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About sweetie716

  • Rank
    Bariatric Guru

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    High School Teacher
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    Fuquay Varina
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  1. sweetie716

    I'm almost there

    That is so exciting! It is a huge, but wonderful, life change. Just remember to take it one step at a time and even if roadblocks do pop up, it will be worth it in the end. So happy for you!
  2. sweetie716

    I've gained weight

    Yes, Laydee_G, it is a lifetime. I know I had that mindset going in, and I was definitely nervous about it because I was 29 at the time and scared that I wouldn't be able to make it last for life. I gained confidence as the months went by. Then with this hiccup late March/early April I felt pretty deflated. I kept thinking why am I doing this to myself. THankfully- I've been doing great since my last post. Since Thursday I've been back to basics and have taken 10 pounds off. I am so thankful that my body is responsive to positive changes. I still have another 10-20 to go. The best part is that right now I have the peace of just doing what I'm supposed to be doing. My head is relatively quiet- no trying to justify a bad choice or crazy cravings. Maybe I just needed some accountability here. It's been a while since I've checked in and written in a forum. I have also been praying about this a lot. Thank you all for being here- it really is easier to get through when you have others who are also working toward the same goal to talk to about it.
  3. Just working on making it through today.

  4. sweetie716

    I've gained weight

    I can do great all day long, but after a long, stressful day at work, it's like all the sense and determination and goals I have for myself just evaporate and I all of a sudden "deserve it" or can "get back to it in the next meal or tomorrow." Basically, how I struggled before surgery. It's absolute nonsense, and sometimes I know it is, but I make a bad choice anyway. I really thought that I was done with all of that struggle, but for the moment that struggle is still very real. I had a blissful year and (almost) a half with very few thoughts of food or struggles to make the right decision. I knew what I was doing and I just did it. I thought that my mind was all fixed up. This particular moment in time isn't so easy. Once things smooth out for me a bit in regards to the day-to-day, minute-to-minute decisions about food, I will be extremely careful to continue to make better decisions. I haven't had any trouble losing, but once a significant portion of the regain comes off, I have made bad decisions again and the cycle persists. I need to just stay the course until goal (again), then stay put. In general, the 5 months or so where I did maintain within the same 5 pound range were not all that easy either. It is tough right now, but I'm hoping that with enough time between me and carbs, I'll get back into the "this is just what I do" mode and it won't be the kind of struggle that it feels like right now.
  5. sweetie716

    I've gained weight

    Don't I know it. The thing that is annoying is that I really didn't miss carbs much when I wasn't eating them. It was easy to just block out all the things I didn't eat- no refined carbs whatsoever. The problem came in when I deviated from my zero tolerance rule. Now I'm working on getting as much time as possible under my belt going without carbs. The longer I go the better off I'll be. I just regret going off in the first place.
  6. sweetie716

    I've gained weight

    I am currently working on taking off some weight that has come back on recently. I ate a piece of cheesecake over easter break and since then I feel like I've opened pandora's box. I have been eating things I shouldn't and gaining because of it. I make it like a week or a week and a half of doing good and then I eat carbs again. Before this, I had not eaten any refined carbohydrates at all- not a single cracker or piece of bread- nothing. Now it feels like I can't turn it off. It has been a couple of months now that I've been struggling with things. However, I am working on making good decisions meal by meal. I find it much easier to do all shakes, I hate trying to regulate my food intake and make food decisions. However, I don't think that shakes all the time are going to be a great long term solution.
  7. Oh, also see if you can get sample packs/individual servings before buying a whole bag/tub of something. It will probably save you money in the long run.
  8. I used (and still use) Bariatric Advantage. I like that it has all the vitamins/nutrients in it. I just went with the one my surgeon's office recommended for the preop diet. I did try the unflavored unjury, but i was super sensitive to the Protein taste/smell at the time (due to having only Protein shakes for 4 weeks straight), so I did not enjoy it. It might be different now. Good luck! It's an exciting time!!
  9. Awesome job!! What a great progress pic!
  10. sweetie716

    Drinking with meals?

    I still follow the rule. I think it was easier for me post-op. After the surgery everything changed so much- portions, food types, etc., that changing some of the habits around food got easier as well. I chewed like crazy, ate more slowly, and separated food and Fluid. It just naturally became the new norm afterwards because it's how I had to eat. Now that I'm about 13 months out, I still do the rules, although I've been eating faster- I need to work on that one.
  11. sweetie716

    Has anyone lost 100+ pounds?

    I lost 200. I lost almost exactly 50 preop (about 6 months, but about 20 of that was just in the 4 week preop diet I had), then after surgery it took me just under a year to lose the other 150. I exercised EVERY day and stuck to the post op instructions regarding diet religiously. I also tracked every bite of food in mfp. Best of luck to you! Listen to your doctors/nurses/p.a.s and it will happen.
  12. GOAL WEIGHT DAY!!! I finally made it! My original goal was 175, then 150 (normal BMI), then 140 (some wiggle room in normal bmi), and finally 135 (so I don't have to see 140 again, lol). Surgery was December 11 last year. I can't believe it happened in less than a year. This has experience and surgery has exceeded every expectation I've had. Thanks to my Bariatric Pals for everything- the support here has helped me immensely. Now on to maintaining! I think that's the part I'm most nervous about actually.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. liannatx


      Huge congrats! You must be feeling fantastic... and you should, you have worked hard to get here!

    3. BLERDgirl
    4. Djmohr


      Hooray! I am green with envy and so very close myself. 11lbs away. I cannot wait until that happens for me too!

      I bet everything is exciting for you right now!

  13. sweetie716

    Still Losing

    Maybe add another Protein bar? Some of them are packed with calories and protein. Premier Protein Bars are normally almost 300 calories and 30 g of protein. There are 25 g of carbs though, if you are tracking that.
  14. sweetie716

    Clothes - when to purge?

    I kept one pair of my size 26 jeans. it is crazy to get in them now. i'd suggest maybe keeping one or two of your items.
  15. sweetie716

    Clothes - when to purge?

    When it gets to big it goes into the donate pile. When the donate pile gets big enough, it goes to the good will.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
