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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    pinkbunies got a reaction from Dulcemia00 in Lost 35 pounds since 10/8/14 surgery.   
    Amazing. Congratulations and keep it up until you reach your goal. Do you feel better and have more energy yet?
  2. Like
    pinkbunies got a reaction from Thinkingthinner1109 in Testosterone   
    hmm. I'll look into that. The sad thing for me is I'll love my insurance at the end of the year. I've been paying $171.00 a month with a $1000.00 deductible. I got a notice last month telling me that BCBS will no longer offer this plan. A new plan is around $463.00 a month. I hate the thought of going to a higher deductible. I might just forgo insurance altogether and pay the small penalty.
  3. Like
    pinkbunies got a reaction from EllieMae in How long til incisions heal?   
    Everyone is different. I'm 2 weeks post op and I'm taking no medication at all and my incisions have healed. You can barely see them now.
  4. Like
    pinkbunies got a reaction from Jennifer Rogers in What size is your sleeve?   
    I was told it is a size 32.
  5. Like
    pinkbunies got a reaction from StanCounty29 in What are you excited for?   
    I'm excited to be attractive again. Have normal blood pressure. No Diabetes. No sleep Apnea. Losing 74 lbs.
  6. Like
    pinkbunies got a reaction from OCSlim in Should I expect a stall?   
    Well, change starts with people. I'd write a letter to the head of your department and point out how much is being spent on these things and then includes the pros and cons of gastric sleeve surgery. I'd point out that they would stand to save more money in the long run if they would offer an incentive to help you pay for it. Even if they don't cover it all, even half the cost of surgery in Mexico is a huge step.
    I also erred on the side of caution and took out large signature loan just to be on the safe side. I ended up not needing it so I'll pay it back over a 6 month period to stay in the good graces of my bank. They don't like it when you take out a loan and then pay it right off.
    Another point I was going to make, most people have decent credit and can put the cost on a credit card or take out a loan for the surgery in Mexico.
  7. Like
    pinkbunies got a reaction from OCSlim in Should I expect a stall?   
    I am looking at the bottom line... in the long term, it could save more on health insurance costs. I think more corporate companies need to realize this. If I were the CEO of a huge million dollar company in the US, I definitely would not cover WLS in the US, but I'd offer an incentive for having it done in Mexico and also have an agreement worked out with certain providers...even airline carries so you get discounts etc. That's better than nothing.
    I say I would not cover it in the US because it is too expensive. Our health care system in the US is a wreck.
  8. Like
    pinkbunies got a reaction from OCSlim in Should I expect a stall?   
    I'm currently a size 36. Aim is for a size 32. And your right. The scale really doesn't determine it, it will be the sizes of my clothes.
  9. Like
    pinkbunies got a reaction from OCSlim in Should I expect a stall?   
    I was sleeved on October 22, 2014.
    I have made what I think is a very quick recovery.
    I came home a day early. This morning I walked six miles. I'm planning to do 6 miles a day for the first three weeks and then get it up to 10 miles a day. Right now I'm doing 2 miles in the morning, 2 mid afternoon and 2 in the evening.
    The scale keeps on falling.
    Everthing is sugar free.
    Should I expect a stall even with the exercise I'm doing everyday?
    I'm planning to return to work next week which is very labor intensive, however I'm going to let my employees actually do the heavy lifting and the hard work for once. I'm going to start slow for when I return to work and maybe work from 8am to 11am daily and then take off and try to build up from there. I own the company so its not like I can get fired. LOL.
    This surgery has greatly impacted me already and I've also offered to all of my employees who my company insures that since our health plan won't cover sleeving, if they go to Mexico and pay for the air fare to and from, I'll pay for the surgery should anyone on the insurance plan need it... meaning immediate family members. I've told my employees I'll cover a max of $5500.00 for sleeving. I think more employers need to offer this.
    It seems like a lot, but in the end, I think it will make my insurance premiums go down.
  10. Like
    pinkbunies got a reaction from Marietizzy in 249 lbs... haven't seen this number since I was 18   
    I have finally reached 249 lbs. I haven't seen this number since I was 18. It feels great so far. I want to get into the 230's and then I'll be really happy.
    Only thing I am seeing is I'm getting really tired towards the end of the day and I find myself going to bed around 8 to 9pm and waking up around 4 to 5am.
    This would be fine except its getting cold and I hate walking when its cold... so I'm trying to stay active and warm lol
  11. Like
    pinkbunies got a reaction from Jennifer Rogers in Sex...   
    I like that answer too. I feel I'm able. Going to bed, goodnight! LOL
  12. Like
    pinkbunies got a reaction from Jennifer Rogers in Sex...   
    I feel like I'm hitting puberty all over again. It's like once the weight has come off I'm finding that I was less sexually active when I had the extra weight on... and my spouse always complained before hand. Now I can only imagine. I've always been comfortable with sex being an outlet to let out frustrations etc.
  13. Like
    pinkbunies got a reaction from Comfy_Blue in How do you respond to, "Wow, it looks like you're still losing" or "How much more weight are you planning to lose?"   
    I'm so tired of people telling me I'm going to lose too much weight. It shows how ignorant they are.
  14. Like
    pinkbunies got a reaction from EvieLamp in I was told I had surgery to get attention   
    We are in counseling atm. It has helped a lot already. I'll some times get random text messages going off on me and they come out of no where. Like I had no reason to suspect anything was wrong and then I get a crappy text message.
    We are having some mommy issues... my spouses side of the family wants nothing to do with me. They are extremely conservative. I was even told it felt like a choice had to be made, the family or me. I just said wow. No one has said choose and I said right there, I am never going to tell you to choose, ever. I'm looked down upon because I don't have a fancy degree and I didn't go to college... but I'm 31, full time self employed and have been for 13 years and completely debt free.
    We were having issues before the surgery. I'm not perfect but I'm trying. I got the surgery mainly because I was told it would help with my bipolar mood swings. It has helped a lot as I'm not even taking medication any longer. I don't have the mood swings now. I used to be up and down and all over the place. I was told last week..."I'm leaving you" and so I called the counselor and said can you see us today... then I was able to get in and I said, go to counseling with me, if you still feel the same I'll support your decision. Well my spouse didn't still feel the same. We both realized we have major communication issues, but we love each other and we actually can complete each others sentences etc. Our counselor told us that we are a power couple when we are together and apart we won't be which is true. We are both very successful, but it didn't happen on our own. It's been because we support each other.
    The counselor said we really need to get my spouses mom in so we could try to work things out. We told her about it and she laughed and said... never happening. So it was the response we expected but at least we tried.
    The biggest issue we are facing right now is my spouse was suspended from college because of something I said on Facebook. Yes, you read right... suspended because of something I said... they said my spouse was hiding behind me to make these post. It was clearly my facebook page and I even submitted an affidavit to the University saying, I wrote these, this is my facebook page, no one else's etc. Suspended until 2016. 6 hours were left until graduation. What's worse is I didn't say anything bad, I was merely critical of a professor for ALWAYS being late. So I'm blamed a lot for the suspension. We're appealing it. Even our attorney's don't agree with it and they said the university is acting in bad faith. We're prepared to file suit next. They just went overboard big time.

    I admit, I did go get surgery right in the middle of all the turmoil but I didn't see a need to sit around and dwell. I know I didn't do it to get attention. I did do it because I promised I would do everything I could to change old ways and I felt getting the surgery was drastic but it showed that I really cared and I was dedicated to trying to make changes for the better. I was just told that I was going to have to go on blood pressure meds and diabetes meds etc.. that was prior to surgery. Now , blood pressure is normal and to my understanding diabetes is cured. I think getting 80% of your stomach cut out and even going to another country by yourself shows dedication. I was scared to death but I pushed right through it.
  15. Like
    pinkbunies got a reaction from Marietizzy in 249 lbs... haven't seen this number since I was 18   
    I have finally reached 249 lbs. I haven't seen this number since I was 18. It feels great so far. I want to get into the 230's and then I'll be really happy.
    Only thing I am seeing is I'm getting really tired towards the end of the day and I find myself going to bed around 8 to 9pm and waking up around 4 to 5am.
    This would be fine except its getting cold and I hate walking when its cold... so I'm trying to stay active and warm lol
  16. Like
    pinkbunies got a reaction from Marietizzy in 249 lbs... haven't seen this number since I was 18   
    I have finally reached 249 lbs. I haven't seen this number since I was 18. It feels great so far. I want to get into the 230's and then I'll be really happy.
    Only thing I am seeing is I'm getting really tired towards the end of the day and I find myself going to bed around 8 to 9pm and waking up around 4 to 5am.
    This would be fine except its getting cold and I hate walking when its cold... so I'm trying to stay active and warm lol
  17. Like
    pinkbunies got a reaction from Elode in 18 lb loss in 7 days   
    I'm obsessed with the scale at the moment because it keeps going down. I weighed this morning at 256. I'm hoping to come in around 253 to 254 tomorrow. I know I shouldn't look at the scale but its amazing that it's going down daily and not up.
    I haven't hit a stall yet. I have a philosophy that I won't if I keep walking everyday and stay active and keep following the diet.
    When I returned from surgery I weighed 274.
    I saw my therapist today and she was asking for the name of the place that did my surgery lol.

    I started taking Adderall again today which really boosted my energy levels. I used to take 20 MG twice daily. I started with 10 MG twice daily this morning. It made me not hungry at all but I knew I had to eat and so I did. I was afraid I'd hit a stall if I didn't eat.
    I'm taking pictures everyday, in the same spot and hope to put them all together in about 60 days to show progress. I am hoping I can reach around 230 by the end of December.
    I've also noticed that as the weight comes off, people are telling me I look much younger. I'll take that any day.
  18. Like
    pinkbunies got a reaction from Elode in 18 lb loss in 7 days   
    I'm obsessed with the scale at the moment because it keeps going down. I weighed this morning at 256. I'm hoping to come in around 253 to 254 tomorrow. I know I shouldn't look at the scale but its amazing that it's going down daily and not up.
    I haven't hit a stall yet. I have a philosophy that I won't if I keep walking everyday and stay active and keep following the diet.
    When I returned from surgery I weighed 274.
    I saw my therapist today and she was asking for the name of the place that did my surgery lol.

    I started taking Adderall again today which really boosted my energy levels. I used to take 20 MG twice daily. I started with 10 MG twice daily this morning. It made me not hungry at all but I knew I had to eat and so I did. I was afraid I'd hit a stall if I didn't eat.
    I'm taking pictures everyday, in the same spot and hope to put them all together in about 60 days to show progress. I am hoping I can reach around 230 by the end of December.
    I've also noticed that as the weight comes off, people are telling me I look much younger. I'll take that any day.
  19. Like
    pinkbunies got a reaction from Monasongbird_38 in Sleeving... its actually a thing   
    I miss the taste of the burgers but not the habit
  20. Like
    pinkbunies got a reaction from BigGirlPanties in Sleeving... its actually a thing   
    I had no idea how popular sleeving was until I found this website, started researching myself and then I went to Mexico. When I was in Mexico, there was no shortage of patients. A lot of the people were from Canada and a few were from the States like me.
    I was told that even though Canada's health system will pay for it, it takes years to get it done.
    I've noticed since being sleeved and drastically changing my diet from all the junk food, my blood pressure is normal. I've also noticed that I'm not having the mood swings I have previously that were diagnosed as Rapid Bi Polar disorder. I've stopped taking the bi polar meds altogether and so far I feel great. I think that my mood swings were affected by all of the chemicals that is put in our foods... just my thought and theories.
    I haven't noticed stock in McDonald's falling yet lol. I used to eat 10 double cheese burgers for a meal and not even think twice.
    Sleeving... its actually a thing and quite popular.
  21. Like
    pinkbunies got a reaction from Miss Mac in Has anyone become single as a result of their weight loss surgery?   
    aww. That's so sweet. When I was in Mexico, a man told me a story about him and his wife. they had been married for 22 years. He said he was around my size when they met. She was a hottie and in shape. He was pretty big. He said his biggest worry all these years was that his wife would leave him because of his weight... then he said he realized that their love was stronger than he imagined because she was right there with him while he was getting surgery and told him it was his choice and she loves him regardless of weather he does the surgery or not. He told me that they both even dieted together, she lost weight and he gained. She still stood by him. He said that he hopes everyone can find their true love like he did and he was pretty dang lucky.
  22. Like
    pinkbunies got a reaction from BigGirlPanties in Sleeving... its actually a thing   
    I had no idea how popular sleeving was until I found this website, started researching myself and then I went to Mexico. When I was in Mexico, there was no shortage of patients. A lot of the people were from Canada and a few were from the States like me.
    I was told that even though Canada's health system will pay for it, it takes years to get it done.
    I've noticed since being sleeved and drastically changing my diet from all the junk food, my blood pressure is normal. I've also noticed that I'm not having the mood swings I have previously that were diagnosed as Rapid Bi Polar disorder. I've stopped taking the bi polar meds altogether and so far I feel great. I think that my mood swings were affected by all of the chemicals that is put in our foods... just my thought and theories.
    I haven't noticed stock in McDonald's falling yet lol. I used to eat 10 double cheese burgers for a meal and not even think twice.
    Sleeving... its actually a thing and quite popular.
  23. Like
    pinkbunies got a reaction from BigGirlPanties in Sleeving... its actually a thing   
    I had no idea how popular sleeving was until I found this website, started researching myself and then I went to Mexico. When I was in Mexico, there was no shortage of patients. A lot of the people were from Canada and a few were from the States like me.
    I was told that even though Canada's health system will pay for it, it takes years to get it done.
    I've noticed since being sleeved and drastically changing my diet from all the junk food, my blood pressure is normal. I've also noticed that I'm not having the mood swings I have previously that were diagnosed as Rapid Bi Polar disorder. I've stopped taking the bi polar meds altogether and so far I feel great. I think that my mood swings were affected by all of the chemicals that is put in our foods... just my thought and theories.
    I haven't noticed stock in McDonald's falling yet lol. I used to eat 10 double cheese burgers for a meal and not even think twice.
    Sleeving... its actually a thing and quite popular.
  24. Like
    pinkbunies got a reaction from Miss Mac in Has anyone become single as a result of their weight loss surgery?   
    aww. That's so sweet. When I was in Mexico, a man told me a story about him and his wife. they had been married for 22 years. He said he was around my size when they met. She was a hottie and in shape. He was pretty big. He said his biggest worry all these years was that his wife would leave him because of his weight... then he said he realized that their love was stronger than he imagined because she was right there with him while he was getting surgery and told him it was his choice and she loves him regardless of weather he does the surgery or not. He told me that they both even dieted together, she lost weight and he gained. She still stood by him. He said that he hopes everyone can find their true love like he did and he was pretty dang lucky.
  25. Like
    pinkbunies got a reaction from Elode in 18 lb loss in 7 days   
    I'm obsessed with the scale at the moment because it keeps going down. I weighed this morning at 256. I'm hoping to come in around 253 to 254 tomorrow. I know I shouldn't look at the scale but its amazing that it's going down daily and not up.
    I haven't hit a stall yet. I have a philosophy that I won't if I keep walking everyday and stay active and keep following the diet.
    When I returned from surgery I weighed 274.
    I saw my therapist today and she was asking for the name of the place that did my surgery lol.

    I started taking Adderall again today which really boosted my energy levels. I used to take 20 MG twice daily. I started with 10 MG twice daily this morning. It made me not hungry at all but I knew I had to eat and so I did. I was afraid I'd hit a stall if I didn't eat.
    I'm taking pictures everyday, in the same spot and hope to put them all together in about 60 days to show progress. I am hoping I can reach around 230 by the end of December.
    I've also noticed that as the weight comes off, people are telling me I look much younger. I'll take that any day.

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