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Banded Dan

LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. Like
    Banded Dan reacted to JHoldbrooks in Need some advice, please no negeativity!   
    This surgery is a tool and it is definitely not the lazy way. :-) It is hard and a life change. It is important to be sure. I had the surgery August 23rd, 2013. I did it for myself. I need more energy and I want to be around a long time for my kids and my husband. This is a huge decision and it is a positive one. :-) Good Luck in making your decision.
  2. Like
    Banded Dan reacted to DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in What exactly are stage 2 foods??   
    You should have gotten a detailed post op diet in writing from your surgeon. Have a look at that and see what you're supposed to be eating.
    Every surgeon is different so no one here can answer that question. If you don't have anything to reference, give your surgeon's office a call and ask them.
    Best wishes.
  3. Like
    Banded Dan reacted to rmalikone in Are there any 50 to 60 year old out there   
    I'm 57 and don't think being my age and losing weight with Lap Band surgery is harder than say someone that is younger trying to do the same. I do believe that being 57 and trying to lose weight is harder than when I was 37 and trying to lose weight.
    At 57 I basically had given up, did not want to fight it anymore! It felt good to eat and not worry about it.Problem was I was about to pop! Could not take that I would not bend over to pick something off the ground as it was to much work!
    I'm in bandster hell at the moment but my first fill is around the corner and hope for the best.
  4. Like
    Banded Dan reacted to catfish87 in what do i do?   
    At 2 1/2 weeks post op, any post op swelling has probably diminished. Therefore, you may be in whats known as Bandster Hell...that period of time between surgery and when your band has been properly adjusted to provide that hunger/portion control. It may take one, two or several adjustments to reach that level....known as the "green zone"....when the band does its job. Do not worry....just do your best limiting portions ( just like any other diet ) and stick to the TYPES of food you have been prescribed to "eat".
  5. Like
    Banded Dan reacted to BellaNana in feeling sore   
    Thanks for the information. I didn't realize you have swelling after a fill. I'm watching what I eat and just taking it slow. Good to know what I'm feeling is more than likely normal. I'm terrified of having a slip or stretching out my pouch.
    BellaNana, Sent from my HTCONE using LapBandTalk
  6. Like
    Banded Dan reacted to kma87 in BMI 27   
    Wow... This thread has had some very interesting comments. I agree. Very drastic step to take. But what others fail to understand is that this wasn't a matter of just 'losing a few pounds' no GOOD surgeon would do it for that sole purpose. This was a decision based on my personal situation. My struggle with depression. My seemingly endless battle with my weight because of the medication I had to take to function normally. Depression is a crippling disease. I am 25. Have a career have a loving family and the world at my feet but at the time of my illness I felt I had nothing and no one and that I was worth nothing. I feel taking this step HAS saved my life in more ways then one. Firstly I come from a family of obesity and diabetes it killed my grandmother a year ago. This surgery has at least halved my risk of becoming a type II diabetic. I can not change any genetic predisposition but I can control my environment and that is where a band has been a great tool for me. Secondly. I was headed down a very dark path. I had never considered self harm or suicide throughout my depression BUT had I continued to battle on my own, who knows if I would be here today.
    I no longer take anti depressants
    I no longer suffer anxiety
    Within 6 months I am down to a healthy 65kgs (from approx 80kg)
    I am strictly monitored by my surgeon to ensure I do not become "under weight"
    I am a new person
    Some of the comments on here appear to be all about the facts and the figures but its quite ignorant to think that weigh loss is just about numbers. Something to think about
  7. Like
    Banded Dan reacted to ItsANewDay in Killing my progress with late night snacking!   
    When I'm craving something I brush my teeth and gargle with a strong mouthwash. After doing that, it ruins my taste for a snack. My teeth are getting ridiculously white! Lol!
  8. Like
    Banded Dan reacted to lilmispcl in Proud of mysel!   
    I super proud of myself tonight! I hate doing things alone. I had made plans to start the C25K with one of my friends this evening. Well 6 o'clock came and went and she didn't show up. At 6:30 I texted her asking if she forgot about me (I confirmed our plans only 2 hours earlier), I waited another 10 minutes with no reply (while struggling with myself over wether to go alone or not). I finally decided this is about ME and I need to do it for ME and I can't count on anyone else to make it happen. If I do Im just setting myself up to fail. So out the door I went and I ended up at the community center where they have an indoor track and found they also have child care! Score! So, I joined the fitness center and did my first day of C25K with just me and my iTunes! Here's to many more evenings of getting healthy ALONE! And I'm ok with that!
  9. Like
    Banded Dan got a reaction from stept04 in When do you start loosing weight?   
    Pj-I had only lost 37 after 7 months and finally got that fill(6th) that gave me the green zone. I'm glad I didn't give up!
  10. Like
    Banded Dan got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Hamburger?   
    I eat it as a patty and as an ingredient. Meatloaf is easy on my band. I spice hamburger meat up for different uses. I'll flavor a lb with sausage spices to use in my morning omelletes or cumin to make taco salads.
  11. Like
    Banded Dan reacted to kristinc1985 in 9 days out first real meal   
    I'd try posting this in the complications section.... Start a new thread.
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    Banded Dan reacted to It'sTime in Nervous   
    Most of the LapBand horror stories are from people who didn't have the discipline to stop eating things they weren't supposed to (i.e., carbonated beverages, which will cause extreme stomach pain with the LapBand).
    The surgery is extremely safe compared to other forms of weight loss surgery. You've seen the before and after photos on this website of people who've had significant weight loss with this procedure.
    One of the most common problems with the band before was slippage (again, mostly caused from those abusing their diet). However, the LapBand procedure has been modernized where they now stitch the band into place to keep it from slipping.
    If you're not careful and you start reading those horror stories about the LapBand, you may very well talk yourself out of a procedure that could of saved your life.
  13. Like
    Banded Dan reacted to It'sTime in Nervous   
    Haters gonna hate and bandsters gonna lose weight!!!!
    If you're not ready to commit to the things you need to do, then you will be creating your own horror stories.
    93% of patients are glad they had the LapBand surgery. Most of them wish they would have had it sooner!
    If you want to be obese, have high cholesterol, joint pain, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and diabetes then LBS is not for you.
    If you want to be skinny and healthy, where's the horror in LBS?
  14. Like
    Banded Dan reacted to elcee in Stuck   
    That is 5lb a week, it hardly sounds like you are "stuck". Especially been as the average weight loss is approx 1 - 2lb per week.
  15. Like
    Banded Dan reacted to DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in I can eat 2 weeks post op   
    There's a popular saying around here- just because you can eat something doesn't mean you should.
    Unless your doctor specifically gave you permission to eat normal food this early, you are putting yourself at very real risk for band slips and serious complications. If this is the case then you need to go back to your post op diet and immediately and tell your doctor exactly what you've you done so he can make sure you're ok.
  16. Like
    Banded Dan reacted to Lisa0203 in Progress pics...75 lbs down   
    Since I'm constantly scouring this site for before and after photos to keep me motivated, I figured I'd post a few of my own. As of today, I am down 75 lbs since banded 10/11/12 which I think is fantastic. I have to admit, though, some days I feel and see the difference and other days I see the old me in the mirror.

  17. Like
    Banded Dan reacted to SarahUB2005 in WHAT!!! I exercised 4x last week and gained 5 pounds! I hate this!   
    I was banded in September 2012. I have 4.5cc in an 11cc band. I am 5'9. I started out weighing 286 and am down to 236. I work out 5-6 days a week. I believe that a huge part of my success is because of how and what I eat. At the beginning I had some struggles because I kept trying to eat the things I was before. Now I make it a point to always eat my Protein first. Veggies next and THEN (and only then) will I move on to a carb IF I have room (which I normally don't). Protein Shakes after workouts are my saving grace. When you first start eating this way it is difficult because your body still craves the sugar. After a couple of weeks your body adjusts and you feel less hungry between meals. Make sure you are fueling your body appropriately. Keep the protein levels up and you will lose. Also measure yourself, I lost two pant sizes without losing a pound. A belt that once didn't fit me on its biggest notch became too big for me within a 5 lb loss. Don't let the scale defeat you!
  18. Like
    Banded Dan got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Hamburger?   
    I eat it as a patty and as an ingredient. Meatloaf is easy on my band. I spice hamburger meat up for different uses. I'll flavor a lb with sausage spices to use in my morning omelletes or cumin to make taco salads.
  19. Like
    Banded Dan reacted to mrsto in Should I be concerned ? all of a sudden I am vomitting after eating   
    How long has this been going on? Could it possibly be a 24/48 hour stomach bug? I think that when we're banded, any issue that comes up that effects our gastrointestinal operation, is immediately thought to be something band related. If you've been throwing up for more than 24 hours, I would absolutely go see your doctor. Let him/her rule out anything serious. As ronzo80 mentions, it could be that you need a slight un-fill.
    I hope you feel better sooner than later....
  20. Like
    Banded Dan reacted to ☠carolinagirl☠ in Hamburger?   
    i eat lean beef 3 or 4 days a week
    alot of Protein and many ways to make it..
  21. Like
    Banded Dan reacted to mrsto in Hamburger?   
    Having the butcher grind it a second time is a really good idea! Sometimes, the grind I get from the meat case is pretty coarse. I haven't had any real issues, but I've noticed it just being more difficult to chew. And I always choose the leanest cut, which makes it even more difficult. I miss having that bit of juicy fat running out my my burger
  22. Like
    Banded Dan reacted to Lady VS in partying   
    I drink but not like I used too. My band simply will not allow me too. I love margaritas and rum. I never over indulge because I'm not trying to throw up. I now drink one glass of wine every other day or so. No hard liquor. Thank you lapband. It was a habit that needed to be kicked.
  23. Like
    Banded Dan reacted to niquey0685 in 85 down 34 to go!!!!!   
    I'm sooooo close to goal I can feel it!!!! This weight loss journey has been so worth it and I can not wait to hit goal.




  24. Like
    Banded Dan got a reaction from catfish87 in ' PB-ing', What is it!?   
    Its when you get stuck and you burp up the food that is obstructing your band. Its usually accompanied by saliva/flegm that we call slime!
  25. Like
    Banded Dan reacted to JennyBee in Maintaining and loving it!!!   
    Just had to share my pic....I'm sooooo happy with my new body and self esteem!

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