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Blog Comments posted by TwinsMama

  1. @Lez, after my c-section I went home with the staples and just about died every time anything hit my tummy, including nursing...cannot imagine injections after that ordeal. As for my hubby, he said he'd do it...but still that is a shot and he better not hurt me.

    @Lisa's oh I would just about cry if I hadn't known in time to prepare myself. I am horrible with pain. I think it is the thought of a shot...I have tatoos and somehow my mind can take the pain of those but not the pain of shots...I may have a repressed childhood memory.

    @Dooter nope, I have no history of blood clots but my surgeon is making everyone do it. Yes, the diets get down right confusing. One Dr, says this another that and the Nuts don't agree either. Lots of trial and error I forsee.

  2. Good for you! I've gone to curves before and the people sure make the difference between just going through the moves and actually having fun while you're doing it. Keep up the good work!

    This is so true. When I moved I missed my former workout buddies and eventually fell off.

  3. I am so a dog person too. I grew up with labs and a retriever so I know how playful and loving labs are. I had a roommate that had (over the course of my living there) 3 cats. One was named Bandit. He sounds like your cat Hunter, he loved nothing more than to scratch people. Though he never got me...thank God!

    Bandit (not sure if Hunter is this way) didn't want to be held. He was more independent. The only time he ever tried to cuddle was the day I moved out. I guess he knew we wouldn't see each other again for a while.

  4. Good idea to eat a meal at lunch and shake for dinner.

    There are about 34 carbs in the shake. That could be high. I normally do peaches (keep me full longer than strawberries my fave). I'll play around with not adding the fruit and see what happens.

    My Nut told me to eat at least 3 servings of fruit a day so I've been trying to add them to something so I don't get bored.

  5. Be careful with bringing snacks in as well if you are a snacker. I have to limit what I bring inbecause if I bring in 3 days worth of snacks, I can eat it in 2. I leave oatmeal (with less sugar) packets and sugar free applesauce. These are my least favorite snacks so I am less tempted to eat them all in one day.

    Great idea, didn't think about that!

  6. Good for you. The more you lose now the less you have to lose later. I have also set some goals for myself. I'd like to lose about 23lbs that would put me down about 53 pounds before surgery. Just two difficult months to get through. My surgery will probably be in February. Just checked the last item off my todo list so now I just need to get a firm date.

    I also worry about doing the surgery and not make my goal or able to maintain. My fav quote, "At any given moment you have the power to say: this is NOT how the story is going to end." - Egg Face

    Thanks for your comment DaybyDay. I'm probably going to be Feb too. I love the Egg Face blog. I never saw that quote, I like it.

  7. Yes, just for lighter weight on my bones and feeling more comfy on the plane, I want to be under 240 when I hit the table. 8 lbs to go. Whatever I lose after that is gravy but I want to see 239 or lower when I get on the plane in December.

    TheCurvyJ wow..you are down to only 8 lbs left before your personal pre-op goal? Fantastic! I'm glad I'm not the only one who set my own goal. Good for you for sticking to it and making it. Wow...just wow! Great job!

  8. For myself, my goal is to be under 300lbs as well before my surgery 2/21. I am starting slowly - making more conscious efforts to substitute the horrible foods I love with the healthier foods I love. I also started strength training and will continue that well after my surgery.

    Part of my worries is regaining the weight afterwards. I feel that self control is a strength that we have to build/ exercise to see its full potential so why not start now?

    LezzieLez I agree, wow, you already have your date, that's great! If I could get under 300 I would be glad. Good luck to you and yes, making the changes now seems like it would make for a smoother post-op process. You've given me motivation I needed today. Thanks for that!

  9. You have done a very good job and don't worry about other people's comments. I had a friend who lost over 100 lbs with RnY. She recieved such negative comments (masked in "compliments") during her journey. She ended up deciding not to tell most people that she even had surgery. It was hard for her to deal with the negativity of people who she felt should have been happy/proud of her.

    She eventually surpassed goal and now many of those same people are looking to her for support through their journey. She is a kind person so she offers support, but boy, they put her through it. In the long run you know what you're doing for yourself is important so stay your course and try your best to shake off the foolishness of those who treat you bad.

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