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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    KQH reacted to missyjoy2078 in Piyo i love you   
    I'm 3 weeks into piyo and one shakeology in am. I've only lost 3 lbs but I totally see my shape changing. I hate jumping (curse of big boobs). But thought I would share my results in case anyone has thought of getting it.

  2. Like
    KQH got a reaction from FairySleeve in Naming your Sleeve?   
    Milagro the Mexican Wonder Tummy!

    milagro = miracle in Spanish
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    KQH reacted to BurberryPlaid in Suggestions for Zumba DVDs and a great blog!   
    Look for Zumba Gold...it's an easier version of Zumba designed for older people or those who want a less intense workout. They have a 3 DVD set
    They also have Zumba Gold classes if you're looking for a class. You can find them by looking on the Zumba website
  4. Like
    KQH reacted to ChaoticBliss in Waterpark... Then and now....   
    Two years ago , I took my kids to a Waterpark. I was overweight but I went on all the rides. I remember the stairs causing me to be out of breath but the rides were fine and we had a nice time. A year later, more weight, another "better" Water park, I am not even comfortable in the specially ordered swimsuit I ordered for the trip. I have embarrassing moments with tubes and slides but I went for my children, not my self image. I am days away from surgery. Another year later, 60 pounds down, another Waterpark, I feel great. I notice that the stairs don't even cause me to be out of breath, the slides are fun and I have very few problems with tubes. I make it across the "Lilly pad rope" challenge and my 13 year old son is like " aww mom I didn't even get to see you wipe out" while I could tell he was proud I made it across. My older teenage daughters were not embarrassed to walk around the park with their "beautiful" mom. This is not the experience from prior years. This is what VSG has done for me. This is what I have done. This is really enjoying my life as their mom! Water parks included. ????
  5. Like
    KQH reacted to Dondie Olivia in Sleeves Are Like Cats   
    I realized today that my sleeve deserves a whole new name. I was going with "she who must be obeyed". As of today it it "The heartless, ruthless, soul sucking, b%tch from h3ll." For over a week, I have been having problems. Oh no, "she' that vile creature from h3ll, couldn't let me know right away that something didn't agree with me. "she" had to wait over 30 minutes to let me know. First time, new to me Protein Shake. Vega one. All was well and good and then BAM!! The torture began. Hot flashes, cramps, stomach pain, the urge to throw up and that ever relentless pain. After about 3 hours, it eased off. I did feel like hammered poop the rest of the day, but I got through it.
    Today, I went to the grocery store. I had my why bother, Decaf, sugar free, fat free coffee. I get coconut crusted talapia and chicken breasts.
    Come home and decide to eat part of a chicken breast ( I was hungry), then go to the consignment shops and find some clothes that fit.
    I get there and start trying on clothes. I get 18s, too big. I grab some 16s, a little tight but I know I will fit them soon. (at this point I'm grinning like a loon and looking in the mirror and say you got to a 16).
    Then like a cat deciding to pounce, a little pain. Ok, thinking I'm a little excited, I can deal.
    Grab more clothes to try on, the pain get worse. Look at my watch, 45 minutes since I ate. Ok, I'll buy the dress I like and leave. Then it really hits.
    It feels like someone has grabbed my chest and started squeezing. Ok, play time over, time to go. I give the clothes back and leave, hunched over and gasping like a smoker trying to yell bingo.
    While driving home, the pain moves. To my back and lower stomach. I unzip my pants, eases the pain. The upper chest is really bothering me and I pull at my bra. At this point I'm thinking is this a heart attack? Chest hurts, back hurts....the neck doesn't hurt, no tingling in the left arm. Besides, had the old ticker checked in March. All normal.
    Pulling on the bra seemed to ease some pain so I think, I could slip the bra off, not pretty, but I'd feel better. I didn't do it. Don't want anybody to look over and go blind while screaming UNSEE!!! I finally make it home and as the garage door is closing I'm ripping off clothes. It eases the pain but what the h3ll?! Not my typical allergic reaction. It feels like an allergic reaction. I get two tylenol. It kicks in and I begin to feel better. Then the diarrhea hits. I'm thinking good thing I didn't fart. We all know not to trust a fart.
    So my sleeve is acting like a cat. It ignores me for the longest time, then goes berserk. Why? Who knows why cats do things? Because they are cats. Sleeves belong in the same category. You give cats catnip to make them happy. What do you give sleeves? Maalox?
    These new developments are frustrating. That heartless b&tch called a sleeve is constantly changing the game. That reminds me again....sleeves are like cats.
  6. Like
    KQH got a reaction from Pkdvm in JULY 2014 SLEEVERS GROUP   
    Baby lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots = no problem at all. Sprinkled with feta and a good quality balsamic vinegar is HEAVEN! I was craving salad something fierce.

    I'm eating between 800-1000 on a regular day, getting all Water and Protein + healthy veggies, bike & treadmill 5+ days/week, and am down 50 lbs since pre-op.
  7. Like
    KQH reacted to NothingUpMySleeve in So how do you really know ?opinions please   
    So, I work in a hospital but I had surgery in Mexico, and yeah, I can certainly see where corners are cut, but not always in the ways people bring up here.
    Is it possible my surgeon lied about the brand of staples used? Possibly, but I really don't think so. It's more about how hospitals here in the US have tremendous costs that aren't necessarily tied to the procedure. For example, I had a complication. It was scary, but I'm fine now. Had this happened in the US, I would have had a visit from Risk, a nursing manager, some additional sort of patient advocate, so forth. There may have been an investigation involving numerous parties, legal, HR, administration, etc. These things are hugely expensive, and the documentation involved goes beyond what even a nurse or physician is aware of. I know because I see it. Does this regulation and liability due diligence add an extra layer of safety? Absolutely! Would it have been worth an extra $15,000 to me? Hard to say. Sometimes my decision to go to mexico still makes me uneasy, but other times I'm at peace with it. Regardless, I've been very pleased with my results (size 2!!!!) and anytime I've had questions, the practice has quickly gotten back to me via email. So no, I don't find it impossible for this surgery to be done for $4500, but there are differences, certainly.
    I know this is a rambling response, but I see such polarized responses on this board: it's either, "Mexico has only corrupt evil doctors who use vet equipment and steal your kidneys and hit on you," or it's, "Mexican surgery is the best and even better than the US, so OMG," when in reality I think it's neither extreme. There are good and bad surgeons everywhere.
  8. Like
    KQH got a reaction from Pkdvm in JULY 2014 SLEEVERS GROUP   
    Baby lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots = no problem at all. Sprinkled with feta and a good quality balsamic vinegar is HEAVEN! I was craving salad something fierce.

    I'm eating between 800-1000 on a regular day, getting all Water and Protein + healthy veggies, bike & treadmill 5+ days/week, and am down 50 lbs since pre-op.
  9. Like
    KQH got a reaction from Pkdvm in JULY 2014 SLEEVERS GROUP   
    Baby lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots = no problem at all. Sprinkled with feta and a good quality balsamic vinegar is HEAVEN! I was craving salad something fierce.

    I'm eating between 800-1000 on a regular day, getting all Water and Protein + healthy veggies, bike & treadmill 5+ days/week, and am down 50 lbs since pre-op.
  10. Like
    KQH reacted to Ava324 in Official: FitBit Thread   
    I've had the FitBit Zip for two weeks, and everything was going well with it.. Until Saturday morning. I woke up, got my FitBit off the nightstand, and it read that I'd taken 32,000+ steps. For about ten minutes I thought I had a defective device and was pretty bummed. Then I remembered this was the first time I'd put it on my nightstand, which also has a table fan.
    Not defective. Careful where you put these things!
  11. Like
    KQH reacted to Susysleever in Being a fat lady at a skinny gym...   
    Skinny women? Those are the 'afters'. I am just the 'before'.
  12. Like
    KQH reacted to swimbikerun in Being a fat lady at a skinny gym...   
    Girlfriend listen to me:
    Your money is the SAME size and color as those skinny people.
    You know how they got skinny and stay that way? By not caring what some other person with a hangup has and getting in there and working it!
    You will have role models in front of you to keep motivated.
    I didn't care. I was in a gym for college age people. I got out there walking and then cheering on any one else larger. I then kept working it until I was down girlfriend ...
    do not under any circumstances, after you've come this far, let someone with a small mind interrupt your Quest to be healthier.
  13. Like
    KQH reacted to WhoKnows in My revelation   
    Sure thing! Well, for starters, you gotta know how to cook quinoa right:
    I sometimes use a bit less Water than they suggest, so it stays a bit firmer, but that's just trial and error. Like I said, I usually also use veggie broth (chicken broth would work as well) instead of or mixed with Water.< /p>
    As for recipes, this salad was a big hit a bbq I went to recently. It's very simple:
    Here's one I've been wanting to try:
    I think you could add other veggies as well, and also more spices. And you could use a yogurt dip too, if the idea of almonds or cashews is too hippy-dippy at this point.
    There's also this quinoa a pizza crust. It's a good way to add some extra Protein and cut out processed flour if you feel like splurging on pizza! I think for us, one slice is enough, and the rest can go to whomever you're sharing the meal with:
    And finally, here's one for a black bean and quinoa chili (you could also add meat to it, I'm sure). I haven't tried this exact recipe, since when I make chili I tend to just wing it, but I know that cooking quinoa in chili or curries is really yummy and the reviews on this one are excellent. With this sort of thing, the quinoa sort of dissolves a bit, so it might be a good first recipe for you:
  14. Like
    KQH reacted to Jersrose43 in My revelation   
    I love quinoa
    I do zucchini, red bell pepper, red onion, garlic
    2 cups quinoa
    2 1/2 cups chicken broth
    1 1/2 cups Water
    Sauté the veggies in olive oil
    Just enough to blend flavors and stay firm.
    5 mins tops!
    Put quinoa in pot by itself
    Allow it to toast for 3 minute
    Keep stirring so it doesn't burn
    Add veggies
    Add Water and broth
    Bring to a boil
    Turn down to simmer
    Cook until all water is gone and quinoa has sprouted just a little
  15. Like
    KQH reacted to jena530 in I've Fallen (newbies learn from my mistakes!)   
    I am two year post op and putting on weight. I need to get back on this site and refresh my memory. I wish I never stopped checking in on this support system daily.
    Little by little, I fell back into poor eating habits. I never got on track with an exercise routine either. BIG MISTAKE.
    I had my surgery in April and by early August I had lost 30+lbs. I wasn't impressed. Later in August I went on a 2 week trip to Europe that was strenuous walking. By the time mid-September rolled around I had lost another 40!!!! That exercise on vacation really kick started my weight loss! (did I learn from that? no)
    Stress eating got the best of me and little by little I began eating more and more. More fats. Loads of sugar. ( I'm a sugar addict)
    I pray to God I can shrink my tummy and get back on track. I have put back on half the weight.
    Newbies.....stay the course. Do the work. I'd hate for you to fail as I have.
  16. Like
    KQH reacted to LipstickLady in "My special food"   
    I feel you. My husband is a human garbage disposal. He will plow through every bit of food in the fridge and cabinets without a second thought of why it might be there or who it might "belong" to. (My kids have taken to putting post-it notes on certain things so he knows what's earmarked for class parties, teacher gifts, potlucks, etc.)

    Right after my surgery I had a huge melt down because all the foods I had specially prepared for my food stages would disappear within hours of me making them. It wasn't pretty. After that, I cleared a cabinet shelf that is just for me along with a fridge drawer. NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO ENTER EITHER. PERIOD. I don't care if the food is rotting into a horrific science fair project, **NO ONE** can touch.

    I also bought little round stickers that are different colors (green, yellow, red) and stick them on different items that are mine. Green means fair game, yellow means don't eat the last two and write it on the shopping list, red mean eat at risk of death. It's working.
  17. Like
    KQH reacted to madwife2002 in Portion Control   
    I am sure who ever said 'My eyes are bigger than my belly' must have had WLS
    Today I baked chicken drum sticks and once they were done I bounced down to the Kitchen to get my dinner!
    I placed 3 drumsticks on my plate and sat down to eat them-not a thought in my head that I could not possible eat 3 drumsticks
    I ate one and started in on the second when I realized I was full and I could not even eat the second one let alone the 3rd
    Previously I would have wolfed down 3 and got back for another now-this is what WLS has done for me!
    My eyes are definitely bigger than my belly!
    I still get hungry that hasn't changed for me but the difference is no matter how hungry I am, a few bites in and I am satisfied
  18. Like
    KQH reacted to Ginger Snaps in Woman only please   
    I've only had two since surgery -- the second one was horrible -- so much bleeding at first and then it seemed to last forever. I'm guessing it's just what you thought -- the hormones stored in fat knocking things out of whack. But it wasn't anything I felt I needed to go to the doctor for. At my age (48) and not planning any more babies, I wish he could have just taken all that out while he was in there doing surgery. I am SO over having periods! lol
  19. Like
    KQH reacted to livvsmum in GOAL! Flipogram of My Journey   
    Sorry for the crosspost in the success stories board also, but I wanted to post this here to encourage anyone just starting this journey. It's totally do-able, and if I can do it, believe me when I say, anyone can do it!!!
    So yesterday I reached my goal weight, losing 134 pounds in 10.5 months. I made a flipogram with all of my monthly progress pics to illustrate my journey to this point. It was pretty awesome to see and actually made both my husband and myself cry. It's been a LOT of work and I've grown tremendously in strength both inside and out on this journey.

    Ok, so I can't figure out how to embed it, so here is the link to the flipogram!
  20. Like
    KQH reacted to AZDee in Plastic Surgeon In Mexico after WLS?   
    I had RNY in Ensenada, several years ago. Then last year I started my plastic surgeries also in Mexico, this time Tijuana. I found a wonderful Plastic Surgeon, named Dr. Victor Gutierrez, not only is he a board certified Plastic Surgeon, but also he has a specialty in Micro-Surgery, his incisions and sewing are flawless. I had a lower body lift with him 2 months ago and could not be happier. I flew to San Diego, was picked up and taken to the clinic, where I had surgery, spent a week there and flew back. My stiches were all interior so I was able to return after only a week....Healing went very well, no issues at all. Results, better than I could hope for...
  21. Like
    KQH reacted to deedadumble in Plastic Surgeon In Mexico after WLS?   
    Sleeve with Dr. Lopez in Puerto Vallarta 1/17/13. I'm in Monterrey, Mexico right now recuperating from an LBL, AL, BL/BA, autologous butt flap augmentation, and a lower face/neck lift. Felling pretty good considering the number of procedures. Dr. Sauceda is my doctor.
  22. Like
    KQH reacted to JamieLogical in Plastic Surgeon In Mexico after WLS?   
    I lost 90+ pounds "on my own" back in 2010/2011 and had extended Tummy Tuck, breast lift w/ augmentation, and Lipo body contouring all over with Dr. Cardenas in Tijuana. I have unfortunately gained back most of the weight I lost, which is why I'm on these forums in the first place. I am scheduled for Gastric Sleeve with Ariel Ortiz on Sept. 1 and I will definitely be returning to Dr. Cardenas if I require any revisions to my tummy tuck or any additional plastics after I lose the weight for good. She is AMAZING and a wonderful, caring person and I love her to death. Her staff and the staff of the recovery house she's affiliated with were there for me every single second of every single day. I spent 14 days in Tijuana and Dr. Cardenas herself came and checked on me every single day at the recovery house except for one day when she had to travel out of town. I had round-the-clock nursing care. They provided me with everything I needed... medication, toiletries, robes/nightgowns to wear, all my food was prepared for me. The staff helped me in and out of bed, showered me, helped me go to the bathroom... I just can't say enough good things about the whole experience. No doubt I will be returning if I need any work after my weight loss from my sleeve.
  23. Like
    KQH reacted to Tamlyn in Things that I can't wait for or even imagine!   
    In addition to all those fabulous things, I am looking forward to not getting squeezed when I sit in booths in a restaurant. (And not having my boobs sitting on the table in front of me! That'd be nice. I'm tired of the three of us having lunch together!)
    And for the arm rest in my car to go all the way down.
    And to wear something besides black stretchy shorts and Just My Size tee shirts in the summer. Most boring summer wardrobe EVER!
    Also, I want to get into my husband's pants. Like, literally. I've never been small enough to borrow his clothes, and I SO want to!
  24. Like
    KQH reacted to Jboyd2014 in Things that I can't wait for or even imagine!   
    My surgery is booked for August 4 and here are some things that I can't wait for or even imagine doing!
    1. Crossing my legs
    2. Putting on shoes/ runners without discomfort
    3. Wrapping a normal towel around me and it fitting
    4. Not wearing a seat belt extender on the plane
    5. Not worrying about sitting on camping chairs
    6. Not worrying about bumping into people
    7. My knees not hurting when I walk
    8. Loving walking my dogs it's dreadful now
    9. Not being ashamed and wondering if people are talking about me
    10. To love my body instead of hate it
    11. A better relationship with food I currently hate food and what it does to me
  25. Like
    KQH got a reaction from Khristine in What was your favorite thing to eat in the "pureed" stage?   
    Another vote for refried beans! Added Greek yogurt and taco sauce to mine, plus a scoop of Protein powder and a tiny bit of broth to thin if necessary. I'd even eat it cold

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