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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    felloff17 got a reaction from Emailkariann in Frustrated and worried need help   
    Great news!! I restricted my eating to only Protein, vegetables and blueberries and lost 17 lbs this month!! No sugar or processed food whatsoever. I feel absolutely amazing.

    I was so down trodden and depressed. I visited the dietitian at my Bariatric office and followed her plan to the T.

    I'd be happy to share details if you'd like.

    We can do it!!

  2. Like
    felloff17 got a reaction from Emailkariann in Frustrated and worried need help   
    Great news!! I restricted my eating to only Protein, vegetables and blueberries and lost 17 lbs this month!! No sugar or processed food whatsoever. I feel absolutely amazing.

    I was so down trodden and depressed. I visited the dietitian at my Bariatric office and followed her plan to the T.

    I'd be happy to share details if you'd like.

    We can do it!!

  3. Like
    felloff17 got a reaction from bobbie2004 in Frustrated and worried need help   
    hi. I'm 5 years post and have gained back 50. I'm in a similar boat that it seems I can't finish a meal but snacking doesn't seem to ever fill me up. Luckily, i have a co-worker who also had the surgery. we lean on each other in times of temptation around the office. i've tried to reboot with the 5 day reset. My worst enemy is myself. I focus on Protein but I feel like the only way i can lose weight is to hardly eat anything, ever. i have to live on carrots for lunch to see any downward movement on the scale. Hang in there. We're all in this together.
  4. Like
    felloff17 got a reaction from bobbie2004 in Frustrated and worried need help   
    hi. I'm 5 years post and have gained back 50. I'm in a similar boat that it seems I can't finish a meal but snacking doesn't seem to ever fill me up. Luckily, i have a co-worker who also had the surgery. we lean on each other in times of temptation around the office. i've tried to reboot with the 5 day reset. My worst enemy is myself. I focus on Protein but I feel like the only way i can lose weight is to hardly eat anything, ever. i have to live on carrots for lunch to see any downward movement on the scale. Hang in there. We're all in this together.
  5. Like
    felloff17 got a reaction from bobbie2004 in Frustrated and worried need help   
    hi. I'm 5 years post and have gained back 50. I'm in a similar boat that it seems I can't finish a meal but snacking doesn't seem to ever fill me up. Luckily, i have a co-worker who also had the surgery. we lean on each other in times of temptation around the office. i've tried to reboot with the 5 day reset. My worst enemy is myself. I focus on Protein but I feel like the only way i can lose weight is to hardly eat anything, ever. i have to live on carrots for lunch to see any downward movement on the scale. Hang in there. We're all in this together.
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    felloff17 got a reaction from berniec in Cup Size   
    I've gone from a 48F to a 40F. Your cup size does go down but then shifts with the band size so it's always different for everyone. I can't wait to ditch these jugs!!!
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    felloff17 reacted to krystacoyle in Scared To Be Skinny   
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    felloff17 reacted to DLCoggin in Dumping The Confusion About Dumping   
    Dumping seems to be a topic that generates a lot of confusion. Some believe that everyone has dumping following gastric bypass surgery. Some may experience it and not recognize that it is dumping. Others believe that the presence or absence of dumping affects the potential success (or failure) of bypass surgery. Still others are so concerned about dumping that they avoid trying new foods or even eating healthy amounts of calories and Protein. So let’s see if we can dump the confusion about dumping.

    Who Experiences Dumping

    Estimates vary widely but somewhere between 15% to 50% of gastric bypass patients never experience dumping. It’s difficult to be exact because some experience dumping without realizing that their symptoms are the result of dumping. Others experience symptoms that they believe are the result of dumping when the cause is something else. Regardless of the exact number, a significant percentage of all gastric bypass patients never experience dumping.

    What Causes Dumping

    There are still some unanswered questions regarding the causes of dumping but it is generally thought to be the result of food being “dumped” too quickly from the pouch to the small intestine. Food high in sugar or simple carbohydrates (aka “simple sugars”) can create a rapid increase in blood sugars (hyperglycemia). The rule of thumb is that white foods (e.g. potatoes, rice, Pasta, white bread, etc.) are usually simple carbohydrates. The sugar in the small intestine rapidly pulls Water out of the bloodstream and into the small intestine. A number of the symptoms of dumping including severe diarrhea can result.

    With “late” dumping (see below), the body responds to the rapid rise in blood sugars with an increase in insulin to process the sugars. The increased insulin can cause the blood sugars to “crash” producing hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and dumping symptoms follow. Symptoms may or may not include vomiting. I have experienced late dumping on several occasions, usually after eating fruit, such as grapes, or white rice, both rich in sugars. In my case, symptoms are shakiness and general weakness but I have never had any vomiting.

    What are the Symptoms

    Just about everyone knows that dumping can cause vomiting. But all vomiting is not the result of dumping and all dumping does not cause vomiting. Symptoms of dumping include:

    · Nausea or queasiness

    · Profuse sweating

    · General weakness

    · Vomiting

    · Shakiness

    · Diarrhea

    · Faintness

    · Fatigue

    · Heart palpitations (or increased heart rate)

    Types of Dumping

    Doctors divide dumping into two types and the symptoms may vary depending on which type you have:

    · Early dumping – usually occurs within 15 to 30 minutes following the ingestion of certain foods. Roughly two-thirds of people who experience dumping have early dumping.

    · Late dumping – usually occurs within one to three hours following the ingestion of certain foods. But it can occur as much as twelve hours after eating. About one-third of people who experience dumping have late dumping. Late dumping is linked with low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).

    Success of Gastric Bypass and Dumping

    There is no scientific evidence that patients who experience dumping are any more or less successful than patients who do not experience dumping. Dumping is not on the long list of factors that make gastric bypass surgery so effective for so many. So if you’re worried that your surgery might fail because you don’t have dumping, it just ain’t so!

    Fear of Dumping

    This is a good news, bad news kind of thing. If fear of dumping helps you to make better food choices, it’s a good thing. But if fear of dumping prevents you from eating a healthy number of calories and getting ALL of your protein requirement, it’s a bad thing. Remember the Prime Directive – the bypass surgery is a tool but the gold medal is lifestyle changes. Fear of dumping (or anything else) is not sustainable, it’s not compatible with living and enjoying your life, and it’s not a realistic expectation. Lifestyle changes are about control, not denial.

    So How Do You Avoid Dumping

    · Choose complex carbohydrates like whole grains instead of simple carbohydrates like white bread and sugary sweets.

    · No liquids for 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after eating. Pretty much a standard recommendation for all bypass patients but especially important for avoiding dumping.

    · Some people may not tolerate dairy products.

    · Eat smaller meals more often.

    · Keep a food diary to help you track your reaction to various foods. In addition to helping you avoid dumping, research has repeatedly shown that folks who maintain food logs lose more weight, lose it more quickly, and are more successful at maintaining their ideal weight.

    · Incorporate high Fiber foods into your diet. Fiber takes longer to digest and extends the time the food takes to move from the pouch into the small intestine.

    So there you have it. Dumping is not pleasant. But it’s often easy to avoid with dietary changes. Dumping does not always involve vomiting; there are a number of possible symptoms. A significant number of patients never experience dumping. And dumping has nothing to do with long term success or failure of gastric bypass.

    Stay focused. Stay active. Stay away from the scales. You’re gonna love the new you!!
  9. Like
    felloff17 got a reaction from BBdoodle in Thoughts On Watermelon And Tortillas   
    I think it depends where you are in the process...I'm 16 weeks and eat a small, thin tortilla with my eggbeaters every morning to make a wrap. Sometimes I don't eat the end because it's too doughy. When I go out for lunch or lunch is brought in to work I try to pick a wrap because I can't really eat the bread and I do ok.
    I don't dump so watermelon doesn't bother me other than filling me up because it's all Water. So, depending what stage you're in I say give it a try. Your body will tell you if it doesn't like it. Good luck!
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    felloff17 reacted to leonwittner in Complications   
    It seems that I am the exception but I had no problems at all. I was off of work for one week, and just hit four weeks. I focused very hard on preparing for surgery, and I lost 53 lbs in the two months prior to the surgery. I also worked out as much as I could leading up to surgery to be in the best shape I could. I am amazed at how good I feel. I started at 389, weighed 336 the day, and weigh 306 now.
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    felloff17 reacted to Rose-Marie Chamberlain in Complications   
    Hi, I'm seven and half months post op. I woke up from surgery with the worst pain possible. I couldn't sleep for two days and couldn't sleep laying down for the next month. I had to sleep sitting up, I couldn't elevate my legs and walking was so hard it took everything I had to do it. My legs started to swell and I had the starts of pneumonia. I spent fifteen days in the hospital. On the ninth day my dr removed my drain and discovered I had a fistula. I had to have it sealed endoscopically and had a nasal jujjenal feeding tube. I had to fast for three weeks except shakes feed through the nose tube. It took all day to get two shakes in. My back started to heal but I still have some numbness and tingling. The only explanation for the pain was that I had such a high bmi and a bad lower back to begin with. Oh yeah my kidney counts were off on the first day after surgery, but got back to normal pretty quick.
    Even though I had these complications I never regret the decision I made. I knew it was a risk worth taking. I feel so much better most days, but still have some bad days (headaches recently). I have lost 157# and gained 100% of me!
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    felloff17 got a reaction from Butterfly66 in Metabolism Changes   
    I'm interested in this too. I feel like my metabolism has increased because I sweat profusely after I eat sometimes. But I'm not quite sure if that's the reason. Thanks for asking this one! I want to know too.
  13. Like
    felloff17 reacted to Ben's Mom in Complications   
    I've never had a problem and my surgery was April 11th. I did a lot of research and followed my surgeons instructions. The first fee days are hard to get all the fluids in but I walked around with a Water bottle for the first week to remind me to keep sipping.
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    felloff17 reacted to alisa345 in Concerned   
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    felloff17 reacted to RaleighNC in "oh, How I Miss You...."   
    Thanks. I came to this thread to express what I missed and was upset to see some were subjecting themselves to things that were bad for them and felt they needed a reality check.
    I have been so successful and feel so fantastic I want everyone to have the same joy.
    I know several people that have had the surgery and because they began to cheat and have a taste of the things they missed, some have gained back nearly all they lost simply because they tasted themseves right back to their old lifestyle.
    Happy trails.
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    felloff17 reacted to RaleighNC in "oh, How I Miss You...."   
    Tough love ...close the thread If you don't want to read it.
    Two weeks out and you are trying to eat pizza? And people are trying to drink sodas and have junk food?
    NEVER NEVER NEVER miss a meal time. You went all day with just Water ? Really? If your day is that busy prep ahead and bring some Protein powder with you so you can have some nourishment..
    This surgery is not a forever fix. You have anywhere from 8 months to about a year referred to as the honeymoon phase when weight loss is pretty easy. After that it is all on you to keep it going and to be a long term success.
    If you do not take this time to LEARN how to eat healthy and STAY AWAY from the things that got you to the point of surgery in the first place you will continue to have struggles with dumping and returning weight.
  17. Like
    felloff17 reacted to raquelrdgz in Surgery Set Up For 5/21 Thinking Of Backing Out   
    John there's risks involved if you don't have the surgery and you can die from that as well! And have you heard success stories? I have three friends who had it done and it was the best decision they ever made! Go hang out at your doctor's office with patients who have had it done from your surgeon and get feed back from them, where I'm going they offer support groups which I plan to attend, I think it's awesome to be able to share with someone who can relate to what you are going through. Good luck and I wish you the best!!
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    felloff17 reacted to LosingItForMe2011 in Surgery Set Up For 5/21 Thinking Of Backing Out   
    Hi John, I haven't received a date yet for my surgery but, I did have Lapband surgery and went through the same thing. Everyone thinks they know what's best but, you know only YOU can make that decision. Think about the reasons why you're thinking about the surgery and why you started this journey in the first place. With any surgery..heck with anything we do with our bodies there are risks. It's whether those risks out-weigh the risk of being obese. If you have too many doubts within yourself, not taking into account what others who haven't had the surgery but, within yourself then maybe you should post pone it so you're comfortable. You don't want to go into anything not having your whole heart behind it. Are you scared and nervous.....sure you have to be. Heck this is no light surgery and if you weren't a little scared or nervous then I would say there is something wrong! I don't have a date and I'm nervous but, I really...REALLY...don't want to keep up with this weight and then some because I'm sure I'd gain more. I already have enough aches and pains that make me stop in my tracks. I want to be able to go places and do things as I get older...I want to retire and actually be able to do things I can't do during my working years. Anywho......people mean well but, heck we've all heard horror stories and if you did your studying and researching for your surgery you saw and read stuff too.
    The risk is much, much less now than it was even four years ago. They've improved their techniques etc. So think hard and deep....maybe a pro/con list for yourself and take it from there. Heck even call the surgeon, therapist or your bariatric center's help desk and let them know your feelings. I can bet they'd offer help
    Good luck with whatever decision you make just make sure its the best one for you
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    felloff17 got a reaction from raquelrdgz in How Long Were Yall Out Of Work?   
    I had the rny and was out of work for 8 days. I work in an office at a desk going to meetings but nothing physical. I was def tired my first full week back but all in all I'm AOK! Already back to normal activity and today is my 5 weekaversary. Good luck!
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    felloff17 got a reaction from SweetGabrielle in I've Decided On The Rny   
    Congrats on your decision!! You (and me) are doing this for YOU and no one else-just remember that. I found a great book to help with every aspect of the process: Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies. It even touches on the emotions we go thru. It's a fast read and,, it's a resource to have forever. I think it was 20 bucks at Barnes and Noble.
    Best wishes on your journey!!
  21. Like
    felloff17 reacted to Elmo in Taco Soup   
    One Bag of Fake Ground Beef ( or any meat of your choice )
    1 pkg Of Taco Seasoning Mild Or Hot W/E you prefer (powder)
    1 pkg Of Ranch Dressing (powder)
    1can of Corn (non Drained)
    2 Cans Of Any Kind Of Beans You Want (Non Drained)
    if you use fake ground beef you dont have to cook it before you put it in the crockpot just dump it all in there do not drain anything and just cook for 8 hours
    if you use real meat cook before you put in the crockpot and just dump it all in and mix and cook for 8 hours and enjoy
    I Have Used This Many Times.. its amazing to use in Pasta or a topping for salads or you can put the Soup in a bowl and put some fridos in there with some fat free sourcream and cheese and its amazing good =D .. let me know what you all think about it =D ..

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