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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Like
    moose18201 reacted to jtickle in Mucus and phlegm   
    It's from the anesthesia, coughing it up is the only way to get it out. Be sure to deep breath and cough. You don't want to get pneumonia. You can try holding a pillow up against your tummy to brace while you cough, it should help with the pain.
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    moose18201 reacted to SandyM in Selfies   
    So, when people post lots of selfies of themselves in sexy poses and sexy clothes and say, I think I'm still fat even though everybody tells me I'm not, do they really feel fat? I don't think so. I think they need a pat on the back. Come on ladies, just post your pics and say very loudly......"Look at what I've accomplished". Nobody is going to slam you for it. After all, you've managed to accomplish what we all are working for. I think you know you look good, but need to hear it from others.
  3. Like
    moose18201 got a reaction from LoriDee in fast eater   
    I had the same problem. I switched to child utensils to help take smaller bites. I use timer apps on my phone (bariatric timer helps me alot) the drinking while eating was tough for me but again the timers helped. I also believe the 6 month program helped get me prepared. My last visit is tommorrow (surgical class) everything else is done and green lighted. Hope to get my date soon.
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    moose18201 got a reaction from Pepper123 in Liquid Diet Advantage or Unjury .. Which did you like?   
    I like body fortress whey protien. The chocolate ls goog and if you add Torani caramel it tastes like a caremel mocha latte. I get them from walmart.com. they have a special order 3 and they are only $14 each add a couple torani flavors (sugar free) and you get free shipping to your home.
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    moose18201 got a reaction from BeagleLover in SAGGY ASS   
    Good for you, dumb asses like him give the rest of us males a bad name.
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    moose18201 reacted to betterme008 in I had the gastric bypass !   
    I had my surgery Aug 11th . Um I have been walking a lot but I still have pressure and soreness. I think I will puke if I taste or smell broth again. Oh and if one person tells me I'm taking the easy way out ... Hasn't had the bypass and need to shut the fuck up

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    moose18201 reacted to RJ'S/beginning in Tale of a bariatric diet goody-two-shoes...   
    I keep things like burrito's in the freezer for those days. Oysters and multigrain crackers.
    stuffed chicken breasts..things like that. But I enjoy cooking now more then ever...(She puts her head down while she writes this so to avoid the pillow being thrown at her!)
    I go in spurts about veggies and crave different ones. Like right now..Cauliflower and radishes...can't get enough. I cook maybe 4 times a week and always have plenty leftovers to last....
    You know on Pinterest there are baked doughnuts recipes that you can try..... Me I would just eat the doughnut!
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    moose18201 got a reaction from pik in What made you smile today?   
    Just jumped through the last hoop for ins. I go back on 9/1 hopefully to get my surgery date.
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    moose18201 reacted to TEXASLADY52 in Thrift Eating   
    Proud of you!!!!! My husband and I had a lot arguements over this! We both grew up in a household of where you had to clean your plate because children in China are going hungry. I refused to pass this on to my children. My husband felt they should clean their plates and I didn't. I did not want them to be overeaters like me and him. My children are now grown and are healthy eaters with no bad habits of overeating!!!!
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    moose18201 reacted to Bufflehead in Thrift Eating   
    It's funny, I was just thinking about similar issues this morning. I was definitely not raised in the "clean plate" club. In my family, it was considered rude to eat everything on your plate because it indicated you thought you weren't served a sufficient amount of food - an insult to the cook. And if you had asked me 18 months ago if I had problems throwing food away, I would have told you "no."
    But the truth is, somehow I did acquire that problem. I just never really had to test it out before. Everything I brought into the house, I ate unless it expired or spoiled. I live alone and I bought the stuff I liked or wanted to try, and I am not a picky eater. So I ate ALL the things! But when I had to start throwing food out after being sleeved, it did bother me. Don't get me wrong, I still did it -- and now it doesn't bother me anymore, I've adjusted. I will say that a lot of it doesn't get thrown out exactly, but put down for the dog. She loves my sleeve almost as much as I do! Lots of leftover meat, cheese, and eggs for her - and much more regular walks around the neighborhood (exercise for me, fun for her). So win-win.
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    moose18201 reacted to thesuse2000 in Thrift Eating   
    Good for you! That has been hard for me too, but I've also learned to throw things away. I like to think of it as - I'm not a garbage disposal. If I eat more than I need to and have that extra food get processed through my body - it's no less wasteful than if I threw it away. It just went through me first.
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    moose18201 reacted to fezik23 in Thrift Eating   
    I was raised in the clean-plate club, more because my parents didn't have any extra money to waste. It was a big no-no to throw food away. My dear beloved father even used to drink the brine from Pickle Juice and things like that. Nothing was thrown out. I call it "thrift eating." I have carried that behavior into adulthood, doing things like cleaning my kids' plates if they didn't want to finish. Now I can't do any of that any more. And I am finding it liberating. I am done--my sleeve says so--and what I don't finish is tossed out. Who knew this could be fun?
    I suppose I could save leftovers, but who wants to eat a little piece of turkey burger or whatever? I'm not saying I throw everything away. But it's a lovely feeling to be free of the guilt of tossing what is left on my plate.
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    moose18201 got a reaction from lin1970 in Read the research!   
    My surgeon explained a lot, i researched much on my own. I have the 6 month pre op plan that ins requires and I was still not 100% sure until i joined here and started reading about everyones expieriences. Thanks to you all. I have my last hoop tomorrow (surgery class) hoping for my date soon
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    moose18201 reacted to 4me4them in Ugh my Mother!   
    Mom and weight relationships are the hardest...I can sympathize AND empathize with you! Hang in there and define your happy weight for yourself. I'm going to experience it first hand...I finish my 3 months supervised diet on Oct 7th....but I'm not having surgery till later in November because my husband and I had a 2 week trip planned in October to go see my folks (73/75) and his folks (78/76).
    My mom has already started...."Oh I guess that means we wont get a Bonnie Bells cake while you are here" or "you'll have to tell us what to cook while you are here" Or "does that mean you don't want to go to Muriel's (awesome Italian rest). I know that the whole time I'm there every bit will be scrutinized...
    Sigh...but I love her and like you I couldn't not tell her...good luck and thanks for listening
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    moose18201 reacted to lose4life2 in Ugh my Mother!   
    OKay I have a rant as I'm preparing for my upcoming surgery. I told my mom about the surgery well because I didn't think it was fair to going into surgery and not tell your parents. Maybe I was wrong. Ever since I told her about it she has been driving me crazy. I live in Florida, she in Illinois. She calls and the conversation always goes to the surgery. I have been on my weight management for a couple months and actually meet the last time Friday. She always says "are you still eating your six small meals? Are you losing weight? Why don't you just keep doing that? OMG I WANT TO SCREAM!!!!! So I was adopted and my mom, her sister, my cousins are all small. All have weighed 130 or less pounds their whole life. Small hands wear size 4 1/2 and 5 rings, etc. when I was in high school I weighed top weight 150. Now I'm 5'6" and I was in gymnastics and cheer. According to my mom 150 was too much and by the time I graduated senior year and having my mom make my food for me and that's all I could eat I weighed 123. I wish I was 150 and maybe just maybe I will return to that weight. I'm going to have this surgery....but why does she drive me so crazy about it? I can't lose weight on a diet. I have been on everyone out there and have spent millions on diets. Get over it Mom. Okay rant over.......
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    moose18201 got a reaction from waitingtoexhale in Cauliflower: A White Food That’s Really Good for You   
    There are a lot of good recipes for it at bariatric foodie
  17. Like
    moose18201 got a reaction from LoriDee in fast eater   
    I had the same problem. I switched to child utensils to help take smaller bites. I use timer apps on my phone (bariatric timer helps me alot) the drinking while eating was tough for me but again the timers helped. I also believe the 6 month program helped get me prepared. My last visit is tommorrow (surgical class) everything else is done and green lighted. Hope to get my date soon.
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    moose18201 reacted to Sara Kelly Keenan LC in BMI, Self-Image and Unexamined Thoughts   
    I consult on a Facebook group made up of people who experience very large weight losses through Bariatric surgeries and today I am struck by how they view their slimmer bodies and the BMI chart. What strikes me is that when they get down to within 30-40 pounds of what the BMI chart says is goal for them I notice many deciding they know better than the chart. The phrase, "I feel good at _____ weight" keeps coming up, as though that "feeling" makes irrelevant the BMI chart and scientific data about the dangers of carrying an extra 30-40 pounds on our bodies. Heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure, as well as other illnesses linked to overweight, don't care when we set an arbitrary number that we "feel good" about.

    Today I'm wondering if it has more to do with the emotional work left undone when the excitement of the huge weight drop is focused on. It's great to focus on the big drop and enjoy it but it is also important to do the emotional and psychological work to embrace a body without a protective layer that keeps the world at a distance. I wonder if not doing this work accounts for people deciding to hang on to the last 30-40 pounds and deciding the BMI chart doesn't apply to them. Again and again, I see the term, "Everyone is different." While that is true, I see it as an excuse to not face fears about a life without fat and finish the job of making the body as healthy as it can be.

    I know this pitfall well, which is why I care so much about it and am writing about it now. When I was 333 pounds and got down to 210 in my 30s and 220 in my 40s I said the same thing! "Good enough! I'm big-boned! The BMI-chart doesn't apply to me because I am 6'3" tall. I naturally have a linebacker's body. My body isn't meant to be slim." The thoughts that limited my possibilities seemed to go on and on and they did stop my progress at the exact weights at which I accepted those thoughts as fact.

    The last and final time I lost weight I decided to allow my team of professionals, my coach and doctor, to decide when the goal had been reached for my body. I decided it was possible that my thinking about my body was limiting my results.
    Imagine my surprise when a slim, sexy, very un-linebacker's body was waiting for me at 175 pounds and a BMI of 21. Imagine! The BMI chart applied to me too!! I try to gently point this out on the message boards I consult on, but people carefully choose their language with the term "I feel." We are taught to respect "I feel" and hold whatever follows in reverence. The problem is that many couch a thought with "I feel" terminology. They are actually expressing what they THINK and the thought, unexamined, limits their potential.

    I love to work with people willing to differentiate between what they think and what they feel. These people are willing to examine their thoughts for patterns that limit their possibilities and may even cause a backwards slide into obesity. Really, losing the weight is just the beginning. Working with our thoughts about our weight and almost every aspect of our lives is central to long-term success and health.

    I expressed thoughts like this on the message boards and within minutes there were multiple comments from people reverting saying "The BMI chart doesn't apply to me because I feel [this and that]." Losing a lot of weight isn't the end of the journey. It is just the beginning. So I believe examining the thought patterns that led to obesity is key in order to not return to obesity.

    The BMI is not a perfect tool. No tool is perfect and there are some concerns as to its' value in all cases and for all bodies. But why not test it ALL THE WAY in your weight loss journey rather than holding-up short of optimal results? What do you think?
  19. Like
    moose18201 got a reaction from LoriDee in fast eater   
    I had the same problem. I switched to child utensils to help take smaller bites. I use timer apps on my phone (bariatric timer helps me alot) the drinking while eating was tough for me but again the timers helped. I also believe the 6 month program helped get me prepared. My last visit is tommorrow (surgical class) everything else is done and green lighted. Hope to get my date soon.
  20. Like
    moose18201 got a reaction from BeagleLover in SAGGY ASS   
    Good for you, dumb asses like him give the rest of us males a bad name.
  21. Like
    moose18201 reacted to Chelenka in SAGGY ASS   
    I beg your pardon for the title but a young person of the male gender (won't refer to him as a man since that implies a level of maturity that he obviously doesn't possess) hollered at me whilst I was riding my bike "you have a saggy ass so you better move it!" Although it is true that I have a saggy ass and many other saggy body parts, I've gotten complacent I guess about fitting in with regular, non-obese, folks and was rather taken aback. Having been obese and for my entire life I have been on the receiving end of many a cruel remark or look of disgust, pointing, stares, snickering, even unwanted groping, more times than I can count, sometimes from members of my own family. I usually turned the other cheek and went on my way. Today, however, I found myself boiling over with anger. I caught up to said young person of the male gender at a stop light and yelled at him "my saggy ass is better than your flat dick!" Then I stood up on the pedals and rode furiously away. I'm feeling a bit ashamed of myself for stooping so low.
  22. Like
    moose18201 reacted to TEXASLADY52 in Buffet restaurants?   
    RUN-----stay away from them-----too tempting
  23. Like
    moose18201 reacted to Annette Corrado in Buffet restaurants?   
    I avoid all buffets AS it would only "invite" ME to eat those "unavoidables" DANGER STAY AWAY.................lol
  24. Like
    moose18201 reacted to eacarpenter in Looking for friends with September surgery dates   
    Hi! My name is Beth and I am scheduled for my gastric bypass on September 10th, 2014.
    I am looking for friends that would like to keep in touch to help each other thru this whole process. I have only been able to go to one support group meeting because of my hours at work (and honestly...it wasn't quite what I thought it would be).
    I am trying to get healthier now to continue after the surgery. I have lost 25+ lbs in the 6 months my insurance made me wait and have worked up to walking 5 miles 2-3 times a week and 2 miles the rest of the days. I am also trying to stay away from the computer as much as possible. So, if anyone is interested in having a friend to text or a Facebook friend that is going thru the same things you are...please feel free to let me know!!
    I have also have done something crazy, but motivational at the same time...and it will encourage me to get back into exercise full-force when I am able to after surgery. I have signed up to walk the Disney Half-Marathon on January 10th (exactly four months after my surgery) to benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Foundation! Is anyone else willing to join me???
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    moose18201 reacted to Ginger Snaps in Hallelujah -- I'm OVERWEIGHT!   
    Yesterday I hit my halfway goal of 35 pounds with 35 to go. Today, one more pound down, I'm officially OVERWEIGHT and not obese! My BMI is 29.9 and in my house, we never round up! lol
    How exciting! I had been stalled on that 1 last pound for over a week and while I wasn't stressing over not dropping the pound, I was SO wrapped up in anticipating seeing those numbers on the scale!
    Two big milestones in 2 days -- I'm in heaven! This surgery has been the best thing for me ever. I have TONS of energy -- sometimes exercising twice a day because it just feels so damn good! And my self-confidence is through the roof because I'm finally doing something so good for myself and I feel like my outside is starting to match the outgoing, energetic person I am on the inside!
    Leaving tomorrow for a week long vacation in Belize with the kids -- have zip lining, cave tubing and snorkeling/fishing trips planned. For once, I feel like I will be able to keep up with my crew (23, 20 and 15). At least I know I want be the one dragging down the rest of the group!
    Life is Good!

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