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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    daisy65 got a reaction from nygurl in Any Michigan Sleevers?   
    It went amazing! I will be 4 weeks post op on Thursday, and it's the best thing I've ever done! He put me at ease, and the entire process has been fairly smooth. I recovered quickly, and am so happy! I could just kiss the man!
  2. Like
    daisy65 reacted to urboyp in Down 75 lbs   
    Surgery date was 10/1/12 @ 288 lbs
    Current pic @ 213 lbs

  3. Like
    daisy65 reacted to Alicia0022 in When I drop my weight, I'm going to try (insert answer)!   
    Shopping, not for what fits but what I WANT!
  4. Like
    daisy65 got a reaction from Pepper Paul in new member, getting sleeved 12/27   
    Things went well! Staying here another night to get some extra rest. Feeling pretty good, except lots of hiccups. Doesn't feel so good. Looking forward to go home and see my husband and my 18 mo old son. Passed the leak test, so I am hoping to not have any side effects! Hope you're all recovering well. We made it!
  5. Like
    daisy65 got a reaction from mommybo in Surgery - December 27th!   
    I am also having surgery tomorrow! Sooo nervous but excited as well. Wishing everyone luck $ prayers to you all.
  6. Like
    daisy65 got a reaction from kbby in In the waiting room...   
    Prayers to you & good luck!!
  7. Like
    daisy65 reacted to LovetoDeath in Things I won't miss   
    I won't miss......

    *My pants having holes in the thighs due to them rubbing together.

    *That wonderful musical that my thighs like to play when I am wearing certain pants ( I work in a quiet office environment so it's embarrassing).

    *My lack of a sex drive

    *Never scheduling vacations at the beach, because the thought of my thighs exposed makes me cringe.
  8. Like
    daisy65 reacted to ortega07 in So nervous next week is it   
    I'm scheduled for 12/26, but from the support on here, look at it like this......if there is pain or discomfort it's only for a few days. Compare a few possible difficult days to a lifetime of miserable days with 4 beautiful children. Once you have your surgery, think of the amazing days you will have with your kids. This surgery will allow you to do all you may have avoided! You get to live life! Good luck!!!!!
    Sent from my iPhone using VST
  9. Like
    daisy65 reacted to michelleooo513 in Tall Sleevers? 6'?   
    Ok so maybe I'm not really tall but I am really fat... Haha
    . I'm 5-7 I did request to join the Facebook simple so I have others to talk to on there that had/are getting the sleeve
  10. Like
    daisy65 reacted to Geminidrive in I Am So Thrilled For You! Behind You 100%!......sike   
    See I'm very much a direct person, if I were in your shoes I'd tell them thanks for your concern, but it's a done deal baby. The alternative is to continue at my current weight and as a result have many weight related ailments which may potentially cause me to end up in a nursing home. Bottom line you always have to be your own cheerleader and nix what everyone else says or thinks.
  11. Like
    daisy65 got a reaction from ProudGrammy in 28 And Mom To 17 Month Old   
    Hey all, I am getting sleeved in January. I am new here, but do a lot of reading. I was wondering if anyone else is getting sleeved that has a toddler? I know about the risks, but I have around 100lbs to lose..but am really nervous that something will happen and I will leave my son. Anyone else in my position? Thanks in advance.
  12. Like
    daisy65 got a reaction from ProudGrammy in 28 And Mom To 17 Month Old   
    I haven't told anyone other than my mom or husband, so I completely understand! Everyone I have talked to on here so far is super nice. I definitely think this is a great support system. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask!
  13. Like
    daisy65 got a reaction from ProudGrammy in 28 And Mom To 17 Month Old   
    I know what you mean, it's scary! But I just try to remind myself of all the things I will be able to do with my son in the future. Just trying to stay positive, and know that this is will be helpful to all of my family in the long run. Keep in touch, we can support each other!
  14. Like
    daisy65 got a reaction from ProudGrammy in 28 And Mom To 17 Month Old   
    Thank you guys for all of your responses, its really encouraging to hear all of your stories. And I definitely agree, being a healthy mommy is so important. I want to be a good example for him!
  15. Like
    daisy65 reacted to Simons.... in Jan. 2013 Buddies! A New Year = A New Us!   
    Congrats!!! It's exciting. Had my on Halloween and even though it hasn't been easy, I'm so happy I've done it! Lost 23lbs so far. Good luck and keep that positive attitude!
  16. Like
    daisy65 reacted to ChrisJ in Michigan Sleevers   
    Welcome, Daisy! This forum is a great source of "real people" information. You ask a question and there always someone who has an answer. If you need to rant, cheer or need a shoulder to cry on, there is someone (or many) who will be there for you.
  17. Like
    daisy65 reacted to CJ_Redux in She's Baaaaaack (From Surgery--Lol)!   
    Hello! Hello!! Hello!!! To all my wonderful sleeve peeps! :wub:
    Well, I made it to the other side of VSG surgery and lived to tell about it! Some of you may have read my 'worry woes' pre-op. If not, you can read them here. The nerves lasted right up until I went under...even was scared afterwards. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me 'splain it all below...
    Part 1: Before surgery...
    So I get to Tijuana uneventfully. Cecy (Dr. Kelly's wife) promptly picked me up from the airport. As with others, she gave me a brief tour of parts of San Diego (the pier, historic old town, convention center, etc.) before we headed for the border. Crossing into Mexico was a breeze. Once in TJ, I was taken to Hospital Angeles for chest x-rays. Nice hospital, and we were in and out pretty quickly.
    From there, she gave me another brief tour of the beach in TJ. Wow...was nice. But I love all things Water (lake, sea, ocean, doesn't matter). There's something so calming for me when I'm near the Water. We also drove past the arena where they (used to) do the bullfighting. Cecy said it doesn't happen so much anymore. After that, we headed to the Oasis Hospital, where I was to have surgery. I look at the room...eh, nothing to write home about. It's just a room. I suppose by that time it was about 5pm.
    Side note: I was supposed to have surgery at 2pm, after arriving in San Diego at 9:30am. However, my first flight to Denver arrived late, so I missed my connection. I had to be re-routed to Oakland, then to San Diego. Mind you, I hadn't eaten since the night before. Argh!!!
    Anyhoo, so it's about 5(ish) pm when we get to Oasis Hospital. I meet with the cardiologist (can't recall his name). He takes my bp...it's high (150/96), and I'm surprised by that because it's not normally that high. I am generally at 120/80. So I start to tell him of my surprise and he says to hold on, he'll take it again. The first time was with the automatic pressure machine. The second time, he takes it by hand...it's the same. He asks if, perhaps due to my PCOS, I'm on a medication like Coumadin (sp?). No. "Anything?" he asks. Nope, I reply. I don't take ANY medications. Unable to determine the cause of my elevated bp, he merely shrugs it off and says it could be related to the stress of traveling, and nerves. This doesn't really satisfy me, but ok. He does the EKG and asks if I have any questions. Uhhh yeah! Am I ok to have this surgery with an elevated bp??? He says it's not a problem...
    After that, the nurses start putting the compression stockings on me and I'm like, whoa! Wait a minute!!! This is getting really real! I start asking myself, "Are you really gonna do this?" "Have I made my peace with God??" "If I die, it will kill my mother." As I'm laying there, these thoughts going through my mind, tears start to roll from my eyes down the sides of my face. I realize that I have to be willing to die in order to live. One of the nurses seeing my tears, comforts me...en espanol. At that moment I think, "Maybe I shouldn't have come alone..."
    Before I can complete that thought, Dr. Kelly enters the room to introduce himself. Omar, the patient coordinator with whom I've had much phone and text communication, is with him. I immediately ask the doctor about my elevated bp and he tells me not to worry. They are going to give me something that will bring it down. He assures me I'm ok for surgery, since I have no other co-morbidities. He leaves to go prep for surgery.
    Omar stays behind to chat a bit and tells me I don't need to worry. "Yeah, but I am," I say. He assures me I'm gonna be ok, but then says, "If you're really not sure. You can call this off right now. You don't have to go forward. We want you to be extremely sure, so it's ok if you decide not to go forward." In a strange way, this puts me slightly at ease. I realize, this is my CHOICE. I have the power here, no one else. In life, we have to make decisions. I did my best to research this solution, and before it, i did my best to be my best. If this is where my life's journey has led me, then so be it. I make my peace with God that either I'll see Him on the other side, or I'll begin my life anew in this realm. So be it.
    At this point, probably because I've somewhat resolved that my fate is my fate, I realize no one's even asked for payment yet! So while Omar is yapping away, i just bust out and share that information with him. "I mean, it's fine by me if y'all wanna do this surgery for free, but I don't think that's the case..." He bucks up and hands me my purse pronto!
    Now it's time to head to the OR...oh Lord! So soon??? Geez, this is all happening too fast! I ask Omar the time, it's around 6:00pm now. We head down a long corridor, me being wheeled on my operating bed, looking up at everyone speaking spanish above me. Okaaayyyy, what the HELL am I doing???
    We enter the OR, a bright spacious room. I notice a TV. I guess that should be there, since they are doing the surgery laparoscopically. Then I notice a stereo. I ask the gentleman standing next to me if they plan on rocking out while performing my surgery. He nods his head. "Don't worry" he says, after noticing what I'm sure was a horrified look on my face. Good Lord...
    Everyone is scurrying about. The anesthesiologist introduces himself and before I know it, he's pulled down my gown to place electrodes on my chest and...oops! There's my boob, in plain sight for everyone to see! I know he has to do this in order to place the electrodes, but...,embarassing!!! LOL!
    On the other side of me, someone outstretches my arm and begins to strap it to an extended arm pad. Then, he walks around to the other side and does the other arm. I realize I'm in the sacrificial position of Christ on the cross.
    I'm just now realizing the irony of that...
    Next, the anesthesiologist informs me he's giving me something to help me "relax". Uh-oh! I know what that means!!! Lights out! My nerves kick into high gear. It's crunch time! I feel the drug and man-o-shevits I start fighting it! I fight to keep my eyes open--WIDE! "Yust relax..." I hear.
    Wait a minute! I'm not ready... Oh God!, I think in my head. So much for all that "I made my peace" mumbo jumbo!!
    Is...is that woman on a cell phone over there?? What the hell kinda place is... Next thing I know, I'm waking up in my room!
    Part 2: After surgery...
    I wake up in my hospital room and it feels like no time at all has passed. I am confused and wonder who the hell are all these people fussing over me, telling me to wake up. Can't they see I'm soooooo tired??? Noooo, leave me alone! I try to yell but can't articulate. I look over, and I see Omar sitting in a recliner in my room, looking at me. I want to say something to him, but once again, it's lights out for me.
    When I finally do wake up, it's 2am (I know cuz I asked the nurse who was tending to me). She spoke some English. I immediately began my 48-hour vomit phase. Now, anyone who knows me knows I DO NOT wish to throw up...EVER!!! In fact, I don't do pain or sickness in general well at all. For me, that's always a sign of Armageddon on earth! So me tossing my Cookies repeatedly for 2 days? No. But that's precisely what happened. It started the night of surgery and didn't stop until I was ready to leave the hospital. I asked the nurse for medication. I was flatly told, "No."
    OK, surely this...person...didn't understand me! But Omar's now gone. No translation for me tonight. And all night that first night, I threw up. Sure, the nurses kept coming in to check on me and empty my bucket full of vomit. But I didn't get any meds.
    By the next morning, the vomiting had slowed...or so I thought. It seemed every time someone came and asked, "How are you feeling?" I'd consider and then respond, "OK." And no sooner than when they'd leave my room I'd get that Oh God, not again feeling. And then the vomiting would continue.
    The doctor on call came in eventually and told me I needed to get up to walk as soon as I could. So I did...and then I'd vomit and feel weak. (Damn that hallway was long!!) The next day, Dr. Kelly came as I was walking. When he asked how I was feeling, I told him I had vomited all night and they wouldn't give me any medication. He looked concerned and said if and when I needed it, I could have medicine. I guess he must've went and talked to someone, cuz the next thing I know in comes the nurse with pain and nausea medication.
    Unfortunately, it didn't help much.
    After a while, I just started feeling down. I was sooooo sick. With nothing more to up-chuck, I was dry heaving which is just as bad. It felt like it would never end. Like I'd never feel better again. Like I'd made the wrong decision...
    When you're sick, you can't see anything but that sickness...at least that's how I am. Omar, who had stopped by with Dr. Kelly earlier, saw that I was in low spirits. So he did something that REALLY helped me: he brought a previous patient back to the hospital to chat with me.
    There was a lady there who had had surgery with Dr. Kelly 2 days prior to me, on Thursday (mine was Saturday). When she came in the room, standing fully erect (I sure couldn't, at that point), happy go-lucky and having been out walking around and shopping...
    2 words: I-WAS-FLOORED!!! (OK, that was 3 words... )
    I could NOT believe that she had just had surgery. She certainly didn't look like me. And I really wanted to call her a liar. But she was with her mother...and we all know Moms don't lie, right?? It was really amazing to meet her and see her progress. She assured me that she was JUST LIKE ME 2 days prior. That she was sick constantly, that her mother held her vomit bucket as she walked the halls! (Moms are great, aren't they??)
    This woman gave me hope, and a newfound motivation that everything would eventually be ok. And you know what? By day 3, it was. By the time I was ready to go to the hotel, I felt about 75% better. While I was still a llittle shaky, there was no more vomiting (thank you Baby Jesus!!).
    So we left to go back to Hospital Angeles to take the final leak test. Seeing that clear liquid and knowing everyone says it tastes horrible, I was not wanting to chance it. I just knew I was gonna throw up. But Omar assured me that no one had ever thrown up from the stuff. So, I drank the horrible concoction. And it stayed down. Seeing the Fluid travel thru my hot dog shaped stomach was quite a sight!
    No leaks...I was good.
    The other 2 days in the hotel were nice. Lucerna Hotel is quite a nice little place. Omar took me to the mall one day, and then to the beach and to Revolucion (a place with a lot of shops for tourists) the next. I decided to spend my last night (night 4) in San Diego, in order to have no problems crossing the border back into the U.S. While crossing into Mexico was a nonevent, coming back took hours! Ugh!
    Cecy again drove me back across the border. Dr. Kelly, who was on his way to an appointment on the U.S side, rode with us. So I got a couple of hours to really chat with him. I discovered that not only is he a great surgeon, he's a generally great guy. We chatted politics, travel, insurance in the U.S., plastic surgery...coordinators. He admonished me to stay in touch long term. I sure never got that much from a U.S. doctor!!
    Cecy and I also stopped at The Fashion Valley mall in San Diego before going to the hotel. Wow, I LOVE that mall! They've got EVERY store you could think of!!! I can't wait to lose a good chunk of weight. I wanna shop, shop, SHOP!!!
    The only downside to crossing the border a day early was that I was put up at the Quality Inn near the airport. I guess it was about the same price as the Lucerna. It certainly wasn't the same quality! I'd consider the Lucerna to be about 3.5 stars, while Quality Inn was about 2.75 stars...that's my opinion anyway. I would stress to everyone that if you're offered this option, you might want to reconsider. The Quality Inn room was shabby. And coming from the Lucerna, it was really a downer. It was livable, but if I had thought about it, if I had considered that the value of the dollar goes a lot farther in TJ, I'd have stayed at the Lucerna and just got up extra early to cross the border on the day of my flight. It would have been worth it. After all, I'd been through enough discomfort by that point.
    So now, I'm back at home on day 6. I feel fine, if not a little tired from not getting enough calories. I'm only allowed Gatorade, fruit juice, broth, water and Jello. It's getting old...
    But right now, I'm happy. I'm content. I'm grateful. And soooooo optimistic about my future. I am so excited about my next chapter in life. One of my bucket list items after losing weight is to take at least a year off and travel the world. Now that I'm on the road to significant weight loss, that possibility is now very real. And I'm anxious! One thing at a time, though.
    I'm sorry this was so extremely long. But I hope it helps someone coming after me to see that you can go thru a wide range of emotions. But ultimately, everything is everything!
    Take care, and good luck to us all on our journeys!
  18. Like
    daisy65 reacted to ProudGrammy in 28 And Mom To 17 Month Old   
    daisy65 welcome to the world of pre WLS - you have made one of the best decisions in your life - preparing for the sleeve so your life will become healthier, and happier and much more.
    you will win with the wonderful great new experiences you will have on your way to loosing more and more weight.
    besides you of course - there's that adoreable little boy i see
    he's such a cutie just like his mom, and you will be able to chase and run and play with him more and more
    dare i say, you could step out of your house never to see your son again, you know what i mean, fact of life
    being safe, no surgery, well thats what you will be- safe, no fear of anything ever happening to you, right?? with all our weight problems....... no fear of the future???? IDK!!!!
    this surgery should work out great, and all will be well - trying, experimenting with ie WLS - step out of the box - good for you
    all will be the happier with the new life you are making for both you and your little son
    be excited towards your great new future
    its ok/normal to be a little nervous - but SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!!
    btw - need to loose 100 lbs - i did too - look at me now :wub:
    235 lbs
    11 months
    138 lbs
    97 lbs gone forever
    3 more lbs til goal and century club
    life is good
    jump aboard
    good luck w/WLS
    speedy recovery
  19. Like
    daisy65 reacted to jennifer4444 in 28 And Mom To 17 Month Old   
    Had the exact same fears. I have a 19 month old and 4 year old twins. I figured it was time to roll the dice. I thought the 1-3% risk of something happening was better odds than the 100% risk of leaving them early due to my weight. I was sleeved 10/23 and honestly the only issue I have is the lifting. The pain was pretty non-existent for me which in a way was bad because i forget and still lift the baby. It's really impossible not to (in and out of the car seat etc). So far no issues but holding my breath I don't pop a hernia. Good luck!
  20. Like
    daisy65 got a reaction from ProudGrammy in 28 And Mom To 17 Month Old   
    Thank you guys for all of your responses, its really encouraging to hear all of your stories. And I definitely agree, being a healthy mommy is so important. I want to be a good example for him!
  21. Like
    daisy65 reacted to UTGal99 in All Pre Op'ers Read This......   
    Complications can happen with any procedure and are just par for the course, but it is a very small chance (less than 3%) that something will happen. I had the procedure done a little over 4 weeks ago - not a single complication, healed up beautifully, down 23 pounds and feeling AWESOME!
    I knew that the risk of me having obesity related complications in life was much higher than the risk of me having the procedure. I am so grateful I went through with it. I have NEVER lost 23 pounds on my own and know that without this tool I would not be this far.
    Good Luck to each of you. You will all do great! See you on the loser's bench soon....
  22. Like
    daisy65 reacted to FishingNurse in Not All Sleevers Eat 500 Cals A Day For The Rest Of Their Lives!   
    So I am 15 months post-op.....
    Just thought I would share my experiences and what life is like for me as a sleever in maintenance. I made my weight loss goal ( a very modest goal in fact...) at about 8 months out. So I have maintained my weight loss with ease for the last 7 months. I chose a higher goal than many sleevers for several reasons....
    1.) easier to maintain
    2.) no lose skin. That's right people, I have no lose skin, my butt is still round and the girls are still perky!
    3.) I am normal, curvy healthy and average. That's all I ever wanted!
    4.) I wear normal sizes. I am in a 12 and as a nurse I wear medium scrub tops and large bottoms. I LOVE BEING NORMAL. (preop I was in 2x and 24s)
    I don't really care that my BMI is not "normal" it never will be, I am happy and healthy. My surgeon and primary agree I am in a great spot.
    So what do I eat? a typical day is about 2000 calories. I was eating 1400 a day for weight loss.... I got up to 1000 cals as soon as I could post op so I wouldn't tank my metabolism. I don't eat low fat anything, I don't drink diet anything, no sugar free toxic crap. I eat small and healthy amounts everything. I have a vanilla latte everyday.I eat cheese at least twice a day. I eat lots of fruit and veggies and of course Protein. I go out to eat, have dessert a few times per week. I eat like a healthy, normal person.
    I still have started a real workout routine at the gym... I have a fairly physical job as a nurse and I take the dog for walks all the time, I plan to workout at the gym this winter for health purposes.
    All in all my point is.... I am so happy I was sleeved!!
    below is a before and after.....:-)

  23. Like
    daisy65 reacted to fyre_storm in Surgery Tomorrow   
    I'm a Halloween sleever too!!! Spooktacular!!!
  24. Like
    daisy65 reacted to twoolley in Pureed Food, What A Change!   
    I'm going to cut back to 2 oz because 3 was to much... but yeah, isn't that crazy?? I told my wife if everyone had a stomach like ours, there would be more than enough food in the world!
  25. Like
    daisy65 got a reaction from Soon2bsexi in Pre Op Diet Started Today   
    I am new here, and my surgery is scheduled for 1/15/13. Reading these types of posts gives me an idea of what I'll be doing in the future. Good luck to you guys! I have been trying to remember to chew slowly, and it's hard! Hope that the 2 weeks fly by for you all!

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