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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Entries posted by Teresita

  1. Teresita
    I really enjoyed my Thanksgiving Day. :hungry: I plan on going walking today and this weekend.
    Piggyback off of Cha Cha dreams
    Tiny NSV's

    Running up and down the stairs and am not ready to drop dead
    Knees don't hurt as much when running up and down the stairs
    The band keeps me from filling a plate up with food, woofing it down and then go back for more.
    Private NSV for friend
    Able to sit with one leg under me without my leg falling off dead
    Able to comfortably do the sit sideway crossleg
    The confidence is amazing, I know it is also the coming of age....40
    None of my clothes are tight anymore. LOL
    Did I tell you I love my collar bones. I can actually feel them and they are almost able to show all by theirselves if I position them right. LOL I'm so excited.:clap2:
  2. Teresita
    I got my pressure checked yesterday and it was fine. I have saying for months that I was going to get it checked. I will not wait and put it off like that again.
    I am not making the best food choices right now but I am conscious of what I am eating.
    I did not workout yesterday so I built up a sweat sorting throught clothes. I was able to actually thrown some clothes out, box some up for someone else and hang up so old thing that now fit again. I have on a top today that was once too tight but today it is baggy. I had my ex boyfriend button down shirt in the closet so I tried it on and guess what....it buttoned up and was tight at the bottom button. Woohooooo who would have thought....I'm happy.....this feels good.
    I am going to do this, I know I am. I'm not going to waste anymore time of my life being overweight and unhappy.
  3. Teresita
    19 20 21 22 23 24
      25 26 27 28 29 30 1

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8
      2 last weigh ins this month (June 20 and June 26)
    15 days away from birthday (July 4 no scale to weigh in)
    19 days away from bandiversary (July 8)
  4. Teresita
    I am happy to say I went to the gym Saturday and Sunday. I am not happy to say that I ate some serious caloric cookies Sunday but I will not do that again. MOVING FORWARD!!!
    I also ran up and down the stairs a few times yesterday.
  5. Teresita
    I am so thrilled with myself that I walked 6.4 miles Saturday. The day was just perfect weather for walking. Not cold and not to warm, just right. That was 2 times around the infamous HP. I am so happy that I did it. I have been afraid to do it thinking that I couldn't. I am so pleased and it really helps to know that I can do it without dropping dead or stopping. I hold myself back mentally so much. I want to push through all these personal holds. I have to. I have goals. I have to lose weight to live the life that I want.
    I will be 40 in 7 months. That is suppose to be the best birthday. I want to be happy and have a great birthday.
    379 (80 pounds gone, 20 pounds away from 100)
    359 -350 -340-330-320-310-300
  6. Teresita
    I feel good about going to TTC last night. I feel like I got in a good exercise. With all that sweating, it better have been a good exercise.
    I am excited and nervous about weigh in tonight. I need this weigh in so bad to get that motivation. I have a burger for breakfast, soup for the rest of the work day and my daughter made me a pbj so I may share that with my co worker. We're crazy.
    I don't know why I wait until the morning to really think about what I am going to wear especially knowing I usually have to iron stuff. I kinda forgot I needed to wash my hair this morning because it was totally wet from sweating. I washed my hair and grabbe no iron clothing. I think I'm kinda cute today becuase it is a black cami with a sheer black blouse with flowers and a little beading.
    I need to throw the rest of this burger away because it is sitting in my chest, as if I didn't know.
    What am I going to do to keep from eating EVERYTHING when I get off. Weigh in does not begin until 6:15. You know when I get home I lose my mind on Tuesday's. POPSICLES that will be the answer. I will walk while OPRAH is on and then have 2 pops.
  7. Teresita
    I lost a pound...whewwww I feel better now. I will not be eating like last week. I am going to try and take it slow and not let things stress me so I eat everything in sight.
    376 is my new number.
  8. Teresita
    I got my motivation. I lost 10 pounds last night. OMG I was jumping up and down and hugging the weighers in while in my underware. :faint:
    I now weigh 373 pounds. I went past my 375 but it is ok. I want to go with this feeling and lose 4 pounds this week to get into the 360's. I have wasted enough time.
    I have been drinkinig slim fast for breakfast, eating 2 salads a day, especially on the weekend. For quick food I have been keeping sugar free jello and pudding made up in the fridge. I will put whatever dinner meat we had on the salad. I haven't been focusing on food because I have been busy. I have been trying to stay away from McD because I could go there everyday. I am so happy.
    459-383-373- 369-365-360-350
  9. Teresita
    I love you guys for the motivation and encouraging words.
    I did not work out last night and I was eating on stuff all night. Boy was I stuffed. I will not be doing that today. What I did do was walk around the grocery store. I went to see a sick friend and cooked dinner for another friend.
    Today is Thursday and it is going to be a glorious day:high5: COME ON YOU GUYS LET'S HAVE A GREATTTTT DAY!!!!!!:eek::Banane20::Banane20::Banane20:STREAKERSSSSSS:pound:
  10. Teresita
    I did a little floor exercise last night and this morning with a bit of cardio. Ran in place for 2 minutes this morning.
    Be Right Back
    Uhhhhh what was I going to say......well I'm back today NEXTTTTT
  11. Teresita
    I can come in here and do back flips and cartwheels.....whooohooooo
    459-389-385-380-375 :wow2: I can't wait to get to 375 that is 10 pounds away.
    August 15 -3 pounds
    August 22 -3 pounds
    August 29 -3 pounds
    I can do this. :humble: I have enough weight that I can lose 3 pounds a week. OK this is where I get stressed out about adding strenght training and causing muscle gain....whhhhhhhhh breath, muscle burns fat.
    :Banane10: :Banane20: :Banane20: :Banane20:

    3min circuit 9:35
  12. Teresita
    It is Wednesday, I'm Ok because I know that I am blessed. I have to find the motivation to keep going and do more and do better. I have to make a phone call or two and I will be fine. Life is short......I want to LIVE IT!!!!
    I gained 3 pounds, I'm ok but I don't like it. I will be out of the 380's this month. I will begin 30 minutes a day, everyday.
  13. Teresita
    60 miles for May and 25 miles for June....that is sad. For July I will walk at least 50 miles.
    01 3 miles HP
    02 3 miles HP
    03 nada
    04 3 miles HP woohoo (9 miles so far for the month)
    06 2.5 WAP tape walking/dancing (11.5)
    07 Downtown walk 1.5 miles
    08 3 miles HP 1 mile ST
    09 3 miles HP (can I count the laundry) (20 miles so far)
    10 TTC 1mile (20 minutes on a full stomach)
    15 3 miles HP walking/dancing 15 min
    16 3 miles HP and pool 40 minutes (27 miles so far)
    17 TTC arm exercises
    21 1 mile track
    22 3 miles 10,000 steps shopping hand weights, floor exercise
    23 1 mile other activities hand weights (32 miles so far)
    24 TTC
    25 1 mile uphill LOL
    26 2 miles
    29 1 mile
    30 3.5 hp
    31 TTC circuit training (39 miles)
  14. Teresita
    Ok today is Tuesday I think this evening is going to be busy. Oh yeah I am suppose to weigh in tonight and I have been baking cookies. hummmm
  15. Teresita
    Thank God
    Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name,
    Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
    Give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, forever,

    I feel blessed, I have been given another day to do get it right. I feel so bad for the people in Colorado. I can't imagine what they are going through. I thought the girl that was injured was going to be ok physically but she died. I know that crime is everywhere but I can't stand the murders that are happening with the youth in the DC area. I don't understand what people are thinking about when they decide to take someone's life. The mother that saw her sons body, how aweful.
  16. Teresita
    I am feeling better today. I spoke to my girlfriend's, who passed suddenly, mom yesterday for the first time sense the funeral. I am so glad I did.
    I cooked yesterday and that was nice also, cabbage and wingettes. Ummmm ummmmm
    Did I exercise yesterday.....no......just danced a little.
    Will I exercise today, YES!!!
    I'm having a good day now. God is good all the time.
  17. Teresita
    5 4 miles (3hp 1track)
    6 3 miles hp
    7 TTC
    12 3 miles
    13 3 miles
    26 4 miles
    27 3 miles
  18. Teresita
    I was 379 and now I am 376 WOOOHOOO I have to admit I was a bit disappointed. I just knew it was going to be down 8 or 9 pounds but I am ok. I am going in the right direction and have a new workout routine. I want to be out of the 370 by the end of this month and it is doable. I am going to stay positive and focused. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
    Thanks guys for all of your support.
  19. Teresita
    I was all in a good mood. I just realized I gained a pound last night. Whatever, I'll just say mother nature did it.
    God is Good....what!.....I said GOD IS GOOD.....Can I get an ALL THE TIME!!!
    I'm in a good mood right now. Knowing that you are not alone, knowing that you are not the only one going through some rough times is comforting. Tomorrow is not promised so I might as well be me and keep smile through it all. Because guess what....God Is Good All the Time..YES
    Counting your blessings can do amazing things
    Thank you Lord for
    waking me up this morning
    giving me choices
    allowing me to have a job
    a car
    a warm home
    friends and support
    Thank you Lord for my dear child, Lord stay with her, keep her near you.
    Lord thank you
    for giving me another day
    thank you for the good foods
    Thank you for my band and losing 80 pounds

    because of your love life has brand new meaning
  20. Teresita
    Let's see how many days to go...4 days till next weigh in which I am nervous about. 18 days till birtdhay and 22 days till bandiversary. Not a lot of days but I will do what a girl has to do.
    I have to get on the ball. My eating is not what it should be. I'm not going to beat myself up over it because I have less restriction, I have been eating things I normally would not but the novelty is wearing off. I am slowly getting back to slimfast, frozen diet meals and meal planning. I'm also getting back to my exercise. Not full force yet but I will be there this weekend.
    Work out now June 20 weigh in will help me better gauge what I am going to do.
    Next week slimfast, salad, protein, soup.
    JUNE 6 -3 388
    JUNE 13 no weigh in tonight(not happy about this) I WILL exercise instead
    JUNE 20 (-6) +5 393
    JUNE 27 (-4)
    JULY 4 (-3)
  21. Teresita
    I feel better now that I put down all the food on paper. I did not walk Friday evening. I got up early to pick up a friend from the airport and of course the flight was late and all I could think about was I'm not walking.....So I went in the terminal and played on the walkway and ran down the escaltor and walked really fast. I did about 1/2 mile in the terminal. I could see myself going to the airport to walk, it was fun. I was all nice and cool in there.
    Sunday morning I was ready to go walking. Went to HP did 3 miles at 7:03 and I finished at exactly at 8:03. I can do it in about 5 minutes less then an hour but I normally take 1 whole hour but never more. It was getting hot out by time I was almost finished. I was thanking God for that early morning overcast and fog so the sun was not burning through but then it came out and began to beem for the rest of the day. LOL I went to the track when I left HP but I had to go to the bathroom so I did 1/2 mile. So I got in 3.5 miles. Only 11.5 to go. LOL
    3 bites of pasta salad 9:30
    6 strawberries
    pretzle dog, slushy 1pm
    checkers burger 1 bun 3pm
    ice cream
    Sunday I felt like I was eating allll day, when I look at the whole day it wasn't too terrible.
    blueberries, strawberries, yogurt 9am
    italian sausage 10:30am
    tootsie rols 12
    1 bread, 2 cheese, turkey 1:30
    grapes, 2 cupcakes 3:30
    1/2 burrito 5pm
    mashed potato bowl KFC 7pm
  22. Teresita
    Well today is one day away from having to weigh in after 2 whole weeks. It has been driving me ......to eat...not crazy. Yeah I will blame any weight gain on them.
    I am exciting and scared to weigh in. I am glad I walked this weekend. 3 miles at Haines Point with Kee was not easy. Thank God for sending one of his angels, a fiesty, older lady who could out walk us decided not to walk with her 2 daughters but with us. She talked and she walked and talked and walked. Finally she decided to leave us near the end but if she had not been with us I would have said Kee I need to slow down and would have. This woman kept our speed up.
    Also, everything was going on at the park. There was a triathalon going on, there is a swimming pool down there. There was a 10k training going on and it had to be about 200 people doing that. Then there were the usual walkers and joggers and all of this was going on at 7:30 am.
    Sunday morning I knew I had to walk so I text Kee again and she said where. I thought PGCC would be good because the track was resurfaced but then I started thinking about the sun. So I said Watkins Park, which is what she said on Saturday. Then she said well let's walk around Fed Ex Field, you don't know how big that things is but I got to her house got out the car and we were stretching. I said are we going to be in the sun the whole time and she said pretty much. I said let's go to Watkins, I can't do it. After not walking for a few weeks, daily, I was not motivated to walk in the beeming sun, after walking yesterday and know how I was struggling....oh no. We went to Watkins and the trees were just a tall and blocked out ALL the sun. LOL There are 2 spots on the trail that does not have tree coverage and that sun was beaming. 3.4 miles done in comfort. That girl has more energey then a jumping bean.
    sm salad, pickle
    egg salad
    steakum/cheese 1 bread
    slurpee med
    4 crackers
    spoon of peanutbutter
    fried egg 1 cheese
    few doritos
    McD sundae,pie 580 cal
    2 fried eggs 2 cheese 1 1/2 sausage
    8 M&M's
    hamburger/ 1 cheese
    Roast Beef
    hershey bar w/ almonds
    sundae/pie 580 cal

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
