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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    mrs.petethecat reacted to ProudGrammy in Average loss with the sleeve is 60% of excess weight?!?!   
    amount, % of weight loss???
    sometimes i think docs "might" "fudge" their #s a bit
    its easier to say 60% success rate - people do arrive at that #, showing the doc has been successful (just my opinion)
    I am at 100% weight loss
    105 lb weight loss
    started at 235 lbs (5'3)
    now weigh 130 lbs
    i've been maintaining these past 7 months and counting til forever and a day
    so i guess i'm a success story/person
    its not like i'm bragging..................
    hmmmm, i guess i am but i/we all work hard to reach our goals - and i am very happy and proud
    the sky is the limit with your % of weight you want to lose
    your new life is at your fingertips
    good luck to all
  2. Like
    mrs.petethecat reacted to Keys Pirate in Three and a half years later   
    Hello Sleever People!
    I had my surgery January 25, 2010 with Dr. Aceves in Mexico and have never once looked back. I was on this board pretty much 24/7 pre-op and for a long time post op and one of the things that I desperately wished for more of was feedback from people that were "long term" sleevers. We seem to be few and far between and I swore I would provide regular updates... fail!!! And I apologize to any of you that, like me, wish for more of the "big picture" - no pun intended! It's true that we simply get on with life after surgery and before we know it, life has been blowing by and suddenly it's been some fantastic years gone by - you'll see, trust me!
    So, the long and short of my sleeve experience has been incredible – there truly are no words to describe one of the absolute best decisions I’ve ever made for myself. I started at 254 and lost exactly 100 pounds well before the end of the year. I ate low carb and drank Protein Shakes forever it seemed. About a year and change after surgery, after maintaining a size 4/6 154# for months, I started gaining – eeekk!!! – I attributed this primarily to nursing school (which I started the same week of my vsg and have since finished and am now working in an ER – whole nuther story!) and grazing all day. Cashews are the devils work, btw!! I was scared and worried but stopped gaining after slowly putting back on 20 pounds. I’ve lost five of that since, am now in a size 8/10 and have been holding there for some time. I truly eat what I want within reason. I’m in a good place mentally and physically. I have been at this weight for over a year now.
    I 100% BELIEVE THAT EXERCISE IS CRUCIAL TO YOUR SUCCESS LONG TERM!!!!! So commit to it, the sleeve, while a fantastic tool, WILL NOT solve all of your problems if you aren’t prepared to take care of yourself and having the sleeve makes it easy!! Like any “diet” or whatever, the long term is the trick; you will be able to eat A LOT more as time goes on yet nothing like before. You WILL be able to eat enough and often enough to gain weight if you are not aware. But it’s different. I would have easily gained that 100# back by now, that I know.
    So, for me, to compensate for eating so-so, I bicycle competitively and long-distance; average 50 miles every other day at about 19mph. I have a group that I ride with but do it often on my own too. Burns a gajillion calories.
    I guess the bottom line is that your life is going to be absolutely incredible post-op BUT, you will always have to be aware of what’s going in and out. The story about the woman who gained all her weight back cuz she would order an xl pizza and work on it all day? I can see that!! Yikes! But, you know what? Don’t buy the stupid pizza!! Easy!!
    I wish you all the very best and please feel free to contact me to vent, ask questions, whatever, I’m happy to help and happy to be here for you.
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    mrs.petethecat reacted to SusieK710 in Make a nurse cry...   
    Buying size small scrubs!!! Happy 50th birthday to me!!
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    mrs.petethecat reacted to piercedqt78 in I'm overweight! (and couldn't be happier!)   
    I just checked my BMI after doing my weekly weigh-in, and I'm officially overweight. I'm not longer MO, or even obese!!!! If it weren't 10:15pm, I would go outside and shout it to the moon and stars. I don't want my neighbors thinking I'm a total nut, so I will just come here and do my little happy dance!!
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    mrs.petethecat reacted to michelle4873 in Yes conquered my biggest fear...   
    The final straw that broke was last summer when i couldn't fit into a roller coaster and did the walk of shame...well today -66 lbs and I rode no problem! So happy!!
    Sent from my iPhone using VST
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    mrs.petethecat reacted to Terry H. in 9 Months Out - 1 Year Vacation Contrast (Long, Xpost)   
    How different can a vacation look year to year? My pre-op and recent op friends, you have no idea.
    Last year and this year in July we took my nephews (9 and 10 this year) to Myrtle Beach. Here are a few differences.

    Last year I was about 400 and this year 245.

    My swim trunks were 6x last year and 1x this year.

    Last year I went in the ocean with my nephews and was scared to death I wouldn't be able to keep my balance and get out of the Water - much less be a good guardian for them. This year, I was having the best time in the water ever. I'm planning to resume SCUBA in a few months, so this was confirmation that I'm on track.

    Last year when my nephews wanted to go to the water park, I had to say no and face their dissapointment. This year *I* got on the slides. I'd say they were more excited than I was, but that would not be true. I was grinning ear to ear and behaving 20 years younger than I did last year.
    I was having food funerals this time last year. This year I stuck to my guns and did a pretty darn good job staying on track with my diet - and I really didn't feel more than a twinge of desire for anything not on my plan.

    Last year, I had a hard time with any exertion and planned low key activities. This year I had energy to spare. One day I was walking to the car in a mall parking lot with the nephews and decided to just take off running to the car. Behind me I heard "He can run again!" and laughter. How nice to be able to have fun. Here's a kick, my wife and I took a helicopter ride. I went to Hawaii a few years ago and really wanted to but I was too heavy and over the weight limit.

    Rather than hang out at the hotel during downtime like I did last year, I decided to go for a walk at the Tanger outlet. Last year I wouldn't have thought about trying to find good deals on clothing in the big and tall range I wore. 4x and 5x aren't compelling buys most of the time...this year, I was buying medium shirts. I can wear some and will be able to wear the rest within the next few months. I haven't worn a medium shirt since high school. This 50 year old was shopping like a kid in a candy shop. Even took my dear wife back to the mall and let her have fun picking some things out for me too. No more big and tall shops for me.

    I can barely concieve of what next year holds. VSG gave me back my hope, health, and fun. I hope all of you can experience such a dramatic change next year.
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    mrs.petethecat reacted to DonRodolfo in how to begin at the gym   
    Get on a treadmill, set it to a comfortable speed, and walk for 10 minutes. You're not aiming for a particular heartrate or sweating or anything else at this point. When you're finished go home. Pat yourself on the back for accomplishing this.
    Do this again tomorrow, and they day after, and everyday. In 30 days define your next goal (faster speed, more time, both, different machine, etc.)
    It doesn't have to be any more complicated than this at this point.
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    mrs.petethecat reacted to RickM in how to begin at the gym   
    Do you have any YMCAs in your area? They tend to be very family and newbie friendly and usually have some sort of special program for newbies, introducing the different cardio machines and having you work them for a couple weeks and then starting you up on the various weight machines a few at a time. They usually have a separate workout room for newbies as well, so it's less intimidating. The most important thing, though, is usually convenience to your daily routines so that it will get used regularly - a super fancy gym with all the bells and whistles isn't of much use if it's too far out of the way.
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    mrs.petethecat reacted to ProudGrammy in how to begin at the gym   
    dollop starting at the gym..............walk around the track for 1/2 an hour
    anything/machine you might recognize a bit - get on it, slowly at first, little nervous
    do a little, just getting use to it - then do more
    the idea of going with someone for a little help/support is great
    IF you can scrape up those pennies to add up to a trainer, maybe take a class with a couple of other people too - that would be cheaper (my gym does that)
    when i got on the eliptical for the 1rst time - trying to work with the control panel - i finally asked the girl next to me to help!!!!
    i agree that people don't usually mind helping out
    even showing you how to do a machine - put the settings to your height, adjust weights et al
    kindof like ex newbies on this board - getting help from vets in the past
    newbie "grows up" into a VET - and then they "pay it forward" to the next newbie - who then..........
    just like the gym VET that can help a newbie
    i think many/most newbies to the gym thinks EVERYONE have their eyes on you
    truth is they don't, we're not that important

    they are concentrating on their workout, maybe looking up a bit, but not really looking at you or anyone else
    they might be checking out some cutie across the way!!!
    the gym and the sleeve can go "hand in hand"
    good luck
  10. Like
    mrs.petethecat reacted to rmbtcb4evr in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    This is my first post, so I hope I am doing this right. I was diagnosed with diabeties last August. My parents both have diabeties and I have to help with their care. I do not want my son to have to take care of me.
    I also was remarried two years ago. I am so happy in my marriage but I hate that I have to take up part of my husband's space when we go to Detroit Tiger games, on an airplane, or at the movies.
    I want to be proud of myself. This is one of the hardest decisions I have ever made. I am only 9 days out of surgery, and although it has been difficult I am hopeful.
    I have enjoyed reading about everyone. Thank you!
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    mrs.petethecat reacted to jhansen71 in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    I have 3 straws...
    I was at my hair salon in November 2011 getting my hair colored and I went into the dressing room to put on a smock. None of them fit. I had to come back out of the dressing room and tell The stylist that they didn't fit. Next thing I know they are all looking throughout the salon for a clean smock that will fit. They couldn't find one so my stylist took his off and gave it to me (he's 6'3" and approx 240). I was 5'5" and 243. Needless to say I was so humiliated.
    The next month I get a call from my dad who lives alone. He's 400 lbs and 6'3". He says he can't feel his legs (diabetic neuropathy). We go pick him up and he can barely walk. Then he falls at my house and he is so heavy that we can't help him up so we call an ambulance. It takes 3 large men to get him off the floor. Then it hits me. Watching my father in this state is what my little boy will be doing with me if I don't get things under control. I don't want to put him through what my siblings and I have gone through to get my father proper care. It was very eye opening.
    In January, I start looking into WLS. This same month my little boy asks why we don't have any family photos. I made something up like I just liked taking pictures of him, but the reality is I never wanted my picture taken. This broke my heart. A few weeks into January and I run into a friend who had gastric sleeve surgery and she looked amazing. I decided that was Devine intervention a took the hint.
    I had my 1st appt later that month and surgery in March. I still have problems with those darn smocks, but now its because they are too big for me. This has been the best decision I have ever made (outside of my marriage and my child of course)!
    Thanks for reading.
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    mrs.petethecat reacted to shellbell125 in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    Just had another breaking point....read a minute ago that MIchael Clarke Duncan died. He was 6'5 and weighed 300 pounds. Wait a minute, I WEIGH 300 POUNDS at 5'5. May he RIP but he was a big guy with big muscles.
    Also, I was at my friends house and I picked up her bikini top as a joke and put it around my thigh and it wouldn't touch.... I probably did what we ALL do. Laughed and made a joke.
    Does this even need further discussion?
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    mrs.petethecat reacted to isajck in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    There were several issues over the years: painful knees, inability to travel without purchasing two seats, fear of sitting in unfamiliar seating when out, tired of always being the largest person in my social circle and so on but the final straw was....I broke my queen sized bed frame earlier this year. Alone. Most people break beds having fantastic sex with another party but not me, I sat on the bed and it gave up the ghost. A beautiful sleigh bed that I've had for over ten years was ruined. I was mortified and placed the mattresses on the floor within frame where they still reside. One day, when a decent amount of weight has been lost, I will purchase a new beautiful new bed and hopefully the memories of that day will finally be banished.
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    mrs.petethecat reacted to Deana in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    I had a few straws that broke the camels back, my mom had her first massive heart attack at age 49 ill be 44 next wednesday. I am on 4 blood pressure meds and they still could not control it. My mother died at age 53, I dont want my kids to be without me. I am a Restaurant Manager and I dont care what anyone says it is a male dominated business, I got passed up for a promotion for a male that had just joined the company and had less experience than me. Well now when im at goal i will have to confidence to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH dont judge me by my looks ..... I am a strong beautiful and intellegent woman who deserves to be recognized and in the end im gonna be the one to say KISS MY ASS,,,,,, and look for a job that will respect me for the hard and dedicated worker that i am ,,,,, love all these posts you all are such an inspiration ......
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    mrs.petethecat reacted to luckylady131 in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    For me it was several things. I've researched WLS for several years, just never did anything about it. Then I started having health issues and being on the verge of Diabetes at the age of 34. My father dropped dead of massive heart attack at the age of 51 - he was tall, skinny, and healthy (just a work-a-holic). I started having severe heart palpatations after my second daughter was born, and was diagnosed with a cardiac arrythmia. I'm on a beta blocker for that and my blood pressure. My triglycerides are through the roof. I have high cholesterol.
    But the thing that really pushed me over the edge to make to proceed with this surgery was the day my Kindergartener came home and told me a story about how some of her classmates had been making fun of me and my size/weight to her at school. She was sad they did that, and I never want her to have to feel like she has to stand up for me again. I should be protecting her, not the other way around!! That day broke my heart and made me see the light.
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    mrs.petethecat reacted to williamrjomes2 in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    Don't really have a "final" straw. More a series of events in my life. When i was 17, my mother took my friends and I to six flags. I was able to fit on most rides, but one ride i got in the seat and couldnt buckle the overhead harness. It took 3 workers to get me in the seat. Two of the workers pushed on the overhead thingy while the 3rd worker buckled me in. I held the ride up for a few min. Pretty embarassing moment. But I was 17, i brushed it off and laughed about it. Since that day I have yet to attempt to go on any rides. Now that I have a 5 month old daughter, I would love to take her on roller coasters/rides, when old enough. I pretty much wanna be able to run around the yard with her and not be in pain(4 herniated disc) or sweating like a beast. I wanna be able to buy clothes in the mall, instead of shopping at certain stores because they have a " Big n Tall" section. I wanna be able to sit in a booth at a resturaunt with out the table in my gut. I want a healthy lifestyle for my family. My cholesterol has been creeping up. Both parents are diabetic, which im not YET. Blood pressure is still normal. I'm not on any medications. I wanna take control of this "disease" before it gets outta control. Sorry for the rant. So many other things I miss doing.
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    mrs.petethecat reacted to Pinky Green in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    I weighted 242 pounds and lost down to 175... and then gained it back in less than 6 months. Stress I guess. I noticed that it was getting harder and harder to walk and then my knee started to hurt all of a sudden. Really bad.
    I went to a doctor someone recommended. He did a CAT scan and said it was a bone bruise and it would get better. I went the next month and he still said the same thing even though it wasn't getting better. Finally I asked him to give me something for pain and he gave me a prescription for darvocet for one month. My friends said he wasn't doing anything for me and I should go to another doctor. I went to another doctor who acted like I was some kind of drug addict for changing doctors. But he gave me another prescription for darvocet. A few days later I forgot to take the darvocet and went to work and couldn't get up from my chair to go to the bathroom. I called my doctor and he was on vacation. I went to his backup doctor who actually diagnosed my arthritis but gave me arthritis medicine, how about that, a brace and a steroid shot. He told me if I didn't lose weight I would need knee replacement surgery in 5 years.
    Now, I had a doctor recommend WLS for me years before. But that was when most of the people you heard about getting WLS were over 300 lbs and I only weighed about 220. But now smaller people were getting it and I was facing a choice of knee replacement surgery or WLS. And then the wife of a friend of mine had gastric bypass surgery and lost 170 pounds. My friend kept at
    me to get it before it was too late.
    Then in April of last year, I met my beautiful new granddaughter Desiray. And I want to take her to the park and the beach - museums and festivals. Bike riding and swimming. And I want to move to Central America when I retire and be another grandma doing zip lines in Costa Rica with my granddaughter.
    Plus, the process has gotten me diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, sleep Apnea and something called Hypertension-Related Heart Disease, without Heart Failure
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    mrs.petethecat reacted to sassypants in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    My main reason was being pretty much housebound.
    Even in my house I couldn’t stand to cook or clean and I couldn’t walk from the top to bottom in one go I had to rest between floors it’s a 3 story house.
    This year I hadn’t left my house unless in a car, I also cancelled going to my nephews christening because I couldn’t sit in the car for 3 hours to drive there without my back being in extreme pain, I couldn’t stand or walk for as much as I needed too once there and finding a outfit.
    I did get a size 38 pair of pants but no top or shoes I could wear it depressed me more than anything else.
    I have other reasons but they are personal to me.
    I was on the waiting list to be approved for 2 years but the main reason for me is that I was pretty much a shut in because of my back and knees.
    Middle of last year I tried to go ikea with my mum she drove I by passed most of the store and went straight to the bottom level which is pictures kitchen stuff rugs etc sat on a bench while she did all the looking around.
    She met me we got half way in the ground floor I started locking up and shaking with pain I sat on the floor, when I felt better I started to go again had to walk through the warehouse bit I got down one isle so locked up and in so much pain I just started crying and forced myself to walk to some stairs near by to sit on and just cried while my mum tried to find the quickest way for me to get out.
    Took me over an hour to get out because I would walk for 5mins be in so much pain I had to stop and wait and rest then go again and over and over.
    Was the most humiliating experience ever just being stared at like I was insane and the staff constantly passing by asking if I was ok, am I sure and giving me odd looks.
    The weight on my body was too much for me and nothing they did helped my back, the bigger I got the less I did the more pain I was in and round and round it went.
    I think that’s why I was cleared suddenly this year instead of end of next year like it originally said.
    I still have major issues with my back and right knee, still haven’t gone anywhere on my own not in a car but when I do instead of porters taking me in a wheelchair around the hospital I walk.
    So that’s my straw that broke my back lol
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    mrs.petethecat reacted to joannao74 in Co-workers are starting to notice weight loss!   
    I have everyone at my job buying Protein shakes...i told them i was losing almost a 1lb a day be replacing 2 meals...lol
  20. Like
    mrs.petethecat reacted to Ashlee K in I Couldn't fit   
    I am having my sleeve done Jul.y 17th and I couldn't be any happier. My bmi is 40. I am 5'7 and 259ish pounds. I have never thought of myself as way too big I just knew that i was over weight and needed to do something. Well last night I had my most embarrassing moment and my big wake up call. I went to ride the scrambler and they could barley get the safety gate to latch because I was so big. I wanted to cry. I wanted to get off that ride and run away. But i didn't I stayed there with this bar pressing so hard against me I could barely breath. My boyfriend was looking at me and I could tell he knew what was going on. These two little skinny girls were sitting across from me just staring I knew what was going through there mind. I have always went to clothing stores and had size issues and booths at restaurants not being able to fit. But never like this.
    But on the plus side. I posted that I was having wls on Facebook because I am proud I'm changing my life. I seen some of my friends at the fair that seen my posting. They were all excited and wished me luck. It is so nice knowing that I have so much more support than I ever really knew. So my most embarrassing day did have some perks. It was bitter sweet.
    Like I said my surgery is July 17th. Since July is the month that we won our independence so many years ago I think that it is kind of a coincidence that I am celebrating my independence as well. Independence from that fat strings that have weighed me down for so long. I am ready to be the new me.
    AND You can bet my big a$$ that this time next year I will be riding those rides and I will fit with out any issues and Im ganna ride then till I get sick !!!!!
    Happy Independence Everyone
  21. Like
    mrs.petethecat got a reaction from lola8986 in 3 Months Out today!:)   
    You look marvelous! Wow!
  22. Like
    mrs.petethecat reacted to NoneYa in Dr Luna   
    I think Dr Luna's followers should set aside the venom and empathize as women for a moment. Place yourself, your daughter or your best friend as a single young woman in the same scenario. Before you say "that would never happen because I'm too smart, too moral, too whatever don't bet on it. You don't have a clue how you would react to flirtation from the Dr unless you are the one there. I have known a few men that spent 50% of their time working on a female with only one end in sight. They run around half-cocked (pun intended) at all times ready and waiting for a way in (pun intended again). I have read the argument several times that "he was perfectly respectful" or "he didn't try anything with me so it didn't happen" ( that one might be sour grapes). Consider that just because he didn't try it on you does not mean he didn't try it on someone else. Show me the rapist, child molester or any other type of abuser that abused every person he contacted. They don't for a few reasons. It might be that you didn't slam his drawers. Who knows? I think that the OP's fault was in being naive and falling for an age old stunt. Maybe that was wishful thinking. Who didn't dream of falling in love and marrying the handsome Dr? As women we shouldn't be crucifying her. As always, if we do unto others as we would have them do unto us a lot of problems would not exist. Just saying.
  23. Like
    mrs.petethecat reacted to Nicolanz in Dr Luna   
    Bklyn, I understand exactly what you're saying. Even though this wasn't rape, it was a claim of inappropriate behavior. She retracted her claim but I believe it was due to shame, fear, and probably guilt for risking this man's career. I've never been in a situation like this but I could imagine this is a prime example of why more women don't come forward. Fear of being further shamed and being deemed as a s1ut! It's really sad. I was beaten by a guy I dated. ....I was talked into going to the police ( I didn't want to because I'd feel bad for getting him arrested even though he deserved it). The police pretty much laughed at me and made me feel like I was just trying to get revenge of a relationship gone bad. I understand that shame and I'm disappointed there are so many women who put that shame on others which was displayed right here on this forum.
    I admit, I was frustrated when I first read the retraction. I'm truly sorry and now I get it.
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    mrs.petethecat reacted to BKLYNgal87 in Dr Luna   
    It's unfortunate how many people are incapable of critical thinking or reading skills on this forum. As I thought I made perfectly clear before, the only thing my story has in common with the girl in question's is that s1ut shaming can happen to anyone, regardless of how much proof is presented and it is always inappropriate and wrong. It has no place in any type of support group. You all are so sure of what you think happened but none of you seem to be aware your reactions/responses are conditioned. Thoughtfulness is a virtue, though it is quickly disappearing from our society, I'm afraid.
    I'm sure the doctor had his chance to explain himself. It certainly helped him that the girl retracted her statement. Even in the US doctors are afforded the opportunity because they are so hard to replace. You can be sure Mexico is no different, especially with prevailing machismo attitudes.
    I would agree about this beating a dead horse, but the next time a patient goes through a similar experience and they seek support, they should know there are thoughtful people out there who will listen and not judge. Such folks are outnumbered unfortunately.
  25. Like
    mrs.petethecat reacted to BKLYNgal87 in Dr Luna   
    I posted my story because I am sick of the s1ut shaming that I saw going on here on this forum, where it does NOT belong, not to be patronized. You need to grow up, lady.

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