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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    circa got a reaction from Sleevie WonderLand in "....you Look Fine"   
    I love the "why don't you try diet and exercise?" OMG! You found it! The whole idea eluded me until you JUST BROUGHT IT UP! Why oh WHY didn't I think of doing that?! Genius. Pure genius.
  2. Like
    circa got a reaction from 2BThinAlways in Why Are So Many People Going To Mexico For Their Sleeve?   
    Its funny (not humorous) how so many people think that Canada's healthcare system is so easy and carefree. You just walk into a hospital and get what ever you want!
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    circa got a reaction from verysoon in 8 Mos Out .. Still Hungry.. Why!?   
    drink before you're thirsty. When you feel thirsty, you're already starting to dehydrate. Fluids are so very important.
    try to discipline yourself against sweets. If they're your downfall, don't buy them. Don't have them in the house to fall back on when you're bored.
    If you feel you can't, maybe talk to your surgeon about the optional second part operation of the duodenal switch.
    exercise. exercise. exercise.
    How much Protein are you eating? How quickly after are you drinking?
  4. Like
    circa got a reaction from Kathy Dipzinski in Eight Weeks Out And Im At A Stall, Why? What Can I Do To Jump Start This?   
    I would definitely up the calories a bit and see if that makes a difference. Everyone's body stalls at a point where its used to being at. In the past, have you dieted or been stable at this weight? Your body does tend to "remember" things - it will pass though
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    circa reacted to PdxMan in 8 Mos Out .. Still Hungry.. Why!?   
    Well ... my 2 cents here, and just my opinion and I hope I don't come across as harsh, I want you to succeed.
    It seems that you need to address your relationship with food with a therapist. It is not the sleeve's fault that you are not eating correctly. It is not going to make you eat the foods you are supposed to. The same is true for bypass. That is why you hear so many stories about people with bypass gaining it right back. You have to address why you are not eating right. These should have all been brought up prior to your surgery.
    The sleeve is not a magic bullet and neither is the bypass.
    I wish you the best in this.
  6. Like
    circa reacted to Tamz in 8 Mos Out .. Still Hungry.. Why!?   
    I have considered this actually, and you are totally right. I dont want to eat sweets, I am not even hungry for them.. I dont know why I cant say no. It sounds stupid I'm sure .. :/
    I have noticed when I get in a stall/slump it is worse.. if I find myself exercising hard core EVERY day for a week and drinking Water like I am supposed to.. I have no desire to touch the sweets. Sigh.. I am going to look into to talking to someone though. Thanks for your advice
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    circa got a reaction from Amanda 3.0 in Lunch Out With All My Coworkers   
    I don't understand other people's obsession with other people's food intake. WHY does it matter? You paid for it, you can eat it if you want, or you can throw it out the window and give it to the sea gulls circling over the parking lot. Its YOUR food to do with what you please.
  8. Like
    circa reacted to Lilee84 in Sweet Baby Jesus! A Miracle!   
    Today has been full of wins for Steve the sleeve and I!
    Win #1 - I decided to treat myself to a birthday coffee - win! Other than the fact that I order fat free sugar free and it was whole milk and tons of sugar (I only drank about 4 sips) it didn't bother my sleeve! Winning!
    Win #2 - I've been having serious trouble getting my Protein and fluids in - it's no secret to anyone that has read any of my posts. So, imagine my surprise when I FINISHED my entire Atkins Protein Bar for Breakfast, then a couple hours later my entire 11oz Atkins Protein shake , and then for lunch I ate two fat free cheese sticks and 2oz of the same turkey that made me vomit last night.
    Win #3 - I've got my Protein in for the day, and I've got about 40oz of my fluids in WITHOUT nausea! I know it doesn't sound like much, but any of you who know how much I've been struggling with all of this will understand... It's the little things!
    *does a happy dance while singing* Happy Birthday to me! I think I'll treat myself to a SF popsicle when I get home
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    circa got a reaction from Iwant2Bthatgirl in Sleeve Secret? What Do You Say?   
    may sound self-depricating, but I've already given the "do I LOOK like i need to eat more?"
    shuts people up right away
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    circa got a reaction from Mr_Worm in How Does Surgeon Take Out The Excised Portion Of Stomach?   
    He said through the largest incision or the bellybutton
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    circa got a reaction from DisappearingDivis in Scheduled....but Lingering Question Is 'am I Messing With God's Work'.   
    God allowed us free will, which has done many things - it has allowed us to think for ourselves, which has created medicine and treatment options, including this surgery. Because you're doing this for the RIGHT reasons, I believe God is on board with this. You are not using this option to do harm to anyone or for any other reason than to be healthy. I think you're good to go!
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    circa got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in Seriously About To Give Up Food Entirely!   
    Part of the reason you're probably having trouble with so many foods IS the dehydration. You may need to go get rehydrated if its that bad. I'd nip it in the bud before you end up admitted - a trip to the ER or to your doctor's office might be called for here - they can give you IV fluids and send you on your way with a better start!
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    circa got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in Seriously About To Give Up Food Entirely!   
    Part of the reason you're probably having trouble with so many foods IS the dehydration. You may need to go get rehydrated if its that bad. I'd nip it in the bud before you end up admitted - a trip to the ER or to your doctor's office might be called for here - they can give you IV fluids and send you on your way with a better start!
  14. Like
    circa reacted to Fullofit in Wow I Feel Good   
    I have been 350 lbs or so since the late 90's. At that weight I never thought about dieting or doing anything to lose weight. I worked at very physical demanding jobs and my weight or size didn't slow me down. Over the last 5 years I have been putting on more and more weight. Finally last summer I decided it was out of control and I couldn't get it off by myself. I decide then that I was going to have weight loss surgery in the winter. When I could be laid off from work due to the construction season slow down.
    I got laid off in the beginning of December. Got a referral for a surgeon. and had my first appointment on
    12/26/2011. I weighed 476. Until then I didn't know anything about the insurance company wanting a 6 month history to get approved. But being so fat I lucked out and that was waived because of my b.m.i.
    Got told that I need to lose some weight before I could have the surgery. Was told to go on a diet and limit my calories to about 600-700 a day. I ended up getting approval from the insurance company. And got 01/31/2012 as my date. When I heard the date I know it was a good sign. That was my 45th birthday.
    I entered the hospital for my sleeve weighing 432.
    I had my 1 week check up. Doing good. Feeling great. 426. I have spent the last 2 day out in the garage helping my son pull a motor and trans out of one van and putting the trans in another one. That something a month ago I wouldn't have been doing. Did I say already WOW I FEEL GOOD.
    I have a lot more to lose but I am on my way and nothing is going to stop me. I figure If I am feeling this good now I can't wait to see how I am feeling in a few months time.
  15. Like
    circa got a reaction from brandymarie81 in No Family Support   
    People's self-imposed ignorance is kindof humorous to me. They have no idea how much they sound like an idiot. I typically laugh at it because you can't enlighten those that demand sitting in the dark. All you can do is nod and smile. I'm sure by the way you're talking that there's no "M.D." after your mother's name, so her opinion on your medical condition and your ability to have future children is really quite moot.
    I personally am the kind of person that would say "yes, I'm not going to have another grandchild, I'm afraid voluntary stupidity skips a generation and I don't want my kids to get it from you" but hey - that's just me.
    It really doesn't matter what you tell her - she's not going to change her mind until she decides to change her mind. Live your life, let her do the panicking and worrying.
  16. Like
    circa got a reaction from spiritstalkergoddess in Dr. Kelly Drama, Coordinators, Etc.   
    Actually, there has been a lot of talk about the "death" - and that it very well may not have happened as was told by "A lighter me" - irregardless, 1 death in a surgeon's career, while tragic for the family and the surgeon himself doesn't not make him a bad surgeon. One death does not erase hundreds and hundreds of great successful surgeries - especially when the patient's condition was unknown. There has been no medical report released to the public about the cause of death of this woman. For all I know, she had a pulmonary embolism and died from that days after surgery.
    Dr. Kelly is a member of FACS - you don't get there by making mistakes.
  17. Like
    circa reacted to Catracks in Only Sleeve In A Gastric Bypass Support Group Meeting ...   
  18. Like
    circa reacted to Rootman in Exercise Poll   
    I swim 1 hour 5 days a week. I manage 120 lengths of a 25 yars swimming pool in 1 hour.
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    circa reacted to Vance_ in Nsv - He Thinks He Is So Cool!   
    I can't wait until my wife carries me over the threshold...wait...nevermind. Congrats!!
  20. Like
    circa got a reaction from Dooter in Period Question   
    completely and totally normal - it'll go away - the bloat for that time of month can vary even up to 10 lbs - feel lucky yours is 3 Its just Water retention
  21. Like
    circa reacted to LacieMC in Binge Impossible- My First Non Scale Victory (Long)   
    I need to get this out...
    I came home today exhausted from work. Nothing really major happened, but it wasn’t a calm day either. My boss is interviewing candidates to backfill our open position. I was not asked to participate in the interview, however my Level 3 co-worker was. I am a level 4 and this new person will be my direct partner. I spent a lot of time today pretending like this doesn’t bother the f*** out of me. My level 3 co-worker is acting superior and that makes me want to punch her in the face…and eat! I was at my desk just searching for something to put in my mouth. I pulled out my vegi-sticks (little chip like things) and ate four really slowly. I know this is giving into the head hunger. I get it…but I wanted to chew. I could say in the past I would have gone to the vending machine and bought packs of M&Ms and Skittles and ate both packages. Four vegi-sticks is an improvement in calories, however…the reason I ate is the same.
    I came home and immediately went to my room to lie down. My husband asked what’s wrong, and I really couldn’t come up with a convincing story of why I was so mentally drained. I just wanted to sleep. I took a long nap and was woken by 9 year old son who brought me a cup of coffee. He told me Dad was taking him to get a haircut and my first thought upon waking was “EAT!” My second thought was “Da** VSG”. I thought to myself “I am not hungry” but I was not willing to give up an opportunity to eat by myself. My heart started to race with the anticipation of eating alone.
    A Binger has a sort of pre-binge check-list and mine was racing through my head. I headed to the bathroom and stripped naked. I weighed myself for reference tomorrow morning. I needed to know how much damage I was about to do to myself. My weight was 224.4. I would use that number tomorrow morning to beat myself up. I already know that if I weigh even 224.5 I will call myself disgusting and tell myself the VSG will never work for me. That one or two ounces will be my proof of what a failure I am, that I will be the one person on the planet this surgery will never, ever possibly work for. I change into to my binge pants or what I call my “comfy pants.”
    I head upstairs; I already know what I am going to eat. 1 wedge of Laughing Cow cheese and two slices of lean deli-sliced turkey. I know this is not a Binge in the typical sense of the word, this is not a 3,000 calorie food fest. This is my dinner. The problem is I was not hungry. I was turning my dinner into a binge for the thrill and excitement…for the old feelings. I missed binging. I pulled out exactly two pieces of lunchmeat and laid them out on the plate. I pulled out a single wedge and found the little red string to open the cheese. My heart was racing…I was preparing my food. I took out my fancy cheese knife and I spread the cheese and rolled up the tiny little turkey slices. I threw all the evidence away- even hiding the tiny laughing cow wrapper like the old days. I took my little plate to the sofa- the end spot next to the fireplace- my favorite binge location. I took one tiny bite and chewed and chewed. I swallowed. It was delicious and I was back.
    Then I stopped. I woke up. There was a pain in my stomach. I was not hungry- my stomach could not take any food. It was as if waking from a dream…”What the hell was I doing?” I gave the remaining roll-ups to the dog and just sat there in silence. I stared at my tiny little empty plate and celebrated this victory. This was the absolute first time in my life that I have ever stopped a binge in process. I will not beat myself up tomorrow, there will be no guilt. I will go to sleep proud tonight.
    Again, the binge was not the quantity of food, it was my mental state. This is my first Non-scale Victory. Thank God for the VSG...and Thank God this will no longer be my life.
  22. Like
    circa got a reaction from Sleevie WonderLand in "....you Look Fine"   
    I love the "why don't you try diet and exercise?" OMG! You found it! The whole idea eluded me until you JUST BROUGHT IT UP! Why oh WHY didn't I think of doing that?! Genius. Pure genius.
  23. Like
    circa got a reaction from AliveAgain in Confused And Depressed -- I Don't Want To Regret This!   
    This too shall pass.
    Have you tried maybe using an unsweetened almond milk instead of regular milk for your shakes?
    The only person that knows besides my husband is one of my sisters. I understand not telling people.
    Everyone's post op diet is different from every doctor. It amazes me too that some people are on solid food less than 2 weeks out. I couldn't imagine that.
    As for the sounds, that's usually acid - are you on an acid reducer?
    Please just take things one day at a time and know that you're not alone. There are lots of us going through issues that lead to depression or other rough feelings. Just know that you're doing this for your health, both body and mind. Your mind and heart can't be fully healthy if your body isn't, in my opinion. You will overcome those feelings. We're always here to listen!
  24. Like
    circa got a reaction from Dooter in Superbowl!   
    only 8 days to go! I'll be thinking of ya!
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    circa got a reaction from CynthiaK in Who Does This Alone?   
    It really depends. I drove home from the airport without a problem. I would take into account your pain when you're leaving and have a contingency of a cab

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