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Alex Brecher

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    Alex Brecher got a reaction from sparkyred717 in Seven Measures of Weight Loss Surgery Success – No Scale Necessary   
    Here’s a no-brainer: You get weight loss surgery to lose weight. You qualify based on your BMI, and you watch the number on the scale decrease, sometimes by leaps and bounds, and sometimes painfully slowly.

    Any “successful” Weight Loss Surgery patient will tell you that weight loss is only one measure of success. There are many other ways to win, so keep your eyes out. Recognizing your non-scale victories (NSVs) will keep you motivated and let you get the most you can out of WLS. Here are just a few ways you know you are winning.
    1. Your clothes fit (or don’t fit).
    You fit into clothes you “outgrew” on the way up, and your pre-WLS clothes are so big they are falling off. Better yet may be the feeling you have when your wedding ring fits again or you can slip into your high school prom dress again.
    2. You are happy to go to the doctor.
    After years of bad news about your health, ranging from vague warnings (“You can get heart disease because of your weight.”) to scares (“You will be lucky if you live to see your children graduate from high school.”), things are different. You may get good news, such as being able to reduce your medications and seeing your numbers improve.
    3. You like other activities besides eating.
    You will know success when you treasure your morning walk more than doughnuts, you want to focus on the movie without a tub of popcorn, and you are happy to talk to your friends instead of eating fast enough to serve yourself second helpings at dinner. It is a good feeling when you realize that the thing you will enjoy most about your granddaughter's birthday party is seeing her open her presents, not tasting her birthday cake.
    4. Shopping is fun.
    You can go to regular stores, see a nice selection of fashionable clothes, and try them on without cringing when you look in the mirror. Plus, you have the energy to enjoy the experience.
    5. It’s fun to focus on yourself.
    For some, getting a massage or going to the hairdresser can be a reminder of how unhappy you are in your body. You know WLS is working if you find yourself enjoying these activities again instead of avoiding them because of poor body image. Going to the doctor can also be embarrassing when you are overweight if you know that your health concerns are caused by your extra weight.
    6. You do what you want to do.
    You make your plans based on your schedule and desire rather than which venue has the biggest seats and bathroom stalls. The size of booths at restaurants, the width of airplane seats, and weight limits at amusement parks become less important than the menu choices, the cost of the airfare, and who your favorite cartoon characters are.
    7. You are bigger.
    You may be shrinking physically, but your personality is bigger. You no longer try to hide. You are confident in stating your opinions and being yourself, even if that means standing out a bit from the rest of the group. You have a voice, and you are prepared to use it.
  2. Like
    Alex Brecher reacted to ripburn in Best Multivitamin Brand   
    Thank for the suggestions. I will check them out.
  3. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in Best Multivitamin Brand   
    I've been taking BariatricPal Multivitamin ONE capsules recently, and I've found them really helpful. They're flavorless, and you only need one a day, which is super convenient. There's a deal where a year's supply is just $99, which seems like great value. If you're interested, you can check it out at https://store.bariatricpal.com/99.
    One thing I appreciate about these Vitamins is that experts in the field specifically design them with bariatric needs in mind. Just a heads-up, though – taking a separate Calcium supplement is recommended, as it can affect Iron absorption. If you're looking for options, BariatricPal has a range of calcium supplements that might suit your needs, available at https://store.bariatricpal.com/collections/calcium.
    Also, if you're exploring different brands or types of bariatric Multivitamins, there's a variety to choose from at https://store.bariatricpal.com/collections/multivitamins. It's always good to have options.
  4. Like
    Alex Brecher reacted to ripburn in Best Multivitamin Brand   
    What is the best Multivitamin brand for women that is gluten and dairy free?
  5. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from BlueParis in Vitamins - please share tips   
    I use BariatricPal Multivitamin ONE “1 per Day!” flavorless capsules from https://store.bariatricpal.com/collections/bariatricpal-multivitamin-one! BariatricPal has a special offer where it’ll cost you only $99 for an entire year's supply! Check it out at https://store.bariatricpal.com/99
    With just ONE convenient & affordable BariatricPal Multivitamin ONE each day, you can get the bariatric Vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy! BariatricPal Multivitamin ONE was designed and developed by a team of the world’s leading Bariatric medical professionals.
    Please take a Calcium supplement separately to prevent interference with the absorption of Iron. You can view a large selection of bariatric-friendly Calcium supplements at https://store.bariatricpal.com/collections/calcium.
    You can also find MANY other brands of bariatric Multivitamins at https://store.bariatricpal.com/collections/multivitamins.
  6. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from GreenTealael in NEW GLP-1 Program at BariatricPal!   
    No questions are silly! Please contact support with any questions via email glpsupport@bariatricpal.com or call us at 844-357-3601.

  7. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from GreenTealael in NEW GLP-1 Program at BariatricPal!   
    Yes, it’s definitely an option. Please consult with your medical provider to explore options that best fit your needs. Regarding experiences, my younger brother began this program recently and has seen significant weight loss after a gradual increase in dosage over two months. If you’re feeling nervous about administering your first dose, it might help to have a healthcare professional guide you through the process or to watch instructional videos provided by healthcare providers.
  8. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from GreenTealael in NEW GLP-1 Program at BariatricPal!   
    Compounded Tirzepatide is Now Available via BariatricPal!
    Tirzepatide has garnered considerable attention in recent media coverage, with patients reporting enhanced weight loss, improved blood sugar control, and fewer side effects than Semaglutide.

  9. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from GreenTealael in NEW GLP-1 Program at BariatricPal!   
    Frequently Asked Questions About BariatricPal's GLP-1 Weight Loss Program
    How does BariatricPal's Weight Loss Program work?
    BariatricPal offers a comprehensive and convenient solution for weight loss through our telehealth platform. Our process is designed to be straightforward yet thorough, ensuring you receive personalized care tailored to your needs. Here’s how you can start your journey towards a healthier lifestyle with us in three easy steps:
    Complete the Eligibility Quiz: First, take our eligibility quiz. Telehealth Appointment: You'll have a telehealth consultation with your new healthcare provider to discuss your health and treatment options. Medication Delivery: If it's medically appropriate, you'll receive your medication directly from our mail-order pharmacy provider every 30, 60, or 90 days, depending on your provider's decision. We aim to foster a long-term relationship between you and your provider, offering ongoing care tailored to your needs. The BariatricPal GLP-1 Weight Loss Program is crafted for those seeking a sustainable, long-term solution to weight management.
    Is the program confidential?
    Absolutely. Your privacy is paramount to us. Only our medical team and prescribers can access your medical data and order history. For more details on how we protect your information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.
    Do I need a prescription?
    No pre-existing prescription is required. If you're eligible for treatment following your consultation, our medical team will issue you a private prescription. This streamlines the process, allowing you to focus on your health and progress without the hassle.
    How much does the BariatricPal Medical Weight Loss Program cost?
    We offer a customized prescription plan designed specifically for you, guided by our experienced doctors. The first month costs $247, including your medical telehealth consultation, a month's supply of weight loss medication (GLP1-s), and shipping directly to your home. For subsequent months, the cost is $297.
    How often will I receive a shipment?
    Your medication will be shipped promptly after our doctors review your progress and renew your prescription. Shipments are scheduled every 30 days to ensure you consistently have your medication on hand. Please allow 7-10 business days after your consultation for your order to arrive.
  10. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from GreenTealael in NEW GLP-1 Program at BariatricPal!   
    Once you've consulted with our Telehealth team and determined that you’re eligible for treatment, our medical team will issue you a private prescription directly. This means you won't need to obtain a prescription from your doctor or take it to a pharmacy yourself; we streamline the process to make it as convenient for you as possible.
    We do not currently coordinate directly with insurance companies.
  11. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from GreenTealael in NEW GLP-1 Program at BariatricPal!   
    At the moment, it is only available to US patients.
  12. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in NEW GLP-1 Program at BariatricPal!   
    Great questions!
    HSA/FSA Payments: Payments made through HSA and FSA cards are not accepted. However, we are working on integrating this payment method in the near future, as it is currently in the product roadmap.
    About the Medications: We're excited to start offering compounded semaglutide and plan to soon include compounded Tirzepatide. The decision to initially provide compounded options stems from our commitment to affordability without compromising quality. As the prices of branded versions become more accessible, we'll be sure to include them as well.
    Quality and Safety Standards: The pharmacies within the BariatricPal network uphold the highest standards of quality and safety, adhering to regulations set by state boards of pharmacy, the FDA, the DEA, and the USP Convention. This includes strict compliance with USP General Chapter 795 to ensure our compounded medications' safety, potency, and quality.
    Each batch of compounded Semaglutide undergoes rigorous quality assurance and control checks, including:
    Verification of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) Certificate of Analysis from FDA-registered manufacturers. Aseptic compounding processes to produce specific lots. Independent third-party laboratory testing for potency, sterility, and endotoxicity. Unique lot numbering and electronic tracking for dispensing. Post-Bariatric Surgery Considerations: The timing for starting GLP-1 medications post-bariatric surgery is a personalized decision that should be discussed with your bariatric surgeon or one of our telehealthcare providers. Individual needs and recovery processes vary, making it essential to tailor this aspect of your care to your specific situation.
  13. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from GreenTealael in NEW GLP-1 Program at BariatricPal!   
    Hello everyone!
    As part of our continuous effort to support and enhance your journey to health and wellness, we're thrilled to announce the launch of our NEW GLP-1 Program at BariatricPal!
    🔗 Discover More: BariatricPal GLP-1 Program
    Our team has been working hard to bring you this innovative program to complement your weight management and wellness goals post-surgery. The GLP-1 Program is an additional tool in your arsenal, offering personalized support tailored to the unique needs of our community.
    What's GLP-1? GLP-1 (Glucagon-like peptide-1) is a crucial hormone in regulating blood sugar and appetite, making it a valuable component in managing weight effectively.
    Why Choose Our GLP-1 Program?
    Tailored Support: Our program is designed for individuals undergoing bariatric surgery, ensuring your journey is supported at every step.
    Expert Guidance: Gain access to our team of experts who are here to guide you through your GLP-1 journey, offering advice and support tailored to your needs.
    Community Support: Join a community of like-minded individuals who understand your journey. Share your experiences, challenges, and triumphs!
    We believe in empowering every person with the tools, knowledge, and support to achieve their health and wellness goals. The GLP-1 Program is more than just a program; it's a commitment to their continued success and well-being.
    👉 Get Started Today: Visit the BariatricPal GLP-1 Program to learn more and join us on this exciting new journey.
    We're here for you every step of the way. 💙
  14. Like
    Alex Brecher reacted to Rose perez in Royo bread bagels   
    Has anyone tried the best Bagels, ROYO bagels are so good and they have so much varieties!! amazing
  15. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from ShoppGirl in Suggestion   
    We plan to update BariatricPal within the next 3-4 months. Thank you, I've added this to our list of upcoming features.
  16. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from ShoppGirl in Suggestion   
    We plan to update BariatricPal within the next 3-4 months. Thank you, I've added this to our list of upcoming features.
  17. Like
    Alex Brecher reacted to ShoppGirl in Suggestion   
    Please add the option to list a second surgery to our profile if possible. I’m thinking it’s kinda confusing to people that I am asking questions about pre op when I had surgery three years ago. Also please add the SADI surgery to the list of surgeries as well.
  18. Like
    Alex Brecher reacted to GreenTealael in Semaglutide and cardiovascular problems   
    Expansion on the use of Semaglutide:
    “The popular weight-loss drug Wegovy, which has helped millions of Americans shed pounds, can now be used to reduce the risk of stroke, heart attacks and other serious cardiovascular problems in patients who are overweight or who have obesity, federal regulators said Friday.
    The U.S. food and Drug Administration approved a label change requested by drugmaker Novo Nordisk that expands the use of semaglutide.
    The decision was based on the results of a study that found that Wegovy cut the risk of serious heart problems — including heart attack, stroke and heart-related deaths. Higher-weight patients with heart disease but not diabetes were 20% less likely to experience those problems compared with patients who took placebo, or dummy shots, the study found.”
    https://www.npr.org/2024/03/08/1237133257/fda-approves-wegovy-heart-attack-stroke-risk#:~:text=Hourly News-,Wegovy approved to lessen heart attack%2C stroke risk in overweight,have obesity%2C the FDA said.
  19. Like
    Alex Brecher reacted to ms.sss in NEW GLP-1 Program at BariatricPal!   
    another question that i think may be on members' minds:
    is this offered outside of the U.S.?
  20. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in NEW GLP-1 Program at BariatricPal!   
    Great questions!
    HSA/FSA Payments: Payments made through HSA and FSA cards are not accepted. However, we are working on integrating this payment method in the near future, as it is currently in the product roadmap.
    About the Medications: We're excited to start offering compounded semaglutide and plan to soon include compounded Tirzepatide. The decision to initially provide compounded options stems from our commitment to affordability without compromising quality. As the prices of branded versions become more accessible, we'll be sure to include them as well.
    Quality and Safety Standards: The pharmacies within the BariatricPal network uphold the highest standards of quality and safety, adhering to regulations set by state boards of pharmacy, the FDA, the DEA, and the USP Convention. This includes strict compliance with USP General Chapter 795 to ensure our compounded medications' safety, potency, and quality.
    Each batch of compounded Semaglutide undergoes rigorous quality assurance and control checks, including:
    Verification of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) Certificate of Analysis from FDA-registered manufacturers. Aseptic compounding processes to produce specific lots. Independent third-party laboratory testing for potency, sterility, and endotoxicity. Unique lot numbering and electronic tracking for dispensing. Post-Bariatric Surgery Considerations: The timing for starting GLP-1 medications post-bariatric surgery is a personalized decision that should be discussed with your bariatric surgeon or one of our telehealthcare providers. Individual needs and recovery processes vary, making it essential to tailor this aspect of your care to your specific situation.
  21. Like
    Alex Brecher reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in NEW GLP-1 Program at BariatricPal!   
    For those that are interested in this, is HSA and/or FSA accepted for payment? Is this compounded and not the commercially available stuff? How long after you have bariatric surgery do you have to wait before you can take this medication?Personally, I won't be partaking, but I've seen many posts on here from others who want to, so I was just thinking of questions that weren't mentioned in the original post.
  22. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from Arabesque in Best vitamins to take   
    Check out BariatricPal Multivitamin ONE capsules! They're flavorless, and you only need one a day, which is super convenient. There's a deal where a year's supply is just $99, which seems like great value. If you're interested, you can check it out at https://store.bariatricpal.com/99.
    Also, if you're exploring different brands or types of bariatric Multivitamins, there's a variety to choose from at https://store.bariatricpal.com/collections/multivitamins. It's always good to have options.
  23. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from SomeBigGuy in Dealing With Negative Comments   
    We need an upgrade! I hope to have one in place over the next few months. I appreciate the feedback.
  24. Like
    Alex Brecher reacted to ms.sss in Dealing With Negative Comments   
    *rant begin*
    seriously, the amount of dupes and delays in posting on the BP forums the past couple months has been quite annoying.
    *rant over*
    @Alex Brecher : assist?
  25. Like
    Alex Brecher reacted to ChunkCat in Helpful Info From a Spouse   
    Great post!! I remember reading your original post. I'm glad things have worked out so well! I'm sorry it hasn't resolved the diabetes. I had the duodenal switch primarily to deal with my diabetes and so far, so good! Unfortunately the gastric sleeve doesn't have the same metabolic effects that the bypass and switch do which comes from altering the small intestines and for some reason seems to put a lot of diabetes into remission. But some get lucky with the weight loss and dietary changes alone putting it into remission! It sucks your wife isn't one of those.
    I love that you found a way to really show up and support her. My partner is showing up to support me and it really means the world to me! These are hard changes to go through as an individual, even harder when you have another person (or a whole family) along for the ride... Priorities change. Relationships with food and our bodies change. That can't help but impact those around us. I'm glad it has made you two stronger than ever, and made you even more devoted to celebrating the beauty that she is. Props to you for leaning in and meeting those challenges together! I'm sure there are a lot of spouses that could benefit from reading your before and after posts!

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