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    lollyfidy1965 reacted to SpecialK1960 in Lordy, 4Days Post-Op & My Tummy Is A Beast!   
    Not to be a total downer, but you need to keep on the programs set by your doctor. Getting enough liquids is one of the keys to a healthy recovery.
    It is not that hard to get down Water, tea, juice, something, anything. Remember you have a tough road ahead - a road with a million great benefits - but it is not easy. Keeping up with all of your new responsibilities is not always going to be without effort. But drinking is one of the easiest. And one of the most critical. So give it your all. Remember you have started a journey to a new you. That journey is not always going to be downhill or go as planned. But working hard to meet a few dietary goals is critical to your success and to your health. The less you consume, the more critical liquids become.
    At first I was having to work to hit 64 ounces, now I do not even track it as I regularly hit over 100 and sometimes way more than that. Find something you enjoy - that will make it easier. My wife found some margarita flavored Crystal Light. Very dumb, but it was kinda fun.
    Good luck, now get to drinking!!!
    PS- maybe being 100% Irish makes it easier for me(LOL).
  2. Like
    lollyfidy1965 reacted to gmanbat in I Was So "disappointed"   
    I hate my old sweaters. They used to be too tight. Now I swim in them.
    They remind me of when I was a teen and let my girlfiend wear my sweater to show off that she had a boyfriend.
    She looked in them then like I look in them now.
    I don't have a boyfiend.
    Homey don't play dat.

  3. Like
    lollyfidy1965 got a reaction from justmeandmysleeve in Stall Or Starvation?   
    My first suggestion would be to call your nutritionist, and see what they think. If I found myself in the same place, I would work to increase my Protein (I'm supposed to get between 75 and 85 grams per day...regardless of the diet stage...if that means I keep drinking Protein Shakes, then I keep drinking protein shakes), and work to reduce the number of carbs (I keep mine between 20 and 30 grams per day, so I stay in ketosis, burning stored fat). Your nutritionist may have different directions for you, but I've had very steady weight loss over the last 7 weeks using the instructions given by mine. Best of luck!
  4. Like
    lollyfidy1965 got a reaction from gustavo52974 in Tired Of The "when Can You Have___ Again?" Questions   
    LOL I've experienced this sort of this...both in my "real world", and in reading posts on this website! I'm amazed, almost daily, by the posts (here) that read "I'm X number of days post-surgery...when can I have (insert bad food/drink/behavior here) again??"! I rarely respond to those posts...sometimes its just better to keep my mouth shut... LOL As for people in my life, I tend to treat each question (and, Lordy, have there every been questions!!) as an opportunity to educate the other person regarding the realities of this surgery, and life afterwards. Oddly enough, the thing that seems to raise the most eyebrows is when I decline ordering a drink (and by drink I mean a non-alcoholic beverage) with my dinner. That really seems to throw waitresses right off their game! LOL Let people be amazed and bewildered by the lifestyle changes and choices we're making....maybe our example will make a difference in someone else's life one day!
  5. Like
    lollyfidy1965 got a reaction from gustavo52974 in Tired Of The "when Can You Have___ Again?" Questions   
    LOL I've experienced this sort of this...both in my "real world", and in reading posts on this website! I'm amazed, almost daily, by the posts (here) that read "I'm X number of days post-surgery...when can I have (insert bad food/drink/behavior here) again??"! I rarely respond to those posts...sometimes its just better to keep my mouth shut... LOL As for people in my life, I tend to treat each question (and, Lordy, have there every been questions!!) as an opportunity to educate the other person regarding the realities of this surgery, and life afterwards. Oddly enough, the thing that seems to raise the most eyebrows is when I decline ordering a drink (and by drink I mean a non-alcoholic beverage) with my dinner. That really seems to throw waitresses right off their game! LOL Let people be amazed and bewildered by the lifestyle changes and choices we're making....maybe our example will make a difference in someone else's life one day!
  6. Like
    lollyfidy1965 got a reaction from gustavo52974 in Tired Of The "when Can You Have___ Again?" Questions   
    LOL I've experienced this sort of this...both in my "real world", and in reading posts on this website! I'm amazed, almost daily, by the posts (here) that read "I'm X number of days post-surgery...when can I have (insert bad food/drink/behavior here) again??"! I rarely respond to those posts...sometimes its just better to keep my mouth shut... LOL As for people in my life, I tend to treat each question (and, Lordy, have there every been questions!!) as an opportunity to educate the other person regarding the realities of this surgery, and life afterwards. Oddly enough, the thing that seems to raise the most eyebrows is when I decline ordering a drink (and by drink I mean a non-alcoholic beverage) with my dinner. That really seems to throw waitresses right off their game! LOL Let people be amazed and bewildered by the lifestyle changes and choices we're making....maybe our example will make a difference in someone else's life one day!
  7. Like
    lollyfidy1965 reacted to gustavo52974 in Wtf! 3 Wks Out And Only Lost 8 Lbs?!?   
    You can have sandwiches (with bread? !?) at only 3 weeks out? I'm 3 weeks out and I still can't even have pureed food.
  8. Like
    lollyfidy1965 reacted to mylifeinpink in Wtf! 3 Wks Out And Only Lost 8 Lbs?!?   
    I wouldn't touch that bread with a ten foot pole- but that's just me...
  9. Like
    lollyfidy1965 got a reaction from gustavo52974 in Tired Of The "when Can You Have___ Again?" Questions   
    LOL I've experienced this sort of this...both in my "real world", and in reading posts on this website! I'm amazed, almost daily, by the posts (here) that read "I'm X number of days post-surgery...when can I have (insert bad food/drink/behavior here) again??"! I rarely respond to those posts...sometimes its just better to keep my mouth shut... LOL As for people in my life, I tend to treat each question (and, Lordy, have there every been questions!!) as an opportunity to educate the other person regarding the realities of this surgery, and life afterwards. Oddly enough, the thing that seems to raise the most eyebrows is when I decline ordering a drink (and by drink I mean a non-alcoholic beverage) with my dinner. That really seems to throw waitresses right off their game! LOL Let people be amazed and bewildered by the lifestyle changes and choices we're making....maybe our example will make a difference in someone else's life one day!
  10. Like
    lollyfidy1965 got a reaction from csawinski in Kids Menu Pass   
    You can also always ask if they offer a "side" of Protein (for example, The Olive Garden will give you a "side" of tilapia, for $5.00, instead of making you take the entire meal, with sides you won't be able to eat much of (if any) for $16.00. Ruby Tuesday also has some healthy options on their regular menu, and will serve you a smaller portion of your meal up front, putting the remainder in a to-go box, before bringing it to the table. (I did this last night...asked the waitress if she would put 2 oz of the grilled salmon on a small plate, along with 2 TBSP of the mashed cauliflower, and put the rest in a to-go box. She was more than happy to do so for me, and my dinner (which I couldn't finish) was awesome!) I won't be ordering off any kids menus...the food offered there is nothing but garbage carbs and fried foods, for the most part. I'd rather take three meals worth of left-over healthy food home with me! Best of luck!
  11. Like
    lollyfidy1965 got a reaction from misslisa810 in Help, Ladies! Tom:(   
  12. Like
    lollyfidy1965 reacted to O.T.R. sleever in Tired Of The "when Can You Have___ Again?" Questions   
    I just want to say, reading this thread makes me very happy, both in the fact that I'm taking steps to improve my life, and the idea that this site associates me with people such as yourselves that have made a commitment to a healthier lifestyle. I say thank you to all of those here that are living for themselves, and in the same being a good example fathers too.
  13. Like
    lollyfidy1965 got a reaction from gustavo52974 in Tired Of The "when Can You Have___ Again?" Questions   
    LOL I've experienced this sort of this...both in my "real world", and in reading posts on this website! I'm amazed, almost daily, by the posts (here) that read "I'm X number of days post-surgery...when can I have (insert bad food/drink/behavior here) again??"! I rarely respond to those posts...sometimes its just better to keep my mouth shut... LOL As for people in my life, I tend to treat each question (and, Lordy, have there every been questions!!) as an opportunity to educate the other person regarding the realities of this surgery, and life afterwards. Oddly enough, the thing that seems to raise the most eyebrows is when I decline ordering a drink (and by drink I mean a non-alcoholic beverage) with my dinner. That really seems to throw waitresses right off their game! LOL Let people be amazed and bewildered by the lifestyle changes and choices we're making....maybe our example will make a difference in someone else's life one day!
  14. Like
    lollyfidy1965 reacted to msdw59 in Omg I Just Ate Cake 8 Days After Surgery   
    I re-read my post. And in two post i used a (1) hell, (1) damn and (1) arse.
    Sans those three words, the sentiments are the same.
    I want this woman to know the wonderfulness of the journey. Even with the struggles, as you get closer and closer to your goal and distances yourself from your heaviest weight, life starts to feel really good.
    All of your problems don't miraculously disappear. Debts is still there, Crap job is still there (or not there), your husband is still there (LOL), Kids are still there (Mind moved out at 26). But, the burden of the weight is lifted and that is so freeing.
    You will move better, look better, breathe better. A lot of health related issues are elimated or diminished. You get your mojo back. You become you again. Or better yet, you find the you that is you.
    I wasn't perfect in my journey, but I was consistant. I strung enough days together where I stuck my WL program and I lost 170+lbs!
    Did I want to make my Protein shake with Haagan Daz instead of skim milk and yogurt (don't try this folks - it's dangerous). Yes, I did. Did I do it - no I didn't! Because I put my head down and did the work. And it's work.
    Every moment of the day, there isn't a time where I am not thinking about food. If anything, the preoccupation of food is more than it was when I was 377lbs of fat. I'm in a constant dialogue with myself can it, should i, better not, maybe a little, no... blah, blah, blah.
    8 days out from surgery and you're eating cake means you need to do the mind work and approach this clinically. If you were on life saving drugs, you would follow the medical protocol. Well your diet is the life saving medical protocol for obesity.
  15. Like
    lollyfidy1965 got a reaction from mylifeinpink in Muscle Milk   
    300 calories a serving seems awful high to me. You can get ready-to-drink Muscle Milk "lite"....its only 100 calories in an 8 ounce serving (it comes in chocolate or vanilla), or ready-to-drink Muscle Milk "regular formula"...its 131 calories in an 8 ounce serving, or 180 in an 11 ounce bottle (the "regular" comes in more flavors...chocolate, vanilla, banana creme, Cookies and cream, etc). You might try switching to one of the RTD varieties, to decrease the number of calories you take in, when you have a shake. Best of luck!
  16. Like
    lollyfidy1965 reacted to notime in Ice Cream   
    No! No! And don't put the idea inside my head : ) I'm trying to stay away from the foods that got me to where I needed the sleeve. I'm also trying to get away from the idea of food as a reward. It does sound good though.
  17. Like
    lollyfidy1965 got a reaction from justmeandmysleeve in Stupid Head Hunger   
    I put the TV on mute during commercials, and keep something handy to distract me so I don't look at the tv...or make a trip to the little girls room. In my experience, "head hunger" does get better...especially if you focus on how NOT hungry your tummy is. All the best to you.
  18. Like
    lollyfidy1965 got a reaction from justmeandmysleeve in Stupid Head Hunger   
    I put the TV on mute during commercials, and keep something handy to distract me so I don't look at the tv...or make a trip to the little girls room. In my experience, "head hunger" does get better...especially if you focus on how NOT hungry your tummy is. All the best to you.
  19. Like
    lollyfidy1965 got a reaction from catheryn in 5 Days Post Op- Only 8Oz Liq/day And Under 200 Calories   
    You can count all your liquids towards your daily total...protein shakes, Water, Protein Drinks, broth, e tc. If you're truly only getting 8 oz of LIQUID per day, you definitely need to work on increasing that number. If you're getting 8 oz of WATER, along with other liquids, total it all up, and see where you are. You should be pushing to get 48-64 oz of liquids in, total, in order to avoid dehydration. And whenever you can add Protein (unflavored protein powders, etc), do...to get the most protein possible. All the best to you!!
  20. Like
    lollyfidy1965 reacted to SpecialK1960 in Can Someone Explain?   
    Gurgling Bubbly feeling..... oh yeah I got some of that.
    Right after eating, or when hungry, my stomach sounds like a Blue Man Group concert (or some nice tribal drums) - not particulalry loud all the time, but it is a bubbling. Feels pretty funny. It is pretty pronounced and when it decides to get loud - wow.
    I am not taking my daily Pepcid religiously, and I need to be more careful about doing it daily. I think that will help. In the mean time try to get your stomach to play show tunes. I am working on a complete musical myself. (all the songs kinda sound the same though)
  21. Like
    lollyfidy1965 reacted to SpecialK1960 in Ghrelin Hormone   
    I am sort of the opposite. Now just over 4 weeks out and trying to eat more regular food, I am finding that I am more hungry than I was just after surgery. I am having to really eat slow and in small portions, so I may not be eating enough at each meal. The supplements make sure I am getting everything I need, but I think I need to eat a little more at each sitting, or more often.
    The funny thing is that being a little bit hungry does not bother me at all anymore. I just ignore it for a while. In the past at the first sign of hunger I would have eaten a small wildebeast. Now, I am so pleased with my losses (and since I can not pig out like it was an Olympic sport anyway) it just does not bother me like it used to.
  22. Like
    lollyfidy1965 got a reaction from mae in What Do You Tell People About Ypur Weightloss?   
    There is such a stigma related to having any form of weight loss surgery...and I think that's a shame. It keeps many people from doing something that can, literally, save their lives. In the hopes of doing something positive (in regards to that stigma), I have been completely open and honest about my decision to have surgery. I've had many unplanned conversations with people...both friends, and strangers...and have found great support from completely unexpected directions. I don't give a moments thought to negative comments...they simply aren't worth my notice. I have this amazing opportunity to educate people....about the lifesaving possibilities associated with this procedure....speaking out helps to reinforce my own motivation to succeed, and helps to build my self-confidence. Ultimately, this journey belongs to each of us, individually. Do what feels comfortable to you....and don't feel guilty about your decision, in comparison to anyone else's. Best wishes to everyone!
  23. Like
    lollyfidy1965 got a reaction from mae in What Do You Tell People About Ypur Weightloss?   
    There is such a stigma related to having any form of weight loss surgery...and I think that's a shame. It keeps many people from doing something that can, literally, save their lives. In the hopes of doing something positive (in regards to that stigma), I have been completely open and honest about my decision to have surgery. I've had many unplanned conversations with people...both friends, and strangers...and have found great support from completely unexpected directions. I don't give a moments thought to negative comments...they simply aren't worth my notice. I have this amazing opportunity to educate people....about the lifesaving possibilities associated with this procedure....speaking out helps to reinforce my own motivation to succeed, and helps to build my self-confidence. Ultimately, this journey belongs to each of us, individually. Do what feels comfortable to you....and don't feel guilty about your decision, in comparison to anyone else's. Best wishes to everyone!
  24. Like
    lollyfidy1965 got a reaction from nydia33 in Drinking Water And Staying Hydrated   
    When I get sick of Water (and I only drink Fruit20, so its all flavored) I switch to broth...chicken (I love Manischevitz chicken consommé), or beef (Campbells beef consommé is pretty good). If you're worried about Protein intake, you can also add some unflavored Protein Powder to the broth...kill two birds with one stone. Any liquid that you drink will count towards your "water" intake, and help keep you hydrated. Best of luck to you!
  25. Like
    lollyfidy1965 reacted to mylifeinpink in Ectasy And Cocain Lol   
    All I can say- WOW

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