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    sheila2050 reacted to Momofthing1thing2thing3 in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    Hey, if you're hungry, you're hungry. And it's not like you went out and had a cookie, you ate some protein...perfect...and then went back to bed. Good for you. I have heard that a Protein snack before bed helps you sleep better.
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    sheila2050 reacted to Momofthing1thing2thing3 in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    . I make myself drink one 20 oz bottle by noon. Not allowed lunch until it's gone. And then another in the afternoon. I'm shooting for 3 but right now, I'm good at just 2 20 oz bottles. Plus if I drink a Protein Shake, that's another 16 oz. And I take Gummy one a day vites....2 of them actually. And an Iron pill and 4 D3's and 2 sublingual B12's. And I'm working at getting in my chewable Calcium. I feel better when I take my vitamins.
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    sheila2050 reacted to ready4change77 in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    Thanks so much Sheila - I was just about to post the info...
    This guy just has a good outlook on this whole sleeve thing & everything he says makes sense... Hope y'all enjoy it, I did & it all made sense...
    Sent from my iPhone using VST
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    sheila2050 reacted to ready4change77 in This Is Going A Little Too Well!   
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    sheila2050 reacted to mufasas-mom in This Is Going A Little Too Well!   
    I'm still in a stall but its ok. Going to grill steak tonight and have a sweet potato. I weigh my meals out and bag them up so when i go back to work I'll be prepared. Finally got the kitchen scale today and was surprised that what i was estimating was 2 oz was pretty damn accurate. Have started some exercises w my hand held weights and my walking as it was too hot last 2 weeks. Slow and steady is ok with me as i only had 80 pds to lose.
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    sheila2050 reacted to NJSleeveboy in This Is Going A Little Too Well!   
    Yes, Doctor Dan Davis in Stamford and Dr Adam Glassberg of Boston area... When you say "You are hearing", do you mean from the docs mouth or from this site? MUCH of the medical advice on here just isn't right, i'm afraid.. My bariatric surgeon friend told me that the docs need to be careful and wan t tell patients what to do to avoid ANY issues or pain.. You cannot split the sleeve. I have confirmed this and both my friend and my surgeon laughed when I noted it. you can SPLIT it if you try to see how much food you can take and way overeat. So, they don't want that! The risks are in the food not being tolerated and you puking, etc... Re soft foods, my doc has found that the longer the patients get used to liquid, the more difficulty they have transitioning.. He has almost no issues ever and there are many like him.. I'm waling proof.. What they both secretly shared, is that they want you to build your good habits now and they want you to see advanced weight loss, so you lose much more on liquid diet than you will when you go to more calories on a pureed diet. .I kept my intake to between 800-900 cal and lost as much as liquid folk, but got to eat!! I just posted a big story on the myths.. Read it here http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/54141-my-suggestion-stop-the-obsessing-rules-are-meant-to-be-broken/
    Hope that helps
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    sheila2050 reacted to NJSleeveboy in This Is Going A Little Too Well!   
    Thanks, so much, all! What I have learned is that this site is no different than Amazon.com and human nature.. When people buy a great product there, they don't say "wow, this is great, let me go online and tell everyone I like it".. When they are upset they say "I need to tell the world".. So, we hear on here, the people who have issues. NOT suggesting they are complainers, just that these are the ones who didn't have the easy ride.. I can't tell you how much you guys helped with these replies. Now I'm no longer scared, but thrilled. I had my 2 week post op yesterday and they dispelled the many myths on here.. People are funny with how they become doctor's and give advice/comments that are all false (Ie i was told if don't stay on liquid, stuff will get stuck in my staples, lol)_....
    I am on pretty much anything I want to eat now... Had a frozen spicy kashi dinner, even with the brown rice and had no issues..... They let me go on caffeine.. They don't want u to in case it's a stimulant for appetite, but i'm a big boy.. They ok me to drink on my dates.. They don't want you to because they are empty calories...
    Anywho.. Loving this.. I started low. I was a 35 BMI'er with sleep apnea and diabetes, so got approved.. 260 pounds.. Now down to 235 and, well, really too fun! Went shopping yesterday and bought everything healthy. steaks. chops. chicken, hummus, veggies.. Anyway, The ride remains great!!!
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    sheila2050 reacted to grannyk in This Is Going A Little Too Well!   
    Actually I think the majority of sleevers are like you (us). I felt great and had no trouble going through the different dietary stages until I was able eat regular food. I'm about 18 months out now. I sometimes have a problem when I overfill, but that is the only time and it is usually my fault. I think it seems like a lot of people have problems because they are the ones who post with questions and seeking advise. Sit back and enjoy the ride of your life!!! Kathe
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    sheila2050 reacted to mufasas-mom in This Is Going A Little Too Well!   
    I agree this has been easy and i keep waiting for the ball to drop
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    sheila2050 reacted to brandymarie81 in Is This Too Easy?   
    Everyone heals at a different rate. My doctor told me that if I thought I could handle some things such as refried Beans then to go for it...but to remember that I will need to take it VERY slow. I was eating refried beans with sour cream and cheese at 1.5 weeks post op...I would gradually try other things and it if pissed my tummy off I wouldn't do it again. I am just now going back and trying those things again..you will not fail! It may take some time to get into a groove...but once you get there you will be good to go...Also, remember that stalls happen and not to get down on yourself. It took me seeing a major NSV before I realized that even if my scale isn't moving my body is still changing...
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    sheila2050 reacted to O.T.R. sleever in This Is Going A Little Too Well!   
    Check this out. It was my first post to this forum. 4months ago I had the same fears you do. Now here I am 84lbs lighter & still losing.
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    sheila2050 reacted to ArtSong in This Is Going A Little Too Well!   
    I'm 3 days out and got 80 grams of Protein and 64 oz of fluids in o.0. I have gas pain but that's about it. 2oz of beef broth and through out the day 4oz of sugar free pudding. The protein came from the Isopure in the glass bottles.< /p>
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    sheila2050 reacted to EmmaB in This Is Going A Little Too Well!   
    I had surgery on 19th sept, I've had a great time 2 days in hospital up the Same day. Very little pain except from largest cut when i cough/sneeze/or laugh. Half hour walk everyday since I've been home. Im Following the Docs plan of 2 weeks fluids. I go back to see him on the 3rd oct, then will follow whatever he says. LOVE not feeling hungry or full. down 10kg. Hope this lasts
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    sheila2050 reacted to marleamay in This Is Going A Little Too Well!   
  15. Like
    sheila2050 reacted to ready4change77 in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    Everyone should read a post called 'This Os Going A Little To Well' - it gave me a whole new outlook on everything - what this guy says makes total sense... Check it out
    Sent from my iPhone using VST
  16. Like
    sheila2050 reacted to ready4change77 in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    Yep we are... Congrats to us all
    I decided not to be scared of calories or carbs, even w/ the Protein bar & taco bake I had yesterday I still didn't eat enough to get to 800 calories... You should try the Protein Shake & think even w/ the carbs w/ everything you might or might not eat you probably still wouldn't go over whatever your carb goal is... thanks glad I'm doin a lil better to... Go back to work 2 weeks from tomorrow so I think I'll be good... Congrats on your success thus far
    Sent from my iPhone using VST
  17. Like
    sheila2050 reacted to ready4change77 in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    Yep it has & I pray it's all good from this point out... Wish you many blessing in the future - ik we'll all be fine...
    Sent from my iPhone using VST
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    sheila2050 reacted to whitneymalae in Blab To Everyone, Or "close To The Vest?"   
    I've been on the fence about this too. I haven't really told anyone other than family and my boss. I think the "what if I fail" thoughts and judgmental comments have kept me from telling friends, but I feel like once I am successful in losing weight I will be way more open about having the surgery!
    I wish you all good luck on your weight loss journey!
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    sheila2050 reacted to bronxgirl in Blab To Everyone, Or "close To The Vest?"   
    The reason not to tell anyone??? The best reason is that it's none of their business. Your life, your surgery, your business.
    I told my husband and sister and they are ULTRA supportive. Told a few at work (including my boss) and they are behind me 100%.
    Sorry if I sound a little militant, but don't let the nay-sayers get to you!
  20. Like
    sheila2050 reacted to mommydrysdale in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    I had my sleeve done on sept.21 so I’m a little over 2 weeks in. I have days that i wake up with tons of energy then about 3 or 4 hr in I’m crashing... I mean I don’t have any energy at all. I’ve only lost 22 lbs in the first week. I didn’t lose anything last week or this one so far. I know I’m not eating right. I have found carbs are so much easier to go down and I can’t seem to eat without drinking. One other thing Im eating that I shouldn’t is potato chips. I was so hoping that was one of the things I would lose a taste for. It’s just they are so easy to go down. If you chew a few times it’s like eating mashed potatoes. Lol… Getting my Protein in is a struggle also. I love coffee so I bought some instant flavored coffee mix and I put a couple table spoons of chocolate flavored Protein Powder in.
    I read this blog almost every day to see what everyone is experiencing. Some of you say eating is a chore and I so agree with that. I hate the fact I struggle with food.< /p>
    Any thoughts, advice,prayers or scaring me into eatting right will be helpful!
    everyone have a blessed and great day!
  21. Like
    sheila2050 reacted to Toyaboo22 in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    Thanks, I'm so happy to be home. No explanation whatsoever. I called yesterday and canceled all my appts coming up with him. I'm looking now for another doctor.
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    sheila2050 reacted to momto3girls in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    So happy to hear you are home! I have been wondering about you. Did you switch doctors now? Any further explanation from your doc on why the negligent patient care?
  23. Like
    sheila2050 reacted to Toyaboo22 in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    It seems like those that had their surgery late in Sept are losing like crazy. Congrats on that! I'm trying to work on losing the 10 pounds I gained in the hospital. I probably won't meet my goal of 20 lbs lost at my one month. Oh well. I'm just glad to be out the hospital.
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    sheila2050 reacted to Toyaboo22 in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    Yes, I came home this weekend. I'm feeling a little better. I now have to take blood thinners for a year and I'm on pain pills but I try not to take those. Thanks everyone for your prayers. I've been going crazy in that hospital.
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    sheila2050 reacted to Momofthing1thing2thing3 in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    4 weeks today! 20 post-surgical pounds gone! 40 total! I'm cool with that.
    Justine: totally agree....eating IS a chore. Can't eat much. I honestly think I expend more energy/calories making my food than the amount I'm taking it after I make it! But my one-egg egg salad was awesome yesterday. And tonight I'm going to be doing the cooking for the first time alone. The hubby has really stepped up his game and made it super easy for me over the last month. Now it's my turn.
    Toyboo: You're home from the hospital? And doing better? GREAT!!!

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