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Beach Lover

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    Beach Lover reacted to BKLYNgal87 in I need Advice!   
    This is a very weighty (for lack of a better word) decision. You need to be honest with yourself from the get-go. Your daughter at 5'3" and 246 lbs is not overweight. She is morbidly obese. If she doesn't make serious diet and exercise changes, she is at great risk of developing serious illnesses at a younger age (heart disease, diabetes, to name a few). A drastic change is needed but at her age and development, surgery may not be it right now. There are diet plans run by clinics especially for children and teenagers. I think it will be easier for her to implement these changes once you've had your surgery. You can be her motivator.
    If you're strongly leaning toward surgery and after extensive trial and effort dieting doesn't work then ask yourself:
    First off - does her primary care doctor have any thoughts as to whether she has finished her bone growth? What is his or her opinion on obesity surgery on a teenager? It is very important to get at least one or two medical opinions from doctors and not just your surgeon. He has financial incentive to approve her.
    Second - do you think she is mature enough to handle surgery and the life altering changes she'd have to make and stick to? I know I couldn't have done it at 14, though I wish I hadn't gone through high school and college obese. People can be cruel and they certainly were to me in high school, less so in college.
    Bottom line is both regular diet and exercise and surgery diet and exercise are difficult and require ongoing compliance and dedication. It's a lifelong change. We can never eat what most people normally eat. We always need to take our Vitamins. We can't be lazy. Both avenues require emotional stability. At 14, I just don't think most teenagers are mentally up to the challenge. There is no rush, you and your daughter should take more time to consider all the options. Teenagers love to make impulsive decisions, and this choice would be a bad one to make impulsively.
    I wish you and your daughter all the best.
  2. Like
    Beach Lover reacted to smallbird in My first time cooking Tempeh =D   
    I put it in the blender with taco seasoning to make it crumbled like ground beed, put it in a pan then added the corn and beans...not all in the blender lol
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    Beach Lover got a reaction from Ms. Mannix in Is this normal?   
    I take 2 colace everyday and this helps a lot!
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    Beach Lover reacted to clk in Before you post you've "only lost X pounds"   
    Please stop and do the math.
    People get completely freaked out by what I feel are unreasonable expectations. They fly into a panic. They assume that the first time they don't lose on the scale that their loss is done. They think that two weeks at one weight is a massive stall. They look at other people's large losses and forget that we don't all lose at the same rate.
    First - if you did a pre-op diet you are not going to have the same loss your first month as someone who didn't do one. Your pre-op loss should get counted into your loss calculation if you did a pre-op diet.
    Second - a stall is three weeks or more at the same weight with no fluctuation. Are you panicked after that? Well, my friend coops once spent twenty one MONTHS at the same weight. She finally broke through and never regained during that time, and even lost two sizes while not budging on the scale. Is it the miracle cure you may have been hoping for on the scale? No. But stalls are not the end of the world. They are certainly more normal that flying to goal in six weeks, I promise you.
    Third - losing anything more than a pound a week is good. Are you eating less than ever before? Yes. Does that guarantee you'll lose faster than ever before? No. I had two nine week stalls - no movement except upwards for my monthly cycle. I had months where I lost but only in the tenths of a pound. It's not normal to expect a big loss every time you step on the scale. It's setting yourself up for disappointment.
    Fourth - your pattern is your pattern. You can compare yourself to other people sleeved the same day or with the same stats but it doesn't matter. So much of this is individual. So if you're constantly seeking out other people and comparing your losses to theirs, you are eventually going to discourage and frustrate yourself.
    Fifth - are you closing in on goal? We all lose even more slowly the less weight we have to lose. So if you only have sixty pounds to lose but shed thirty in your first three months, please don't be hysterical because you're "only" losing a pound a week now that you're past the halfway point. It's normal.
    Stop. Breathe. Do the math. Adjust your expectations. This is not a race. You do not get a special award for reaching goal more quickly. Your surgery was not pointless or worthless if you manage to get to goal in two years instead of six months. The real goal is not losing the weight. It's keeping the weight off. That's real success - that's what we're here to do. It does not matter if you hit goal in nine months or two years - the real challenge and the real journey begins with maintenance. How quickly or slowly you lost does nothing to change the challenges you'll encounter there.
    I am not ranting at anyone in particular. I just feel that this is an issue that comes up constantly and it's actually pretty silly for people to fly into such a panic without really thinking. I've seen folks upset when they're logging losses of upwards of four pounds a week. Point to the diet that helped you accomplish that and was easy to maintain prior to surgery.
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    Beach Lover reacted to NancyDec20 in How do you respond... Your loosing weight? What are you doing are you ok?   
    at first I kept it to myself.. I didnt want everyone to know my business.. that was before the surgery.. but after the surgery and the weight started dropping off.. and I went back to work.. everyone was so WOW.. you look great.. what did you do? So I manned up and told them.. and I was afraid at first of the responses I would get.... but you know.. everyone I worked with.. but one.. thought I was doing the right thing and I looked great at that point... both my jobs.. I have great support from them in telling me keep up the good work..and how great I look..and they are calling me skinny.. (never heard that before lol) they looked out for me in the beginning to make sure I didnt hurt myself at work or anything to damage the sleeve with lifting or anything.. they are wonderful people.. only had one person..and I think she was just jealous is all.. she stated to me that she will lose her weight the old fashion way.. by dieting.. and doesnt need surgery to do that... im like ok good for you.. wish you all the luck.. that was 4 months ago.. she says she is down 15lbs.. even tho I dont see it on her.. I tell her "great job".. im down 98lbs in 6mo and smile sweetly at her... LMAO Jealous I tell you.. I dont let people like that get to me.. I just know how well im doing and how healthy I am choosing the right things.. I still see her eating things not good for her..and she makes excuses.. just this once.. yeah been there done that.. thats why I needed to have surgery... so I look people in the eye..and tell them Ive had the sleeve.. they are amazed and happy for me.. maybe there might be that one time I tell someone..and they decide they might want to do that.. and lose the weight and become healthier.. .maybe they might be diabetic.. .or have high blood pressure..and come off those meds.. I will feel that I have helped someone... I was on no medications before surgery.. I had no medical issues other than being overweight.. the word morbidly obese opened my eyes.. I dont ever want that title again... huge eye opener.. so I tell everyone what I had done.. and then you would be surprised the storys people will tell you about a family member that had the same and are doing well too.. its not like we have cooties or something... we saved our own lives... we made a difference in ourselves..and hopefully with telling people.. maybe make a difference for them or a loved one... best of luck to everyone.. I just know.. Im 38lbs from my goal weight..and im very happy I had the surgery.
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    Beach Lover reacted to luckysmomma in How do you respond... Your loosing weight? What are you doing are you ok?   
    I told no one about my surgery. I tell people I am doing Weight Watchers (and I do go weekly for scale accountability & support) for the gazillionith time and going to the gym again (which I am)...my health is really nobody's business is how I look at it.
  7. Like
    Beach Lover reacted to Christine O. in General Post-Op Conversation   
    Now that quite a few of us are sleeved (and more every day!), I thought it would be nice to have a space for general post-op discussion. Share experiences, troubles, questions...I know that now that I'm home for another 12 days, I'd love to have another thread to check obsessively. :-)
    So how is everyone doing? I'm 5 days post-op and trying today with no meds. My biggest discomfort is the deep bruising around the big incision where they removed the stomach. But wow...I can't believe how quickly everything is getting better! I felt like ass on Friday after surgery...can't believe that was just a few days ago.
    Walking is going well. I'm getting about 2.5 miles in, which I break into multiple shorter walks for comfort. I've gotten all my Water and Protein in so far. No vomiting. The bruises all over my body are fading quickly. I'm down 4.4 pounds since the morning of surgery, and I'd lost 14.2 during the pre-op week so it feels like I'm losing really fast. People have noticed and it feels good.
    So who else wants to chime in?
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    Beach Lover reacted to becogolfer in To sneeze, burp, hiccup that is the question.......have you gone to far?   
    I hiccup when full. Both my doc and nut said its just a sign you are full and no worries. My doc said eating till you feel full is fine and not to worry about stretching the sleeve. I at more now but theres a limit and it is pretty consistent. He said eating more was a sign that the swelling was going down. Good luck!
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    Beach Lover got a reaction from TES in Addicted to "weight loss praise"   
    I go back to work in 4 weeks. I work for a high school with at least 80 employees and 1600 students. I run the attendance office and have contact with most of the kids. I am hoping to slide back into my office without much notice. I seem to be a slow loser and have lost 30 pounds and am 6 weeks post op (loss includes my 2 week liquid diet also). I figure I will lose more weight but the slow weight loss will be a blessing when it comes to people noticing a difference since I haven't seen them over the summer. I really don't want to talk about it with these people (I like them) but I don't like the attention focused on me for this reason.
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    Beach Lover got a reaction from anayortiz in To sneeze, burp, hiccup that is the question.......have you gone to far?   
    So today I was talking to another fellow sleever and I am not sure if she has any medical credentials but she talked like she did. So she was telling me that if you are sneezing, burping, hiccuping etc. then you have eaten to much and you risk stretching your sleeve. I was always told this was the sign that you have reached full and to stop. Not you have already eaten to much and now you could begin stretching your sleeve. Can I get some feedback on this topic. Tonight I ate about 4 ounces of shredded meat and certainly no more than that with a few diced pieces of Tomato. That was all I ate and still had the sneezing. I can't even begin to see how I overate...........totally full but not uncomfortable. Any views on this?
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    Beach Lover got a reaction from JoiaRox in To sneeze, burp, hiccup that is the question.......have you gone to far?   
    I noticed your surgery date was June 7 same as mine. Thanks for the reply I never get the full signs until after I have finished eating anyway. So I have never pushed on past those signs since I am already done.
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    Beach Lover reacted to Georgia in To sneeze, burp, hiccup that is the question.......have you gone to far?   
    I don't believe that is a sign you have overeaten either. Full, yes. I also sneeze. 7-8 times!!!! Always have since the beginning. 3 years out.
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    Beach Lover reacted to AmyInOrlando in To sneeze, burp, hiccup that is the question.......have you gone to far?   
    I think I read where those are signs that you've had enough. But, if you're at home, the best thing to do is weigh or measure your food. I read to set a timer for 30 minutes, take small bites, chew at least 30 times before swallowing, and quit eating when the timer goes off. Of course, I'll be going over everything with my Doc when I get to Mexico.
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    Beach Lover reacted to SerendipityHappens in To sneeze, burp, hiccup that is the question.......have you gone to far?   
    Well, I can only give my personal opinion based on my own experience but for ME, if I'm sneezing I take it as a sign that next time I should take one less bite.. Do I think I'm stretching my sleeve? No, a sleeve can't stretch very much and I believe the doctors who say that it takes some extreme behavior to stretch a sleeve... but I do feel that sneezing is a sign that I should have stopped a bite ago.
    Your mileage may vary!
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    Beach Lover reacted to JoiaRox in To sneeze, burp, hiccup that is the question.......have you gone to far?   
    Those are definitely full signs - as to the danger of stretching your sleeve once you've reached that point, I'd say no! Consult with your doctor at your next appointment about this, as everyone has different opinions. My full sign is the hiccups - when I get there, I probably had one more bite than I needed to, but I'm not throwing it up and I'm waiting before drinking liquids.
    Not sure if the person you're referring to is on this forum or not, but beware of those who think they know everything - they usually don't. My experience has taught me that everyone has internalized their own experience, doctor's advice, research, etc., but that only YOU and YOUR DOCTOR need to be informed about your journey. No one else's experience, knowledge (or lack thereof) makes a damn bit of difference.
    Besides that, the jury really is out about whether or not you can physically stretch your sleeve. I'm sure many people will comment here, convinced they know one way or another, but keep listening to your body and do what YOU need to do for YOU. In the end, you're the only one you have to be accountable to!
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    Beach Lover got a reaction from mariemadeline in Cravings   
    I hope your personal issues will come to an end soon. I know what the stress of life can do to a person and the coping mechanisms we use to relieve that stress. At least it isn't dessert that you are looking at. I don't know what soda will do to you when you are this far post op. What about taking a walk or doing some other type of exercise to relieve the stress. It seems easier said then done I realize this but we all have to figure out new go to coping mechanisms to stop our patterns. I truly do hope things get better!!
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    Beach Lover reacted to jandseakin in Funny Restaurant Experience   
    On our annual "girlfriend's getaway", the 6 of us went out to dinner. The waiter came to take our drink orders .... assorted orders of wine and beer, and my order of "just Water, please". No problem. Then, it's time to order dinner. On the appetizer menu was 3 skewers..... one chicken, one shrimp, and one beef. It had a price, or, $2.50 each. Perfect! So, I ordered one shrimp skewer for dinner. The waiter informed me I could have 3, and I said no thanks, one shrimp please. Then, he told me if I didn't like beef or chicken, I could have all 3 shrimp. I said no thanks, just one shrimp is fine. He took the order and after he left we had a great laugh at the look on his face! Poor man! But I really enjoyed my skewer of 4 shrimp for $2.50!
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    Beach Lover reacted to Canary Diamond in Addicted to "weight loss praise"   
    I feel the same way. First of all, I'm not comfortable with people commenting on my body in any capacity and secondly, raving compliments just make me think, "Gosh, I must have really looked awful before!"
  19. Like
    Beach Lover reacted to C_TimesThree in I'm a leaker   
    I'm ok, I had a follow up CT Thursday, there was some debate as to if the leak is closed or not so I drank blue dye and waited 24 hours to see if it showed in my drain. It never did! I've been able to start Clear liquids but as of today we still aren't 100% sure I'm healed so I'm only drinking brightly colored crystal light to see if anything shows up. If by tomorrow all is still good I will switch to oral pain meds and get Protein shakes! The hope is to go home without my PICC.
    Also as of today my white blood cell count is normal for the first time since the leak was found.
  20. Like
    Beach Lover got a reaction from Orumom in How many calories to lose weight?   
    I try to stay at 700 but my surgeon told me 800. Good luck!
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    Beach Lover got a reaction from DeezJeanz in VSG causes high risk for pancreatic cancer   
    You know when I first read this that was my first thought. God knows the number of hairs on our head. I believe we came onto this earth with a predetermined date and we will leave with a predetermined date. I am a saved believing christian and I know that God already knew my walk on this earth including this surgery. So I will keep the faith and lose weight with a smile on my face.
  22. Like
    Beach Lover got a reaction from DeezJeanz in VSG causes high risk for pancreatic cancer   
    You know when I first read this that was my first thought. God knows the number of hairs on our head. I believe we came onto this earth with a predetermined date and we will leave with a predetermined date. I am a saved believing christian and I know that God already knew my walk on this earth including this surgery. So I will keep the faith and lose weight with a smile on my face.
  23. Like
    Beach Lover got a reaction from DeezJeanz in VSG causes high risk for pancreatic cancer   
    You know when I first read this that was my first thought. God knows the number of hairs on our head. I believe we came onto this earth with a predetermined date and we will leave with a predetermined date. I am a saved believing christian and I know that God already knew my walk on this earth including this surgery. So I will keep the faith and lose weight with a smile on my face.
  24. Like
    Beach Lover got a reaction from DeezJeanz in VSG causes high risk for pancreatic cancer   
    You know when I first read this that was my first thought. God knows the number of hairs on our head. I believe we came onto this earth with a predetermined date and we will leave with a predetermined date. I am a saved believing christian and I know that God already knew my walk on this earth including this surgery. So I will keep the faith and lose weight with a smile on my face.
  25. Like
    Beach Lover got a reaction from DeezJeanz in VSG causes high risk for pancreatic cancer   
    You know when I first read this that was my first thought. God knows the number of hairs on our head. I believe we came onto this earth with a predetermined date and we will leave with a predetermined date. I am a saved believing christian and I know that God already knew my walk on this earth including this surgery. So I will keep the faith and lose weight with a smile on my face.

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