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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to juliette669 in Sleeved On April 24Th   
    This is my first time posting here, or any other forum, but I just wanted to share my story and have some support during this journey.
    I have been overweight my entire life, but in the last 5 years I gained over 80 lbs., develoved high blood pressure and sleep apnea. It has been difficult doing any physical activity as my knees and back will always hurt.
    I tried 3 years ago to see if my insurance will me for gastric bypass but they denied it. I tried again in April and they immediately approved it, and I was sleeved on the 24th.
    This is day 4 post-op and I'm still sore but feeling great.
    I'm mostly struggling with what to drink. I started drinking Protein Shakes, broth, italian icees, and crystal light, but do not want to try any puree food until 1 week post-op.
    On my last weight in on Monday April 23rd, I weight 268 lbs., this morning I weight in at 249 lbs. Am I lossing too fast? Any suggestions?
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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to Katie713 in 7 Days Out And I Finally Felt Hunger   
    I had surgery 3 weeks ago today. It was the same for me at first then slowly I could feel hunger return and I was happy to feel normal...but as others have said, you will be easily satisfied with a tiny amount of food. Spacing liquid intake with shakes and meals takes some getting used to. I am great with liquids. Last week I invited family over for tostadas and I still loved cooking...I had 1/2 cup of refried Beans with cheese and a little salsa and sour cream. I got a little overly full (just one bite too many) so I took a walk and felt just fine. Good Luck!
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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to Felicity549 in 7 Days Out And I Finally Felt Hunger   
    Hey Fluffy. I'm also 7 days out but I'm total opposite. I'm ready to eat!! Can't wait for Monday so I can start "mushies." The fullest liquid I've had is Tomato Soup and it was heavenly. Ha. I'm pretty sure that what I have is head hunger but I can't really tell. Congrats!
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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to kimmy*custis in 3 Days Post Op   
    I am sorry you are in so much pain and yes, it does pass. I didnt get the gas ( thank goodness) but just get up and walk as much as you can, they say that helps with the gas. As far as pain, what did they give you for that? Take it if you need it, dont feel you shouldnt, that is what it is for. As far as the Protein, I wouldnt worry about it yet, just get your Water in. Keep trying every day to get the protein in, it is hard but it does get easier, I promise. Keep us posted. Hugs to you!
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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to Catracks in Nsvvvvvvvvvvv!   
    I remember when I looked down to see about 4 inches between me and the steering wheel that was rubbing on my stomach. I also looked down and saw my fly (you know, the top of my pants). I think the biggest one was when I slid into a booth with room to spare.
    Booths used to scare me.
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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to Lissa in Do I Want Surgery Or Food?   
    I took myself out to lunch today and ordered a bunless cheeseburger with sweet potato fries. I actually ate about half the cheeseburger, the slices of Tomato, some pickle slices, and 3 of the fries. The cook came out and I ended up telling him that the food was delicious, but I just couldn't eat any more. I was so full, but that cheeseburger was SO good.
    The point of that is that you can have ANY food you want after surgery. You just won't be able to eat as much. I'm pleasantly full and not in carb overload from my meal. I'm just now finishing my unsweet iced tea and it tastes divine as well.
    93 pounds lost feels really good today, especially knowing that I can eat anything I want.
    Oh, and for my appetizer and dessert, I had 7 flights of stairs on either side of my meal. Being able to walk up and down those stairs without pain is a MAJOR incentive for me!
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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to randalljohn in Do I Want Surgery Or Food?   
    I am one-week post op. You must follow the post-op diet to be successful and not damage the surgery site as it takes time to heal. I won't say that I don't crave foods that I can't have, but I am not having hunger pains at all. In fact, I can't really believe how wonderful and filling that chicken broth and sugar-free Jello can be.
    There are things that my family is eating that really look delicious to me right now, but I am not about to screw this up.... it wouldn't just be cheating but would be medically damaging at this point.
    One day, I will be able to eat reasonable portions of the foods that I love.
    As I have seen said many times before, "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels." There is no way that I would call this an easy process. Those that say that you are "cheating" by having this surgery must think that it's not difficult. ANYONE would lose weight following this structured diet. It is the reduced calorie amount that is causing the weight loss--- not that your smaller stomach makes you magically lose weight.
    The surgery changes your hunger which will give help with your willpower to accomplish what you couldn't on dieting alone.
    Don't give up! I almost backed out of the surgery myself because I kept thinking "i should be able to do this on my own", but I've never been able to. Now that I have had the surgery, I have the strength and willpower to stick with the plan.
    Good luck!
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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to poohmsg in 1 Year Later :)   
    Last year at this time I was recovering from surgery, it was the best decision I have ever made for my self. I have been lucky and have not had any problems along the way but it is still a challenge everyday to not fall back in to old habbits. Anybody who says this is the easy way out has no idea that it is not easy you have to stay with it and follow the the program of diet and exercise. That being said we are all human and slip ups happen I have had my fair share of them for sure!
    The one thing I wish some one had told me before hand was not to get so obsessed over the number on the scale. I look at pictures of myself and realize that I have not been this small since high school yet there are days I get on the scale and it says something totally different. I am now more focused on my BMI and not what the scale says.
    I started at a BMI of 42.2 and now it is a nice even 27, my weight was 262 and I am now down to 177! I still have about 15 to 20 pounds to my goal and for some reason the last few months they just dont want to go away but I am determined to get them gone and with time I am postivie they will vansih forever just like the last 85 pounds have
    I want to thank everyone here for all the support and advice that I have recieved during my journey this last year and may you all the the sucess that I have had

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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to Webchickadee in So Hard Not To Compare   
    Don't get discouraged! JamaicanGirl2011's advice about inches rather than pounds is great! If you haven't been tracking your measurements, start right away. There's a good chance that you will see changes and it will motivate to you hang in while the scale is not cooperating.
    I'm not sleeved yet (18 more days until surgery!), but 5 years ago I put myself on a VERY strict 1200 calorie diet and I was exercising my butt off. I lost 100 lbs (which of course I regained without all that discipline...........that's why I'm here today!). During that time (about 9 months), I found that I went through stalls every 8-10 weeks. It's usually a plateau where your body is trying to "recalibrate" and understand that this new weight is a "set point".
    Also, if you find you're stalled for a longer than normal period of time, try changing things up. A change in your routine will make a difference. Try a different distribution of food through the day (not necessarily reduction in calories), or doing different type of exercise that works new areas of your body. Weight lifting (free weights or machines) is a great way to kick-start your metabolism because the effects continue for hours AFTER you've finished your workout (unlike cardio). And resting muscle burns more calories which means the more muscle you have, the more weight you can lose, even while sleeping!
    And of course, remember that muscle is more dense than fat, so you may be losing fat, but gaining muscle, so the scale doesn't move, but you're getting more healthy and losing inches, and reducing your risks for fat-related health problems such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiac issues, stroke, etc.
    Just because the stupid scale doesn't reflect the changes in your body doesn't mean there isn't a whole REVOLUTION going on inside of you!
    Keep on "going on".......you're on the path to a better, healthier, happier you!
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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to JamaicanGirl2011 in So Hard Not To Compare   
    Please, please, don't get too frustrated. I was sleeved on 02/20/12. I understand.
    Yes, it is frustrating to compare. However, there are lots of variables to consider such as the starting weight, age, sex etc. For example, the more you have to lose, the faster you will lose.
    Ok, so you lost 35 pounds from date after surgery and 28 pounds from the pre-op weight all in 10 WEEKS. I think that is amazing. 2.8-3.5 pounds per week!
    Also, please remember to consider that you may be losing inches instead of pounds. For me, one of the things I have noticed is that when my weight loss stalled, my clothes started to fall off.
    I say, look at the positive changes.
    We sure didn't gain the weight immediately.
    We will get there!!
  11. Like
    FluffyBleu76 reacted to chitowngirl in Questions, Please Help!   
    I'm currantly a month out and honestly I am barely able to hit my Protein goals. It's a process I had to gradually build my way upto my Water intake, meds and Vitamin intake. My advice is focus on one thing at a time, then gradually add another element in.
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    FluffyBleu76 got a reaction from atkinsoncl in Questions, Please Help!   
    Try Jay Robb's vanilla whey Protein (if you mix one scoop of it with 2 oz. orange juice, 4 oz.8th continent complete soy milk and 2 oz. Water you get a kinda Orange Julius drink). This is will yield you about 24 oz. of protein. Mixing the powder with soy milk is good too. You can purchase any of the Jay Robb Proteins from the Vitamin Shoppe or online Vitamin distributors. Also, Unjury's chocolate is pretty good and the Unjury unflavored isn't bad (although it does leave a kinda weird after taste.I was sleeved on 4/20 and so far, I have been able to get in most of not all my water by sucking on ice chips and sugar free popsicles. After the 2nd day out, I am able to drink my water requirement and I get in about 40 to 50 grams of protein. I take a liquid Multi-Vitamin that I mix with 8 oz. od Naked's Green Machince (a smoothie made entirely of fruits and veggie- no sugar added plus 2 grams of protein per serving) because this drink is green already so it goes in undetected and there is no smell or trace of Vitamins. I am not at the 60-70 grams of protein I was recommended but this is all I can do now without feeling stuffed and uncomfortable. I hope some of my tricks help.
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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to Misstxdiva in 2 Weeks Post Op Back At Work!   
    First day back at work (I'm a bank analyst so I sit all day) and so far so good. Had such a warm welcoming from my co-workers especially the ones who knew about my surgery. They noticed a difference so I was happy plus I looked fabulous today :-D showing off my slighlty smaller frame. I didn't feel like I was going to die hiking up to the building and 3 floors (elevator) to my desk so that's progress. I feel really good. Only thing that sucks is sitting i get a cramp where my largest stich is so I have to stand or walk on my breaks when I get the chance. Haven't had any problems with food so far just Tomato Soup which doesn't agree with me right now. Had about 1/2 cup of chicken salad and sugar free pudding for lunch, did a small walk. Feel relaxed. Day is going by fast. Glad my first day is going well! Really thankful I've been able to recover easily with no setbacks.
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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to atkinsoncl in Questions, Please Help!   
    Getting enough fluids is essential You need to get in 64 oz of Fluid daily. As for Protein Drinks, I know it can be tough. I am drinking the Unjury chocolate Splendor with 1% milk. Total it is 28 grams Protein. I mix it in the blender with ice and sometimes 1/2 of a banana or a little Peanut Butter and it's pretty tasty. Right now, I'm supposed to be consuming 60-70 grams of protein. I can get all my protein in with use of one shake a day. There is no way I can get all the protein in without it. Good luck! Protein and fluids are really important.
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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to mrsdraculaura in Newly Sleeved And New To This Site!   
    Thanks!!! I am 5'2, starting weight was 207, had surgery 4/18 and I weighed myself the day of discharge from the hospital which was 4/21, and I was at 197. I haven't weighed myself since tho, but can feel that I've lost more weight :-) I'm 28 years young and am from tx
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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to Dooter in I Can't Believe It!   
    Yep. My life long buddy, confidant and friend--chocolate-- did NOT taste the same to me after surgery. I was cutting cake for people and I licked my finger and I was not impressed. I was actually quite thrilled to not taste what I used to!!!
    I've actually become quite partial to cottage cheese and fruit. How weird is that?!?
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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to Sassygirl06 in I Can't Believe It!   
    I dont like candy anymore at all....it makes me sick. your taste changes after this surgery. I think it is a good thing!
  18. Like
    FluffyBleu76 reacted to gmanbat in Husband A Jerk Before And After Surgery   
    I know I am quite capable. But I know that I am much less a jerk than I was when I was younger and quite arrogant. My dear wife stayed with me through my thoughtless self-centeredness and somehow saw something appealing in me. I am now very embarrassed about the way I was then. Her touching care for me during my prostate cancer treatment broke down the last of my resistance to her love. I now have the emotional freedom to treat her like my dearest and best friend.
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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to GreginMI in I Was Sleeved Yesterday... Ughhh!   
    The reason the Gas X won't work is because the bloating is caused by the gas they use to blow your abdomen up so they can work in there during surgery. It's not in your stomach, it's in your body cavity. Walking is about the only thing that will work.
  20. Like
    FluffyBleu76 reacted to cmeless in Hi Ya'll   
    My name is Hutch - I have a tentative date of May 9th with Dr Aceeves in Mexi -Cali
    I am a truck driver and struggle with weight loss so I have made the decision to be sleeved.
    I am nervous but not scared. I have been 100 lbs overweight for the last 10 years and I have tried every diet imaginable - and they work for a minute and then fail. I have no one to blame but myself. I have diabetes, sleep apnea, asthma and planter faciatias in my feet which causes me alot of pain. I hope and pray that after the surgery with time these conditions that I mention will go away.
    I recently got married to a beautiful woman that was sleeved in Janurary,2010- and when she said that I needed to get a passport I thought she was excited about going on vacation but little did I know she had other plans - I am happy though because I feel that this is the best decision for me and for us to live a long and healthy life together.
    If you all will join me in my upcoming journey I would greatly appreciate all of ur help and support.
    Thank you and God bless,
  21. Like
    FluffyBleu76 got a reaction from Miriam in Want To Quit My Doctor   
    I remember when my mom had her open heart surgery in 2001. She was admitted through the ER and the attending cardiac surgeon had the WORST bedside manner! It was so bad, my mom said she would take her chances and wait for another surgeon to do it (mind you, she was in the ER so it was pretty bad)!!! To make a long story short, she had complications and the surgeon with the attitude from hell had to come in to do the surgery while she was under anesthesia. This man's hands were blessed by God! She had only a 50% of coming out alive, only 45% of her heart was functioning at the time and we were told she would be lucky to get a few more years (she lived until 2010)- most surgeons wouldn't touch her! After the surgery, he was still cold in his demeanor and when my mom was up and alert, he was sooooooo negative (but he sure loved to point out and look at well he sutured her chest). In short, of course physicians should be kind in dealing with their patients but there is a saying in the medical community: "Doctors treat diseases and nurses treat patients." Your business is just about done with this man and as long as you have a support system and you are healing well, leave him to his own devices. You are doing great and it's natural to have up's and down's. Just pay attention to how your clothes fit and your overall wellness.
  22. Like
    FluffyBleu76 reacted to Foxbins in Seasoned Sleevers   
    What I find interesting now is that the sleeve restriction is not directly helping me, it's the habits that are ingrained now at 15 months post-op. I eat mostly the same things each day and in the quantities I ate 8 months ago. I am baffled by topics that say "I am X months out and I can eat X amount of X food." I don't know how many slices of pizza I can eat, or hamburgers, or chicken nuggets, because I have a portion set in my mind and that's what I eat. I eat 3 jumbo shrimp. I eat 2.5-3.0 oz of steak. I eat 3 broccoli florets. I don't know if I can eat more (I suspect I can) but I don't. I know that if I try to overeat my sleeve will stop me but I don't test the limits. I eat sweets but I am not obsessed by them anymore. I don't eat rice or soft bread as they feel bad no matter what quantity I consume but I enjoy toast and crackers.
    I guess I feel like I eat now the way I thought naturally skinny women ate when I was fat--in small portions but not denying themselves anything.
    I am so grateful to this surgery for allowing me to make these discoveries.
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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to krissy20 in Nsv? Maybe....   
    Get it girl you look amazing !! Can't wait to be there
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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to fancypants in 2 Year Anniversary   
    Just celebrated my two year anniversary of my gastric sleeve. I began my journey at 279 lbs with a dress size 22. I am currently at
    149 lbs and a size 8. I never would have believed I could ever be this healthy or happy. My weight has been quite stable for the past 10 months or so. This surgery was a wonderful tool on the road to healthy living. I spent most of the first 18 months in the gym working out 3 days a week with a trainer. I believe that was a big key in getting my body back in shape. At age 55 I think it took the gym to get my body toned. I have not had any additional surgery but am considering having the skin under my arms tightened. No matter how much weight I lift or exercise, that loose skin is still there. At this point I know it's just vanity, but feel I deserve a little something for the effort. I don't eat any bread or red meat any more, it just doesn't digest well and I don't really miss it anyway. Instead I do chicken, shrimp and some Pasta. For those of you in the early stages of your recovery, I encourage you to hit the gym, I don't like to exercice, but it was worth the results. Take the stairs, park at the end of the parking lot, those little everyday things. Everytime I go up and down stairs, I remember it wasn't that long ago, that I couldn't make it without gasping for air, or stopping halfway up. Find a small victory every day and keep motivated. You can do it.
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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to chigga77 in I Named My Sleeve... Destiny   
    It's been 10 weeks since my surgery and I am doing well. I do find myself wanting to eat the wrong things but I throw the thought out the window for now. I do realize if I take one bite too many oh boy I feel it. But I am so much more energetic and I love trying on new clothes. I am loving my sleeve.. I have added photos to my Gallery for anyone who wants to see the before and after. who would have thought 60 pounds would make such a difference. I love doing zumba and kick boxing classes and I am going to try fit boot camp.... Wish me luck... But I am trying to work this sleeve and not let it work me.. Good luck to all who is on the losing side as well as the ones going for their sleeve...

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