congrats - you are aces dude - Kathy


  10. Sometimes you just want to scream, swear, die, and wake up to find everything is back to what you thought it was

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ProudGrammy


      venting/screeming is ok - i not good to keep problems bottled up - explode sometimes (in private) -no one knows what the future holds - good luck to you - kathy

    3. Smye


      Thanks Kathy. Don't worry, I've been out in the woods bawling my eyes out (or in my office when my secretary steps out for lunch)

    4. jane13


      I will keep you in my prayers.

  11. NSV - this may sound odd, but I was just able to touch my tongue to my knee for the first time in ages!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Smye


      Thanks all. Though LipstickLady, I think I'll stick to my own knee ;)

    3. LipstickLady
    4. ProudGrammy


      trying to visualize!!!! LOL kathy

  12. Coming soon: Bari-friendly curly fries. Yes, curly fries.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Smye


      Oh, and they're Kohlrabi based (though you can use most any root vegetable)

    3. wascott


      My mouth is watering already.

    4. Smye
  13. Dumb therapist (she's actually incredible, but hey) encouraging me to look into match.com now...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Smye


      @lauraellen80 and @Mountaingal, agreed on all counts - dating websites can be fantastic! I'm just frustrated given the context (see 'so it turns out my wife is gay' in the Mars & Venus collide section, or else gaywifeconfusinglife.blogspot.com.

    3. dancingqueene


      I've done that eHarmony....I prefer match but they both are good. For me, I live in a very small city, so venturing out this way had made a world of difference!!

    4. Smye


      Well, despite my therapist's recommendations, I'm not ready to look for dating just yet. OKC, however, has the option to 'look for friends' so I'm giving that a shot. I'll pay the mulah for match once I'm solidly ready for romance.

  14. Which should I post first? Bari-friendly eggs benedict? Or make-ahead bell pepper breakfast boats?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. siddarhi


      Ooo, I'd vote Bell Peppers! They sound so good.

    3. wascott


      Both sound delicious but I'm leaning towards the eggs benedict.

    4. Smye
  15. NSV - just licked the 'pit' of my knee

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lauraellen80


      Um, congrats? And, ew?

    3. magicalwoman


      OMG that is wonderful! If I was closer to you, I'd give you a big hug and maybe even lick your knee. LOL

    4. Smye


      @mykdsmom, yes indeed!

      @lauraellen80, yes, yes yes. Don't ask me why I did it, it was a spur of the moment thing.

      And @magicalwoman, the hug would be appreciated, but as lauraellen suggested, the flavor left much to be desired, I don't recommend it

  16. Buttermilk biscuits? Not really, Ziscuits? Oh heck yes! http://tinyurl.com/p66o4wx

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Smye


      @Tanika81, let me know what you think if you try them.

    3. Djmohr


      This looks great! I just cannot tolerate any kind of bread but crave a darn sandwich.

    4. Smye


      @Djmohr, have you tried the caulibread or baribread? Neither is actually a bread and both make a pretty good sandwich (though they are very different from one another). No starches, no gluten, and only the smallest amount of even fiber in either.

  17. It feels shallow, I know it's still incredible, but I'm so disappointed to have only lost 3 lb this week.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Smye


      There's the rub pink Dahlia, I've been averaging 8/wk for the last two months. I know it's unrealistic, I just miss my former, even more unusual rate :)

    3. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      I'm not trying to be mean, but maybe stay off the scale ? For a while ? The # on a scale is not your only measure of success, how about asking how youself how you look and feel ? Happy and healthy ? Making good progress towards a healthier lifestyle ? Feeling good from the inside out ?? Those are the BEST measures of success ! Keep up the good work !!

    4. Smye


      Absolutely, though my surgeon requires a once/week weigh in.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Smye


      Let me know what you think if you try it.

    3. Sreeves


      Saweet!! We are going fishing this weekend!! :)


    4. Djmohr


      I will give it a whirl late next week and let you know.

  18. Kimchi is good. Kimchi is Bari-Friendly. Too much kimchi is problematic.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chrystee


      I love Kimchi! No such thing as too much!!

    3. Smye


      @Pinkgirl1234 - yes! But if your first batch isn't as hot as you want, I don't recommend doubling the red pepper powder for the next batch... though it is incredible!


      @Chrystee... you say that now... but you didn't eat half a pint in a sitting :)

    4. Smye


      Thankfully I made half a gallon so there's plenty to bring with lunch today.

  19. After nearly 2 months of stall, suddenly down another 5 lb - HOORAY

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Christinamo7


      wonderful! It's always such a relief when the scale moves.

    3. jane13


      keep it up!

      how are you?

    4. Smye


      Thanks so much all!

      And Jane13, I'm making it. Just back from a 3-night solo B&B stay which was, to be frank, delightful

  20. Sorry for the long absence - Long story short: I got picked up as an AllRecipes AllStar and it's taken a bit of my spare time ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sreeves


      That's wonderful, Smye! You deserve it! :)

    3. ProudGrammy


      that's great - how about starting a new thread about your adventure - waiting with bated breath - hope weight is doing well-you deserve the best- kathy

    4. jane13


      Hey SMYE! glad to see you are back. Hope all is well with home and WLS.

  21. So it wasn't all a dream, but may well be a dream come true.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jane13


      I heard some better news today - hope yours works out too!

    3. Smye


      @jane13, I'm thrilled to hear it, my thoughts are with you. And yes, mine is working out painfully and beautifully

    4. jane13


      @Smye - painfully and beautifully? I am letting my son sit in jail. He wants to be bailed out....not happening. the charges are supposed to be reduced and he will probably be released near end of Sept and be on probation (again). he just got off about 13 months ago...he was raised knowing right from wrong and I am "painfully" frustrated, but in a way relieved he is somewhere thinking about his actions and his consequences. that's BIG BOY timeout.

  22. What's harder and/or more valuable? To sit with the grieving in their grief? Or to try to fix it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Depends what the grief is for.

    3. dancingqueene


      There is no fixing grief...it's a journey on the griever has go through. Supporting them and being there to soothe, hug, or encourage is the support another can give. Don't take the grief on for yourself, but rather take the experience and be grateful for not feeling their pain.

    4. Smye


      Ha! I meant it rhetorically as a way to vent frustrations at some folks in the post below, but you are all dead on! http://gaywifeconfusinglife.blogspot.com/


      @pink dahlia, Touche`!

  23. Weight loss so fast, clothing so expensive!

    1. BLERDgirl


      I've been going through bins sorting clothes to sell and donate to goodwill. Trying not to buy much, but I have to buy a few things. Other than gym clothes I'm sticking to dresses and elastic waist skirts.

    2. Smye


      Thanks for the tip. The trouble I'm having is I am in the process of interning with and applying to become a high school principal, so it's slacks, fitted shirts, ties, and blazers daily. So now it's wear them until they can't possibly pass as professional (and maybe a little beyond), doing laundry twice a week and wearing at least 1 thing twice each week. Too bad folks notice :)

    3. Goatfarmer


      Small problems compared to immense advantage of this weight loss.

  24. HAHAHAHAHA! I looked down on the toilet this morning and saw a mole on my thigh I haven't been able to see without lifting my belly in years!

    1. Smye


      Not allowed to weigh myself until 1-week post-op and I couldn't be more thankful for this NSV!

    2. ProudGrammy


      who would have thought seeing a mole would be so wonderful!!!! congrats - good luck with your sleeve

    3. Pac-woman

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