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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    wyomom reacted to della street in Almost cried today   
    Leepers, I totally understand -- feel shame every time I fly and ask for an extender -- and last time we took a trip, I bought two seats -- luckily, we had frequent flier miles, but every leg of the trip, I had to explain to the gate agent, and then to flight attendants, that the seat next to me was not empty, I bought two tickets -- and oh yes, can I please have an extender. UGH. Can't wait for surgery - orientation in a few days -- so at least I'm heading in the right direction...
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    wyomom reacted to della street in Almost cried today   
    Oh boy, do we all know how you feel -- the BP cuff; the large-size gowns that they have to go hunt for because they're not kept in each exam room; the one-size-fits-all (ha!) paper gowns that you need two of and that keep tearing as you try to fit into/cover yourself. My PCP once sent me to get a baseline bone-density scan - I arrived; signed in; woman called me back; first stop was the scale. I was actually pleased because I'd lost 9 lbs on my own (still was over 300 however). So I'm kind of happy to myself about my weight loss, then she took me into an exam room, I assumed to get into a gown or something to get ready for the scan. She chatted a couple minutes, and I began to think it was a little strange/just was getting weird vibes, I don't know how else to explain it - then she told me that their machine only goes up to 300 pounds, so they can't do my test and I'll have to go to the "special" scan place that has larger equipment. I found myself with a frozen smile on my face and profusely apologized for wasting her time (ie, apologizing for being too fat), and managed to practically run out the door to my car, where I promptly broke down sobbing. So, we do *get* it, so rant away --
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    wyomom reacted to JustWatchMe in Almost cried today   
    Your life is about to change for the better in so many ways. All of these things that we endured for so many years are about to be a thing of the past. Stay strong. Wonderful times ahead!
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    wyomom reacted to ***** in Surgery Tomorrow   
    Pack comfortable loose fitting clothes, sandals or slip ons (to walk in), toothbrush, hair brush etc. i filed my nails while resting watching tv. Lip balm, my lips were chapped afterwards. Dont forget your ipad or other electronic devices.
    Good luck! Hope it all goes well
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    wyomom reacted to Me.Lisa in October 2014 sleevers check in please!   
    Checking in here. Procedure done on October 21, starting weight 225, current weight 207 yesterday. Those numbers include my 10 day pre - surgery liquid diet. I had a textbook experience/procedure. I am 6 days post and I'm not close to meeting my Water and Protein requirements. Yesterday I was wanting real food so bad, my stomach was actually growling. This morning I woke up before 5 am with some serious back pain. I think it's the binder I wear 24/7. Plus I quite taking all meds by Friday. Other then that everything has been great.
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    wyomom reacted to DLCoggin in Three Years Post-op Today   
    Since having my surgery on October 20, 2011, I have set a "main" goal every year. Year one was obvious, get to the weight that my body wanted to be at. Approximately fourteen months post-op I hit 155 lbs, my weight loss leveled out, I felt great about my weight, about myself, and about what I had accomplished.
    Year two. I had read so many times about "bounce back weight gain". Usually ten or fifteen pounds but sometimes much more. I researched everything I could find and there appeared to be no physical or metabolic justification for the weight gain. It was/is quite common, but I could find no science to explain it. So my year two goal became to avoid the bounce back. I established a window of 151 to 156 lbs that I was determined to maintain. I changed my weigh-ins schedule from my year one weekly weight checks to year two daily checks. My weight in year two was seldom below 151 (maybe two or three times) and never above 156.
    Year three. As you get further out veterans who have "been there done that" often drop off of the forums. It became more difficult to identify potential "bumps in the road" that were common in the third year post-op period. Then over a period of time I read a number of posts by a five year veteran who repeatedly stressed that maintaining your weight becomes more difficult, m u c h more difficult, after the two year mark. And responses to this member's posts seemed to confirm that many had experienced the same difficulties. Once again I looked to science for an explanation and possible suggestions for avoiding or at least minimizing the challenges. And once again I was unable to identify any credible science to explain the problem. So my year three goal became more of a mental challenge than a physical one. I had lost 130 lbs. And I had maintained it for a year. The goal for year three became to maintain my commitment, and my focus, on following my plan that had resulted in the success I had achieved.
    Stay positive. Stay patient. Monitor my weight daily and respond very quickly to weight changes. Making slight increases or decreases in my calorie goal depending on whether I needed to gain or lose two or three pounds. Exercise to my ability. Continue to maintain a food log. The result? I frankly never experienced any identifiable change in my diet, in the effort required to maintain my weight, or in my confidence that I was in complete and absolute control of my weight. No changes. None. Zip. And my weight this morning? 154.2
    I only have one problem - I'm at a total loss for a year four goal! Everyone's thoughts, suggestions, ideas or experiences are most welcome!!
    You guys have a terrific day and regardless of where you're at in your journey always remember - follow your plan and you're gonna love the new you!
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    wyomom got a reaction from curvycurlyfit in Any November Sleevers?   
    I'm 6 days in to the liquids only/protein shakes & am dropping weight like crazy, averaging 1-2 pounds a day right now. Down 20.5 as of this morning from my highest weight back in September. The first couple were tough, headaches & low energy & just felt blah. Had a couple of episodes of hypoglycemia so my Nut is allowing me a 3oz. package of Water pack tuna, plain. It's tastes pretty darn good after those sweet Protein drinks! Also have found that homemade broth tastes pretty good too. I am adding Mio to my water bottles & it's really helping me get the water down. It's kind of tart & really makes the water go down easier. I also add a little unflavored whey protein to up my protein intake. Surgery November 3rd, I'm ready!!!!
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    wyomom reacted to Wingnut90 in Any November Sleevers?   
    Anyone in November start their pre op diet yet? I am on day 3 had some times where I've been hungry but overall not bad enough to call it quits, I have my mind made up thus what I want and can't wait for summer to show off the hard work.
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    wyomom got a reaction from INT125922 in Before and after picture   
    Wow, thanks for posting these, amazing!! I'm just beginning, on pre-op liquids & due for surgery November 3rd. Seeing how successful you've been gives me more hope, I need to lose 200pounds & you make me think I can do it!!!
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    wyomom reacted to Andy810 in Sleeve? ... Done!   
    It's midnight and I am pleased to say that it's been a great day. Surgery was at 11am this morning and I am 3 hours into a good nights sleep, having woken for a pee and an obs check. I'm in an altogether better than expected place. All pain is well under control and so far I have had no gas or nausea issues. I have been up out of bed and walked a little. My 30ml (water) per hour restriction has just been lifted so I'm now on free fluids and I'm even promised half a cup of tea for breakfast! ...I'm happy....
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    wyomom reacted to onlybroomegirl in Best and worst "compliments"   
    I'm the mom of 2 pretty amazing teenage boys. They were cutting up the other day & made an off color remark about someone who was heavy. I chimed in & said, "on behalf of fat people everywhere that's not ok! & you should be kinder"???? cue the maternal lecture...
    Then my 16 yr old said, "yeah but you aren't fat!"
    I almost cried
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    wyomom reacted to puttingme1st in Just had surgery. Things I learned   
    I had surgery on 10/22. Thought I would share a few things I learned to help others before surgery.
    -stick to your pre-op diet. Don't cheat. I had two weeks of only liquids, stuck to it and my liver was still big. Luckily doc could still do it.
    -if they offer a binder to wear after surgery, take it. If not, ask for one. I could not believe the difference it made. I wear mine even when sleeping. Makes turning over much easier.
    - gas-x strips will be your best friend. Pack them to take with you to hospital.
    -walk, walk, walk, walk. As soon as you can. Bug your nurses if you need help getting up.
    -ask your doc if you can take crushed pills (any of your regular pills) in applesauce. My doc suggested Greek yogurt and I couldn't do it. Was way too bitter. Applesauce made a world of difference.
    -if you are a side sleeper, I found putting a pillow under my belly while sleeping helps a lot.
    -to stay hydrated, I take 3 sips every commercial while watching TV. I sure don't want to end up back in the hospital for dehydration.
    -it may be tough to get your Protein. I have no appetite. I freeze my shakes and eat them like ice. Helps some.
    I know I'm just a few days out, but these are some important things I've learned. Hope it helps someone else. So excited for my new journey!
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    wyomom reacted to INT125922 in Before and after picture   
    57 – 72 pounds to go

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    wyomom reacted to jes76 in Just sleeved   
    Just sleeved yesterday! So excited and shocked at how smooth the beginning has been. Now just wish I could belch and or pass some gas. sleep has been difficult as well. But otherwise doing well and can't wait to go home with my family.
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    wyomom reacted to jes76 in Finally Home   
    Glad to be home. Trying to sip my fluids in. You almost have to sip constantly. And I have never been big a Fluid intake even before this surgery.
    Part of the problem I am having is that all th sugar free Jello and Popsicles as well as pre-made Protein Drinks are way to sweet. I have pretty much been sticking with chicken bullion cubes, Water, and my powder Protein Shakes made with skim milk. I can't wait to start seeing some results.
    Thank you everyone for all your encouraging words. It means a lot to me.
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    wyomom reacted to Limacina in Asking all you post sleevers: What do you wish you had known or done before surgery?   
    It is tough at first, but it keeps getting better and better.
    Foods get easier to take in. Water gets easier to drink (was such a struggle, could only sip water for the first couple months)
    I'm now 5 months out, 331 pounds in March, 309 in June on the day of surgery, 220 pounds today. Aiming to get below 200, 6 foot tall, large frame body.
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    wyomom reacted to sophie'sChoice in Asking all you post sleevers: What do you wish you had known or done before surgery?   
    Hmmmm, Like lacowgirl I wish I hadn't stocked up so much on Jello and pudding. Who knew that a pudding cup would last me 2 servings??!! I'm also in agreement with the others that said don't stock up on Protein drinks because my favorite Protein Drink tasted gross to me after surgery. By the way, it is again my favorite but it took a few months for me to try it again. I wish I had known that adding a little something to my Water would help me get it down better. It seems that plain Water sat heavy on my tummy but just a little flavoring of any kind seemed to help with this (won't bore you with theories of the surface tension of water etc) but it did help me a lot. I wish I had a before picture. I wish someone would have told me that the Iron supplement they gave me in the hospital would turn my poop BLACK. Yikes....should warn a girl. And I wish someone would have told me that you CAN get constipated when you are only taking in fluids...who knew. I will NEVER let that happen again. not fun.
    Good luck to you! Look forward to hearing more from you.
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    wyomom reacted to Bobby46 in Asking all you post sleevers: What do you wish you had known or done before surgery?   
    I wish that I didn't worry so much before. I read so much that I was convinced it was going to be a horrible and difficult process. I had a very smooth ride. I thought I was going to be in a lot of pain and that I wouldn't be able to do anything for several weeks after surgery. Nope...I felt great 4 days out. I spent 1 night in the hospital and didn't take any pain meds after I got home. I could have gone back to work within a week. I worried so much before hand that I wasn't doing something right or that something drastic and horrible would happen after! I read so many of these threads and was convinced I would have regrets and that I would never be the same again. So, my advice....keep in mind that a lot of people have questions and concerns so there are a lot of, kind of scary, posts if you take it all in. People who have it smooth sailing don't post as often...they have no concerns. I wish I would have thought about that or known that. I am exactly the same person emotionally and mentally that I was before surgery....I was convinced I would have a very difficult time dealing with the changes. Yes...I have had moments where I wanted a piece of cake or where I wanted to eat a huge plate of food....but, I whined a bit and then I sucked it up. I only have about 20% of the room I had before but you know what? I still eat well...I love the food I eat....I just eat less. Isn't that the whole point of this surgery? That's why I had it anyway. So...Overall I just wish I relaxed more.
    Now for a more simple answer..... Don't over buy your Protein shakes. Buy as you need it because you will definitely hate some you loved before and love some you hated before Good news though....9 weeks out and I am eating the things that made my stomach roll when I first tried them. Nothing seems to be a problem for me.
    Good Luck to you!!! Hope you are also one of the smooth sailors!!
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    wyomom reacted to dropdeadweightdiva in Asking all you post sleevers: What do you wish you had known or done before surgery?   
    To focus on fluids over Protein for the first week or two, use an app to remind yourself to sip and to help slow down once eating solids.. that the scale should not rule your universe, measurements are better....the scale will not drop on a daily basis so don't be disappointed when it doesn't..... Stalls happen and can last sometimes for months but they always end if you stay on task...... Be kind to yourself, guilt does you no favors...... Wait to try eggs, too many of us have a negative first experience too early out.... Introduce foods one at a time whenever possible so you know what doesn't sit well and what does.... Don't hesitate to call your doctor if you have issues or concerns post op...Listen to your sleeve and learn to recognize what it's trying to tell you...... Pay attention to the difference between head hunger, actual hunger and thirst...
    Most importantly, Celebrate the little things, the big things and all those things in between, (just not with food anymore) and know that you are worth it!!!!
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    wyomom reacted to FitnFabfor2014 in Asking all you post sleevers: What do you wish you had known or done before surgery?   
    That the foods I used to be able to eat are not longer allowed in my new tummy. Believe me, not by choice. In the beginning I had a lot of guest re-appearances.
    Also, a few teaspoons of anything makes me feel like a ate an entire holiday meal. I never thought that would happen.
  21. Like
    wyomom reacted to IcanMakeit in Asking all you post sleevers: What do you wish you had known or done before surgery?   
    I wish I had known how common it is for the newly sleeved to have difficulty getting in all of the required Water and Protein in the early days. I was so afraid that I was doing something wrong, and later discovered that many, if not most post-ops had the same problems. It really helped me to stop worrying and trust the process.
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    wyomom reacted to JCP in September Sleevers....whatcha eat in' now?   
    I am 6 weeks on Wed. Trying to get most of my Protein via food. Turkey works well (deli and ground), cheese, tuna, and eggs mostly. Have had baked chicken once. Tried ground sirloin, did not work so avoiding beef and also have not tried pork. Actually, my main food addictions were meats and sugar. Now anything sweet tastes awful and meats also are unappealing. I may end up a vegetarian yet as the things that taste best to me are different types of Beans and cheese. The good news is my A1C and cholesterol are way down so that's a huge win. I am able to sleep without my cpap, am down a size or 2 depending on the clothes, and can walk distances that made my back hurt previously. So having some foods taste bad is a price I will pay happily although I was very frustrated by it initially. Oh, and not sure of total weight loss as I only weigh at the doctors but I think it's around 40 lbs counting my 2 week pre-op. All in all, still learning and adjusting, but feel I am ahead of the curve and on the right road now.
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    wyomom reacted to missv2u in December 2013 Sleever Pounds Lost Log   
    I been missing for a while but I wanted to give an update.
    HW: 391
    SW: 351 (12/23/13)
    CW: 256
    I am a 95lb loss since Surgery.... I am so excited!
    Total loss since HW 135lbs!!! *-*
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    wyomom reacted to TSJackie in NSV shout outs   
    I'm only a week out and had my very first NSV!! I bought a pair of dress pants 3 years ago that were way too small at the time, just in case I decided to lose weight. I found them in the back of my closet and decided to try them on...and they fit perfectly!! I'm so excited for the rest of this journey that I'm on!!
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    wyomom reacted to zoepoodle in NSV shout outs   
    My BP is normal and I don't have diabetes any longer!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
