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Blog Comments posted by ajoneen

  1. Congratulations on your date and your decision to take control of your body/life.

    You will get out of it what you put into it. It's that simple.

    The folks that are whining about not losing are the ones not following the food guidelines and not exercising. Just stick to your game plan and you will do fine.

    Educate yourself on the band and you will worry much less.

    Good Luck!!!


  2. Are you hungry? Cause that is what the band helps with. If you have your hunger under control then it is something else.

    Plateaus happen. Sometimes it is your body regulating itself. The good thing is that you can do something about it.

    Are you working with a trainer? Do you see a nutritionist? If not then that is where I would start. Even one session where you map out a plan is worth it.

    Are you journaling your food? If not, most of times we think we are eating within our limits but after writing down everything that goes into the mouth it is seen that is not true. Sometime you don't get enough food and your body goes into survival mode and hangs onto every calorie. This is when you need see a nutritionist.

    Are you doing the same old, same old, when it comes to exercise? If so shake it up a bit and do something completely different. Use different muscles. See a trainer.

    I hope this helps. Wanting to change is a great place to start. Now plan some action. Good luck.

  3. I had an interesting talk with my trainer/nutritionist the other day. He wanted to measure me again to see my progress. I didn't want too. I tried to explain that I knew I was losing weight and inches because my clothes are fitting differently. He insisted that I needed to SEE the progress on paper. "Everyone wants to see their progress." So he measured away. For some reason I was disappointed in the results. My head thinks I should have lost more inches. I was really bummed. He was happy with the progress. I asked him if it was more important for him to be happy or me? Ya see I was happy with the progress as seen from the clothing standpoint. Like someone said here about wearing clothes that fit and seeing the proof that things are going well. Now I have these tape measure numbers in my head. They didn't mean anything to me until he made a big deal out of them. Yet I can't accept his judgment that the numbers are good. It really wrecked the workout that day. My head was somewhere else. He kept saying not to let it get to me. Ya easy for him.

    I'm finally in a good place with this journey. I'm accepting that it will take me a while to get to a healthy weight. I'm working with the band. I'm getting into a groove with exercising. I've set a goal with the Triathlon. I've set a weight goal to be 200 by my anniversary (10/12). I'm actually allowing myself to believe this is working. I think my judgment is the best. But now someone tossed a wrench in the works.

    Grrrr. It's so frustrating. :)

  4. Ive started my training for the Triathlon. Feels good to have a focus.

    Weight loss stalled. Haven't lost for the last week. I think it is because it has been hot here and I have been reaching for the juice. To many calories.

    I've been tired lately too. Perhaps because of the increased exercise. I think I will be hitting the pillow early tonight.


  5. Get an appointment and talk to the Dr. Have everything written down that you want to say. Even how the insurance co will cover the procedure. Get a good family history with any co-morbidities. Have the name of the Band Dr ready to show how you are serious and ready. Give it a shot. You are the client.

  6. I did a triathlon about 5 years ago. It was a great feeling!! So to that end...

    I have signed up for a triathlon this summer.

    I've decided that I need a focus regarding exercise. I might be crazy but I have to challenge myself and be accountable to something.

    This is not the big IronMan type. It is the sprint length, not that I will be sprinting. 400meter swim/6mile bike/2mile run.

    God, I hope I don't make a fool of myself.

  7. I haven't allowed myself to dwell on why I might fail, or why I have periods

    where I am not succeeding as well as I may have been in a prior week or

    month. Why? Because good or bad, success or failure, what happens to me is based on the *choices* that I make on any given day. And because I didn't get banded so that its presence around my stomach would rule my life or make me obsess about how anything I do relates to the band. I was banded because I needed a tool, unlike any of the other tools I've used/tried in the past, that would help me a) get to a healthy state-of-being and :cool: remain in that

    healthy state. By *my* definition of healthy (again, see disclaimer), *obsessing* about the band and all the *guidelines* associated with it -successful as it (the band) and many of them (guidelines) are for me - is

    not healthy.

    Early on in this journey, as pounds were melting away from me and I was

    developing my own, personalized, lifestyle of "what works for *me*", I adopted two key quotations here that became my mantra: "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should" and "Live life well." What struck me fairly recently is that neither has anything to do explicitly with weight-loss or dieting or the band or eating habits. The first is strictly about making choices. And it is suggestive in nature, not a directive. Otherwise it

    would have read, "You can, but don't." The latter is, semantically, a directive - but the meaning of "well" is not defined and subject to individual interpretation. And I'd worry about the mental stability of

    anyone who chooses to *not* live life well - as per their own definition. So if someone tells/suggest to me to live life well, I'd be foolish not to heed it. So I made choices, everyday, that weighed upon the outcome of my success/failure. Most were choices to follow most of the guidelines most of

    the time. But sometimes I chose not to follow the guidelines. The reasons

    don't matter. Either way, they were *my choices*. Sometimes I did give up

    what I really want for what I want now. I agree with that quote and we all

    do it from time to time. Why has that not lead to failure for me? Because

    I think the statement should read that we fail when we *continually* (or

    *consistently*, take your pick) give up what we really want for what we want

    now. No one is ever going to fail by living for the moment - now and then -

    as long as we don't lose sight of the goals for more than a moment (or two).

    Again, if I'm living every day, every moment wondering if every single thing

    I do runs counter to the long-term goals, I'm not living life well; I will

    have trapped myself into a mindset that may lead to a very healthy life, but

    that's not necessarily living life well. We all make choices. They may seem contrary or counter-intuitive but in the end,

    if we're happy with our choices and lead to our individual success, then

    we've done what we should.

    These wise words came from a post by Alan of LI, NY on the SmartBandsters group on YahooGroups. I thought it would be useful to pass them along.

  8. Welcome B!

    The time will fly and before you know it you will be banded.

    Everyone is sooo different in regards to how much how fast.Depending on: What starting weight. If this is the first real effort to lose. How old someone is. Some don't lose in the first few months and others lose big then plateau for a while.

    For me Ive lost over 50lbs since my preop diet. Broken down thats about 30 before the surgery and 20 since. I was banded 16 weeks ago. A guy I know that was banded the next day has lost 86 lbs since being banded, but he started at almost twice my weight. A girl that was banded 2 weeks after me has lost 38 since banding. Another lady has only lost 12 and she was banded before me.

    Everyone is different. Good luck.

  9. The nesting you talk about is normal. You're just putting things in order and making it smoother for your recovery. Don't forget to pamper yourself a bit too. The next few weeks are going to be a challenge. Schedule a manicure or a massage for the weekend after surgery. Just a little something to recharge your batteries. Purchase your protein drinks, broth and liquid Tylenol. Get the heating pad out. Make any arrangements needed so your family is taken care of.

    What you are feeling is normal. If you have read a few blogs about the early days of someones banding you well likely see the uncertainty there. We have been there and gotten through. So will you!!

    PS stay away from the threads about complications. It will just worry you unnecessarily. That was some of the best advice I got and I try to pass it along to the newbies as well.

    Good luck and keep us posted.


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