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About Groovinchikin

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 11/16/1989

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    Costume Designer
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  1. Happy Birthday Groovinchikin!

  2. Just saw my best friend for the first time in 6 months. She didn't even recognize me and she was speechless. It makes me feel awesome.

  3. Groovinchikin


  4. Holy crap, I wear a size 18. I'm down from a size 30. Pretty soon I will be saying goodbye to Lane Bryant for good.

  5. Hi, I'm Cindy I see that you used Dr. Mailapur, he is doing my sleeve May 6th. How was your experience with him?

  6. Yes! I started out at 400lbs and to make it to goal I need to loose about 220lbs. On Wednesday I will be 4 months out and I am already down 100lbs and still going. My surgeon expects me to make it to goal within the year. This is an amazing procedure, and if you follow the guidelines your surgeon lays out for you, you WILL loose the weight. I wish you and your husband the best of luck on this journey!
  7. Groovinchikin

    Not quite on schedule.

    So, I'm about 7 pounds away from having lost 100 pounds. ONE HUNDRED. That sounds so crazy to me. I'm completely thrilled...But my surgeon doesn't seem to be. He said that I was about 15 pounds behind schedule, and that I must not be keeping up with my plan. (Keep in mind that he also just took my gallbladder out last month) That is not the case at all. I do everything I am told to do to the best of my ability. I may not get every gram of protein in every day, but I do everything I can to keep my calories low and my protein high. I exercise 3 times a week with a trainer at my University's student center. What on earth can he possibly think I can do on top of all that and a full time school load??! I will admit that I had a come apart in his office in front of two residents who were shadowing him. I bawled and bawled. I know he meant to encourage me, but I honestly felt attacked. I've had serious trauma in the past with regards to being bullied over my size. That appointment put me in a very very dark place. I haven't self harmed since high school, but it took a frenzied call to my accountability partner to get me out of that mind frame. On one hand I feel like I've accomplished sooo much. On the other, I don't feel like I can ever hope to measure up to the expectations. I feel like a failure, and I feel like the sleeve will quit working for me. For now I plan to do my best to stay positive and to stay on track. I am trying to remember that this journey has been for me, and me only. I can't be bothered if I don't exactly match up with his computer model. I will use the anxiety and the hurt to fuel my workouts, not my demons. I will make it to 100 pounds lost this week and buy a new dress. I will not let one quarter on the track derail me. I am stronger than that. Miss Piggy always brings a smile to my face, so here is one of my favorite pieces of fan art, with excellent advice from M.P. "Never eat more than you can lift".
  8. Groovinchikin

    Drinking water..

    How far out are you surgery wise? In my first 2 months I vomited every single time I tried to drink plain water, and like you I've always loved it. Now that I'm a little farther out it's not as much of a problem. It takes a little while, but eventually your water nausea will go away.
  9. I've had a cracked rib, and this surgery is a walk in the park in comparison. It is more of a low level ache than the stabbing/throbbing pain you get after you crack a rib. To me the pain was the same kind of body ache you would get with the flu. Honestly this surgery is not terrible and the results you will achieve will be worth every ounce of pain you go through. Good luck with your surgery journey!
  10. My hair is quite long and curly. It falls below my bra band in the back, and before surgery it was quite thick. It still looks pretty good right now at 4 months out. Unfortunately my hair is still coming out in handfuls and I'm afraid it will start looking thin soon. I'm no stranger to super short hair, but it took me so long to grow it out I don't want to cut it if I'm almost out of the Hair loss stage. So my questions are: If you faced hair loss, how bad was it? When did your hair loss stop? and when if ever did your hair start growing back?
  11. Soon those jeans are going to be falling off of you! Congrats, and keep up the good work
  12. Groovinchikin

    How many letters?

    The more documentation you have the better off you will be! It is their job to objectively look through your entire application, and the more official information you have the more they have to work with. I wish you the best of luck, and I love your screen name.
  13. When you go to pull on your Spanx and realize you've out skinny-ed them!!! I think going down a size in compression garments is 10x more exciting for me than going down a dress size. NSVs are really the greatest motivation in this journey.
  14. Groovinchikin


    Thanks everyone! I think my brain KNOWS they are a bad idea I just needed the encouragement to walk away from the Jet-puffed, lol. I looked at how much sugar was in them and I think my stomach began to protest (we don't do sugar well). Thanks for keeping me on the wagon.
  15. Groovinchikin

    TSA agent questioned my ID

    That is fantastic congratulations on a brand new you!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
