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  1. Like
    GoldyGirl reacted to willi11 in Some People are Rude..   
    Ha ha so do I.
  2. Like
    GoldyGirl reacted to sknyinside in Some People are Rude..   
    I have been watching a lot of people I work with who have been sleeved. I have to say, it seems as another poster stated that after a tremendous amount of weight loss in a short period of time, people look good, then look sick - then as their body adjusts, look good again. It amazes me how people feel they have the right to make verbal observations about other peoples weight and looks. So unthoughtful and unfeeling. I'm sure they think they are doing it from a place of caring, but it is hurtful and not at all helpful. Keep your head up and know people will adjust to the new you as your body adjusts as well.
  3. Like
    GoldyGirl got a reaction from Only1likeme in Emotional   
    yes been there done that....it gets better. I have 9 month post op, and still have those days. But jus think we are making Major Life changing events. My mind has been on a rollercoaster. You are not alone. Some days I still wake up and think....****, I had my stomach removed.....WTF? But I go to put on my clothes and they fit or are getting to big, then I jus smile......Wishing you the Best of LUCK!
  4. Like
    GoldyGirl reacted to 7 Bites_Jen in Some People are Rude..   
    I wonder if it's jealousy? I think sometimes people see us losing weight and they don't like it for one reason or another. What I hate is that now I still have about 40 lbs to lose and every once in a while someone says something about my weight. I'm thinking, "what?? I've lost 100 lbs!!" but it's all about they're own perception.
    You're OBVIOUSLY doing an amazing job, so don't let them get to you. :-)
  5. Like
    GoldyGirl reacted to gamergirl in I'm triggering her depression?   
    A lot of other people have posted about jealous friends but your friend doesn't sound jealous, she sounds afraid of you dumping her once you change. This reminds me of a lot of spouses we read about on the forum who are afraid their mate will leave them when they get thinner. Especially if this has happened to her in the past, then her fear is understandable.
    Sounds me to your friend could use a little extra TLC from you right now. I don't know about you but I do tend to talk about the changes in my life, my eating, my body, me, me, me, a lot more these days! Maybe just be aware of that and focus on her a bit more?
    You're lucky to have a friend that values your friendship so much that the thought of losing it depresses her. Love, hugs, and attention from you should go a long way to reassuring her.
  6. Like
    GoldyGirl reacted to xring3 in I'm triggering her depression?   
    My outlook over the years is you have many "acquaintances" but very few real friends.
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    GoldyGirl got a reaction from Daydra in Nausea, slow loss, possible regret   
    a good tool, USE it once a MONTH, NO MORE, NO LESS.
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    GoldyGirl got a reaction from Daydra in Nausea, slow loss, possible regret   
    PUT the scale in the TRASH, the SCALE is NOT ur FRIEND.....get rid of it, NOW....
  9. Like
    GoldyGirl reacted to southernsoul in Substance abuse issues and VSG   
    I'm not sure how you could actually make a determination of when he's ready for VSG. Seems to me that if he wants to undergo a big life step such as this, he would need to work closely with a psych and/or a substance abuse counselor & make a plan for coping with the challenges. Be his friend & support his efforts, but let him figure out when he's ready.
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    GoldyGirl reacted to Daydra in Nausea, slow loss, possible regret   
    I think I'm starting to hyperventilate...
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    GoldyGirl got a reaction from Daydra in Nausea, slow loss, possible regret   
    I Put my scale in the good will donation box a few months before surgery.... I was So OCD to the Scale..NO MORE, I am Free, I will NOT weigh more than a couple time a month, I am at goal NOW.. before I reached my goal It was ONCE MONTH....
  12. Like
    GoldyGirl reacted to Daydra in Nausea, slow loss, possible regret   
    Oh, to not be so neurotic that I could actually follow that very good advice...
  13. Like
    GoldyGirl reacted to pjackson0523 in Help!   
    Wow. One Week! I said you should turn around and go home.
  14. Like
    GoldyGirl got a reaction from sohio44811 in Help!   
    I was on Only Protein Shakes for 4 weeks post op........
  15. Like
    GoldyGirl reacted to Catherine707 in Help!   
    Water? Actually I am impressed that one week post surgery you wanted to leave the house! I still felt like crap!
  16. Like
    GoldyGirl reacted to Madam Reverie in Oh, do please shut up!   
    Oh, LV. Sounds like you're having a bad day...
    As for the 'I ate a cookie' post... I wouldn't say it sent me 'over the top'.. I don't believe this post is 'over-the-top'. It was the last in a string of posts that have made me groan. So i called it...
  17. Like
    GoldyGirl reacted to Madam Reverie in Oh, do please shut up!   
    LV - it's not combative. It's an observation of what gets on my nerves. As for your personal issues, please see above where I wrote:
    'if you're having serious addiction issues - then that's a WHOLE different ball game and there's not a person on the planet that won't do all they can (within the limits of this medium and geography) to help.'
    With reference to: 'falling off of the wagon eating a carb laden food is the beginning of the end for some.. It's really hard to know by just reading a post and forming an opinion about it. '
    It is easy to form an opinion when someone is whinging about one cracker and have form for attention-seeking whinging. If they said 'I have eaten a whole packet and keep going back for more', it changes the game.
    I'm sorry you have a food addition. As I said above, it's no picnic and there's not a person out there that wouldn't help. But I think it is very evident when people are being self-indulgent. Self-indulgent in their eating and self-indulgent in their coveting of sympathy on this website.
    As for 'having it all figured out'. As I said above: 'If you're clever enough to work out that these aren't good nutritional ratios, then you're smart enough to know that you shouldn't be eating it. ' If I recognise that is becoming tough for me to do - I'll be looking for psychotherapy. Not for platitudinal 'pats on the back' from unknowns...
  18. Like
    GoldyGirl reacted to 1SuperBonBon in Oh, do please shut up!   
    Oh Madam R. Here is another great post of yours that I will need to follow
    I can't wait to see where this one leads!
    Let the games begin.
  19. Like
    GoldyGirl reacted to Madam Reverie in Oh, do please shut up!   
    Okay, I'm a fairy patient kind of girl. If i see someone in need, I will duly assist in any way possible. That is my nature.
    However, there are limits to this...
    Something is really getting on my proverbial mammary glands and I just have to put it out there... Before I 'go to town' on someone....
    What am I referring to?
    The indomitable, self-indulgent, totally out of proportion whinging on this website.
    What kind of whinging, I hear you cry?! Well, it's not the general and often valid complaints, concerns and outpourings of confusion related to WLS. Which, lets face, it, we all have for time to time... Or even the posts that deviate from being WLS related and are either observations on life or genuine cries for help.
    It's the 'OMG, I ate some fresh air!!!!! <swing your head back whilst placing your wrist on your forehead in a swooning fashion>
    'I am going to have to flagellate myself for the rest of my natural born life because I ate a cracker with cheese spread on it!'
    'I ate a mouthful of cream-cheese frosting, I hate myself' - then cue the over-exaggerated 'depression' and attention-seeking mewing because someone, in a 'moment of madness' <raises an eyebrow> didn't reach for a Protein shake or Quest bar.
    Now, before I get lambasted for not being 'sympathetic' and being told in a lofty and self-righteous way that 'not everyone is as strong as other people and they just need some gentle encouragement'.. What I am going to say to that right now and up front is 'BALLS!'
    So someone ate something with 15g of carbs, 11g of sugar and little Protein. SO WHAT?!!! If you're clever enough to work out that these aren't good nutritional ratios, then you're smart enough to know that you shouldn't be eating it. So get some perspective, be objective, dust yourself off and carry on. Don't take up my visual space with your whinges that do no more than to advertise your bordering on infantile attention seeking ways...
    If you make a habit of making bad food choices when you know the nutritional values - then frankly, you're an idiot. If you're having serious addiction issues - then that's a WHOLE different ball game and there's not a person on the planet that won't do all they can (within the limits of this medium and geography) to help.
    Just to those who want to curry sympathy and 'collect' platitudinous pats on the back for being self-indulgent whinge-bags - over very little - all I have to say is just hope I don't come across those particular posts. The response won't be pretty.....
    And for the smug ones who are undoubtedly going to say 'Well, you don't have to read them.. You can just skip past them..tra-la-la-la' I say BALLS to that too. Attention seekers have a habit of making their topic titles sound very 'life or death'. Having the concept of 'duty of care' bashed into my head for years, I feel obliged to read them. But no sooner do I get to the second sentence, I discover its been written by 'one of those types' and the rage subsequently builds...
    So my rant to 'those types' and in summary is;
    Do, please, and before I turn green, shut up!!!
    <and relax...>
  20. Like
    GoldyGirl reacted to RJ'S/beginning in Just putting it out there, so 'dirty' little secrets may see the light of day!   
    how in the world could you fit in even a fraction of that amount of food with the sleeve....I can't imagine anyone doing that and not bursting their sleeves wide open.....lol
  21. Like
    GoldyGirl reacted to jujubee5152 in Just putting it out there, so 'dirty' little secrets may see the light of day!   
    Wondering if this is a serious thread of not but here goes:
    I drink a lot of alcohol in one sitting.
    I don't exercise (my skin looks pretty okay)
    I am beginning to feel my bulimia rear it's ugly head again and consume my life.
    I'm scared to confess this to my doctor and get actual help so I pretend like everything is okay when it's not
  22. Like
    GoldyGirl reacted to Justinh125 in Just putting it out there, so 'dirty' little secrets may see the light of day!   
    Ooh, here's another good one: I was told to never chew gum again. But like 5 days after surgery, I totally got some gum and chewed it anyways. Oh yea, I was a rebel.
  23. Like
    GoldyGirl reacted to Justinh125 in Just putting it out there, so 'dirty' little secrets may see the light of day!   
    Back when I was consuming copious amounts of various hallucinogens, I heard somewhere that aspartame caused hallucinations if you consumed enough of it. Some friends and I went to one of those bulk stores and purchased an enormous amount of it. We all took the equivalent of maybe a few hundred packets of the stuff each.
    Unfortunately, nothing interesting happened at all. One of my friends got diarrhea. That was the most interesting thing that happened. No hallucinations at all. Not even an acid flashback.
  24. Like
    GoldyGirl reacted to Bufflehead in WLS Cover-up Story   
    One thing to consider if you tell people you are having your gall bladder out: many people who have WLS will need to have their gall bladders taken out after, because the rapid weight loss causes gallstones. So there is a chance you could tell people you are having your gall bladder taken out and then need to come up with another story when you really do need to have your gall bladder taken out in the next six months or so.
    I have seen other people use these surgery "substitutes"
    --I'm having a large hiatal hernia repaired (then you can say your doctor put you on a medically supervised diet to make sure you don't get another, as obese people tend to have a high rate of hernias)
    --I have terrible stomach ulcers and I'm having the portion of my stomach with the ulcers removed as nothing else has healed them (this is basically saying you are having a partial gastrectomy but just giving a different reason for it, it will also explain your weight loss after).
    If you really want to stop people and their prying questions dead in their tracks:
    --I'm having anal fissures repaired (or hemorrhoid removal surgery) - and then you can explain later that your doctor put you on a medically supervised diet after to lose weight, as these conditions are often tied to morbid obesity.
  25. Like
    GoldyGirl reacted to shumaked in WLS Cover-up Story   
    Fpmr96 I say you do what you are comfortable with. I have lost 25 lbs and I haven't had my surgery yet and everyone at work keeps asking what are you doing, blah blah blah. I am comfortable to say I have made a lifestyle change and I work hard. I keep it very generic. You have the right to privacy and no one needs to know your business!

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