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destynee1 reacted to Terry Poperszky in Learned something new....
She went to Duke??? And they still let her practice? There out to be a law!
FYI, before people flame me, this was humor.
destynee1 reacted to ladybabie3 in HaHaHaHaHaHOLLYWOOD here I come....
thats great news im so happy for you
destynee1 reacted to Domika03 in HaHaHaHaHaHOLLYWOOD here I come....
Wow, that's great news! Congratulations.
LOVED your ending comment... too funny!
destynee1 reacted to Maddysgram in HaHaHaHaHaHOLLYWOOD here I come....
I'll be telling my friends, I knew her when..... lol
destynee1 reacted to dylanmiles23 in HaHaHaHaHaHOLLYWOOD here I come....
That is so fuckin' awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! You totally deserve it. You have worked hard to look as great as you do.
destynee1 reacted to FLORIDAYS in HaHaHaHaHaHOLLYWOOD here I come....
Thanks Ladies...we will see what it involves....I think it would be fun....
destynee1 reacted to DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in HaHaHaHaHaHOLLYWOOD here I come....
That is just too cool!! You should totally do it!!
destynee1 reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ in HaHaHaHaHaHOLLYWOOD here I come....
You are a star. Can't wait for an autograph!
destynee1 got a reaction from ladybabie3 in progress
welcome on the other side girl! and yes.. the gas is such a relief.. ! don't worry about being a lady and let it rip lol.. good luck and fast healing to you! oh... and walk walk walk! but i'm sure you know that already!
destynee1 got a reaction from goal_will_be_met in Truth is
I'm sorry about your dad.. prayers to you and your family.
Also, glad to see ya back. Getting back into the swing of things can be a feat, but you can do it! start at the basics again. Good luck to ya
destynee1 got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Stop Preaching
Floriday's I am happy you will not stop.. YELL it Girl.. from the rooftops! You have been an inspiration to me from the moment I stepped into this forum and will always be! If people can't deal with it they have the problem, not you and I'm happy you know that. You rock ! Always look forward to what you have to say because YOU have been a success, you have been there.. what better to learn from someone who succeed than someone who didn't? Have a good night <3
destynee1 reacted to kca1fan in Happy people get good results ?
Yes I believe in mind over matter in all things.
destynee1 reacted to dylanmiles23 in Happy people get good results ?
yes. When I had my business I had some sayings on my wall. There was one about be with happy people, you will be happy. Be with sad people, you will be sad. It also was about successful people and non etc. I do believe it.
destynee1 reacted to Maddysgram in I don't understand
They don't like your answer that's why. They are looking for your secret lose weight quick scheme. They don't want to hear do this, don't do that, but I do. Thanks for all your advice. You always give me hope and I appreciate all your efforts to help us. Their loss!
destynee1 reacted to LeslieW in Stop Preaching
You know what? I had just about decided not to be on any forums or care about what anyone said after having gone to the other one first. By reading your story and some of the other stories here, from the way you ladies/gentlemen welcomed me here.. I changed my mind. Please do not stop preaching. I NEEDED to read your story and the others. I needed to see with all the doom and gloom on some other sites that there are people who are long term successful and that ultimately it is up to me. So see there.. you have already helped at least one person.
Not to be a stalker but in the past week while I have been recovering I had read tons of your posts. I have looked at your pictures even the tummy tuck ones. I am inspired.
This is not going to be easy for me. I am sure I am going to screw up once or twice. I need there to be honest people with honest stories out here so I can see that other people are going through the same things.
destynee1 reacted to Maddysgram in Stop Preaching
You go girl!
I saw that post and realized that person knows nothing about you.
I'm glad you're not giving up on us, though I wouldn't blame you if you did, but I sure would of missed you.
Every time I welcome a newbie and tell them there is a lot of inspiration here, you are the first to come to mind, along with some other great ppl.
I believe the one's that call ppl "know it alls", "preachy" are just jealous b/c they haven't treated their bands well and they make excuses. Time for them to take a good look at themselves.
Thank you for staying!
destynee1 got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in disappointed.
You are doing fantastic ! You are doing this for you and Leslie that was a good honest post. Good luck to you lady! Meet ya on the other side!! and prayers for a safe and speedy recovery tomorrow! you are gonna rock it!
destynee1 got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in disappointed.
You are doing fantastic ! You are doing this for you and Leslie that was a good honest post. Good luck to you lady! Meet ya on the other side!! and prayers for a safe and speedy recovery tomorrow! you are gonna rock it!
destynee1 reacted to JARS517 in I survived the Pre-opt Diet and Tomorrow is the day:)
My surgery is tomorrow, too. What time is your surgery. Mine is scheduled for 9am. Is it outpatient? I hope to be home by mid-afternoon tomorrow. Best of luck.
destynee1 reacted to LeslieW in disappointed.
I know you don't know me but I am going to give you a bit of advice. Please don't take it the wrong way because we are all on a similar journey.
It is not just your journey if you are married. It is his also. He may be worried about you. He might be scared as to what is going to happen and needed someone to share concerns with without worrying you. Now I am not defending the fact that he went against your wishes at all. It is all up to us who went want to tell and who we don't. I am just saying that while it may be your journey it is going to affect your husband. It will affect your children if you have any. For good or bad, better or worse he needs to be in this with you.
When i decided to do this, I told everyone. I got the bullshit advice from well meaning friends and the stupid crap like omg I knew a girl who died.
One day we had a gathering of friends and they were all going off about this horror story or that. These were my husband's friends. He stood up in the middle of the room and told everyone to shut up. He said this is her decision and if you cannot be supportive, do not say another damn thing in my house. They clammed up immediately. This was about 6 months ago.
Girl it is totally up to you who you tell.. I guess the point behind that is to see if maybe he is worried or scared. Sometimes, we get caught up in our journey and do not really hear the other person when they say they are worried or scared. Even if he is full on behind you having the surgery he could still be worried about anything going wrong while you are under.
If his parents cant be supportive of you, ignore them. I know that is hard to do but I have had to have frank conversations with my mother in law because of how she treats people in my house. We teach people how to treat us.
Be proud of what you are doing. You made it through pre op and that is fantastic! You will do fine on the band journey. Just love each other and don't spend too much time being angry with him. You are beginning the journey of a lifetime tomorrow. Good luck to you and speedy recovery!
destynee1 got a reaction from LeslieW in The beginning... And two NSV with one SV
Leslie.. what a great post.. first blog too!? You are a natural! Keep it up, looking forward to reading more from you and your journey! You post is very motivating!! you have come along way and you're taking your life back! Having the support of your husband/loved ones makes such a difference, happy you have that!! Much success to you <3!
destynee1 reacted to LeslieW in The beginning... And two NSV with one SV
Thank you ladies! This is such a liberating experience. I am so looking forward to the rest of my life now!
destynee1 got a reaction from cheryl2586 in Half a Century here I am
Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful day! and extra rum ini a mohito sounds delish!!
destynee1 reacted to Kekeboo in Saturday, January 5 Menu plan
I get what your saying. I didn't put in there, but the mayo and cream cheese i use are the light ones. It's not as much fat. The cheese is not, the commissary what out of the 2%, but that is normally what I buy.
Kca1fan: those muffins are awesome. I can only eat one, they are very filling to me.