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    odetteNYC reacted to kat40223 in All of my December sleevers...   
    I joke that about 20 of the 61 pounds that I lost was 100% ass, lol. I had a big 'ol ghetto booty. Now I'm getting closer to a cute booty!
  2. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to lilbearzmom in My marriage sucks   
    I will be blunt: he sounds like a loser. You could do so much better. I say dump him and find someone who shows you by his deeds and hard work how much he respects you and your family. You don't need that kind of stress.
  3. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to ooffa511 in My marriage sucks   
    He has done this before but I've played the role of the supportive wife. Now I'm tired of it. I said let's fix our situation and then I will support u in whatever u want to do. His answer was great, so ill just be miserable. But I'm miserable too...
  4. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to danyelleb in liquor   
    I experimented at about 7 mos preop. I used to enjoy beer- not so much now. It just doesn't taste good. I stick to patron gold. I get buzzed pretty quick, but I rebound quickly. I tried a margarita while out with the girls and it was too much. I felt sick. So, I stick to my old reliable- TEQUILA!
  5. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to No game in Truth!   
    I had a Big Mac four days out.....
    WHAT?? Don't judge!
  6. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to TheGamer in What 100 pounds less of a Gamer looks like   
    The first shot is me in August 2012, somewhere at or above my highest recorded weight of 383. I'm wearing a size 5x (32/34 or thereabouts) pant and 4x top. The second is about two weeks after my October 22, 2012 procedure in early November. The last is me today at about 280. I'm wearing a size 22 pant and a 2x top.
    I don't even recognize the person in the mirror some days and I no longer dread it when people say I look like my pictures. I've still got a way to go, but I'm very pleased with the results a little more than four months out.
  7. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to kareenak in I Want To See Before & After Pics!   
    before picture was a month before surgery may 2012 & after picture was 2 weeks ago 8 months post-op when i hit my 100lb mark!
  8. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to jasleeve in I Definitely Regret Surgery.... So Far!   
    hey guys!!!!
    i miss you all.
    im here to update you.
    im now 141lbs. i started at 273lbs.
    my lowest was 139 but i bounce between 139 & 141. AND GUESS WHAT???
    on march 22nd, im having plastic surgery!!
    im so excited but so nervous.
    i used to be a EE in bras but since being sleeved, i am now about a D cup. you can imagine how they look.. i have granny boobies & im only 24!
    so, im having a breast lift with augmentation and im having a fat transfer to my butt. wish me luck & pray for me! i will be back to update you guys.
    i love yous!!!
  9. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to kimbernada in I eat & get full so fast & get hungry so fast   
    I'm still this way.... about 7-1/2 months out. I eat a little at a meal until I am satisfied (not full) and then about two hours later, my sleeve is EMPTY. I have a little fridge under my desk at work and keep Atkins Protein Shakes and greek yogurt in it. I also have Protein Bars in a desk drawer. I have Breakfast around 6:30 am, a snack around 9-9:30 am, lunch around 11 am, snack around 2 pm and supper around 6 pm. (And a sugar free 40 calories fudgesicle at 8 pm.)
  10. Like
    odetteNYC got a reaction from No game in I barfed tonight for the 1st time...   
    I hate throwing up it always comes out my nose.
  11. Like
    odetteNYC got a reaction from Jerrikoe68 in didn't think it would be so fast   
    Oh good for you glad to hear someone doesn't have to suffer for 3-6 months before getting approved by the insurance company .
    I'm in NY I've done most of my app in 3 weeks I just need to do sleep study and I started in feb 9 . I want this so bad already it feels like its not gonna happen.
  12. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to lotti in Going alone   
    I wish that I was going alone without my boyfriend and leave his ass home
  13. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to Piplula in ____ years old and never...   
    Oh sweetie..that is sad. You are worth so much more than that! You deserve a man who cares. Unless it was completely mutual and then I will mind my own bee's wax!????
  14. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to mzrich in ____ years old and never...   
    Also havent been able to wear a dress without getting terrible rug burn between thighs..... Killer
  15. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to O.T.R. sleever in ____ years old and never...   
    You have no idea how lucky you are to have not gone the debt route. IMO debt free is tge only way to live. I did it for years, then I tried the debt thing, NEVER AGAIN. I even advocate the 100% down program on houses.
  16. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to Ima Loser in ____ years old and never...   
    ok... I have been following this from the begining and now I have decided to respond...
    I am 27 and I have never...
    ...Truely felt comfortable in any clothes
    ...worn a bikini
    ...just felt alright in a bathing suit in general
    ...bought clothes bc I liked them, not just bc they fit
    ...been waxed (accept for my eyebrows)
    ...not felt like the "fat friend"
    ...felt comfortable being "on top" even though my husband loves it!
    This will all change... I was sleeved on 12.12.2012, I am down almost 40lbs
  17. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to shellbell73 in going home   
    Ahhh I'm finally going home had a rough first day but feeling great... I am going home... yay pre surgery weight 226 3/07/13 I will post up my weight when I go back to the dr.
  18. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to Webchickadee in Does everyone have their Ghrelin hormone removed?   
    If you're not able to watch TV surgery, I would not encourage you to watch the Youtube videos of VSG procedures either. It may just add to your anxiety!
    There is a great deal of information available, either from your surgeon or online that is "theoretical" or shown with diagrams. Seeing an actual procedure is not required for your education and is really only available for those who have an interest and the ability to watch a surgical procedure without stress.
    Research the procedure steps and diagrams, it will give you the information you are looking for.
    Here are a few places to start:
  19. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to Webchickadee in Does everyone have their Ghrelin hormone removed?   
    Nothing wrong with your question dear. Nor with the answer moregoodtimes gave...........moving right along......
    Grehlin is a peptide hormone, as you mentioned. So it circulates throughout the body (just like insulin - also a hormone). So Grehlin itself cannot be removed.
    There is however an area of the stomach in the Greater Curvature (the fundus) where the P/D1 cells produce Grehlin. As this part of the stomach is removed in the vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG) procedure, there is a significant reduction in Grehlin production in the body (though it is still also produced in the epsilon cells of the pancreas). The less Grehlin in your system, the less hunger you feel.
    The pharmacological mechanism is complex and I won't go into detail. However, it is important to note that Grehlin works in partnership with another hormone (Leptin) that induces satiation (a feeling of fullness and hunger satisfaction). Before you eat, increased Grehlin levels make you hungry and after you eat, increased Leptin levels let you know you're full (in addition to stomach stretch receptors).
    In this equation, if you reduce the amount of Grehlin, but leave the amount of Leptin constant, your body will feel full faster (biochemically), in addition to the mechanical signal of fullness from the smaller stomach.
    There is however no longer a stretch receptor area in the stomach (also removed in VSG procedure), and it takes time for the brain to register signals from stomach to tell it to stop eating. That is why VSG patients (especially in the beginning of solid food phase) can easily overeat. 1-2 additional bites past capacity happen frequently unless the patient is weighing their portions. The brain can't keep up with the mouth!
    It is also important to note that Grehlin has other much more important and useful functions for the body! The ability to learn and adapt to change are influenced by Grehlin availability. It also has a role in glucose metabolism and cell transcription/migration. Some other studies point to Grehlin's role in protecting against stress-induced depression and sleep duration and quality.
    So you don't want Grehlin removed completely!
    Of course no amount of physical change to this complex interwoven system can fight the evils of head-hunger! That is a learned response that we must each battle through in the beginning and good routines, will-power and in many cases supportive psychotherapy are key to ongoing success!
  20. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to No game in Pigging out before LIQUID DIET?   
    Yeah, and it also comes with my bitchy 16 year old daughter! Still want it
  21. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to jc4444 in Pigging out before LIQUID DIET?   
    SMH... LOL, well for people that do have sex enjoy it, I don't remember what sex is...
  22. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to clk in Share your "slow loss" success!   
    Lately I've seen a TON of posts about lucky sleevers that drop 100 pounds in six months.
    Congrats to them and to their loss. And I would never, ever begrudge anyone the right to crow about a fantastic success. It's part of why we're all here, to share the ups and downs of this surgery!
    But frequently, these posts are followed by folks that feel frustrated because they aren't losing at the same pace. All too often, we forget that everyone loses at a different pace. It's easy to lose sight of the real goal (long term maintenance) in the face of the scale goals we set for ourselves. And it's also easy to forget that this isn't a race and that there's no special prize waiting at the end for reaching goal more quickly.
    I would like to contribute my loss pattern so that people can see that there is more than one way to achieve a goal. Being successful is about reaching your personal goals, overcoming your personal food demons and maintaining your weight loss for life. It's not about hitting goal in nine months.
    I encourage everyone else with a slow loss story to contribute their successes here as well. It's hard to research this surgery and find only the stories about extremes - people completely thrilled with surgery or people that regret every minute of life post op. The same goes for loss. When people search out stories on this, it's too easy to only find rapid loss or stall posts but nothing showing the more realistic and moderate journey many of us take. The sleeve is a permanent tool that does not have a special window of easy weight loss. There is no reason to feel discouraged when you haven't reached goal at one year out, or even two. There is nothing preventing you (short of your own body's natural stopping point) from achieving or re-achieving goal at any point post op.
    I lost 60 pounds in the first five months after my surgery.
    And I slowly lost 32 pounds over the next seven months.
    It took me another five months to shed the final 15 pounds to my goal.
    I lost 107 pounds over the course of 17 months. I stalled twice for nine weeks each time. I had months where I only lost one pound. I regularly experienced a gain of three pounds around my cycle, and often only lost weight in the last week to ten days of the month, after sitting at the same weight for nearly three weeks.
    I am a success, and at 2.5 years out (and currently pregnant) I still have good, healthy eating habits and maintained my weight loss quite easily. Even 30 weeks pregnant, I am still wearing a size 6/small (in maternity clothes, of course) regardless of how I feel about my expanding body!
    I learned what was important on this journey and am in better health today (not just physically, but mentally and emotionally), than I have ever experienced as an adult.
    Good luck to those currently on their journey, and I encourage everyone to share their stories here so that newly sleeved folks can see that slow vs. fast loss doesn't really matter in the end.

  23. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to amytug in ____ years old and never...   
    It is, huh? I'm checking off the first 2 when I fly out to mx!!! SO UNBELIEVABLY insanely excited. Man I hope it all works out. I'm hoping to go feb 18th but I'm not able to make the deposit until income taxes get here. I'm doing a lot of praying. His will be done.
    In a couple years I'd love to get plastics so I can wear a one piece. Or heck, maybe a 2 piece at home. (Bashful)
    Thank you for the kind words
  24. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to amytug in ____ years old and never...   
    I'm 29 and I've never
    Been on a plane
    Seen the ocean
    Worn JUST a swimsuit
    Let my husband see me completely naked. Ever.
    Been on a roller coaster
    Had matching bra and panties
    REALLY liked myself
    There's that
  25. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to woman in me in ____ years old and never...   
    Well I do pedicures and wax for a living. I hate waxing men. They have hairy butt cracks and have to get on all fours and spread em. Lol. It's hard not to laugh even being a professional.

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