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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    eyengo reacted to Mimz in Anyone from Australia want to come and join!   
    Well here we go. I'm and from Sydney Australia and I have been told GBP my be my only option because of damage to my oesophagus due to GERD. I'm on Nexium 40mg x2 daily, suffer from idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) and am on Diamox, to be honest I went in for a band and then decided on a sleeve, after my surgeon did an exploratory Gastroscopy he found severe inflammation and put me on the Nexium. I am 5'5 (165cm) and weigh 234pds (106.5kg) I have yoyoed with my weight all my life and have been overweight since I was a toddler.
    I'm pretty scared, but am running out of options, I am married with two kids 2 and 4, they are my world! I'm hoping I can find support and friendship on this forum so I can share my journey whether it's local or from the US, I know I'm not alone with my story or feelings.
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    eyengo reacted to LipstickLady in Why do people make this commitment, risk their lives on a surgery table and then...   
    Refuse to realize the importance of following their surgeon's orders? If my doctor tells me to stand on my head and consume only Pork rinds for a month, I'm going to do it. If he tells me to drink only purple and pink sparkly liquids for a month, I'm going to do it.
    Doctors don't just make this crap up to be sadists, they do it for a reason. Yes, we know our bodies better, but they know the health of our new pouches better.
    Can they be wrong? Sure! Can they be overly cautious? Without a doubt! Can leaks happen anyways? Unfortunately. That said, I am going to follow the instructions given and not come here seeking permission to do differently. I am certainly not going to get pissy when people tell me to follow doctor's orders. What's the point?
    Phew. I feel so much better.
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    eyengo reacted to magpie30 in When do we stop losing weight   
    45lbs in 3 months! That's flipping awesome! Honestly whens the last time you lost 43 lbs in 3 months??? I'm 3 months out and i've only lost 41, yet i'm thrilled as heck with that! You still have a lot longer to go before you stop losing. Everyone loses weight at different speeds, so don't compare yourself to others, you are not them. You are doing amazing!!!
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    eyengo reacted to No game in So, how happy are you?   
    Wow happiness on a scale of 1 to 10....
    I would have to say for me that's a moving target!
    I wish I could answer this as a person at "goal"
    But somehow I don't think that will change it much.
    I am thankful everyday for my life, marriage, kids and friends. And spend parts of my day (especially if out shopping) deliriously happy with my weight loss so far.
    But there are events in my life, like the death of my brother, that will always be a missing peace to my happiness puzzle.
    So am I happy? Yes! I am. But as I hold my happiness in one hand, I also hold my sorrows in the other..
    Is it possible to have both?
    Can I have a happiness scale, and a scale for my sorrows I collected along the way?
    A quote I've always liked because I may have sorrows but those sorrows are because I experienced the joys of life and people..
    “Given the choice between the experience of pain and nothing, I would choose pain.”
    ― William Faulkner, The Wild Palms
    I've been up since 4:30 this morning so this might sound delirious, I think I need a nap.
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    eyengo reacted to deedeemuffin in 200 and more   
    I absolutely believe it is possible. The sleeve is an amazing tool when utilized correctly. Before my sleeve I would lose & regain the same 30 pounds over & over. After I got sleeved I dropped that 30 pounds fairly quickly & then hit a stall for 3 weeks. I was terrified that I was doomed to never lose any more. Well, I am now 6 months post op and down 101 pounds!
    I still have well over 130 more to lose, but I know that I can do it if I just keep on my plan. If I get in my Protein,drink my Water & get in regular exercise I keep taking off weight. None of us who have been sleeved are perfect, but if you can get into some healthy habits it will definitely come off.
    Everyone is different, but I have learned a couple things that have helped me. The first is don't compare yourself to others. There are people who are on the boards who have lost 100 pounds in 3 or 4 months. It took me 6 & others have taken longer than 6 months. This is YOUR journey & will be different from anyone elses. I weigh myself once, maybe twice per week. I was weighing every day & making myself crazy with the daily fluctuations. Realize that you will have stalls. Everyone does. It is just part of the process so, don't lose hope. Ask questions & connect to other people. This can be a very difficult process at times & the more support that you have the better.
    The most important thing for me has been learning to accept my journey & learning to be kind to myself. I don't know about you, but it has been very hard for me to learn to put myself first. There are many people like you and me who have a longer journey ahead of us than others. We absolutely CAN do this though!
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    eyengo reacted to IweightNoMore in I need inspiration before & after photos please   
    8 months post op and down 80lbs!
    Loving my new life!!

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    eyengo reacted to KristieAtkinson in I need inspiration before & after photos please   
    Starting weight: 338
    DOS (5-18-12): 288
    Current: 195.
    Total lost 143 pounds.

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    eyengo reacted to lonestarstategal in Is anyone having their gall bladder removed with their vsg surgery?   
    Thanks for the feedback! I was told that after this surgery that the possibility of having gall bladder probs is high due to the fact that the gall bladder is used to taking the excess fats, could go bad after not getting all that crap since we are eating better food and not fatty foods. With that in mind, the thought of coming back from Mexico after this surgery and the possibility of having to be cut open again freaks me out!!!
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    eyengo reacted to yazzy in Going crazy   
    Yeah wouldnt that be nice ,,have surgery and poof we are skinny the next day... but it doesnt work that way unfortunetly. I am out 10 weeks and down 38 pounds ... i am a slow loser when i compare myself to some people on this board , But its my body and I am proud of my loss and it may give my skin a chance to catch up so maybe that is a big blessing. You are doing great!!!! Be proud and keep up the good work ... We will get there !!!!!!
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    eyengo reacted to alyshac in Anyone worried about being "too skinny"?   
    I know WEIRD question! At first, I thought - anything smaller then I am, is better! But then, I have seen quite a few people who look ....sick.. After having WLS, as if the life were sucked out of them! I want to look healthy & happy, not sick! Plus, I do not wish to be "skinny"! I would love to keep my Latina curves, & feel beautiful! Any one on the same boat as me? Hope I am not alone in this one!
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    eyengo reacted to fyre_storm in Telling other people   
    I was so ready to tell no one at all and to keep it to myself. And then when people started asking me why I was getting smaller, instead of saying I've been smoking crack like I originally planned. I started telling them about the surgery it would just come out like word vomit lol so now most people know.
  12. Like
    eyengo reacted to Mason in I hate this surgery.   
    The first two to three weeks are tough, I agree. Three days after discharge I was readmitted to the hospital for malnutrition and dehydration.
    I'm only one week ahead of you and I can tell you it does get better. The swelling has finally receded and, last night, I was able to keep down a couple of saltine crackers for the first time (have not been able to keep down any bread products until last night).
    After a short period of time, you'll be able to eat anything you want except in much smaller portions. If two to three ounces of your favorite food allow you to feel full, do you really think you are going to feel deprived because you weren't able to consume four times that amount?
    The other day (with my surgeon's blessing), I was able to consume (and comfortably keep down) about 2oz of chopped meat. Normally, before the surgery, I could easily consume two 8-oz patties in a matter of minutes.
    It's a strange phenomenon really because my brain is trying to process two conflicting messages: You are full, yet you only ate one-fourth of one hamburger! Hey, what's going on here?!
    To be honest, I love the freedom this surgery is providing me with... and I see it as freedom, not deprivation. If I could have eaten 2oz of hamburger or 2oz of Ben and Jerry's ice cream and felt satiated, I wouldn't have needed the surgery.
    It's okay to be limited to, for example, 2oz of lox if those two ounces leave me feeling comfortably full. For the first time in my life, I know that not only will I take the weight off but I know in my heart and soul that, this time, I'm going to keep it off.
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    eyengo reacted to AddryW in What are the essentials right after surgery?   
    Hi everyone!! I'm having my surgery Tuesday 5/28. I'm stressing out. Not sure what essential things I will need at home to make this transition smooth and successful for me. Any tips, ideas, suggestions I would greatly appreciate! Thanks!!!
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    eyengo reacted to Pixie Dust in Advice please :)   
    I pray I can post the same as you after my sleeve!! Sounds like you're doing great!! Congratulations!!
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    eyengo reacted to LipstickLady in I'm drinking! I'm drinking! I'm drinking!   
    After I get 8 ounces down of liquids, I am going to break out a Protein shake. I am just afraid if I don't get some liquid down, I will be too full to try and this is a first in three days. I got 6 ounces down in 30 minutes and I don't feel like I am going to burst.
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    eyengo reacted to LipstickLady in I'm drinking! I'm drinking! I'm drinking!   
    I'm drinking! I'm drinking! I'm drinking! And it's not getting stuck!! WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!! I am not burping it right back up!! It's not causing tummy heaves or mouth sweats. I'm drinking!!!!

    So, should I Water down my gatorade?I like it better than Crystal light, I've had less than 50 calories in 3.5 days and for today, I think I need to take what I can get. I don't mind it watered down but I do think I need the electrolytes Crystal Light won't provide.

    Did I tell you that I am finally drinking???
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    eyengo reacted to ready2inspire in Telling other people   
    Wow, I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels this way. I work with many nutritionist and I know that I would get an ear full of why they think I shouldn't do it. Specially since I've already lost 30lbs on my own. I've heard the conversations they've had about other people that have had surgery. I don't want to be the talk of the work place. Plus everyone judges without knowing what its like. Thanks guys! This makes me feel so much better. Surgery date june 3rd! Can't wait!
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    eyengo reacted to thinathart in Telling other people   
    I didn't tell anyone I work with. I only told my hubby and best friend. I didn't want the judgement, attitude or opinions of others who had no idea what it is like to be morbidly obese. I'm glad I didn't tell. When people ask, I tell them I am eating far less calories which are 90% Protein and exercising regularly. Both of which are 100% truthful.
    I wasn't embarassed about the actual surgery, I was embarassed that I had let myself get to the point of needing surgery. I'm so glad I have my sleeve now.
    Best of luck to you!
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    eyengo reacted to ready2inspire in Telling other people   
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    eyengo reacted to newlife27 in Force protein or just get liquid in?   
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    eyengo reacted to ajeeprider in Force protein or just get liquid in?   
    I am now consistently getting 40 gms in per day and Today is my 7th day of "eating". I do a muscle milk in the morning (20 gms) and nectar flavor (23gms) around lunch. It takes me about 6 hours to get all of it in since I can only have 4 oz every hour. The rest of the day I focus on getting the remaining 32 or so oz in to meet my Fluid needs so as to not get dehydrated.
    Sent from my iPad using VST
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    eyengo reacted to Heather Meyer in Swallowing pills and Anti-Depressants after sleeved?   
    Hey All..
    So i have a concern regarding getting sleeved. I take EffexcorXR 225 mg ..Its a capsule with beads in it and apparently you arent supposed to open it up and take it. You are supposed to take it whole. So how am i going to be able to take it the evening of my surgery date? I cant miss a dose because the withdrawl from it is insane. I will get very sick if I miss a dose..so what do you do? I also take 2 sleeping pills but those can be crushed..so I am not as concerned about those.
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    eyengo reacted to Healthier2day1227 in June sleevers?   
    My surgery date is set for June 19th. I'm pretty nervous about a few things. I've never had surgery or been put under so that makes me apprehensive. I'm looking forward to losing weight but it doesn't seem real yet. I meet with the surgeon in May and that's when I find out what my pre op diet will be. Just overall excited but also a little nervous. Anybody relate?
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    eyengo reacted to shelly13 in Sleeved on 4/23/13   
    This is temporary, I promise! I had my surgery on the 10th and the first week was ROUGH but I feel a whole lot better now. I actually coded in the hospital, and I was back to work (I'm a nurse) the Tuesday after surgery. I know you don't feel like it now, but PLEASE make sure you keep up your protien. If you don't get your 60 grams, you'll feel like a truck hit you, backed over you and hit again for good measure, I felt so crappy right when I got home I didn't hardly eat anything and I could hardly get off the couch to go to the bathroom and laid on the couch and cried for three days. The fatigue was debilitating. I called a friend who had this ten years ago and she said I needed protien, and she was absolutely right. Also, set your clock for every four hours for your painkillers-DO NOT WAIT or the pain will get out of control and very difficult to control. Keep your head up, it does get easier every day. And weigh yourself-it'll remind and encourage you!
  25. Like
    eyengo reacted to jen1211 in Biggest regrets about getting the sleeve?   
    I am over 4 months out now and I definitely had doubts initially post-op like "oh my, what have I done to myself?" lol My honest answer is this...there are negatives, I am losing my hair and occaisionally I take that one bite too much of something and feel like crap, I have to take antacids and Vitamins daily, and sometimes I want something and just can't do it because I am afraid my sleeve will not approve, or sometimes I do eat that something and it doesn't taste as good as I remember. The first 4 weeks post-op is a pretty rough time as well! Considering these negatives, I still have not one regret, I am 95 pounds down and my quality of life has improved immensely and so in turn has my family's! My health is better, I have no problems breathing, I quit smoking for surgery and have not started again, I can get up in the morning and go, I take my son for walks and to the park and to the mall. I can come home from work and not need to sleep for 2 days because I am exhausted! The list of positive things in my life is much longer than 4 months ago and I wouldn't trade it for the world!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
