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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to chitowngirl in Yay Lost 70Lbs Update Pic   
    Awesome..it looks like you lost 20 years along with those 70 pounds. Keep up the good work.
  2. Like
    FluffyBleu76 reacted to Tracey37 in Yay Lost 70Lbs Update Pic   
    Lost 70lbs and 14weeks post op update pic before and now

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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to Shemy-away in Pissed Off And Frustrated   
    "Investment portfolio" I love the comparison!
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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to Wheetsin in Pissed Off And Frustrated   
    That's fairly common. I don't want to downplay your frustration, but 3 days is not a long time. There are a LOT of luids introduced into your body during surgery, a lot of swelling, etc. There are a lot of physiological reactions to bod trauma, and to organ trauma, and you've had quite a bit of both. Unfortunately most of our body reactions involve Fluid (actually I think it's safe to say that they ALL do) - and a lot of it. Bear with it, and keep in try to focus on "it has ONLY been 3 days" instead of "it's been 3 days already!"
    A lot of people weigh more when they get home from surgery. A lot of people actually gain weight shortly after, as they're able to drink & their bodies begin to hoard fluids.
    It's like your investment portfolio. You really can't look at it on a day-to-day basis and expect it to make any sense at all. You just have to trust that it's right, and see where you are after some time has elapsed.
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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to hope2Bfitand40 in Nsv From My "caveman" Husband   
    Last weekend my husband told me he can't wait until my ex-husband sees me after losing all this weight (about 30 pounds), and that my ex-husband will be blown away (although, I don't think he used "blown away" I think it was more obscene). My husband isn't a typical "macho" man, but apparently there's a competitive caveman in every man. I think he's proud!
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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to NancyJerry in Pissed Off And Frustrated   
    Weeks 2 and 3 are FAMOUS for stalls. Your body is in complete and utter shock. 12 pounds in 3 weeks is about 4 pounds per week. Your body is thinking - WHOA! What the heck is going on here???? I'm holding on to my storage just in case we don't eat again for a while!!!
    Seriously. Give it some time. Make sure you are getting your Protein and Water in you, and you will lose weight. You've had 85% of your stomach cut out of your body. You WILL lose weight. P.S....food for thought....when was the last time you followed a diet that allowed you to lose either 10 pounds in 1 week or 4 pounds per week on average???
    Don't worry. Almost everyone goes through this and you are not alone!
  7. Like
    FluffyBleu76 reacted to Wheetsin in Pissed Off And Frustrated   
    A large percentage of the initial weightloss is just Fluid. After that initial loss, you just don't have the same excess fluids, so things slow down. Your body can't think, it's just on survival autopilot. To your body, you didn't have WLS, you're starving -- and bet you bum your body is going to pull out every trick it knows to try and not starve to death.
    It can take a few weeks, but you will reach an equilibrium where things start moving again.
    And don't just rely on the scale. Often during stalls people continue to lose inches.
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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to BetterthanIwasb4 in A Before & After   
    forgot to attach...sorry

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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to JessMarie in Sleeved 4/20/12   
    Thanks! I wasn't sure about posting anything but I figured if what I post helps just one person, then I'd be satisfied.
    (actually it's osteoarthritis, stupid spell check lol)
  10. Like
    FluffyBleu76 reacted to JessMarie in Sleeved 4/20/12   
    Let me start by saying, this was the best option for me. I have crazy food allergies that prevented me from dieting( all fruits/veggies/seafood and soy). Exercising was difficult due to asthma and osteoporosis in both knees. This surgery, I believe, saved my life. I'm getting married April 21, 2013 and now I can look forward to dress shopping
    I have Dr. Suh and he's the best! No pain from the surgery itself (except gas pains).
    It's a little over two weeks post op and I'm down 25lbs!
    I'm on soft foods, but missing things like pizza and burgers and oh god steak!
    Everyday gets easier, so don't loose hope!
  11. Like
    FluffyBleu76 got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in Ok, Gym Rats. I Need Advice!   
    One more thing, ExRx are designed with your goals and ability in mind. For example, the person who suffers from Rheumatoid Arthritis would not do the same workout as a person who has hypertension or just under went cardiac bypass surgery :-) The trainer can customize your plan.
  12. Like
    FluffyBleu76 got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in Ok, Gym Rats. I Need Advice!   
    In the past, I have actually worked as a trainer and the best advice I could give you is to take advantage of the free, one-time consultation with a Personal Trainer. If your membership doesn't offer that, ask about meeting with one for 1 session. If you meet with a trainer, they can personalize your work out with an Exercise Rx. They also have tools that can tell you what your lean muscle mass to fatty mass is (Far more accurate than the old BMI. Even when I was fit, I always had a high BMI.). Meet with a pro so you can get the optimal results!
  13. Like
    FluffyBleu76 got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in Ok, Gym Rats. I Need Advice!   
    One more thing, ExRx are designed with your goals and ability in mind. For example, the person who suffers from Rheumatoid Arthritis would not do the same workout as a person who has hypertension or just under went cardiac bypass surgery :-) The trainer can customize your plan.
  14. Like
    FluffyBleu76 got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in Ok, Gym Rats. I Need Advice!   
    In the past, I have actually worked as a trainer and the best advice I could give you is to take advantage of the free, one-time consultation with a Personal Trainer. If your membership doesn't offer that, ask about meeting with one for 1 session. If you meet with a trainer, they can personalize your work out with an Exercise Rx. They also have tools that can tell you what your lean muscle mass to fatty mass is (Far more accurate than the old BMI. Even when I was fit, I always had a high BMI.). Meet with a pro so you can get the optimal results!
  15. Like
    FluffyBleu76 reacted to jenn298 in 8 Months Post-Op, 94 Pounds Gone Forever! With Pics   
    Lissa, you look great!! Inspiring to us newbies.
  16. Like
    FluffyBleu76 reacted to Sleeved&Hopeful in I Dont Feel Any Different   
    I absolutely agree with that. You still feel hungry for a while and the liquid does not make you feel full. Trust me, the minute you try something with substance you will KNOW you have been sleeved. You will get full really fast!
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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to Webchickadee in I Dont Feel Any Different   
    My husband is already anticipating the "libido reawakening" LOL
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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to grannyk in I Dont Feel Any Different   
    Your don't feel "different" because you are really not that different. If you don't have complications, it is hard to tell from the outside that you have had anything done. You don't feel full because the liquids just flow right on through.
    Be glad that you don't feel that different now, stick with your post-op diet (it won't last forever event though it may feel that way), and when you start eating more solid food, that's when you will feel the difference.
    You are in the first few days of a lifelong journey. Enjoy the ride to the new you...Kathe
  19. Like
    FluffyBleu76 reacted to WhoozisAnyway in Lets Talk About Toots, Shall We?   
    I used Benefiber pre-surgery, but was warned by the nurse not to take it for quite a while post surgery because Benefiber is a "bulking" product and can distend a new tummy.
    She recommended a daily dose of Miralax. It really is flavorless, I add it to Crystal Light and don't taste a thing.
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    FluffyBleu76 reacted to Webchickadee in How Much Protein Is Enough?   
    From what I've been reading (and that's alot from many different sources), the range is 0.4-1.1 g per lb. of ideal body weight.
    That is quite a wide range and depends on whether you are doing alot of resistance exercises (free weights, or machines), which tend to build muscle, as opposed to aerobic exercise (running, swimming, etc.) that are more edurance and build less muscle.
    So, for example. If your goal weight is 150 lbs you should consume between 60 g of Protein / day (not actively building muscle) and 165 g of Protein (if you're on a heavy weight lifting program).
    I like the fact that this range helps you understand how much protein to take for you individual target weight, rather than just saying EVERYONE needs 80 g of protein a day. We're all different sizes, participate in different levels of activity/exercise, etc.
    So I would say if you use this range and adjust based on your activity level, you should be in the ideal target protein range.
  21. Like
    FluffyBleu76 reacted to Lissa in I Need To Chew But I Am Not Really Hungry.   
    SF popsicles are my recommendation as well. That gives you the chewing sensation plus some hydration at the same time.
    Good luck!!
  22. Like
    FluffyBleu76 reacted to minniekitty in Before And After Gastric Sleeve Surgery Photos   
    I just took some new pictures, and I have to add to this thread! I started at 225 lbs a little over 5 months ago. I was sleeved on August 12. I've lost 64 lbs so far and weigh 161 lbs! I have a little more than 15 lbs to go before I reach my goal.
    Before surgery:
    5 Months Post-Op and 64 lbs down. Under 16 lbs to goal :wink1:

  23. Like
    FluffyBleu76 reacted to tmorgan813 in I Need To Chew But I Am Not Really Hungry.   
    Yes, I have. I don't know where you are in what you can eat, but I am still on pureed food. My doctor told me I could have canned tuna with mayo. This had really helped with my need to chew. I will admit that even though I chew it to almost nothing, it does help me with that need. I also do the same with a hard boiled egg. I mush it really well with my fork (no big pieces) and add a little mayo. This too helps. One last thing I did was cook lima Beans until they were really soft. Then I pureed them. They come out very thick (almost paste like if you don't add a lot of the "juice they were cooked in") and this helps too. I hope I helped a little. Oh, and one last thing, sugar free Popsicles help too. Even though you have to wait until they melt, they do break off in your mouth and you can mush it down and it gives you some texture. Good luck!!!!
  24. Like
    FluffyBleu76 reacted to jme53071 in 5 Days Post-Op And Very Excited, However...   
    Ok...who took the sledgehammer to my side? Oof! So tender. But not horrible. Trying to take it easy.
    I never wished I could pass gas....but I REALLY need some of this trapped air/gas to dissipate! Can anyone tell me when that might happen?
    food smells incredible and I'd like to join my family. I'm proud to say I am in this to win! I realize just how often I ate just because. Time to Eat-to-Live, not Live-to-Eat!
    I am very thirsty and am constantly sipping. Another new habit to learn, not gulping!!!! I am trying so hard to stay hydrated.
    I refuse to put artificial foods/sweeteners in my body. So for next two weeks, per my surgeon, it's 2 ounces of Ensure three times daily and lots of water!
    I wish all newbies much success and patience. Don't be sad, resist temptation....WE CAN DO THIS!!!!! We're going to be so healthy and energetic a few months down the road.
    Be Strong :-)
  25. Like
    FluffyBleu76 reacted to DDFinn in Once Upon A Time...   
    So happy for you! I am only at the begining of my journey (7wks post op) so I loooove the happily ever afters

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