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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Strangefruit reacted to Bronxbubbles in Why Chewable Vitamins Ok And Gummies Not?   
    I had this same conversation with my NUT at my last appointment and this is what she said to me: The reason the Gummy Vitamins taste so much better than other chewable vitamins is because they often leave out the Vitamins, or don't put enough of the vitamins that don't taste good. The main one she pointed out to me was Thiamin which allegedly tastes pretty gnarly.
    Now- I hate to be wrong, so before replying to this I looked up the nutrition information of the Vitacrave gummies, Vitafusion gummies and the Flintstones complete vitamins online, and wouldn't you know- the gummies don't contain Thiamin, while the Flintstone complete contains 107% Thiamin.
    So that being said, I'm assuming the reason they don't recommend the gummy vitamins is because we're not getting all the vitamins we need. Now of course- I only looked up 3 different brands, and it is quite possible that there is some gummy Vitamin out there that might contain Thiamin... and some chewables that don't... but to make my life easier, I just bought the Flintstones Complete ones. I haven't tasted them yet- as I'm trying to finish the two large containers of gummy vitamins that I bought before clarifying all this info with my NUT.
    Hope this helped!!
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    Strangefruit got a reaction from Tink22-sleeve in Why Chewable Vitamins Ok And Gummies Not?   
    I am currently taking opurity Multivitamin for sleeves and bypass (bought online) but they are HUGE and taste gnarly... but, the dosage is only once per day... I was thinking of switching to Flintstones chewables, but they are 2x a day... I am wondering why gummie Vitamins are not allowed... Gelatin must digest ok, because I am allowed jello... Anyone have any insight?
  3. Like
    Strangefruit reacted to XO Jessica XO in Darkening Of Skin   
    Let me be VERY clear on something. The darkening on the skin we are experiencing IS NOT dirt. That is either an ignorant comment from an uneducated person, or someone who has been EXTREMELY poorly informed. It has to do with Insulin Resistance and the insulin leaking out of our bodies. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the TRUE cause of this very embarrassing, hygiene UNrelated issue. Please read below or take time to do your own research on Acanthosis nigricans. I myself have found very positive information regarding this unsightly issue, with regards to weight loss and overall fading of the problem areas.
    Acanthosis nigricans is a brown to black, poorly defined, velvety hyperpigmentation of the skin. It is usually found in body folds,[1] such as the posterior and lateral folds of the neck, the axilla, groin, umbilicus, forehead, and other areas. (In other words..your neck, armpits, groin (inner thighs), near the belly button, and forehead)
    It typically occurs in individuals younger than age 40, may be genetically inherited, and is associated with obesity or endocrinopathies, such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, acromegaly, polycystic ovary disease, insulin-resistant diabetes, or Cushing's disease.
    The most common cause of acanthosis nigricans is insulin resistance, which leads to increased circulating insulin levels. Insulin spillover into the skin results in its abnormal increase in growth (hyperplasia of the skin).
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    Strangefruit reacted to Webchickadee in Finally Understand Labels   
    food labels are the devil to understand! Some companies twist things so much it's hard to know what's going on!
    I mean really, why label something "per serving" when obviously you're going to eat/drink the whole bag/bottle/container, yet they only label as 1/2 (ie. 2 servings per container). If you just quickly look at the numbers only, you might miss that and be completely mislead!
    And giving servings by weight is also tricky, as most often you can't tell (unless you have a scale with you!) how much that "serving" is......
    I use a scale at home EVERY TIME, but when I'm away from home, I am always conservative in my choices and overestimate the numbers so that I will consume less of the "less healthy" choices.
    Keep reading closely, and congrats for catching the subtle shift in one ingredient vs. another when a company is trying to make something appear more healthy than it really is. This especially true for the "fat-free" trend. Companies often label their products as "fat-free" like it's a bonus for their particular brand, when the item by it's nature is already fat-free! And as you noticed today, if a product is lower in one category, the company has usually compensated in another to keep the flavour/texture, etc. appealing and satisfying.
    Well done!
  5. Like
    Strangefruit got a reaction from AnnaBanana in Cheated On Pre-Op Diet   
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    Strangefruit reacted to No game in You Know You've Been On Liquid Protein Too Long, When:   
    When your watching and episode of "Hoarders"and the old foodstarts to look good!
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    Strangefruit got a reaction from Fiddleman in Seeking Advise On Coworker Lunch This Week   
    I have only told family and a few close friends... Why not say you have been on a strict medically supervised diet? It is true, and frankly your PHI (personal health information) is none of their business. If you were going through a health crisis - God forbid - would you feel dishonest not sharing everything you had been through? There are a lot of medical conditions - incontinence to impotence that deciding NOT to share with every Tom, d**k and Harry does not make you dishonest... Share only what YOU feel comfortable with. Frankly, too many people overshare personal information, in my opinion... do you share your salary info with these people? Then why share your health information?
  8. Like
    Strangefruit reacted to Donny in When Were You On Puree?   
    I'm sure, it's shakes and strained Soup only for another week. My book says I can have yogurt starting with puree. Its only 1 more week, but 5 weeks of broth and shakes is so boring! I don't feel hunger so its not a big deal, I just want new tastes.
  9. Like
    Strangefruit reacted to Donny in When Were You On Puree?   
    How long after surgery was it until you went to purée? I have a 3 week post op liquid diet. I am 13 days out and would really like to add just Greek yogurt into my diet. I need a new source of Protein, the shakes are starting to make me sick after 4 straight weeks of them.
  10. Like
    Strangefruit reacted to JimmyGotSLEEVED in My Advice To All Newly Post-Op Sleevers...   
    After 3 weeks of being sleeved, especially if you have a lot to lose, start going to the gym IMMEDIATELY. You DON'T have to start cardio but you DHOULD start a weight training regimen. This will greatly assist in the saggy and loose skin problem. TRUST ME. As a trainer, one of my clients is 44 years old and weighed 402 lbs. He had the sleeve almost a year and change now and I realized after losing all that weight he has little to no loose or saggy skin... He weighs 202 right now and looks like a trainer himself.
    I understand some drs may tell u to wait a little longer but three weeks is the best time to start! Even if it's light training every bit helps because your body will notice it before you do.
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    Strangefruit reacted to cmaloney in What Is The Name Of Your Sleeve?   
    I know that some people have "named" their sleeve. Mine is Sleevie Nicks!
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    Strangefruit reacted to imlosingit in Very Upset Right Now   
    Dont let someone get that much of your ear ever again! As soon as negativity starts to come out of someone's mouth... Shut them down! I tend to tell people "I'm not hearing anything negative right now, leave a message at the beep.. Beep... "(Walk away)
    Shame on her. She works with you, she doesn't know you! She doesn't know and/ or understand your struggles.... and she doesn't need to! You did this for YOU!
    Be encouraged! There's always one on the hater bench!
  14. Like
    Strangefruit reacted to Holly5.3 in Expectations!   
    I agree with everyone! Starting weight/BMI, how your body reacts to the caloric deficit, your age, current health, amt. of physical activity, etc. will all play a part in #s lost at 6 months or a year. My dr. recommends no alcohol, for example, until a year post op. He asked, "Do you want to lose 100 pounds in a year?", Duh! Then he recommends limiting carbs as much as possible the first year. I love my bread (I almost inhaled a fresh loaf of Italian bread! I figured sniffing it didn't have calories, but boy the smell of yeast...yes, that is definately my addiction!) I'm doing well too, weight loss wise so I know it's hard to not get excited and then raise our expectations when the scale is behaving nicely! if I keep going at the rate I'm going, 100 pound loss is realistic somewhere between 6-12 months-I hope! I've lost 42.5 lbs. total since Pre-op in August-Start-278; DOS-255.5; 3weeks post-op-11/1/12-235.5. I know once I can tolerate more foods and my calories increase (currently staying at 600), I'm going to have to join a gym. (I'm thinking family membership as a Christmas gift for husband and daughters with some fitness attire. This way I know I'll get my membership...sneaky!)
  15. Like
    Strangefruit reacted to Livinglifeout in Food For Family, Etc After Wls   
    I think it is a perfect time for those teenagers to learn to cook:)
  16. Like
    Strangefruit reacted to june13sleever in Finally In Maintenance   
    The bones are something to get used to, but then when I look at all the skinny people on TV you can see all their bones too so I stopped freaking out. It is normal! But really weird! I never knew I had bones
  17. Like
    Strangefruit reacted to june13sleever in Finally In Maintenance   
    So a 130 pound loss in a year and 3 Months. That is pretty spectacular. My words of advice...

    Start working out before the surgery
    Lose as much weight as possible in the first six months by severe calorie restriction (500). I am hungry now, and I can eat WAY MORE...so weight gain is possible. That window of opportunity is small in comparison to the rest of your life. See...I ate Breakfast, and I am hungry again already! It is 11:30am! I ate at 9:00am! So I have to drink something until lunch or else I will eat way to much during the day!
    Have fun and enjoy the ride!

  18. Like
    Strangefruit reacted to Repoman in Before And After 90 Day Results   
    100 pounds gone...... Sorry about the first pic I just woke up
  19. Like
    Strangefruit reacted to OneManWolfpack in You Know You've Been On Liquid Protein Too Long, When:   
    ...When you start thinking that pureeing the leftover halloween candy wouldn't be cheating (but what if added in Protein Powder? That's ok right? Um, Right?????)
  20. Like
    Strangefruit reacted to SummerMarie in Update!   
    My surgery was Sept 20th and I hit 40lbs down!! I feel so much better. More energy and am more active!
  21. Like
    Strangefruit reacted to Texarkolina in Break It To Me Gently!   
    Not everyone has staples. My doctor used glue and steri-strips. You should ask so you know what to expect.
  22. Like
    Strangefruit got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Stupid Candy!   
    I try to intentionally buy only candy I don't like for Halloween! Dum dums, anything w marshmallows, etc. I can't keep the stuff I like in house - even on Halloween...
  23. Like
    Strangefruit reacted to katieb in My Progress Post Op Update !   
    You look amazing!!! This is just the beginning. Just think of how much more you will have lost in 3 more months. I was sleeved in April and in July I saw a huge difference. Now 3 months later from July I'm a whole different person!
    I guess what I am trying to Say is you look amazing now in 3 more months you will look even more amazing.
    Do not give your soon to be ex private time. If he was cheating before he will cheat again. I know first hand how hard divorce is and how scary it seems to be alone.
    Your depression will get better the more weight you lose. I am 6 months post op and I am off my depression meds! Once you get that self confidence you will shake the depression!
    Once again you look amazing!! Keep it up! Hit the gym and eat that protein!!
    God bless!
  24. Like
    Strangefruit reacted to jessfharris in My Progress Post Op Update !   
    Ok havent been on Vsg talk in a while... So much has happened since then... As some may know I'm goin thru a divorce due to a cheating husband 2 weeks after surgery... And if that wasn't enough I have been diagnosed with major depression... And I been eating very little and I get dehydrated alot... I also have my soon to be ex calling me for some private time now that he's noticing how much attention I been getn from men... He can't have his cake and eat it too!! Uggh, anywho my date of surgery was 8/15 and I was 349 lbs and now I sit at 276 lbs at a total loss of -73 lbs... !!!!!!! Here's some pics...

  25. Like
    Strangefruit reacted to msvickee in My 4 Month Results   
    Down 70 since surgery
    Down 87 since post op
    Down 100 since highest weight
    100 more to go, can't stop now!

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