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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Schmincke got a reaction from ChristmasJanet in Surgeon has only done 26 sleeves   
    Consider this abstract - malpractice lawsuits are more common with inexperienced surgeons:
    Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2014 Jan-Feb;10(1):121-4. doi: 10.1016/j.soard.2013.04.015. Epub 2013 Jun 11. Bariatric-related medical malpractice experience: survey results among ASMBS members. Dallal RM1, Pang J2, Soriano I2, Cottam D3, Lord J4, Cox S5. Abstract BACKGROUND:The medicolegal aspects of bariatric surgery are very difficult to analyze scientifically because there is no central, searchable database of closed case claims and little incentive for malpractice insurers to divulge data. Examining medicolegal data may provide insight into the financial and psychological burden on physicians. Detailed data also may be used to improve patient safety and determine common causes of negligence.
    METHODS:All U.S.-based members of the American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgeons were asked to complete a survey regarding their bariatric-related medical malpractice experience.
    RESULTS:Of the 1672 eligible members that received the survey, 330 responded (19.7%). Mean years in practice was 15.3±9. Mean annual cost of malpractice insurance was $59,200±$52,000 (N = 197). The respondent surgeons experienced 1.5±3.2 lawsuits on average over the course of their practice. Of the 330 respondents, 144 (48%) did not report a bariatric-related lawsuit filed against them. Of the 464 lawsuits reported by 156 surgeons, 126 were settled out of court (27%), 249 were dropped (54%), and 54 (18%) went to trial. Seventy-two percent of cases that went to trial were found to be in favor of the defense. The mean lifetime amount paid for suits was $250,000±$660,000. The probability of a bariatric surgeonexperiencing a lawsuit was independently associated with the years in practice (P = .03) and number of total cases thesurgeon has performed (P = .01). The annual cost of malpractice insurance was independently predicted by the amount paid in previous claims (P = .01).
    CONCLUSIONS:The probability of a medical malpractice lawsuit correlates positively to the number of proceduresperformed and the number of years the surgeon has been in practice.
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    Schmincke reacted to terry1118 in Favorite Foods Post Op   
    I'm nine months out. I've always been able to eat seafood like tilapia, salmon, clams, scallops, and shrimp. I also love spicy foods so I enjoy home made spicy turkey chili, hummus w/jalapeños, pepper jack and horseradish cheddar cheeses, and buffalo chicken meatballs w/blue cheese. I like to add jalapeños to quite a few foods. I can eat a little beef if it's tender and I chew carefully. I still can't eat poultry unless it's ground and for some reason I can't eat tuna. I haven't tried pork. Drier meats can sometimes be tolerated if you moisten them with broths, gravies, or sauces.
    Honestly though, everyone is different. You may not tolerate what I can and visa-versa. If something bothers you today it may not bother you a week or a month from now. And something you've been eating all along may suddenly make you sick (not often, but be prepared for the possibility). Each individual learns by trial and error what the can eat. Be prepared also for the possibility also that nothing may taste or smell right for 4-6 weeks following surgery. If that happens to you it will gradually diminish over time.
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    Schmincke reacted to DLCoggin in How do you see your weightloss?   
    It is probably fair to say that us guys are not as in tune to our emotions as the gals are. But having said that, how do I feel about my weight loss? I'm almost two and half years out and it's even more exciting today, and every day, than it was two and a half years ago. Every day is a new adventure and if I need a reminder of how delicious my life is - all I have to do is look in the mirror.
    I savor every moment of my new life. A life that, not that long ago, I believed was Simply Beyond my reach. I'm thrilled with the most ridiculously mundane things that most never give a second thought. Putting on my 34" pants - how cool is that? I have medium shirts in every color of the rainbow - how cool is that? I love walking two to three miles and knowing that I just walked two or three miles - how cool is that? I still feel absolutely great and got plenty more in the tank. Amazing. I recently purchased a Total Gym and started strength training for the first time in my life. I cannot tell you how much fun I'm having with it. Every day I discover new strength, new flexibility and new stamina that I have never, in my entire life, known. Astounding. Get this - last night a friend told me that he has lost 31 pounds - and I was his role model. I don't even have a word to describe that one!
    I am in control. Every day. And I know it. When you experience a change this profound, you take everything in, but nothing for granted. There is nothing that I cannot be, do or have. How do you put all of these experiences, all of these feelings, all of these emotions, all of this excitement, all of this joy, into words?
    It's the dawn of a new day and I'm looking forward to celebrating every single moment of it.
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    Schmincke reacted to bloreorbust in How do you see your weightloss?   
    For me, I see it as I have now lost 8 years worth of weight. I know others talk about "I haven't been this weight in 5 (or 10 or 25) years", and this is similar, but possibly a little different. For many of us, the extra weight is a reflection of so many emotions we carry around with us. Baggage. So what I am trying to visualise when I think about how far I have come, is all those emotions being peeled off pound by pound with my weight. In a way I think, if I can let go of these layers of fat I have encased myself with, I can let go of these emotions, these feelings, and not be weighed down by them anymore either, you know?
    There's this version of me that only I and people who really know me see, and she's not obese. She's a strong, healthy woman. And as I peel back each pound, she comes a little more to the surface. For me, losing weight is being able to show who I really am, but I would also like it to be a way to let go of the emotional baggage of the past.
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    Schmincke reacted to chasingadream in Compliments...the good, the bad and the ugly   
    I had my lap band with plication surgery on Sept. 19th. It has been 5 1/2 months since that surgery and life is good and I feel very blessed with the success I've been seeing so far in my lap-band journey. I have lost 82 pounds to date and finally, yes finally, just threw out all the sizes of clothing that no longer fit me...and NEVER will again. So I purchased some new pants and shirts that actually fit and look flattering on me.
    Well, the compliments have been pouring in from every direction. And although yes, it is very nice to hear and very flattering....it is sometimes a little overwhelming. I dont like being the center of attention especially when that attention focuses around the way I look. I'm learning to take it graciously...say "thanks so much" and just continue on with my day. But today, and I'm not sure why today, it actually threw me over the edge a bit.
    Besides the normal, "you look great" comments. I had several people tell me that they were sorry they were staring at me but I just look COMPLETELY different. I felt like an alien. I know my appearance has changed but definitely not to that point. I was walking through the halls today and at one point thought to myself...I just wish noone noticed anymore and would treat me like the old me....it is bizarre.
    And of course in addition to the nice comments....comes the what are you doing? I know it is that curiosity factor of what's working for me may work for them but sometimes people just push that too far. Only 8 people at work know that I had WLS (out of a staff of 70 or so) and that is the way I prefer it since it is a big gossipy rumor mill when "juicy information" is available. I am not ashamed of my decision but I just dont want to hear anything from anyone about my choice. This was one of the hardest decisions I have ever made in my life (and one of the best I might surely add) but I only want people who will support me to know about the very personal choice that I decided to make...hence the small number of people knowing. Sometimes I just wish people could say you look great and just walk away.
    Sometimes I feel like I have been untruthful when asked 'what are you doing?'...but my standard answer is small meals, higher Protein than carbs and walking...and that is the truth! With all the pressure just on the weight loss front I would love to not add any more to the plate...so to speak! Only 2 people came straight out and said "you had lap band surgery" and to those people I unhappily said yes (because I cannot lie to someone)....but surprisingly enough they have been kind enough to keep my private business quiet.
    So, yep...compliments are GREAT...they make me say" yeah it IS working"....and they are bad....to the point of feeling overwhelmed....and they are ugly....when I feel so so uncomfortable that I look SO different I wonder if I've morphed into something so new I wont recognize myself one day!
    Just needed to share my thoughts...thanks for reading!
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    Schmincke reacted to HumorMe00 in NSVs galore   
    This past week has been pretty awesome.
    My birthday happened to be my 6th month surgiversary. My lovely wife has planned us a trip to NYC for a birthday present. She didn't book it until after the reveal, just to make sure I was ok with it. Heck yeah I'm ok with it.
    Thanks to my sleeve:
    I've lost 74lbs.
    I'm not apprehensive about flying. We're even flying Southwest w/o preselecting seats. I would never have done that in the past.
    We're going to see a broadway show and a Rangers game and I'm not stressed about fitting in the seats.
    We're going to a couple if museums and I'm not worried about all the walking.
    And I went to get some new clothes because change of seasons plus a trip = I want clothes that fit. I'm a size 14! Not a 14w, but a 14. In Levi's, at the Gap, at Macy's...I am amazed. Just last month I was getting clothes for a funeral and I was wearing an 18 or 14/16w.
    Most of all, my self-confidence is making a comeback. I didn't realize how low it had gotten over the years.
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    Schmincke reacted to takingaleap in Just found out my husband is trying to cheat!   
    UPDATE>>>>>> We are going to therapy!
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    Schmincke reacted to JeanZ_RN in Take this short Bariatric Survey!   
    Done, and I agree with the others about question #10.
    The questions about spending on Protein products and Vitamins required me to select a response even though I typed in my answer under "other." And the one about Vitamins did not specify whether minerals (eg Calcium, magnesium) should be included.
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    Schmincke reacted to Leepers in I love my hubby!   
    I know for a fact, I would not be doing as well as I'm doing if it weren't for my hubby deciding to change along with me. Yes, I planned on making changes, but it has progressed much faster with him on board. We talk about our eating habits and calorie intake constantly. Also, he joined us up to a gym and my exercise level has progressed much faster than expected. We see this as a life change. We have not had any sodas or fast food since December 9th. And we are Lovin it!
    I'm so happy for you that you have his support. It makes a huge difference. Best wishes to you both!
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    Schmincke reacted to 1Day1Life4Now in I love my hubby!   
    Sounds like you have a keeper. Tell him how you feel, he needs to hear it and will love you more for telling him. The diet will be much easier with the hubby on board. Best of luck to the both of you.
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    Schmincke reacted to jtickle in I love my hubby!   
    I am just starting out my weight loss journey. My husband has decided to go on the programs diet with me. He only has about 60 pounds to lose. He goes to my nut appointments with me. He said he is going to change his eating habits before my surgery so we can lose weight together when I am able to eat solid food again after surgery. I can't believe he is going to do this with me. I can never express to him enough how happy he makes me.
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    Schmincke reacted to smartsiowa in 4 months post op   
    Cw: 210
    So happy to finally be seeing results! I'm down from a size 22 jeans to a loose 16. Tops from plus size 2x to a regular xl! I feel so good that it seems unreal most days!
    The 1st pic is day of surgery, I'm on the right. I did this with my best friend.

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    Schmincke reacted to IndieAllie in Stomach Stretching Already?   
    Madam, I say NO MORE OF THIS!! I'm not going backwards - no way! I'm sitting in the gym parking lot right now about to go walk because my family ordered Chinese and I WONT be tempted!!!!!
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    Schmincke reacted to Madam Reverie in Stomach Stretching Already?   
    Guys, I am in EXACTLY the same boat. I am approaching 6 months out and the EXACT same thing happened to me.
    IndiAllie/Boogiebabe, it is like you reached into my head and pulled out my very experience.
    I have started logging things on MyFitnessPal to improve my accountability.
    I don;t think there's much more we can do - other than be mindful that from this point we're going to have to now 'work' at getting our last bits of weight off.
    Its all about our accountability. As I have said before - if I cock this up? I absolutely have only myself to blame. So lets agree to not let it happen to us?
    Whaddya say?

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    Schmincke reacted to MorganO87 in Helpful info about Pre Op Psych Eval.   
    I posted yesterday about how I was concerned about my psych evaluation I will be having next week. I'm not concerned that I'm crazy (although it's debatable sometimes lol) it just makes me nervous I will say or do something wrong. I think I was more nervous about not knowing what to expect since I've never had a psych evaluation before. Anyways, upon doing some research I found a detailed website about what to sort of expect and wanted to share it so anyone else nervous about their psych eval could read it.
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    Schmincke reacted to Paul11011 in BMI exactly 40, will I be denied if i lose any weight?   
    My BMI was almost 72. My insurance company said, "Get that dude under the knife!" Sorry carry on.
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    Schmincke got a reaction from chickonamission in New here!   
    Welcome Sami! I have found this site really, really helpful and there are some terrific supportive friends who you will meet here. Good luck to you!
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    Schmincke reacted to amayzme in In my 2nd Stall!   
    I believe our stalls are just the bodies way of the outside catching up with the inside.
    Ie; if you have 100 stair steps to climb.. you will probably take a few rest stops the first time you climb them....dont you think the body needs to do the same with its sudden weight loss?
    Sounds silly i guess...but it helps me to not lose out on a perfectly wonderful day simply because i step on my scale and it doesn't meet my expectations .
    Relax and enjoy how far we have come...not how far we have to go..or you'll miss out on some amazing moments.
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    Schmincke reacted to McButterpants in In my 2nd Stall!   
    Right on as always, gmanbat!!!!
    A pound of fat is about 3500 calories...I don't know about you guys, but I'm not consuming 3500 calories a day..or even three days! It doesn't make sense when you look at it rationally - You are eating so little food right now, probably less than 1000 calories. You're burning fat, I guarantee you are.
    Be patient - you're body's job is to make sure it functions properly. The only things you can control are what you put in your mouth and how much you exercise. Your body will take care of the rest...on it's time schedule.
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    Schmincke reacted to gmanbat in In my 2nd Stall!   
    Look at it this way.
    Say you were getting just enough calories to maintain a weight. Then you decided to add one Twinkie a day to your diet. You would not see the weight gain immediately but over the course of time it would show up. This is easy to believe.
    Why is it harder for us to believe the opposite? If you maintain a calorie deficit over time your body will lose to fit that reality. It may hold on for awhile but eventually it will give way.
    I realized this early on. I weighed out of curiosity of how my body was doing it, it was fascinating. Up, down, stall, up, down, down, etc. I should have kept a chart for fun. I had no doubt that goal would be met.
    My body had a lower goal in mind than the arbitrary one my mind picked as you can see by my signature.
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    Schmincke reacted to scootergirl in OMG NSV!   
    Oh my goodness (OMG). I had a wonderful non-scale victory (NSV) this past week. I flew on an airline for the first time since surgery. Last flight was one year ago and I suffered mucho embarrassment when I required a seat belt extender for each leg of my flight. Once, I had to request it while sitting next to my tall, ex-model coworker whose eyes nearly popped out of her head when she realized that I could not buckle my seat belt without the extender. This flight I had seat belt room-to-spare on every plane and every different style belt. Yippee! This has been the best NSV yet. I feel like a "normal" person again. I hadn't even realized that I previously did not!
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    Schmincke reacted to AnaBanana in I had a small leak. now all hell has broken loose   
    my son's friend who is a doctor said that you can still eat without a stomach, but you have to eat little bits every few hours. is this true? when i went in for the emergency surgery the doctor said he might have to remove my stomach. he didn't, but he said it wouldn't be very bad if he did.
    rj thank you for the advice. i'm so sorry that you had complications with the sepsis, and i hope you heal completely soon. i feel like this isn't going to work. this stenting, but i have also seen it work in so many other posts for other people. the stent doctor was very positive as he said my leak edges were 'raw' in a way that would heal. like they didn't form edges that were healed so they could still stick together if that makes sense. that's pretty incredible considering it's been six months since surgery!
    it's hella hard not to gag myself. i have to admit yesterday i didn't, but today i did about 5x which is a huge improvement from the norm (i was gagging over 20x a day). i was able to drink the broth from wonton Soup and have some iced tea. drinking really helps with my strength. when i just rely on the j tube i feel dizzy and weak. drinking very cold or warm beverages has helped me feel so much better which gives me a much better attitude. my doctor said i was okay to drink. i do take a med that needs food taken with it so i usually nibble on a arrowroot cookie. i'm just taking the tylenol.
    whether its taken out in 4 weeks or six. yes it hurts but i gotta do this. i cant just give up cuz i will only end up in the hospital again with more abcesses. those hurt and are awful. the drains suck.
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    Schmincke reacted to RJ'S/beginning in I had a small leak. now all hell has broken loose   
    My treatments are over. I am on the healing end of things now. After the stents they tried clamping my leak shut and could not do it so that was that. the last and final recommendation was to have my small intestine connected to my sleeve around the leak. it is still there to this day. It is a up side down y. The trouble I have now is due to the complications of the septic situation I had. I was put into a coma for 19 days which caused me to lose all muscle. Also while in a coma I got a category 5 bed sore on my tail bone and it has finally closed but not healed a year later.
    Now I am well enough to be working with a trainer to rebuild my core and get stronger. It is time consuming but it has all been worth it for me....Like I said so many times... I was dead before and now I am a live!!!!!!!
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    Schmincke reacted to RJ'S/beginning in I had a small leak. now all hell has broken loose   
    Most of your digestion is done in the small intestine anyway. Your stomach is a pouch that holds your food and starts the breaking down process by adding acid to it. You can live easily without a stomach if need be. Not good to hear but true.....
    I have 12 tubes in a circle around my stomach and it was really painful. Every day they changed to bandages as it would break through and the poison would ooze. One by one they healed and the tubes were removed and I celebrated each one as if it were a massive achievement..lol. I was later allowed to eat with the stents but the food would find its way into the sacks that held the infection and then they would know that yup that didn't work either. There were days when i just closed down and would not talk to anyone. i felt helpless and raw. I could not walk or even get up. Not to mention the incredible pain of the bed sore. But I kept on trucking most of the time and really started to appreciate most of the staff.
    I came hone after 5 1/2 months with nursing care for the holes in my chest.
    They were feeding me Protein drinks several times a day and finally i could not swallow one more. Then they talked me into yogurt and I went for that until I discovered they put Protein powder in that. Oh my favorite was mac and cheese. It stuck together in a big lump and I could not even pull it apart....lol. that did not go well.
    One thing for sure Ana is that you still have options if the stent does not work. It is not over you know. For me the tissue kept dying around the staples. So they finally had one last option. Attach the intestine to the leak and it worked......
    I gagged too. a lot but never forced myself and faced it head on.....They got so used to me throwing up that sometimes they did not even come to help me......I was really ready to go but still needed to learn to walk and stand and eat and go to the potty by myself.....It was a long time i spent a lone in that hospital with no friends to support me. It devastated me to the core.
    Your doing great kid...Keep up the happy face it helps you heal faster okay!
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    Schmincke reacted to AnaBanana in I had a small leak. now all hell has broken loose   
    my goodness you have been through so much! it sure makes a person stronger doesn't it? i read so many stories before surgery of people who had leaks and i never thought i could deal with one and here i am. it's amazing how resilient we can be isn't it?
    my stent doc called today and he has given me a prescription for a stronger anti nauseant (zofran?) and amitriptyline. apparently that will help with the pain. not sure if it will. he said he doesn't want me to have this stent when i feel so much pain and that if that prescription doesn't work he'll take it out next week. i'm booked for removal next friday but he doesn't want me to suffer. it's kind of a catch 22. yeah the stent will be out but will it have been long enough? i've been in contact with dr. aceves in Mexico and he wants me to just stay on the jtube with nothing by mouth if the leak hasn't healed. he isn't happy with their ideas of gluing and clipping the stomach. he said it's best to let it rest and heal on it's own and the jtube can stay in for a long time so if it takes a few months then so be it. i do agree. i don't like the idea of clips or other weird things wrecking the tissue.
    rj i feel you about not having much support. i don't either. i feel really alone and depressed. although each day that gets closer to this removal is making me feel better. i'm really hoping after the stents removed i am healed and will feel 'normal' but i also know that i do have some eating issues (foaming a lot and vomiting) i had that before all this happened, unless that's part of having a leak.
    i'm so glad i can vent here!~
    you guys are

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