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LAP-BAND Patients
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    Bandista got a reaction from WLSResources/ClothingExch in Queen-Sized NSV (Non-Scale Victory)   
    The bed, not the girl! We are just back from a four-day getaway and our beautifully-appointed hotel room had a Queen. Before weight loss? No way! For years it's had to be a King but no more. But now it was just fine. Oh, and I just hopped off the scale and did not gain a thing despite the fact that I ate deliciously-rich restaurant food (mostly French) -- those small portions really work. And I love it that now I can (and do) just stop. Now for some serious exercise (another NSV -- wanting to do it!).
  2. Like
    Bandista got a reaction from WLSResources/ClothingExch in Queen-Sized NSV (Non-Scale Victory)   
    The bed, not the girl! We are just back from a four-day getaway and our beautifully-appointed hotel room had a Queen. Before weight loss? No way! For years it's had to be a King but no more. But now it was just fine. Oh, and I just hopped off the scale and did not gain a thing despite the fact that I ate deliciously-rich restaurant food (mostly French) -- those small portions really work. And I love it that now I can (and do) just stop. Now for some serious exercise (another NSV -- wanting to do it!).
  3. Like
    Bandista got a reaction from WLSResources/ClothingExch in Queen-Sized NSV (Non-Scale Victory)   
    The bed, not the girl! We are just back from a four-day getaway and our beautifully-appointed hotel room had a Queen. Before weight loss? No way! For years it's had to be a King but no more. But now it was just fine. Oh, and I just hopped off the scale and did not gain a thing despite the fact that I ate deliciously-rich restaurant food (mostly French) -- those small portions really work. And I love it that now I can (and do) just stop. Now for some serious exercise (another NSV -- wanting to do it!).
  4. Like
    Bandista got a reaction from WLSResources/ClothingExch in Queen-Sized NSV (Non-Scale Victory)   
    The bed, not the girl! We are just back from a four-day getaway and our beautifully-appointed hotel room had a Queen. Before weight loss? No way! For years it's had to be a King but no more. But now it was just fine. Oh, and I just hopped off the scale and did not gain a thing despite the fact that I ate deliciously-rich restaurant food (mostly French) -- those small portions really work. And I love it that now I can (and do) just stop. Now for some serious exercise (another NSV -- wanting to do it!).
  5. Like
    Bandista got a reaction from WLSResources/ClothingExch in Queen-Sized NSV (Non-Scale Victory)   
    The bed, not the girl! We are just back from a four-day getaway and our beautifully-appointed hotel room had a Queen. Before weight loss? No way! For years it's had to be a King but no more. But now it was just fine. Oh, and I just hopped off the scale and did not gain a thing despite the fact that I ate deliciously-rich restaurant food (mostly French) -- those small portions really work. And I love it that now I can (and do) just stop. Now for some serious exercise (another NSV -- wanting to do it!).
  6. Like
    Bandista reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Learning to Surf   
    I found my theme. This is a great metaphor for my weight loss journey.

  7. Like
    Bandista reacted to gowalking in What will I be when I grow up?   
    Such great advice and resources @@Inner Surfer Girl.
  8. Like
    Bandista reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in What will I be when I grow up?   
    This is such a great question!
    I am excited for you.
    My goal in the next year is to be able to return to work (I have been on disability) so I am right there with you. I also have a background in training and development and love to see people find their passion.
    You can start at your local library.
    Some good, classic books I would recommend are: What Color is My Parachute, and Do What You Love and the Money Will Follow.
    I need to look up some other titles for you. Martha Beck has some good ones (check out her website, too). Strengths Finder is another good book/assessment tool. Productivity classics like Steven Covey's Seven Habits are also really helpful in helping you "find your passion".
    I would recommend that you do a couple of different things.
    Get a notebook/journal so you can start capturing your ideas. As you read through career transition books take the assessments and answer the questions as they are asked.
    Make a vision board of what you want your life to look like.
    I assume you are in the US? Go to the USA Jobs website. There are lots of resources for exploring careers and doing self-assessments. You can look up interesting jobs and see requirements, salary ranges, outlooks, etc.
    Talk to a career counselor. You may be able to find someone at a local community college, library, or even church or other community group. Your state's labor department/employment center is a great place to start. If you have been unable to work because of disability, your state's vocational rehab office may also be able to help.
    Ask some trusted friends to tell you what they can see you doing as a career. You may be surprised at what they can see you doing!
    Take some classes. Look for community education classes through your local library, community college, art center, church, or other community education venue. Online classes are useful, but if you attend in-person classes then you will meet interesting people and improve your network.
    Is there something you have always wanted to do or learn? Are you afraid of doing something uncomfortable? Now would be a great time to: join Toastmasters, take a stand-up comedy or improv class, art class, dance class, or other experience that will shake up your usual day-to-day routine.
    Don't let this overwhelm you. Like preparing for WLS surgery, it helps to have a plan, but then take it one step and one day at a time.
  9. Like
    Bandista got a reaction from Yadiordz in Second Anniversary Banded   
    Hi there,
    I guess it's true that Time flies when you're having fun; I've been having a lot of that. Honestly, I cannot believe that two years ago today I was waking up from surgery and beginning a new chapter in my life. I had no idea then of the many ways my life would be reshaped aside from the shape of my body.
    I'm forever grateful the band was available to me as it has been the perfect choice for my situation. We are all different. I was 52 at the time and had never been an overnight patient in a hospital before. I can barely tolerate going to the dentist. Getting a band was a big decision but I was fortunate somehow to just know that that's what I wanted to do. Thank goodnes there are so many different surgery choices available to us; we live in marvellous times.
    Two years ago I was 250+ and now I'm in the seventies. I'm a little tall and like my curves (oh my goodness, do I LOVE having a waist!) so I don't want to get too thin. But a word about collarbones: YIPPEE! And hips. Wrists. You know how it is -- I'm celebrating this new body every day. I was wearing size twenty pants and am now in tens. No more Plus Size anything. I would not have predicted that I have a thing for clothes, but oh yes, I sure do. It's so much fun to be able to just try something on without all of that angst.
    I have been an exerciser for many years (arthritis - have to move) but in the last two years I have ratcheted up to being more of an athlete. I feel ridiculous even typing that out as it's such a foreign concept. I used to work out for 45 minutes 3-4 times a week; well, it turns out I am some one who needs more like 75-90 minutes 5-6 times a week. There's the faking it until making it thing and that's what I did. I pretended that I liked it, that I was one of "those" people until I actually have become something resembling one of those lucky people who truly look forward to exercising. Like I said, resembling. I'm not quite there but I raise my hands up in that crossing the finish line pose and I go do what I need to do and I feel like a million bucks afterward.
    food. I am happy to report that I still like food. I can taste almost anything and be quite satisfied. That is a miracle. I love to cook and one of my weird non-scale victories (NSVs) is being able to tie my apron double around my waist. I love that. All those years in all those kitchens with my big fat Winnie-the-Pooh belly in an ill-fitting apron or Chef's jacket. No more. Silly, but that just feels so good. I was very restrictive in my former life so I am careful to not be on a diet. I make good choices, which I can do because my appetite is dimmed and I know what good choices are. But I also let myself have a little bit of whatever I want, whether that's a square of chocolate or cheese (behold, the power of cheese). This is why I still have a little weight to lose but I'm okay with that. I do drink alcohol and we have a lot of dinner parties, go to restaurants, etc. Practically no one knows I am banded; I'm extremely private about that. What people do see, however, is how much I'm exercising and how good I feel. It was important for me to go a bit slowly because I wanted the weight loss to be incremental and I didn't want to have saggy skin.
    Well, that's about it. I am tremendously grateful to all of my Lapband Talk friends and now Bariatric Pal. You know who you are -- the encourageers. Virtual friends. This has been my first experience on a forum and it's been great. Best wishes to all of you wherever you are in the process. For new people, a few words: don't get too hung up on what kind of surgery you had; we have much more in common than not. Don't try to give or take advice from strangers on the internet. Have a good working relationship with your doctor and show up for all your appointments. Show up for yourself! I really had to put myself first to get the surgery and choose my own well-being over taking care of other people's needs first. I don't do that any more and, guess what, every one else benefits from that. Here's to our health!
  10. Like
    Bandista got a reaction from JustWatchMe in What will I be when I grow up?   
    Whatever you do, you have learned to make great choices for yourself. Way to go! How about another trip to Europe for starters?
  11. Like
    Bandista got a reaction from DoneItForMe in Surgery next week   
    Hi there, I was pretty nervous before my surgery -- for one thing I'd never been an overnight patient in a hospital before. And I'm older (was 52 when I got my band -- if only I'd done it sooner!). It was so much better than I thought it would be. I took my sense of humor with me -- the glamorous gown and slippers, a final weigh-in, the paperwork and all those people. Very nice medical professionals there for me; I just relaxed and before I knew it I was going up and down the hallway and celebrating. I upped my exercise prior to surgery -- walked a little more each day. And I benefitted from therapy. It was good to have some one to talk over food issues with and help me break down my triggers. This site helped me a lot. I filled my prescription for pain meds but did not need them. Yes, discomfort, but not bad and to me it was all so much better than, say, a dentistry event. I love my band and am glad to have gotten it when I did. Many surgeons don't want to do all that pesky patient follow up. This is key and my advice for any one getting banded: keep all your appointments. They are there for you. I really liked the accountability and patient contact as I learned how to work my band. Also for me it was much better to pay attention to my jeans falling off than that number on the scale. Getting weight loss surgery was very powerful for me as it was about choosing myself first and my healthy future. I am so happy now!
  12. Like
    Bandista reacted to wincha in Is my band too tight?   
    I'm getting my lap band on Tuesday. I was wondering. I'm able to make very moist chicken by poaching it. I wonder if that would help.
  13. Like
    Bandista reacted to JustWatchMe in What will I be when I grow up?   
    I'm at a crossroads in my life. I've been at one before, many years ago. Back then, I went back to college, finished my degree, dropped 130 pounds, changed careers, and got married.
    Now, 24 years later, I've had WLS, dropped 100 pounds, am getting a divorce, and am wanting another career change.
    Problem is, I have no idea what I want to do. People ask me what my "passion" is. I haven't a clue. For 21 years I've been a mom. Now my little chicks are flapping out of the nest, and both will be graduating college over the next 18 months. I'm on my own and will soon be buying my own home as a single woman. I'm 54 years old. I feel like it's time for me to figure out what I want to do.
    I just don't know where to begin.
  14. Like
    Bandista reacted to Sharpie in Should I get the band   
    Being a RN you have access to information on all of the WLS surgery options. I cannot give you medical advice only my personal experience. I was 66 years old when I made the decision to try to improve my health. I had type 2 Diabetes, High Blood pressure and HIgh cholesterol. My mobility was decreasing daily, I had no energy . I went to a seminar and talked to several friends who I knew had had weight loss surgery. Every WLS has side effects or down sides. I made my decision to get the band because I did not want to lose 80 % of my stomach (Sleeve) I did not want to have my intestines re-routed (bypass). the band was minimally invasive, and after talking with my banded friends determined that this surgery could be a long term solution to a long problem. It is not the easy way out as some say, it's still work and you have to follow the rules. However, I have lost most of my weight and feel like a new person. After almost 3 years I have changed the way I look at food and even this Thanksgiving has been a challenge but I know even though I ate more unhealthy than normal I will be back on track today and will continue to maintain my loss. Recovery from band surgery was pretty easy, I had some shoulder pain for a few days and some Constipation. Both resolved pretty quickly. Staying hydrated has always been a priority. Drinking tons of Water every day and taking my Vitamins is a daily routine now. I take calcium chews I have osteoporosis and have arthritis in my hips so the Calcium is a must. The other plus side to the band is none of my Vitamins are malabsorbed. I'm not sure why with the other surgeries that happens but I know in my case with the band It does not.
    As usual, you are the best judge of what you need for you. Just wanted to give you my experience. Best of Luck on your decision and Let us know how you are doing.
  15. Like
    Bandista reacted to wincha in Should I get the band   
    I'm getting the band in Tuesday but I'm ready so many people are getting switched over to the sleeve. My doctor does less bands and more sleeves now. I'm concerned about not absorbing Calcium as I have some osteopenia. My mom had gastric bypass years ago and can't absorb Calcium and has osteoporosis. My sister recently has had issues with her sleeve she needs surgery for scar tissue. Too much info out there. Me being a R N doesn't help.
    Are people happy with their bands? Why did you choose the band? Anyone recently get banded and why that choice?
  16. Like
    Bandista got a reaction from Debbie3sons in Everything really is different now   
    Very funny, L.L.! 2XL with a big donut on it.
    I've changed so much, too. Being at peace with food is a wonderful thing. And not beating myself up, yippee! Showing up in my life and having fun seem to be related to allowing myself. I didn't allow myself much before because I was always in deprivation mode. Making up for falling off the diet wagon or whatever -- all of that is gone and I am free. And celebrating. Funny, because I was not unhappy before but boy oh boy, this is so different.
  17. Like
    Bandista reacted to BLERDgirl in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    I need to do laundry today so I put on an old pair of sweats to wear to the gym. These things are darn near falling off me. Going to wash my new gym wear now.
  18. Like
    Bandista reacted to JustWatchMe in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    I can see my collarbone!
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    Bandista reacted to tamg26k in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    This morning I filled about 3 large trash bags with clothing (about 60 pieces) and donated them to Goodwill. Nothing fit anymore! It felt really good to make the donation!
  20. Like
    Bandista reacted to hillgirly in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    I won tickets to the football game on Sunday...several NSVs. I could walk from the parking lot and up the stairs without getting out of breath, I stood in the food line mainly for a bottle of Water & not all the food I could eat. Best of all though (well, besides the shock that the Rams actually beat the Broncos - sorry Denver fans), I could sit in the seat & actually bop around. Yes, I showed off to my hubby - especially since a year ago we were at the stadium for another event & I pretty much had to sit on the edge of my seat because my hips/thighs were wedged against the arm rests.
  21. Like
    Bandista reacted to ☠carolinagirl☠ in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    here is a odd NSV i just noticed day before yesterday
    before surgery i could not put on my socks..i was too large to do this
    and yep hub had to do it...well i can now..but i noticed the socks
    the socks were on my ankle and when i went to take them off
    i noticed they were not on my (cankle) like a sausage wrap
    the sock was on properly and no stretch/too tight marks when it was removed
    that is what i wanted to share.
  22. Like
    Bandista reacted to Beni in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    3 weeks past Gastric Bypass:
    -My blood pressure is normal and it has not been for almost a year. Goodbye blood pressure meds.
  23. Like
    Bandista reacted to Wallflower7522 in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    I walked 41 miles last week. And today I got the treadmill up to 7 just for about 30 seconds lol.
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    Bandista reacted to MeAndTinyTina in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    Last night at the gym my trainer revised my workout routine because it's gotten too easy for me! I'm only 1/3 of the way to my goal and I feel so much better, Can't even imagine what goal will feel like.
  25. Like
    Bandista reacted to gowalking in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    Was at my son and DIL last night for dinner and to see the nursery furniture they got for my newest grandchild due in April. The crib has the changing table attached and it's a big piece of furniture. The space between the crib and the dresser is a bit narrow so I suggested they might want to rearrange some things and my son said there was no reason to since we were all pretty skinny and wouldn't have any problems maneuvering. I looked at that space and said a silent prayer of thanks because I know that two years ago, I might not have been able to squeeze past so easily.
    Oh...and a dinner NSV as well. I knew which plate was mine when I saw how much food was on it. My DIL is getting used to mom sized portions and knows how much I eat
    Loving the new normal for sure.

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