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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by weightingtolose

  1. Sorry you had a bad experience with the chat room. I've experienced that myself a while back. Don't take it to heart, sometimes their conversations have absolutely NOTHING to do with the Lapband.

    I certainly know how you are feeling right now. If you don't mind me asking when did you get banded? What size band do you have? How much fill do you currently have? We are all here to help so don't be discouraged by the chat room experience. I believe we all go through the same struggles at some point with the lapband. Let us know how we can help.

  2. Sure thing, I'll let you now. :thumbup: It all started with a summer vacation to Hawaii last July. We went on a Catamaran on the ocean where I began to vomit for 6, count them 6 hours STRAIGHT! Uh, the pain was horrible. I didn't think I would get sea sick but boy was I COMPLETELY WRONG! Anyhow, during the course of my puking sessions, I stretched my pouch. I knew throwing up was BAD with the band so I went to the docs in August and sure enough that's what they told me. They had to unfill me completely and allow the swelling to go down before I could get another fill. Anyhow, about a month later our family was hit with a series of deaths back to back so getting a fill was not even on my mind. Had 8 deaths in the family since then. We buried my aunt yesterday so we're hoping that's the last of deaths for a while atleast. In a nutshell, there's my story. I'm sure you can imagine just how happy I was to get a fill. Pretty sad when the highlight of your life is getting a fill to help you start losing weight again. HAHA So now, I just let things roll off my back and worry about ME for a change. Is that bad????

  3. Like most women, I usually put other people's needs before mine. However, that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. Do I feel bad about it???? HECK NO!!!! It's rather liberating.

    Today, I was asked to have lunch with a friend which I kindly declined. Any other day, lunch would have been super nice. However, my new life consists of focusing on my bootcamp. I attended my bootcamp class today and I must say it's really growing on me. With that said, we have a week off next week. What does that mean to me???? It means I MUST and WILL go to the YMCA and occupy my time with cardio and weight training classes. Here's to a week of no bootcamp. :thumbup: Can't wait for it start again on May 4th. Whoot Whoot.

    On another note, I weigh in on Monday 04/27/09. That will be 1 full week of me having restriction. Wish me luck, I would like to see the scale move downward for a change. hahaha

  4. Band - Still super excited about my fill. I ate about a 1/4 of an omlet for breakfast this morning. YUMMMM. I looked at my plate and was like, "now this is how I should be eating." As instructed, I took really small bites to ensure it goes through my band. My lunch was a protein shake which I drank after bootcamp class.

    Bootcamp - Well today was upper body workout. Boy do I miss the days when she mixes up the workouts. It kills me when she targets one part of the body the ENTIRE hour. After 30 minutes, I felt as if my arms were going to fall off. If you're wondering if I cheated, I did and failed miserably. She migrated down the line of gals and I thought I was in the clear. Boy was I wRONG! She came back to me and never left my side again. Whew, I can't believe I made it through class. I'm super thankful God gave me strength the get through the class. I wonder what she has in store for us tomorrow. OMG, if it's running again....... I'll just die! hahaha

  5. Today was day 1 with my fill and I must admit that I need to relearn a few band rules. For breakfast, I ate a small bowl of oatmeal. Mind you, I did remember that we have to wait up to an hour before drinking. This is where I paid the price for my choices. After finishing my oatmeal, it was time for bootcamp class. Mind you, I couldn't drink for atleast an hour. With that said, I went to bootcamp and after 45 minutes, I felt like passing out. Why, you ask??? Because my lazy butt didn't wake up in time to get breakfast AND water in me so I was dehydrated. Needless to say, I couldn't finish the last two drills she had planned for me. I was dissapointed but it was MY fault. I wanted SO bad to take a big GULP of water but I remember the discomfort I felt when I did that a long time ago. Whew, don't ever want to try that again. Anyhow, I'm going to make it a point to get up earlier, eat small breakfast, and have ample time to get some much needed water in my system.

  6. It's official, I'm now filled. I was SUPER nervous when getting my fill. I was really worried that I'd hear, "your pouch is STILL stretched, we can't give you a fill today!" When he told me everything looked perfect, a huge sigh of relief came over me. Mind you, I had like a dozen people praying for me so I'm sure that was the ticket. :scared2:

    The NP injected 4cc in a 10cc band, Whoot Whoot. I was really surprised she gave me so much the first go around. When I was unfilled back in August, she took out 7 cc and it took me 7 fills to get to that point. I'm not complaining though because I'm paying out of pocket now. The more aggressive she is with the fills, the better on my pocket book. :lol: Hopefully I'll have good restriction for a while. I gave myself a mini goal of 10 lb. weight loss by May 20th which is exactly a month away. Do you think I can do it??? Well, I'm going to do everything in my power to MAKE IT HAPPEN! Just glad this first fill over with.

  7. congradulation on your big day' date=' guess what tomorrow is my first refill I was banded on March 6 and I have lost a total of 22 pounds I don't know if it was my strick diet I followed or what But I am excited to see what happens after my fill. Keep up the good work and please keep me posted


    Thanks a mil! I was SUPER nervous. 22 lbs., WOW, you are doing an amazing job! Congrats! What diet did you follow to attain such great results? I wish you the best of luck with tomorrow's fill. You are well on your way to a healthier new you! Kudos to you! Keep in touch! :scared2:

  8. Welcome to bandland. Glad to hear you are resisting the temptation. It's such a difficult thing to do but it gets better with time. As for the shoulder pain, more than likely it's gas. Try some Gas-X strips. It helped me tremendously when I got my band almost 2 years ago. Looking forward to hearing your progress.

  9. After a 7 month hiatus, I'm scheduled for a fill. I can not wait for restriction. I will commit to the following.

    - no fried foods

    - no chips

    - no potatoes

    - no bread

    - Get plenty of protein in my body before any other food.

    - drink atleast 64 oz. of water daily.

    - workout 5-6 days a week (4 of which is bootcamp. Whoo Hoo)

  10. Fill day is 2 days away. Whoot Whoot, can't wait. I'm a little scared. I had a nightmare last night that I went for my fill and they told me I couldn't have one because my pouch is stretched. I woke up crying. Heavenly father, please guide me on this journey and give me the strength to succeed.

    No workout today. It was a rainy day so I decided to stay in. However, I will do 30 minutes of cardio tomorrow. I can't imagine what's in store at bootcamp on Monday.

  11. Went to bootcamp this evening and she made us run AGAIN. Was looking at me gasp for air yesterday not enough for her or what???? I had a cramp below my shins so I stopped and she rode my butt and made me complete the run. I was like, "are you kidding me"? but she was not. Drill sargeant I tell ya. To top things off we had to do suicides for 5 minutes, run for 8 minutes, weight training for 5 minutes, run for 8 minutes, etc. I'm heading to the Y tomorrow to start jogging on the treadmill. I'm determined to work my way up to a good run. I WILL finish a RUN in bootcamp even if it kills me!

  12. Glad to hear your fill went well. So glad that I ran across your blog. I'm scheduled to have my first fill after a 7 month hiatus on Monday, April 20th. Even though I've been filled before, I'm a little scared about my upcoming fill. I suppose my weight gain that the nurse will most definitely address will overshadow my apprehension for the fill. Congrats on your first fill! :scared2:

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