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    prisytomboy got a reaction from littlebits in African American Sleevers & Hair Loss   
    So far as hair loss...i'm not big on hair, i can take it or leave it but promised my g-ma i would not cut my hair while she was still living. i am a member of a hair forum and i take good care of my hair. i am relaxed but i stretch them as much as possible cuz i have 4z hair. baaaaahahahahaha #TRUESTORY anyway i have come up with a complete list of supplements and a hair regime in hope to minimize the loss. although i can do without hair the fact remain IF i got to have long hair i definitely want it strong, shiny & healthy! #BOOM
    normally i co-wash my hair once a week...henna probably every 1 1/2 months...relax every 2 months...just got my last relaxer at the end of June...plan on not getting another until about 6 months out>>>maybe. Sweet Baby Jesus is sho gone have to help me! i got that disrespectful/talk back to ya hair!
    first let me explain the extra supplements because my nurse told me i will only need a Multivitamin for the rest of my life, however usually there a 3-6 month delay for your hair to react to your diet. so because immediately after surgery you lacking EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so immediately after surgery i want to try to give my body SOME of the things it will be lacking. i think supplements are taking too late. IMO
    here are my plans...
    boitin (5,000)
    Vitamins (of course)
    fish oil
    Vitamin E
    Protein (of course...wish there was some injections i'd do that! )
    1 x week
    Aphogee 2 min. (soft protein)
    ORS replenishing pak (protein & moisture)
    1 x week
    Joico KPak (hard Protein - def needs to be followed by moisture!)
    ??? (extreme moisture)
    I haven't decided how i will wear my hair but as less manipulation as possible.
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    prisytomboy got a reaction from aroundhky in My Advice To All Newly Post-Op Sleevers...   
    back to check in, jimmy!
    today was my first day weight training! i went when the gym was not packed so i didn't feel stupid looking at the instructions and the body parts the machine works. lol i worked my upper body...it wasn't bad...i didn't realize my shoulders were so weak but i have arthritis in them. i think i was lifting to light...i have in my mind if i'm not in pain, about to pass out, out of breath, etc. i'm not doing anything...i've been like that my whole life. i don't think my workout was that affective today so i would like to go back tomorrow and work my upper again...what are your thoughts? i did 3 sets, 10 reps...is this enough?
    here is my questions: should i be lift in the full range motion? or pulsing? what's the difference in the results? currently i'm not just looking to tone but i'm also looking to build muscle to lose weight. i remember reading some where...you're supposed to lift heavy to tear the muscle down so it can rebuild...so here was the routine....12 count heavy, 10 count heavy, 8 count heavy, as many as you can easy. something like that. anyway, the point was to get your muscle that you're working to feel weak like a noodle. have you ever heard of that? can i tone while lifting heavy? how long would you say an average weight lifting workout should take, when you're working 1 section of your body i.e. upper? for what i want to accomplish is 2 days a week sufficient for what i'm trying to accomplish? i was thinking tues. (upper) and thurs. (lower). what feeling should i be feeling after a good weight training session?
    i still can't bring myself to pay for a trainer until after i get my bills from the surgery. lol probably am not going to want to fork out the money then either...lol i'll see how well i do on my own. if i keep asking you questions i'm going to have to put you a check in the mail...lol
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    prisytomboy got a reaction from ALIGAYLE in Anyone In Stl?   
    I'M DOING GREAT!!! SURGEON AND HOSPITAL STAFF WERE VERY SURPRISED AND PROUD OF MY PROGRESS!! and seeing that i've always had problems with my digestive system i'm the most shocked of all!!!!
    Surgery was wednesday 7/18 at 3:30pm, was in my room by 8:30, was sucking on ice chips (craving - btw i hate ice!) by 10:30 i was having small burps = GOOD SIGN my digestive system was working just fine....NO NAUSEA, VOMITTING, HEARTBURN, NO GAS! thursday morning i had ice chips again (still small burps), that afternoon i did the leak test (GROSS) and they said everything looked great! thursday after they started me on Clear Liquids (jell-o, beef broth, juice, iced water)...NO NAUSEA, VOMITTING, HEARTBURN, NO GAS. my only clear liquid meal was dinner! i passed gas thursday night...i was so happy. friday morning passed more gas and had my first BM - very small. my surgeon came to tell me how great i was doing and i told him he did an excellent job and how i had read horror stories and how i was so shocked as how well i was doing. he said this is how it is supposed to be and gave me a high five! he's soooo cool and down to earth. by the way he came to see me EVERY but i didn't see him on thursday because they kept me down in testing too long but he told me he had stopped by 2 times! #LOVEHIM oh the rest of the team came by every day too! ok so friday morning i had a little gas but used my heating pad took a nap and was shortly after...he started me on stage two (breakfast - cream of wheat, jell-o, juice, iced water)...NO NAUSEA, VOMITTING, HEARTBURN, NO GAS. (lunch - Tomato Soup, jell-o, juice, iced water)...AGAIN NO ISSUES...I WAS DISCHARGED FRIDAY RIGHT AFTER LUNCH!!!!!
    to describe the feeling...not a lot of pain but DRAINED...felt like i had been hit by an 18 wheeler...SERIOUSLY! right after my naps i would have like 5 minutes of energy and then i'm drained again. i felt SICK while i had the catheter in but once it was removed i was totally fine...again just drained. i really didn't want to talk/text/type/nothing. here i am at 4:27am saturday morning full of energy! sipping on iced Water and Isopure (GROSS)
    i certainly hope everyone else is doing ok. just wanted to check in.
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    prisytomboy got a reaction from mrscastillo in My Advice To All Newly Post-Op Sleevers...   
    big THANKS OP!!!!
    i am a week post-op, i have about 75 more lbs to lose, i walk/bike/jog pre and post op, 39 yrs old, a mother of 2, fairly active just never been consistant. what do you suggest? heavy less reps? light lifting more reps? how many times a week? how many times a day? i'm not really good with individual weights so I will probably start going back to the gym to use the weight machines. I do have individual weights at home up to 15 lbs. would you suggest using while watching tv, perhaps? in addition to going to the gym. i get my drain out tomorrow so I will start doing weights this weekend! OR do you think that's too soon? I'M FEELING GREAT THO! getting all my Protein in! YAY!
    I know right...my invoice is in the mail, huh?
    see....you should have never said you were a trainer...now you've got a stalker. lol j/k
    thanks in advance for all your help!
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    prisytomboy reacted to LT1002 in Early Soft Foods   
    The first couple of weeks are miserable, a fact that, time and time again, people here forget.
    I went for my two week post-op with my doctor and NUT yesterday and was telling them about some of the stuff that goes on here. They both read some of these boards and basically said to ignore people, that it seems like people get sleeved, lose a little weight, and suddenly become experts who have nothing better to do than be on the Internet all day criticizing people.
    I wanted to hug them both for that. Some of the people here can make you feel even worse than you already do, it was nice to get some validation from people who really matter.
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    prisytomboy reacted to Bigdogkc in Early Soft Foods   
    It never ceases to amaze me how many absolute judmental jerks post on this board. Everyone here has a problem with food, so you would think that would bring people together and they would have sympathy for eachother. The point of the board is to SUPPORT one another. Instead I see post after post from people that get up on their high horse and talk down to those that are having a tougher time than they are. That isn't helpful it is hurtful. Didn't your mothers ever teach you that if you don't have something nice to say then keep your mouth shut? Izuri - you could have made the exact same points you wanted to make, but in a supportive way, instead you sound like a stuck up, know it all, that clearly never did anything wrong ever in your life. You are not the worst one on here, so I am sorry for singiling you out, but you are the last I will read. I am through with this site, and will find one that is actually supportive. I hope for the sake of new people that come here looking for help, that you people realize how detremental you are being to those in need.
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    prisytomboy reacted to Gastricsleeve4me in Refried Bean Cupcakes   
    Inspired by emilybites.com but only four weeks out. So, I've been going for meals with limited ingredients while I test out me new sleeve. Needed a way to spice up my can of refried Beans so made a couple mini cupcakes. Sleevie seems to be okay after one...next time will add a little taco meat. Yum!
    Recipe info on my blog here: http://gastricsleeve4me.blogspot.com/2012/06/refried-bean-cupcakes.html

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    prisytomboy got a reaction from queenlylocs in Belly Band   
    I'm also in search of one but am getting a bit confused as i research. i'm not looking to wear something everyday all day...i'm not concern with rolls...what i am looking is something to work out in and train/reshape by body(mid section). so i'm torn between a c-section garment or a exercise waist slimming belt. my stomach giggles at Spanx.
    i tried the Walmart slimming belt preop and it was too snug. i said i was going to go to sport authority and see what they have.
    any ideas are greatly appreciated.
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    prisytomboy got a reaction from Mimismom in Increase Protein?   
    Ok, i'm going to jump in here but will be really vague as i can't give you all the scientific facts. I'm basing my theory on years of researching weight loss,working out, etc.
    To answer your question: I SHOOT for 80 and if i fall short that's ok but i AT LEAST get in 60! with you being 3 wks out i would assume you should be getting more Protein than 40g UNLESS you're having problems with keeping thinks down. (you didn't mention that.)
    I PERSONALLY believe increase your Protein intake would make a difference, how big of a difference i don't know but it definitely worth a try. WHY?
    1. protein helps you stay fuller longer...so you have less chance of eating slider foods that offer NOTHING.
    2. protein is harder to digest/breakdown so the harder your digestive systems works to break it down the more calories your body burns.
    3. protein is the #1 source for muscle repair/maintenance so more muscle = more calories burned & fat burned.
    4. muscle was cut during the surgery and protein will help repair this
    5. our body has been through a trauma and when you're body is trying to heal it is pulling protein from anywhere it can.
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    prisytomboy reacted to JimmyGotSLEEVED in My Advice To All Newly Post-Op Sleevers...   
    After 3 weeks of being sleeved, especially if you have a lot to lose, start going to the gym IMMEDIATELY. You DON'T have to start cardio but you DHOULD start a weight training regimen. This will greatly assist in the saggy and loose skin problem. TRUST ME. As a trainer, one of my clients is 44 years old and weighed 402 lbs. He had the sleeve almost a year and change now and I realized after losing all that weight he has little to no loose or saggy skin... He weighs 202 right now and looks like a trainer himself.
    I understand some drs may tell u to wait a little longer but three weeks is the best time to start! Even if it's light training every bit helps because your body will notice it before you do.
  11. Like
    prisytomboy reacted to GI283 in Anyone In Stl?   
    Hey all... In STL too... Sleeved by Dr. Aceves in Mexicali on 7/12. Finishing up phase 1 Clear Liquids today and moving onto full liquids tomorrow. Good luck to all!
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    prisytomboy got a reaction from SarahG0417 in July 18Th Sleevers!   
    ANOTHER JULY 18TH-ER HERE!!!! my nerves have not kicked in yet...not sure why...maybe it's all surreal. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I'm going to pack my bag tonight...i will pack very light. I glad it is finally here...seem like it took forever! I'm glad they day is finally here! I made homemade chicken broth and pureed chicken breast this past weekend. i have to run to wally world after work today for a couple more items and I'M READY!!!!!
    I am somewhat concerned because my surgery isn't until 2:30pm, check in time is 12:30pm...i can't eat after midnight....YIKES!!!!! that's a long time! hopefully the excitement/nervous/somehting will take away my appetite. lol
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    prisytomboy got a reaction from Sparky79 in July 18Th Sleevers!   
    my doc dont require liquid diet or anything...just nothing to eat/drink after midnight tonight. i'm going to drink 2 glasses of Water at 11:30pm tonight (suggested by the pre-test nurse) because my veins like to hide from needles. The funny thing...i don't mind being stuck...lol sometimes i encourage the nurse to try again. the last surgery i had the anesthesiologist had to place my IV in my neck...yep, turned the bed upside down and in the neck it went...thank God it was outpatient...honestly this is the only thing i'm concerned about. weird. lol
    for all worried about liver not shranking, DON'T!!! if you've put in SOME effort during the pre-op stage your doc will notice. a slip up here and there is not the end of the world...keep pushing and don't let it discourage you. heck if we had control like that we would be SO EXCITED ABOUT SURGERY TOMORROW!!!!
    we are going to do great and look fab!!!!
    I'm going to be thinking about everyone and saying a special prayer for all my sleeve buddies!!! Best wishes!!!
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    prisytomboy got a reaction from juicyr3d in July 18Th Sleevers!   
    @juicy ~ everything happens for a reason...count it as a blessing and keep it moving. its funny on my way home from work today i said a prayer for God to look over me and my surgeon....baaahahahaha is that crazy or what? but anything could happen and that's the thought that went through my mind...something could happen to him...lol crazy but true.
    @hm734 ~ don't be nervous...we're all praying for one another...this is a great support group!
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    prisytomboy reacted to Livinglifeout in July 18Th Sleevers!   
    ANOTHER July 18TH-Er here!! My bag is packed..flying to San Diego in the morning. The nerves and anxiety have hit. I just can't wait to start this journey! Definitely want to keep in touch. Smiles and prayers to all the 18th-ers!
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    prisytomboy got a reaction from Sparky79 in July 18Th Sleevers!   
    i started gathering things last night and will pack tonight but i'm still not feeling what i was expecting to feel.
    i hope i'm so busy with house chore and last minute errands that i dont have time to think about food. if i get hungry i plan to go for a long walk...that takes always crave my appetite...lol
    thank you and good luck to you as well. I will be thinking about all my July 18th sleevers!!!
    sending prayers and positive thoughts.
    let's keep in touch.
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    prisytomboy got a reaction from pkehrer in Anyone In Stl?   
    glad to hear that! good for you. i know it is a struggle because most of it is a mind thing but you're doing great so keep up the good work. i'm sure i'll be bugging you here pretty soon cuz i'll be going through the emotional ride. lol
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    prisytomboy reacted to pkehrer in Anyone In Stl?   
    Good luck prisytomboy! You will do great keep us updated!!!
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    prisytomboy reacted to cantw8t2bme in Anyone In Stl?   
    Looking to find another woman going through the same process as I am i am 29 yr old and a girl too
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    prisytomboy reacted to ChristyLove in What You Really Need Pre-Op Surgery And Must Have Post Op   
    I am 3 days post op and I have to tell you it was no walk in the park. First, I had so much scar tissues the doctor told me the scar tissues from my band removal a year ago had begun to encase and grow over my liver. It took 4 hours to cut the scar tissue from my liver and stomach and other organs. Next, I was in so much pain from the gas I couldn't bear it. One nice nurse made me some homemade heating pads. However, the rest of the nurses did not want to assist with the Water heating pads but some did with attitiudes. I decided to write a list of what you really need pre op and post op from the hospital.
    2 heating pads = 1 for your stomach and 1 for your back ( get the kind you have to plug in) the wireless ones don't heat well and it was hard to keep getting up and charging the batteries. Not to mention they only use rechargeable batteries.
    1 shushi massager ( I think it spelled right)= to massage the gas from your back, side, and stomach
    1 Coco butter oil only it helps if you have someone to rub you down and it helps
    bath & body works = eucalyptus spearmint stress relief aromatherapy. lotion and spray for the pillow it really, really helps.
  21. Like
    prisytomboy reacted to clk in July Sleevers?   
    Hey, just wanted to jump in and say congrats on choosing July to be sleeved. I, personally, think it's an especially great month to do it in. I'm a July vet, having been sleeved two years ago.
    Best of luck to all of you in the upcoming months. You'll all do great!
  22. Like
    prisytomboy got a reaction from iwannabslim in Got My Sample Pack Of Syntrax Nectar   
    ^^^BINGO!!!! ok thanks iwannabeslim! i didn't know what it was...lol
    thanks everyone, I will trying blending as well as room temp.
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    prisytomboy reacted to kimbernada in Cant Live Without Products?   
    At work, I have a little fridge under my desk. My plans are to have light soy milk, Jello, etc. in that. I ordered a little milk powder container from Amazon. I have a blender ball shaker with two more arriving tomorrow. I'll keep one of those at work.
    At home, I have a Cuisinart compact blender (and the blender ball shakers). To help me to eat smaller portions, I ordered a set of smaller stainless steel utensils. I'm thinking of getting these 1/2 cup containers, but they are cheaper at my grocery store by about $1.
    For the pureed stage, I plan to puree meats/veggies and will freeze them in these trays. Each cube is 1 oz. I came across this site http://wholesomebaby...MeatRecipes.htm that has basic information on pureeing your own food.
    Edited to add: Lock & Lock has a really small container that would work great for storing post-surgery pureed/soft/etc food. I just remembered that I already have a couple of these.
  24. Like
    prisytomboy reacted to MrzSongbird in African American Sleevers & Hair Loss   
    I've had four c-sections and outside of the first one they were a breeze. The key for me was getting up walking. I've also had laparoscopic surgery to remove my gallbladder, now that surgery sat me down. I'm hoping the sleeve surgery is nothing like the latter. I'm so scared about the gas pain and having a bunch of little scars on my belly from the surgeries, hopefully they can sort of use the same ones. All the best to you all in your journeys.
  25. Like
    prisytomboy got a reaction from littlebits in African American Sleevers & Hair Loss   
    So far as hair loss...i'm not big on hair, i can take it or leave it but promised my g-ma i would not cut my hair while she was still living. i am a member of a hair forum and i take good care of my hair. i am relaxed but i stretch them as much as possible cuz i have 4z hair. baaaaahahahahaha #TRUESTORY anyway i have come up with a complete list of supplements and a hair regime in hope to minimize the loss. although i can do without hair the fact remain IF i got to have long hair i definitely want it strong, shiny & healthy! #BOOM
    normally i co-wash my hair once a week...henna probably every 1 1/2 months...relax every 2 months...just got my last relaxer at the end of June...plan on not getting another until about 6 months out>>>maybe. Sweet Baby Jesus is sho gone have to help me! i got that disrespectful/talk back to ya hair!
    first let me explain the extra supplements because my nurse told me i will only need a Multivitamin for the rest of my life, however usually there a 3-6 month delay for your hair to react to your diet. so because immediately after surgery you lacking EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so immediately after surgery i want to try to give my body SOME of the things it will be lacking. i think supplements are taking too late. IMO
    here are my plans...
    boitin (5,000)
    Vitamins (of course)
    fish oil
    Vitamin E
    Protein (of course...wish there was some injections i'd do that! )
    1 x week
    Aphogee 2 min. (soft protein)
    ORS replenishing pak (protein & moisture)
    1 x week
    Joico KPak (hard Protein - def needs to be followed by moisture!)
    ??? (extreme moisture)
    I haven't decided how i will wear my hair but as less manipulation as possible.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
