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LAP-BAND Patients
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    Splickety1125 reacted to rose2014 in Getting A Bit Of Cold Feet..Help, Please!   
    Bee, I second what bandista said. My surgery date is 5/27
    . I'm on day 3 of my liquid pre-op. Nerves and second guessing my decision kicked in the day before I started. The diet really has not been too bad. Protein shakes,broth,sugar free Jello pudding and popsicles. You will be ok. One day one hour one minute at a time.
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    Splickety1125 reacted to piercedqt78 in NSV and an emotional night and I couldn't be happier!   
    My bariatric group hosted their first meet and greet, that was loaded with some great vendors giving out some nice goodies, and holding a few drawings for some cool stuff. Then they held an amazing fashion show using some of their patients that were willing to walk the catwalk in some beautiful outfits. They also provided some tasty Snacks, some healthy some not so healthy. (I will question that when I see him in the office next week). My mom, hubby, daughter, and daughter's best friend attended with me as my "support people" As the fashion show was coming to a close, I notice my surgeon standing in the back watching, and I slipped back to talk to him for a moment. I haven't seen him for 4 months, like I said I have an appt next week, he looked at me and seemed puzzled, he said I know you, but I don't know where I know you from. He thought I was a spouse of a patient. I reminded him that he did my surgery last May, and that I had lost 130 pounds, his mouth dropped open, and then it clicked who I was in his mind. He asked how I have been doing, and how I am feeling now that I am at my goal. I told him I feel amazing, I was so overcome with emotion that I just stepped forward pulled him into a hug and started to cry, on his very expensive suit. He hugged me back to my surprise (he is very professional, and doesn't have the most friendly personality, very to the point and blunt in the office) and said that he was just blown away with my success, and that he was PROUD of me, and wanted me in the next fashion show. My family had joined us at this point, and my mom made the comment that I was too thin, and he corrected her and said I was not too thin, I looked perfect. He said I looked like a barbie doll, and he wouldn't change a thing about me. I thanked him for saving my life, and he reminded me again tonight of something he said to me on the day of my surgery. He couldn't "fix me", but he was giving me the tools to fix myself. That has stuck with me, and when I start to think of cheating on my food plan, (I NEVER diet, I have a life long food plan) I think of the amazing tool he has given me, and how he told me it was up to me to make this tool work for me. I have worked my sleeve to it's fullest and I am proud to say that I have gone from a size 22/24 to a 4 yes that's right a 4. I am going to walk in the next fashion show, and I am not only going to walk, I'm going to strut my stuff. I am so proud of the work I have put into my new self, and I and forever greatful for the tool that Dr. Uchal had given to me. My life was changed on May 8th 2013, that will be the day I Celebrate my rebirth. I just wanted to share with you all, it was an NSV but seeing all the other women that had made the same amazing transformations that I have made brought me to tears. At the end of the show, they announced that the ladies that walked in the show tonight had lost a total of 2,200 pounds. Amazing. And my mother who needs the surgery told me that she was too old. Well tonight she met a woman that is older than her that was sleeved and lost 156 pounds. She looked AMAZING, and my mom asked her a ton of questions. I think she might actually look into being sleeved. This is something I have prayed about for the last year. My mom is diabetic, high blood pressure and high cholestrol, and she had to have back surgery, and now she needs knee surgery. I keep telling her the surgery would change her life. It would help her live longer, healthier and happier. She told me that she would do the surgery but doesn't want the excess skin, I told her I would rather have her with excess skin, and Alive, than bury her with tight skin. I don't want to lose my mom to obesity, when help is available. I think that actually sunk in tonight. I guess we will see what she does. I did my surgery to be here for my daughter, and I hope she is willing to do the same to be here for myself and my daughter.
    Tonight was a great night. It also made me decide to help set up a monthly meeting for my area. I posted in the local group area so I guess tonight not only made me happy, but also made me see that I have a lot of support and motivation to offer.
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    Splickety1125 reacted to piercedqt78 in NSV and an emotional night and I couldn't be happier!   
    That's me in the orange, the young lady is the flowers is my almost 13 year old daughter,The young lady in pink is her bestie, the woman in black is my mom. And that handsome man is my hubby.
  4. Like
    Splickety1125 reacted to Weeviegurl in Any may banders   
    Well, my tentative surgery date passed and we are now looking possibly at the last week of May. Still waiting to hear back from my appeal. I've got my fingers crossed, and in the meantime; I'm sticking to eating clean, and exercising. Down 21lbs and counting.
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    Splickety1125 reacted to rose2014 in Any may banders   
    Just got my date today. Surgery May 27
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    Splickety1125 reacted to betty_s in Any may banders   
    I think the pre-op diet is a really good indicator of how ready we actually are for the surgery. I know cheating isn't an option, just as I know that after getting banded, some things I'm putting restrictions on like white, starchy carbs and too much added sugar.
    Go into with this positive attitude and I think that will make all the difference. I've been positive during mine, and I only suffered with some head hunger on day 2. Now, if I think I'm starting to get hungry, I'll drink 20 oz of Water or go for a walk.
    Head hunger isn't going to go away once we're banded, so we need to make positive changes in our habits.
    Stay positive! The moment you think "this pre-op diet SUCKS" or "theres NO WAY I can do this without cheating" you've let your old, overweight self win.
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    Splickety1125 reacted to kayzoog in Any may banders   
    Good luck everyone! As @@JustWatchMe said, the pre and post-op liquid diet takes some commitment. Even after that, you have some hard work to do when transitioning to normal foods. But it is so very very very worth it!!! I'm 7 weeks post surgery and wouldn't change a thing! It has been amazing journey so far.
    Kudos to all of you on getting your band dates!
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    Splickety1125 reacted to dlamp112 in Any may banders   
    I am scheduled 5/14/14 - Nervous Nelly for sure over here! Came so close back in Sept, during my pre-op I found out I was over 3 months pregnant! SO now that I have delivered a healthy baby girl, I climbed back up on this horse and I am ready to take this ride.
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    Splickety1125 reacted to bobomarge in Any may banders   
    Florida here
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    Splickety1125 reacted to Bandista in 2 days until I am banded   
    Tracy -- so excited for you! The way I looked at it that was twenty never to be seen again. I am six months out and so, so happy with this decision. Good luck for your big day. I found an excellent sense of humor a good thing to have on hand -- the gown and gurney (I had never been an overnight patient in a hospital before), the ridiculous forms, etc. I felt like every one was there to take care of me. I walked ASAP after surgery -- every time I thought I had to pee (that is me at 52) I walked up and down as much as possible. Over-rode all signals for lazing out and just went for it, up and down the halls. Then at home next day round and round the driving circle. I really feel like this gave my body the signal HEY WE ARE SERIOUS and kicked everything into gear. Wishing you the very best!
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    Splickety1125 reacted to Tracy Learmonth Shaw in 2 days until I am banded   
    So my new life as a banded women will begin in 2 days. What a 2 weeks this has been. I am down 19 pounds. Thought it was17 pounds I bought a new scale and it shows 19 pounds. I really hope in the next 2 days I can lose 1 more pound to make it 20 pounds. I'm not really nervous at this moment but come Friday it will be different.
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    Splickety1125 reacted to ShantelleElaine in lap band   
    I haven't been on here for a long time dealing with complications from my surgery no fault of the band but my own body and health issues that were unknown until post op complications arose. I was on the lap band talk site and apparently that doesn't exist any longer. I came across this site and assume it replaced the original lap band forum. As I said ice had excessive weight loss in a short period of time. Love the change in every way. I did have blood clots in my lungs and legs and nearly died multiple times have been in and out of ICU for 10mths now. Will be on tons of life sustaining meds for life due to the blood clots but as I said the band is great and I wouldn't change a thing. I keep losing weight I think my body will stop when it's ready. I'm embracing every change and enjoying shopping in the medium section instead of 2 or 3xl. Don't doubt the band it does work. I've had NO fills. This is all me. I'm not hungry. I don't eat much but I'm ok with that. Success stories are really not fairytale they can be real life. I'm living proof!
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    Splickety1125 reacted to ShantelleElaine in lap band   
    Don't Know what happened to the lap band forum but I've lost 120 pounds in 9mths and thats really all that needs to be said..love my new body life and everything that goes with it....
  14. Like
    Splickety1125 reacted to betty_s in Schedule for 5/21/14 Band over Bypass   
    i'm getting the band may 8th! welcome! my doctor actually gave me an ultimatum that he would only do the sleeve on my bc of my BMI, so i had to choose a new doctor.. so glad i did. i know the band it right for me!
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    Splickety1125 reacted to KarenWB in Schedule for 5/21/14 Band over Bypass   
    I had the lap band on February 17th here in Richmond, VA. I had a lot of pain afterwards from the port area.
    I'm doing okay now but wear a midsection stretch splint over my stomach because a few weeks after the banding I somehow injured the port area... possibly tore the muscle a bit. OUCH!! It wouldn't heal so I had to get the support and I love it!! I wear it day and night except the shower.
    I've leveled off at a loss of 42 lbs. since before my surgery (that includes the liver shrinking diet weeks). I get my first fill on May 12th.
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    Splickety1125 reacted to peedie12 in "Never want to go Back"!   
    before lapband

    After 14mos later
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    Splickety1125 reacted to Bandista in Scared and Execited at the same time   
    No need to think "last meal" because you will have a lifetime of wonderful meals ahead. They are just smaller and probably smarter. I feel like I can have everything I want, just in smaller portions at appropriate intervals. I don't feel like I'm denying myself anything. It's all rather amazing, really! Good luck to you -- this is by far the best decision I've made in who knows how long.
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    Splickety1125 reacted to BRANDNEWME813 in Teaching an ole' dog new tricks..........   
    “Daddy, why do you have such a big belly?” innocently asked by my precocious five year old Son Connor, that was the spark that lit the fuse to my deciding to change my life. Sometimes we need not be shouted at to be shaken from a slumber. Sometimes a whisper is louder than a shout. A few months back, I was walking through life in a perpetual haze. I believed I was a happy individual, I am surrounded by a loving Wife, amazing children, and a diverse and loving group of friends & family. I was however overlooking the fact that I was physically careening down a slope at breakneck speed. I have always been a large, “big-boned”, individual. For most of my adult life I was able to deflect my rapidly increasing waist line by using self-deprecating humor and sarcasm as a protective shield. I was the definition of the happy go lucky fat man. I was the go to BBQ guy, the first to crack a beer with you, the first to grab that extra slice of pizza; I began to believe it was what was expected of me. At least I told myself that as a pathetic excuse to allow myself to continue to indulge in excess. Over the years, many people have expressed disbelief when I revealed my weight when asked. I often hear things like, you carry it so well, there is no way you weigh that much…as if I would choose to add extra pounds for some reason. I incorporated this as a defense mechanism, and lied repeatedly to myself that my weight wasn’t that bad.
    On the inside, I was fighting every day to try and do the “right thing”, and try to somewhat live a healthy lifestyle. I knew what to eat, how to eat, when to eat…but choosing to follow what I knew would work was not something I could do for an extended period of time. I am not ashamed to say that I was weak in spirit, I had no will power, and realistically I still don’t. But, I knew I was treading into uncharted territory, weight wise. I was easily winded, my knees creaked, my back hurt, and that doesn’t cover my fear of what might possibly be going on that I couldn’t physically feel. I tried to play in a flag football tournament and failed miserably, I dreaded carrying my own Daughter to bed; even kneeling by the tub to bath the kids was a nightmare.
    So, when my Son asked me that simple question, and I had no intelligent answer, only excuses, I decided enough was enough. I am not above asking for help, I am honest with myself, and I knew that the changes I wanted to make, I could not make alone. I decided to explore Bariatric surgery as a tool to help me save my life. After considering the several options available, I decided that Lap Band surgery would be the best fit for me. Once I made that decision, and embraced it, my mind turned to the endless possibilities that would stand before me. The truth is I am not changing to look good on the beach, or to wear a certain pant size. Yes, truth be told, these will be wonderful benefits of changing my lifestyle, but there are three reasons for my wake up call. My Wife & my kids, there it is, the definitive reason. The reason that I breathe, the reason that I wake up every morning, the reason why I will do whatever is needed to give them the best of me that I possibly can.
    Now, I expected to meet some resistance to my decision, and I have not been disappointed in that regard. Some people see weight loss surgery as cheating, or as an easy way out, that you don’t have the will power needed to do it on your own. To that I say, then using the gym is cheating, buying $100.00 running shoes is cheating, eating low fat food is cheating, they are all tools to help you get to where you want to go. For someone with food issues, mental, as well as physical, weight loss surgery is nothing but a tool to help you get off to a good start on a new life. It is not a magic trick; you do not have surgery and wake up 70lbs less than the day before. You have to eat right, exercise, make good decisions, just like anyone else trying to live right. Telling someone that weight loss surgery is cheating, is the same as telling an alcoholic that AA is cheating, they are simply tools designed to help you meet a need. I am not trying to fool anyone, especially myself; I do not have the will power to walk this alone. I am not ashamed to say that I need every tool in the box to help me be who I want to be. To be honest with you, I have never been overly concerned with the opinions of others, if I know in my heart that something is right for me, then all else be damned. I know in my heart, that I will be adding years to my life, and I don’t care how I get it done, or how anyone feels about my choice.
    At the end of the day, I want to look my Wife and kids in the eye, and have them know that Daddy is doing everything in his power to be there for them. I dream of doing the simple things that many overlook, or take for granted, running a 5K, playing sports with my kids, carrying my sleeping Daughter up a flight of stairs without wincing in pain. I have many inspiring people in my circle, friends, family, especially my Wife, who has shown me that change is possible and given me the blueprint to work off of. I look forward to the day, in the not too distant future, when I can update you all about the new me.
    For now, I leave you with the latest steps I have taken on the path to living right. Yesterday I began a 2/3 week diet before I have surgery. My Surgeon has submitted the paperwork to my insurance provider and we wait patiently for them to sign off. After that, we will hopefully green light surgery for some point over the next few weeks. I know many of you are privy to my journey; I just wanted to share with as many people as possible, and hopefully inspire others to take the proverbial bull by the horns.
  19. Like
    Splickety1125 reacted to Terri160 in Teaching an ole' dog new tricks..........   
    Love it. I just had my surgery last Wednesday. I just got done giving my surgeon's information to an employee of mine for her husband. That's the response I've been getting from folks. And she's thinking about it herself. People for the most part would love to get this surgery. it's becoming a way of life now. It has truly become "uncool" to be fat when you can do something about it. We are on our way and I'm glad we can inspire other to make this decision. Good luck to you! God bless.
  20. Like
    Splickety1125 reacted to CubsWinCubsWin in I'm eating like a prisoner on death row   
    I am less than 3 weeks from my surgery date, I start on the 15 day liquid diet on Friday. Over the past couple days I have been going on a farewell tour of my favorite foods I am saying goodbye to after our long and intimate time together. Yesterday I used the Cheesecake Factory gift card I got for Christmas and tomorrow my mom is taking me to my favorite pizza joint for one last Chicago style thin crust sausage pizza. She is a little happy she no longer has to share pizza with me, she hasn't had a middle square in decades (Chicago thin crust is cut into squares, known as a party cut).
    My weekday lunch time routine of going out to a local fast food joint will soon be replaced with a brisk walk at the gym or outside around my workplace. If I get really industrious I will go down to the nearby ice rink and skate through my lunch period. Change has come to my life. Welcome change, very necessary change. Change to bigger things with a smaller waistline.
  21. Like
    Splickety1125 reacted to gowalking in breathtaking NSV   
    Here you go TMF.

  22. Like
    Splickety1125 reacted to BigE6668 in 11 weeks and 86lbs Gone!   
    Just wanted to say i love my band so far and to be down 86lbs in 11 weeks is amazing for me!!
  23. Like
    Splickety1125 reacted to grownazzkid in Been away for a while   
    Thought I would check in. Everything is still going awesome... maybe better! Had my 1 year anniversary late Feb; my wife's is the end of this month (she had gastric bypass). We are down a combined 242 pounds (Me 360 to 225, her 260 to 153)!!! We workout daily lifting/cardio, plus bike rides or hikes on Saturday and/or Sunday.
    Here is a recent comparison of our awesome new US!

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    Splickety1125 reacted to bsellis in before and after pics   
    I'm still a work in progress but I'm down 110 lbs since starting my pre-op diet 9 months ago.

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    Splickety1125 reacted to LadyDiva618 in Today is my one year Bandiversary!   
    Wow I can't believe it's been one year! I am so healthier now and I feel amazing! Enjoy my before and after pics.

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