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    gramaof4 reacted to Jlewis229 in Thought I Could Trust My Husband!   
    Both of you MGM & Gramaof4 are amazing women to have held it together for so long without the support of your husbands! You are both going to do great with this surgery & have extremely happy lives no matter what happens. Of Course I want everuthing to work out for you but sometimes it just doesn't work. My mother has been divorced twice! Both of them were jerks!
    Patrick- Your wife is extremely lucky to have you! You gave great advice to these ladies!'
    And for those of you that are having a coronary about people having a laugh, get over it, these ladies have no problems with anyone having a good time, nobody was making fun of anyone's situations.
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    gramaof4 reacted to Jlewis229 in Thought I Could Trust My Husband!   
    You don't need to fit in with them anyway! I enjoy talking to you so much on here, you have a great sense of humor & are just easy to talk to!
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    gramaof4 reacted to MGM in Thought I Could Trust My Husband!   
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    gramaof4 got a reaction from Jlewis229 in Thought I Could Trust My Husband!   
    MGM....Love ya chickie...new friends can be very supportive especially when they understand and have been or are wearing the same shoes, as uncomfortable as they may be.
    I love my husband, but I NEED for him to love me fat or thin...not just thin... and not just on his terms....
    I have not taken offense to ANYTHING anyone has written, in fact almost the exact opposite...everytime from here on out, when my hubby does something to disrespect me...I am going to think of a wild Grizzly Bear....LOL Thanks Patric...I will tell you the first real good belly laugh I have had in a flipping long time...OMG it was so funny I had to share with my friends who watch me and my sadness with how my hubby treats me.
    So Thank You for a well Needed laugh...
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    gramaof4 got a reaction from Jlewis229 in Thought I Could Trust My Husband!   
    MGM....Love ya chickie...new friends can be very supportive especially when they understand and have been or are wearing the same shoes, as uncomfortable as they may be.
    I love my husband, but I NEED for him to love me fat or thin...not just thin... and not just on his terms....
    I have not taken offense to ANYTHING anyone has written, in fact almost the exact opposite...everytime from here on out, when my hubby does something to disrespect me...I am going to think of a wild Grizzly Bear....LOL Thanks Patric...I will tell you the first real good belly laugh I have had in a flipping long time...OMG it was so funny I had to share with my friends who watch me and my sadness with how my hubby treats me.
    So Thank You for a well Needed laugh...
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    gramaof4 reacted to SV2 in Thought I Could Trust My Husband!   
    Yeah, I'm sure there's a logical, caring reason why a spouse would throw a bunch of candy bars on his recently-sleeved wife's lap.
    Sent from my iPad using VST
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    gramaof4 reacted to Kansas1965 in Thought I Could Trust My Husband!   
    It's is so hard for me becuse I dont get the support from him ..Idon'thave any family but my 3 kids that are older and have there one life's and the go to school and work . So the site is so good for me and my fitness pal tamara1965
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    gramaof4 reacted to Alexandra39 in Loose Sking Before Surgery   
    I hope I am covered but if not I'm still having the surgery because I agree I really need the weight off.
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    gramaof4 got a reaction from Eri in Too Big For Surgery?   
    Dr. Aceves is a God send!!! I truly will tell you he is thourough and capable...I was 354 at surgery date! noe 4 mos. later am down 93#....Dr. Aceves is in Mexicali,,,he and his staff are exceptional and the hospital clean
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    gramaof4 reacted to Ms skinniness in Too Big For Surgery?   
    This is very frustrating for you, yet another obstacle to keep you from succeeding. I would contact other docs in Mexico. I reason your opting for this surgery is because of your obesity. Don't give up, I hear Dr Aceves and Dr Garcia are really excellent surgeons! Don't give up, it can be done. Praying for you.
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    gramaof4 reacted to Texarkolina in Please Promise Me That.....   
    Please promise me that if I ever start a discussion about this surgery with my mother again that you will find me and b...h-slap me.....cause I would totally deserve it.
    Why does my mother feel compelled to tell me about the two people that she knows who had gastric bypass years and years ago that drank chocolate shakes 3 times a day and never lost any weight? Not once..but OVER and OVER again. She is totally supportive....which is great...but I only told her because I knew she would be upset if I didn't. I really don't want a running commentary on my life choices or really any conversation at all about this. Is my a$$ really so big that we need to discuss it for hours at a time with all my family? Can we just please discuss anything else? I have researched this surgery for like a year...so I really don't need your "expert" advise about what some lady told you that her friend's neighbor's son's girlfriend did to lose weight.....pretty sure it was surgery but might have just been one of those liquid diet things...but she looks great! Groan.
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    gramaof4 reacted to cmw10000 in Strange Question....   
    I was sleeved on Feb 27 and have lost 50 lbs have had several stalls be it catches up with a vengence just be patience we are all on our own journey together every ones body reacts differently be patient it will come soon.
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    gramaof4 reacted to Dooter in Strange Question....   
    Hahaha....patience Grasshopper.... We all say the exact same thing! Give your body time to adjust. It's been through a lot.
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    gramaof4 got a reaction from MGM in Thought I Could Trust My Husband!   
    JLewis.... I have lived and loved this man for 20+ years and I truely wish for another 20 yrs...He is the father of my children and the grandfather of my grandbabies...He is an awesome father and grandfather.... with those few exceptions along lifes way that we all have....But you all are so right he has disrespected me for the last time....I have distanced myself from the meanness and he will have to EAT HIS WORDS when I weigh in 5 lbs under him....He always says you can lose weight on your own you just have no will power...well after 4 kids and using a Norplant birthcontrol which made 100# gain overnight look easy...well...after 2 yrs and 200# I got the dam thing removed...He will see that he should have taken care of this wife in the fashion I want to be taken care of ....because though women as well as men NEED to be WANTED and NEED to be NEEDED....I have had several requests to be wanted and needed by others...so if he has come complacent and would prefer to live like room mates...well he can get a different room mate!
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    gramaof4 reacted to Jlewis229 in Thought I Could Trust My Husband!   
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    gramaof4 got a reaction from MGM in Thought I Could Trust My Husband!   
    The Book "The power of a praying wife".....great book!
    I will tell you now even after 4 months and 92# loss...My hubby has yet to say one word about my weight loss... However at work I have had 3 marriage proposals and 1 blaten request to go have an affair. Even an old fling has surfaced and would like to rekindle the love and wow is he good at sexting! (lol) Already makes me feel better.
    When I first got on this site i wrote a few Blogs to begin the journey...I had one fella tell me ... "The largest fat I needed to lose was my fat head husband"...LOL I do love him but sometimes I don't like him very well.
    the other thing someone told me was...DOn't make any vast changes after surgery just let things ride....as our emotions are all wound up with getting our head around our new life style....lol so funny as since I had lost maybe 30# I began to feel better and I began to clean things in and out of the house, I painted the dining room and livingroom, I had waincoting put up now chair rail and I have become more proactive to what my house looks like rather than a pig pen and me the maid.....
    He did tell someone that since I had lost some weight I have been working him to death....well it's about time....why do men have to be such jerks... he also grumbled to another family friend that all I feed him is protien and fruit....well now that must be why he goes to grocery and buys $100 worth of snack **** twinkies hohos ding dongs cracker jacks....etc and puts that **** in MY fruit bowl...yes this happened,,,,and a seperate time he was having a conversation with the 12 yr old overweight son....and they got up went to the store bought 40 yes 40 not a typo...candy bars and put them in my lap.....
    I did not count my surgery as a secret, I have told anyone who asks...I do have a very supportive base of friends! Everyone EXCLAIMS how great I am looking throughout my jouney....and to be perfectly honest I find this to be supportive and sufficient...I don't need his cocky ass bringing me down, not to say I wouldn't love for him to say wife you are looking great, sexy,.....etc...but for now all the other men ARE looking and they ARE not afraid to verbalize how sexy I am becoming...It's great for the self confidence!
    I had an interesting pm yesterday from one of my brother in laws....he has not seen me but heard the other chatter from the oother inlaws...he said "congratulations on you new weight loss program...I am proud of you!" wow coming from a brother in law I have had in the past 20+ years only a handful of conversations with,,,I was happy to get the atta girl...
    dont let your dead weight cause your soul or body trauma....you are going to be a sleeve sister and we are many! we will be your anchor in the storm!....you have my info call or text any time...
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    gramaof4 reacted to deltadawn817 in Thought I Could Trust My Husband!   
    this is my experience as it sounds like we are married to the same man. I have been sleeve for 3 months and now I have to hear things like it really does work UGH WTF. Also since he is still making comments. OH and tells me how if I don't eat ____ that I will loose more..etc Things haven't changed at all I still want to rip his face off at times and something has to change I also find myself resenting him even more since he wasn't supportive when I was 50lbs heavier. I am sure we won't last but my kids are still young 7 and 2.
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    gramaof4 reacted to MGM in Thought I Could Trust My Husband!   
    I haven't had surgery yet. It's scheduled for August 23rd. So no pounds coming off yet. But yes, while I'm changing, either his attitude can or his address can!
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    gramaof4 reacted to MGM in Thought I Could Trust My Husband!   
    Thanks all of you for your loving and caring support. It has really helped. This IS about me, for once. And no matter where it takes me or who comes along for the ride, it's MY time, Bd I'm going to enjoy the ride!!
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    gramaof4 reacted to changewithin in Thought I Could Trust My Husband!   
    Perhaps this is a sign please do not take it the wrong way but basically you will have a new life after this surgery, you will be thin and looking quite sexy, this makes a boost to the confidence U may even decide to change your appearance when this happens others will look this will go one or two ways. He will either be jealous and start overly caring or perhaps someone else will be doing all the caring. Either way I wish you luck in your surgery everything will be ok one way or the other.
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    gramaof4 reacted to vsglosingit in Thought I Could Trust My Husband!   
    I am sorry he did that. That was very inconsiderate of your feelings and not very respectful. Just remember, you are doing this for you. Who cares what his family thinks. This is about YOUR journey.
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    gramaof4 reacted to Allie ALii in Feb Sleevers 2012 How Much Have You Loss/ Any Concerns   
    i had my dr.'s appointment yesterday and he is super happy about my progress and i even gained muscle yay!
    i go to the gym 3-5 times a week i do pilates, yoga and weights and i feel so much better, i can do a lot more things now
    friends are starting to call me skinny (i know i'm not, but it feels so good haha)
    and today a neighbor told me ''omg! you have lost a lot of weight, you look so beautiful''
    i love my sleeve <3
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    gramaof4 got a reaction from Allie ALii in Feb Sleevers 2012 How Much Have You Loss/ Any Concerns   
    well...started at 354 and now at 269....85# since feb 27th....yahoo....and it's that TOM so no loss this week.....ugggg..I swim in Water arobics 3 x's a week....
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    gramaof4 got a reaction from Allie ALii in Feb Sleevers 2012 How Much Have You Loss/ Any Concerns   
    My starting weight was 354 and I was sleeved on 2/27/12 in Mexico....I am currently 276.2 as of this morning....yahoo I am down from size 28-30 to now a 22-20, yeeha! I am loving it, my knees feel great my body feels great! I'm so much happier!

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