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Blog Comments posted by ajoneen

  1. Getting a degree is wonderful! Right now that is THE most important thing in your life. Focus and get it done.

    Im a little troubled with the "pig out" on Thanksgiving. Getting the band is just a bit of plastic on your stomach. The real work will be on your mind. If you're truly ready for the band you will know that "pigging out" is not the correct choice for the body you really want. Go ahead and enjoy yourself but be mindful of your choices. Will you truly have more fun by having more on your plate?

    A good support system is very important and so often overlooked. You are correct to surround yourself with supportive people.

    Good luck on your journey.


  2. Hi Becky

    Welcome to Bandlandia. By now you've probably read a ton (I hope) of information on the band and what is expected of you. It's time to live the band. Settle in and start listening to your body. Learn what it is to be hungry. And what being satisfied feels like. Recenter your life away from food. Meet your friends to do something active, not for lunch. Get out and move your body. It will be easier each day.

    Create for yourself a support system that will truly support you. Get an exercise buddy. Attend your Dr's support meeting if you can.

    You've taken a big first step, having this surgery to wrap the band on your stomach. Weight loss is so much more then tummys. Now start working on wrapping your head around this change.

    Good luck on your journey!!


  3. So its been a year since I found this site and essentially started my journey.

    I started at 284lbs. Im 210lbs today. I would love to have lost 100 lbs by my bandiversary March 4. Should be doable.

    My eating habits have changed drastically, and yet I really don't feel deprived. I just don't need to eat what/the way I used to anymore.

    I'm sleeping better then I have in years. I think it is a combination of less weight and more activity. A motivated day makes for blissful sleep.

    I love being able to shop in the 'regular' sections. I think it is important to have a few good outfits that fit well. Seeing my body change toward what I dream is very exciting.

    I never had an operation or was hospitalized before being banded. Now I'm seriously thinking about plastic surgery. I'll be trading a few scars for the body of my dreams. Doable.

  4. I haven't read your journal in a while. Sounds like your doing good, except for the puking. I used to gag when I brushed my back teeth, but since banding I don't anymore. I also haven't puked. Must be the band, weird.

    I really notice when I do HIIT consistently the scale moves. Keep up the good work!!

  5. For the most part I have a handle on my eating. I've been experimenting with more 'color' on my plate. Veggies and fruit.

    I just wish my husband didn't like nuts so much. I want the nuts out of the house!!! I could just munch away while reading a book all afternoon.

    Im working with a Health and Wellness Coach. Trying to get to the root of some of my unhealthy issues. Like why I regained every time I have dieted in the past. Setting some goals for diet and exercise. Learning to Love and Accept myself. Learning I am worth the hard work and the resulting 'body of my dreams'. It could be all a bunch of gobbley-gook but I want to give myself the best chance for success. I'm focusing alot of time, energy and $$ on this effort (the band and all).

    I gave yoga another shot this morning. I'm glad I did it in my home. That sticky mat is, well sticky. I either had a wedgie or flashing a butt crack the whole time. I don't think I'm ready for a class yet.

    75lbs gone 50lbs to go!!!

  6. Hi

    Relax a bit and stay away from the threads that talk about problems. It will just worry you.

    I don't have any problems with my band. You will really only 'worry' about it for the first few months then it is second nature to take small bites and chew will.

    As for the puking, I used to gag when I brushed my teeth but for some reason since banding I don't do that anymore. Go figure.

    Good luck with your journey,


  7. Welcome, go have a read on the main boards. Your questions have probably been asked, a lot. Read through some of the bolgs that have been around a while. Do your research. Find a band Dr (or a few) in your area and attend an information seminar- they all have them.

    If you still have questions drop back and ask away!

    Good luck on your journey,


  8. I really liked Unjury protein. (google it) It doesn't have the additives the others have. You can add it to stuff you can tolerate. Like chicken broth, fruit juice, yogurt smoothies. They have an unflavored version.

    I think that would be your best bet.

    You need to have good communication with your Dr and his support staff. Let your Dr know about the problems. Maybe he has suggestions.

    Hang in there.

    Amanda : )

  9. I lost a very good friend in 06 when he decided he could not live anymore. No one really saw it coming but in hindsight there were some clues. It is the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with. It is very sad.

    Hugs to you.

    Good news about the minimal weight gain. That is a testament to your working out and building the muscle to burn off the extra calories. Great job!!

  10. I am truly sorry that my comment hurt you.There was no contempt meant. From the one sentence you wrote and your choice of the word fear (not phobia) did not give me a sense that the problem was so dire.

    Again, my apologies.


  11. Lack of hunger good. Body shakes and jitters not so good.

    My DH is diabetic so I know that testing once doesn't do the trick when your sugar is dropping/rising. Test twice 15 mins apart.

    Also are you getting enough to drink? Gotta stay hydrated. Getting your protein? That is a must. Just suck down a protein drink first thing in the morning. If your band is tight in the AM (like mine) drink a small glass of warm water first.

    Good rule of thumb is if you think you should call the Dr, you should! (if just for piece of mind)

    Your body is going through a really big change and you have to give it time to get adjusted.

    Good luck on your journey,


  12. Hi

    I think alot of folks have the "OMG did I make the right decision?" freak out.

    I know I did. You have to trust that you did your homework before the surgery and move forward with your plans to get in better shape/more healthy.

    Stick with it. If you have questions give a shout out.

    :thumbup:Good luck with you journey,


  13. Well at least she is not eating them in front of you. Maybe ask her how you can be supportive. Maybe you will luck out and she will ask you how she can support you.

    Just do your best each and every day.

    Good luck,


  14. I too was banded in March. I had a big stall Aug & Sept. Just this past week the scale is moving down. I started to log my food again. I think it makes a difference as you actually know what and how much you're eating. You never think you're eating as much as you are. Yep I can eat more then the recommended normal, but I really try to measure out my meals. It is a mind game. You think you need more then you do. Have a smaller portion and give yourself permission to have more if you are hungry 10minutes after you have eaten. Odds are you won't want anymore.

    Good luck,


  15. Hi all.

    I had a tiny fill today, but I know something is different. Maybe this will be the sweet spot. :wink2:

    On the hunger front I'm actually fine. I make it between meals without getting unusually hungry. My problem is portion. I eat out a lot (work + it's just DH & I for dinner) EVERYTHING looks so good on the menu. I try to keep it to appetizer portion but even those can be large. Plus I'm talking while Im eating and before I know it everything on the plate is gone. Booze is also an issue. When I socialize I like to have my glass(es!) of wine. That calorie count can add up. Then a little nibble here or there and BANG!! the pounds come on. :blink:

    I've been keeping up with the trainer 3 times a week with cardio after each session. I swim 45min once a week. :thumbup:

    I didn't make my goal of being my wedding weight on my anniversary. I'm 15lbs off. :mad2:

    How about 0nerLand for the New Year.:unsure: That would be 18lbs for me, which sounds like a lot cause I've only lost 9lbs this last 3 months. Hmmm I'lll give it a shot. :smile2:

    Man Im sitting here drinking water and it really is going down slow. I will be so bummed if Im too tight and have problems. :sad:

    On the port discomfort front. I still feel it quite a bit. I asked my Dr and he said that it's normal & the padding over the port is "melting away" (his words). :)

    I broke down and bought a bunch of supportive underwear. Wow it really makes a difference in how my clothes fit, very smooth. It just feels weird having a waistband almost at my bra line.:lol:

    Ok enough said. Bye:wink2:

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