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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    LRG2014 reacted to Kindle in depressed   
    Geez, that's fabulous. I'm 7 weeks out and down 14 pounds. Quit comparing yourself to others.
  2. Like
    LRG2014 reacted to LuminousLife in depressed   
    You are doing great! I am 9 weeks out and down 39lbs. I also workout everyday. Try to enjoy the journey. And on the plus side a "slower" loss is easier on your skin
  3. Like
    LRG2014 reacted to JeanZ_RN in depressed   
    You've lost an average of 7 lbs a WEEK and you don't know if that's good?? It's GREAT! And since you're working out that much, you're probably adding muscle, which weighs more than fat per cubic inch, so that makes your weight loss numbers even more impressive. Good job!
  4. Like
    LRG2014 reacted to SandeeD in depressed   
    Girl, 35 pounds gone in 5 weeks??? That's FABULOUS! I'm not yet post-op, but I can't see anything wrong with 7 pounds lost a week. You shouldn't compare yourself to others because everyone's journey is different. Don't be depressed, live up to your name Happy Rhonda! You are making phenomenal progress!
  5. Like
    LRG2014 got a reaction from Aunt GG in Starting my 10 day liquid pre-op diet tomorrow and I'm freaked out!   
    I had to do the 10 liquid diet also. Believe me, after the surgery, you will appreciate having done this. It was tough but after the 3rd day it gets easier. It really helped being able to eat the popsicles. I started out with Swanson's broth but started gagging just smelling it. Solution was to use broth from chicken noodle Soup. That was much better. It really helps if you flavor your Water with Crystal Lite. And jello-o is a good option also. Good luck and stick to it!
  6. Like
    LRG2014 reacted to Tiffany Talbert Corbet in 16 days Post-Op, Sad & full of regret   
    Sweet girl, you need to remember, you are still healing. I know it's been a couple weeks since surgery, but this isn't like getting stitches and you're healed in a couple weeks. Your healing is taking place inside where there is no air to help it "scab" over so it will heal itself, and everything you put into your mouth, is going to your incision. Plus, you are likely still swollen a bit. Give yourself a break. Like everyone else has said, it will get better. I'm 15 months out and I am so used to not drinking anything for 30 min after I eat that it's second nature. I don't even crave anything to drink until then now. You will be able to gulp your fluids once you are completely healed, but honestly, you won't gulp much. I still can't take more than 3 gulps without having to stop and wait a min or 2 before I can drink more.
    Like I said, give yourself a break, you're still healing. All will be well, just be patient.
  7. Like
    LRG2014 reacted to playlikeworldchamps in 16 days Post-Op, Sad & full of regret   
    What you are going thru is perfectly normal. I am 11 months out and i would have to say that the first 2 months are hardest. I am pretty much "normal" now except I eat a lot less at a meal. I can gulp cold water! I also felt in the beginning that I would never be able to drink or eat without awful stuffed feeling. Eating meat just plain hurt. It will gradually get better and then you won't even remember er this difficult stage. I used to burp so much after every bite! I was so tired of burping!
    Water has high surface tension so gets stacked up in the sleeve. Drink it more room temperature and tension is lower. You may want to switch for now to diet tea or diluted Gatorade or crystal light. She. Water is mixed with other things the surface tension is lower. I had to switch to diluted diet snapple and diluted Gatorade of I would have been dehydrated. As for food, go slowly on adding thicker food. Try things like thicker Soups and chili first.
    Don't get discouraged! The benefits truly are amazing! I don't even notice separating eating and drinking anymore. Only if I drink on purpose to be too full to be tempted by bad food.
    It will get better one day at a time. I am down 114lbs in the past year and still losing. And I eat pretty normal. Just less. Whenever you get down just visualize yourself in a couple months. It will be here before you know it!
  8. Like
    LRG2014 reacted to volfan82 in 16 days Post-Op, Sad & full of regret   
    Everybody feels regret at some point but you need to start thinking of down the road after your weight loss or something to keep your mind off the present and focus on your goals. Like I said earlier, It WILL get better. I went out to eat last night and looked up menu on line and knew what to order before i got there, Jyust ate slow and enjoyed the conversation more instead of just the food. I had a 6 oz salmon and broccoli and was just fine.
  9. Like
    LRG2014 reacted to ProudGrammy in My Surgeon does not require 2 week pre op liquid diet?   
    Vegas (baby )
    you are off to a great start
    getting prepped up for WLS
    weining yourself off coffee, drinking
    if you want to continue with "DO's and Dont's" - practice important Water issues
    do not drink Water for 15 - 30 minutes prior to eating
    never ever, ever drink with your meals!! (people have been shot for less )
    wait 45-60 miutes after you eat before you drink again
    drink at least 64 oz of water a day
    like you mentioned all docs have different rules
    the one thing they all have in common, is that "they" are all different
    February 24th will be here before you know it
    you'll probably have many different emotions before surgery
    being happy, scared, excited, all that good stuff
    don't worry, this is all normal
    good luck on your journey to a healthier, happier, longer life
    speedy recovery
  10. Like
    LRG2014 reacted to KittyChick in Can't burp! Too early for carbonation?   
    I had the barium leak test so nothing down my throat...and I didn't even consider Gas-X but you can bet I'm popping some now as I type! Thanks for the suggestion. Crossing my fingers it will work!
  11. Like
    LRG2014 reacted to DebbieRenee in Feeling Lethargic   
    To LRG2014
    Thank you so much for responding....I want to do more but am so exhausted. I too went back to work after 2 weeks and have a desk job but man all I want to do is lay down....I am even eating real food + a Protein shake at night. Today for lunch I am having a 1/2 of salad with no croutons, an some chicken.
    LRG how have you been able to get past being so tired at work? Also I caught a nasty cough thats been handing on for over a week straight...its chest congestion and man I cannot sleep which makes this all worse.
    How are you doing? Do you have any nausea?
    For excercise I try just to move every day...even if its just walking the dog around the block- just anything.
    Whats your real name because LRG doesn't sound good it sounds like LARGE and you are looking so good.
    Anyway lets keep in touch and encourage one another ok?
    Warmest Regards,
  12. Like
    LRG2014 got a reaction from DebbieRenee in Feeling Lethargic   
    Hi! I will be sleeved a month on the 11th. I am down 17lbs since the surgery and 42lbs over all. I am drinking a Protein shake once a day. I am also eating mushy foods and chewing everything until it is liquid. BUT I have no energy!! NONE!!! I try to walk since I haven't been cleared to exercise yet but I give out and have to sit down. I went back to work after two weeks and all I want to do is lay my head on my desk. I am told that it will get better. I certainly hope so!
  13. Like
    LRG2014 reacted to egglosinlbs in I'm disappointed....   
    Don't get to upset remember everyone is different. I went through something similar just keep working out and eating right. Another thing don't weigh yourself every week that can discourage even the strongest person.
  14. Like
    LRG2014 reacted to Fair2bslimLady in I'm disappointed....   
    don't beat yourself up, I was a slow loser very slow but I rather lose slow instead of nothing. Change it up drink more Water workout harder just change it up, cut out carbs or anything that may have too much sugar.
  15. Like
    LRG2014 reacted to hatters in Sleeved on the 14th - The Good, the Bad but the Truth   
    Hey hang it there! Truth it sounds like you are going better then me my first week. I wont lie I had a thought here and and there questioning my decision but each day gets easier and easier. In no time you will forget what you are currently going though, I did until I read your post and I am only 9 wk out.
  16. Like
    LRG2014 got a reaction from Indigo1991 in Sleeved on the 14th - The Good, the Bad but the Truth   
    Hi! I was sleeve 1/14/14. I am 100lbs over weight but had lost 23lbs by the day of surgery. As of today, I am down 39lbs. The day before surgery, I almost changed my mind and right up until they put me under I was still having serious doubts about what I had decided to do to my body. Let me first say that the liquid diet my doctor put me on for 10 days was nothing compared to the surgery. I thank God that I requested to speak with someone who had also been sleeved and she told me things that the doctor and his staff did not. To begin with, that I would have to get out of bed 2 hours after surgery and drink some awful liquid for x-rays to check for leaks. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful that precautions such as this were taken but it was TOUGH! I have never felt so sick in my life and I have had major surgery before (brain tumor, 3 C-sections, hysterectomy and 2 hernia repair to name a few). Please don't be afraid to ask for something to stop the nausea even if you don't have it. My next complaint was pain control. After leaving the recovery room, it took the nursing staff over an hour to administer ANY PAIN MEDICINE. There was a break down in communication between the recovery room and the surgical floor. I also had an adverse side effect to the anesthesia and it took two days for me to fully come to my senses. In addition to this, I had an adverse side effect to the pain medicine and my heart rate/blood pressure/respirations dropped drastically and I had awful body tremors. Well, I had to stay an extra night and coming home was tough also. I could not get comfortable in any position on the bed so I slept in the recliner (what little I slept). Once home, it was almost impossible for me to sleep. No clue as to why. Another tid bit that someone on here told me, Do NOT trust a fart! Believe me when I say that is so true. Just think that the walk to the restroom is exercise and you will be doing a lot of that. Going to the bathroom!! I have also saw on here that several people state that they don't think they are sleeved. I am SLEEVED! It is hard to eat period. I feel full after three small teaspoons of anything. It is hard to get fluids down also but I am managing about 50 ounces a day. The other thing that I was not aware of is the fact that you will be extremely tired. I have NO energy. NONE. I just want to hang my head and close my eyes. It was bad the first week out from surgery. At that time, I didn't even want to talk. It took too much energy to carry on a conversation. I talk now but very little. Today is my first day back at work and I am now wondering how long I can make it. I have just been here two hours. On top of all this, I have had an allergic reaction to the surgi-strips. My incisions are broke out in a raised, itchy rash that is uncomfortable.
    Would I do this again? Too early for me to say. My suggestion for you is to talk, talk, and talk some more to people that have had it done. I did this for health reasons and family history of heart attacks, strokes, and obesity. Don't go into this thinking it is a miracle cure. Don't go into this thinking that the surgery will do all the work for you. Don't go into this expecting it to be easy, complication free, or worry free. Also, don't let my experience scare you. Like anything good, it takes time so I am biding my time until I feel better. Best of luck to all of you!
  17. Like
    LRG2014 got a reaction from Indigo1991 in Sleeved on the 14th - The Good, the Bad but the Truth   
    Hi! I was sleeve 1/14/14. I am 100lbs over weight but had lost 23lbs by the day of surgery. As of today, I am down 39lbs. The day before surgery, I almost changed my mind and right up until they put me under I was still having serious doubts about what I had decided to do to my body. Let me first say that the liquid diet my doctor put me on for 10 days was nothing compared to the surgery. I thank God that I requested to speak with someone who had also been sleeved and she told me things that the doctor and his staff did not. To begin with, that I would have to get out of bed 2 hours after surgery and drink some awful liquid for x-rays to check for leaks. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful that precautions such as this were taken but it was TOUGH! I have never felt so sick in my life and I have had major surgery before (brain tumor, 3 C-sections, hysterectomy and 2 hernia repair to name a few). Please don't be afraid to ask for something to stop the nausea even if you don't have it. My next complaint was pain control. After leaving the recovery room, it took the nursing staff over an hour to administer ANY PAIN MEDICINE. There was a break down in communication between the recovery room and the surgical floor. I also had an adverse side effect to the anesthesia and it took two days for me to fully come to my senses. In addition to this, I had an adverse side effect to the pain medicine and my heart rate/blood pressure/respirations dropped drastically and I had awful body tremors. Well, I had to stay an extra night and coming home was tough also. I could not get comfortable in any position on the bed so I slept in the recliner (what little I slept). Once home, it was almost impossible for me to sleep. No clue as to why. Another tid bit that someone on here told me, Do NOT trust a fart! Believe me when I say that is so true. Just think that the walk to the restroom is exercise and you will be doing a lot of that. Going to the bathroom!! I have also saw on here that several people state that they don't think they are sleeved. I am SLEEVED! It is hard to eat period. I feel full after three small teaspoons of anything. It is hard to get fluids down also but I am managing about 50 ounces a day. The other thing that I was not aware of is the fact that you will be extremely tired. I have NO energy. NONE. I just want to hang my head and close my eyes. It was bad the first week out from surgery. At that time, I didn't even want to talk. It took too much energy to carry on a conversation. I talk now but very little. Today is my first day back at work and I am now wondering how long I can make it. I have just been here two hours. On top of all this, I have had an allergic reaction to the surgi-strips. My incisions are broke out in a raised, itchy rash that is uncomfortable.
    Would I do this again? Too early for me to say. My suggestion for you is to talk, talk, and talk some more to people that have had it done. I did this for health reasons and family history of heart attacks, strokes, and obesity. Don't go into this thinking it is a miracle cure. Don't go into this thinking that the surgery will do all the work for you. Don't go into this expecting it to be easy, complication free, or worry free. Also, don't let my experience scare you. Like anything good, it takes time so I am biding my time until I feel better. Best of luck to all of you!
  18. Like
    LRG2014 reacted to Teachamy in Sleeved on the 14th - The Good, the Bad but the Truth   
    Thank you for sharing. I had the nausea too and had to spend an extra day in the hospital. Those early days were tough. I sent my family home from the hospital because I too was too tired to hold a conversation. I spent most of Christmas day napping. I have found that the sleeve surgery was completely worth it for me, and I hope you find the same! My energy gets better every day--thank God! I am almost 6 weeks out.
  19. Like
    LRG2014 reacted to shadylady_57 in Sleeved on the 14th - The Good, the Bad but the Truth   
    I am so sorry that you have had such a hard time of it so far. I was sleeved on 7/29/13 I guess I was one of the lucky ones. I came thru surgery and recovery with flying colors, no problems with nausea until I started eating real food again. At 6 mos out I still cannot eat scrambled eggs, high fat ground meat, pork chops. I too had my sleeve for health reason's not because I really wanted it, but my surgeon looked me in the face and told me I would be dead in 7 yrs, if I didn't. Because I had uncontrolled blood sugars, uncontrolled high blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver enzymes over 1000, and climbing. I am only 57 yrs old, I would like to be around to see my grandchildren born and grow up if the Lord blesses me I will. Be able to go and do things with them that I couldn't with my girls. Enough about me, you do not give up are you taking your Vitamins, a multi, B12, b complex, Calcium with d 3, Biotin, if you can't stand the chaky taste you can buy gummies that is what I take. VitaFusion womens complete multi 2x day,VitaFusion Calcium 2x day, VitaFusion B12 2000 mg day, also if you have problems with Constipation I use equate sf Fiber supplement 2x day, also mirlax in hot drink daily. Everyday will be a little better than the last. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, I know you will make it. It's the best thing I have ever done for myself, I wish I had done it 30 yrs ago. If you need to talk we are here dor you.
  20. Like
    LRG2014 reacted to JerseyGirl68 in Sleeved on the 14th - The Good, the Bad but the Truth   
    Wow, Thankfully no "major" complications, but man, you got the mother load of all the other things that can happen. I'm sorry your recovery was not smooth, but congratulations on your surgery.
    You do a lot of folks pre-op a big favor by listing the things that can happen, so the are not blind-sided. I was fortunate. I had almost no discomfort and no adverse reactions after surgery. I did initially go in for the sleeve and Gall bladder surgery, but half way through my heart rate shot up and they had to stop. The best they know it was a reaction to the anesthesia & anxiety triggered it. When I went back in for my sleeve a month later, they knew what to do to keep it from happening. I had no surgical history, so no way of knowing.
    Other than that, nothing but a super smooth recovery. It will get better every day. Thanks for sharing. YOu're doing great!
  21. Like
    LRG2014 got a reaction from law001 in Anyone else nervous?   
    I have doubts and even was to the point of backing out BUT I am not! I have been on an all liquid diet since last Friday. My surgery is the 14th. The hardest day for me was day 3. EMOTIONS and DOUBTS was awful! It did not help that my children and parents are very vocal that they oppose this surgery. My husband even became wishy-washy on Monday. But I have made it this far. I had to wait 7 months and then when I had a tentative surgery date in December, my insurance denied me! This was after I already had pre-approval to start the process! So after being denied 3 times, I have finally been approved. I had begun to think that it was God saying "Here's your sign!".
    The diet hasn't been that bad. I do miss chewing. The actual sensation of chewing. I could not handle the Protein shake powder that my surgery's office sells. YUCK! I was gagging. So I am using Adkins Advantage. I spoke with the nurse and she said that was fine. I am also drinking tons of Lipton Diet Green Tea and Water with Crystal Light. I tried Swanson broth and gagged some more so now I strain Campbell's Soup and drink that broth. I only do the broth twice a day because I am paranoid about waking up from surgery and no sleeve. sugar free pop cycles are great, especially at night if I feel an urge to munch. My energy level has been up and down but I haven't bottomed out so to speak.
    I hope this helps. I think we would all be crazy if we didn't worry some and doubts are a part of life. I look at this as a new chapter in my book of life. I am breaking old habits that are bad for me and working on making my life healthier. Best of luck!
  22. Like
    LRG2014 reacted to Jenny12 in Surgiversary! Shortie goes from size 20 to size 0! Pics included   
    I can't believe it has been an entire year since I made the decision to get the sleeve! I was a self pay, so my process was quick. I met with my surgeon in December 2012 and had surgery the beginning of January 2013. I'm 5'2" and my highest weight was 206. Today I am maintaining at 116. I literally woke up one day in November 2012 and told myself I was going to fix this, that I can't live my life happily and the way that I want to if I was just going to keep yoyo dieting and getting fatter and fatter. So I immediately scheduled a consultation (yes there was plenty of research on my part). It hasn't been easy, however it's been incredibly rewarding. I was a major binge eater. That's the biggest reason I chose this surgery. I needed something physically to take away my ability to sit down at a single sitting and eat over 4000 calories. Sure enough, it fixed that problem for me! Below are before and after pics. I was a size 20 pants and XL shirt, and the after pic was taken last night. The dress is a DOUBLE ZERO! I am wearing size 0 pants and extra small shirts usually. Still doesn't seem real. I encourage everyone beginning this journey to take the time in the beginning to really change your life. You can't half ass it and expect to come out on top. I thank you all for being such a great support to me over the past year.

  23. Like
    LRG2014 reacted to law001 in Anyone else nervous?   
    As I run around to get all my clearances done before my surgery date 2/15, I begin to question everything.
    Anyone else feeling the same way? Maybe we can support each other...
    Have a great day and congrats!!
  24. Like
    LRG2014 got a reaction from Sasha287 in Feeling shakey in Alabama   
    Thank you ALL for the support! My husband has always said that he loves me no matter what size I am and I seem to have been them ALL! It is just difficult to hear my mother and my children actually say "I do not support your decision to do this". Those words hurt and cause doubt. Yesterday was bad! The emotions were awful and I avoided speaking with my mother because I knew I would cry. Today is better. Not nearly as hungry and not feeling as blue. I do feel better reading all that y'all have written. This support is great!! I was reading where someone had posted "Today is the last day of me being the heaviest I will ever be". I had a wow moment there because I have passed that day. I have already lost 23lbs so what I am doing is right! Thank you again and please continue to share your journey with me. Seven days left!!!
  25. Like
    LRG2014 reacted to gmanbat in NSV..what I don't hear anymore...   
    Yesterday I was out with my wife and she drew my my attention to a man with a large belly.
    She said, "That is just what you used to look like."
    "Yes, and you used to constantly tell me to pull my jacked-up shirt back over my belly!" I said.
    "You haven't bugged me about that in a long time!"
    "Yes, I know!" she said with a big smile.
    She didn't want me walking around with half a hairy belly sticking out, I didn't think I could help it.
    The shirts I bought fit fine when I bought them, washed once they became belly shirts.
    I literally walked around with both hands stretching the shirt down over the beach ball so I wouldn't get the needle from her.
    Of course, she didn't like that either.
    Now the silence is golden. I no longer own a shirt which instigates a Jerry Springer scene.

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