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LAP-BAND Patients
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    myjourneyagain reacted to Lola Granola in Day 9 Post Op Diet... Did I Do Any Damage?? Comments Please.   
    I am so glad that I saw this thread! I am into week 3 of the post-op diet. I could not take the liquid diet for one second longer and pretty much started on the thicker liquids (pudding, Soups, etc) around day 4 post-op. I ate the pureed foods for most of the 2nd week. I have tried to eat some solid foods over the past 4 or 5 days. In short, I skipped I step in the post-op diet. That made me wonder if I was hurting myself just like the rest of you all. I have noticed one thing, however. I think that I chew my food way better than the average person or something. I have always had a fear of chocking on a piece of food, so the chewing thing comes natural for me. This is what caused me to start in on some "tame" solid foods like bits of chicken, soft cooked veggies, soft noodles, soft cheese, toast, crackers, eggs. I have been able to chew all of these things up into a mush and have had no issues swallowing the stuff. The one thing that I have noticed is that I do seem to get full much fast on the more solid foods. The other stuff just went right on through and I was left starving!! That is probably another reason why I moved on faster than I was supposed to. I needed find something that was going to stick to me a little longer. I have had a couple of occasions where I felt really full to the point of discomfort. I think that I too fast. I can chew food down to paste really fast because I have done it all my life. The ironic part of that "good habit" is that I think I can still eat too fast as a result. I am going to have to keep an eye on that. Also, I have noticed that when I am eating something that does not fit into the tiny 1 cup bowl that I purchased for myself that it is harder to visualize the 1 cup serving. My doctor told me to visualize what the food would look like mashed up in a 1 cup container. I guess I will get better at that with time.
    Anyone else feel like they have not really lost anything since the first week post-op?? I lost 4 pounds the first week post-op and have not lost a single pound since that time. I have also started walking regularly, so I know that I am "trying". I wonder if my body is just protesting or if I am eating way too much. I use My Fitness Pal and have noticed that I tend to eat between 1200 and 1500 calories each day. The program estimates that I am burning about 400 calories walking to an from work each day, so that is good to know! I just wish the scales would move a bit. Even one pound a week would be great!!!
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    myjourneyagain reacted to jimbrowski in One Day Out - Burp It Out   
    I had mentioned in my lay post that I would send an update on my way home after being released...... Fugetaboutit.
    you don't feel like posting after surgery...
    I did really well after, according to the nurse, which was a surprise. When she asked me my name I gave her a "BUUUUUURP Browski mam".
    And kept letting them rip. The nurses encouraged it, they said allot of people hold back and have allot of complaints about chest pains from gas.
    No shame here, thank God, my wife loves me. She drove the two hour drive with me burping to the beat of the music, the words of the music, when there was no music.
    Physically you feel like you were drugged, laid out on a table and had extra equipment added. I was able to walk out on my own.
    Your abdomen will be sore, what can you expect? If your a hairy Swede like me, you will get a kick out of your shaved tummy. You won't be able to sleep on your stomach, but after a shot of pain meds, you sleep just fine in any other position.
    You won't be thinking about food, just sip your liquids, I even had a couple of popsicles.
    Ohhh and walk around, it will help work out the gas.
    Woke up this morning feeling sore, just got up walked song, burrped some more, then got my phone.
    all I know is it felt good after the surgery was done. No more "should I do it?", no more worrying about backing out, no more thinking about what I won't refer to eat or drink any more.
    its done, now to start working on things I will get to have, one seat ticket on the plane, long walks with my family, not being called coach bigs. im happy.
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    myjourneyagain reacted to RobNAustin in Foodsaver Helps Me Plan Meals   
    I have been using food saver bags and creating my meals. They help a lot because they are measured and I can have different meals ready to go or freeze until I plan on those meals for the week. I had the procedure 3/27/12. I weighed 330 and down to 270 now. Lots still to go.
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    myjourneyagain reacted to pink dahlia in I Haven't Been This Slim In Thirty Years   
    way to go ! " I cant wait to say 'Ive lost 90 lbs !" keep up the hard work !
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    myjourneyagain reacted to michaelk in I Haven't Been This Slim In Thirty Years   
    90 lbs off, 10-20 to go.
    My wife has to call me at work to remind me to eat lunch!
    It's taken about 18 months.
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    myjourneyagain reacted to jen_1381 in Surgery Date Scheduled   
    Congrats!! May 18th was the first day of my new life. Good luck to you on your new adventure!!
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    myjourneyagain got a reaction from kah1213 in Surgery Date Scheduled   
    I finally have my surgery date which is July 3. I am so excited, but nervous at the same time!! Moving forward with my journey 2012.
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    myjourneyagain got a reaction from kah1213 in Surgery Date Scheduled   
    I finally have my surgery date which is July 3. I am so excited, but nervous at the same time!! Moving forward with my journey 2012.
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    myjourneyagain reacted to niquey0685 in 45 Down 74 To Go   
    Today I got my second fill I'm down 45 in total, 20 before surgery 25 since my surgery 4-25-12

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    myjourneyagain reacted to TornadoKnight Matt in Penis Size   
    Hah! One of lives dissapointments.
    But the size increase can be a + for the lady as well. :wub:
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    myjourneyagain reacted to joannedt in 10 Days Until Surgery...so Excited!   
    I'm so glad I found this site! I have very high hopes for the band can't wait to see results. I'm so tired of failed diets and feeling obsessed about my weight. I'm so glad I made this decision!
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    myjourneyagain reacted to cmoody821 in Egd & Approval!!!   
    I had my EGD this morning and on the way home I got the call that insurance approved my surgery!!! Everything is final and can finally be excited.
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    myjourneyagain reacted to xavtay2 in I'm Almost There!!   
    Congratulations on your Big Day today! I my information was sent to the insurance company on last week so I am pretty much at the same phase you are! Best of luck and success with the band. We will have to keep in touch... Wishing you the best
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    myjourneyagain reacted to Leisha249 in I'm Almost There!!   
    Good luck.
    I've had times when I wished I hadn't done this. ('Thats normal I think) But overall, I'm glad. I've been very lucky, the wt has come off easy. I'm 5 lbs from goal. Actually my lap band Dr told me to stop losing but when I pointed out my BMI is still in the "over weight " side he said 5 lbs and thats it. So, expect ups and downs. Drink LOTS of H2o. 6-8 glasses aday. And follow the rules.
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    myjourneyagain reacted to kll724 in I'm Almost There!!   
    Best wishes, here's hoping to see "less" of you soon!!Welcome to :the band" and keep us updated on your journey! Karen
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    myjourneyagain got a reaction from kll724 in I'm Almost There!!   
    Today is a big day for me because I have been going through this process and preparing for a surgery date. Well today I go in to see the dietitian, and then my paperwork will be submitted to my insurance company. I pray the insurance send back an immediate response. They have already confirmed that I am qualified, so it's just a matter of getting a date. I hope everyone else is doing great, and I am looking forward to moving closer to my destiny!!
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    myjourneyagain reacted to goddesscordelia in Muffin Pan Meals   
    Hey all,
    I started a new blog called Muffin Pan Meals. I like making them for me cause they are band friendly and my family likes them too. So far ive posted recipes with nutrition info for , " Un stuffed peppers" and "meatloaf and potato birds nests". I'd love your suggestions and feedback.
    -Cordelia, banded 1/08
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    myjourneyagain reacted to JulieC74 in Wow..down 14 Lb   
    I am down 14 lb since last Tuesday! I had surgery on the 4th..I am so excited!!!! Best decision ever made!!!
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    myjourneyagain reacted to biloxiblue in Insured By Medicare....completely Confused Help!!!   
    I had my surgery two weeks ago. Medicare did not require a six month waiting period. Maybe your doctor is actually thinking you could do it without surgery. Good Luck!
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    myjourneyagain reacted to shrcumm in Starting The Journey...(In Chicago)   
    You can and will do this!! I don't live in Chicago but I know that you are going to work out the struggles and be on your way to a better you!! I support you in all you do to better yourself!! The next song you play after you loose the weight will be music to your own ears!!!
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    myjourneyagain reacted to Sojourner in List Of "mushy Foods" Please Let There Be Salmon On That List.   
    No, salad greens and other raw veggies would not be good choices for this stage of post op eating. I was advised to wait until at least 6 weeks post op before trying any raw or steamed veggies.

    I missed salads so much...so much so that now every day lunch has raw baby spinach and a lean Protein or hard boiled egg.
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    myjourneyagain reacted to 2muchfun in My First Nsv(Non-Scale-Victory)   
    So, I went to our city rec center today to play some racquetball with an old friend. I had to give it up several years ago because my knees suck and they just couldn't handle the quick starts and stops.
    I had to renew my ID card. The gal asked me if I wanted to take a new picture and I said naw, I'm good with the one I have on my old ID. She said, "You should, you lost a lot of weight".
    WOO HOO! Gotta love it!
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    myjourneyagain reacted to PattyGirl66 in Problem With Protein Shakes   
    Yes, my nutrionist affiliated with my surgeon also recommended Bariatric Advantage. Really I had no clue and purchesd a large bag like a fool $59 and don't like it. Through trial and error I have found so many other Protein powders out there that are delicicous (to me). I really perfer "UNflavored" Protein Powder because I can mix it with anything. I found unjury and Now's unflavored protien powder is the best for me. Now, I have found for myself that "Pure Protein" chocolate Protein powder is very good and at $17 for 2 pounds of it you can't go wrong. The nutrional value is great, and you get lots of protein in a scoop.
    Honestly, it is going to be through trial and error you will find your favorite, best of luck
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    myjourneyagain reacted to rae.holmes in How Do You Buy Clothes?   
    My secret is just following the guidelines that my doc set out for me! I need to work out more.. ugh i just hate working out!!
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    myjourneyagain reacted to kmt1973 in Yay, Lil Nsv!   
    My hubby and I are bikers, Bikers for Christ members to be exact. I had surgery 3/19/12 I've list 27 lbs so far, I have no restriction yet, just cut out carbs. Anywho, my man told me today that he could tell I'm losing weight because my stomach used to be against his back and now he doesn't feel it. WooHoo, thats even more awesome being as its summertime and it feels so good to have some air between us. C:

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