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LAP-BAND Patients
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    kellyw74 got a reaction from LuminousLife in You know you lost weight when   
    When a regular sized bath towel wraps around you WITHOUT any gaps! That has to be the best feeling. I realized this last night when I got out of the shower.
    I even wrapped it past the gap about 7 or 8 inches. HOW FREAKING AMAZING!!!
    Kelly :) :)
  2. Like
    kellyw74 got a reaction from LuminousLife in You know you lost weight when   
    When a regular sized bath towel wraps around you WITHOUT any gaps! That has to be the best feeling. I realized this last night when I got out of the shower.
    I even wrapped it past the gap about 7 or 8 inches. HOW FREAKING AMAZING!!!
    Kelly :) :)
  3. Like
    kellyw74 got a reaction from Divadee35 in You know you lost weight when   
    That is a great one!!
    I donated 26 bags of clothes to charity. Nothing I had fit me anymore.!! SO AWESOME!!
  4. Like
    kellyw74 got a reaction from LuminousLife in You know you lost weight when   
    When a regular sized bath towel wraps around you WITHOUT any gaps! That has to be the best feeling. I realized this last night when I got out of the shower.
    I even wrapped it past the gap about 7 or 8 inches. HOW FREAKING AMAZING!!!
    Kelly :) :)
  5. Like
    kellyw74 got a reaction from LuminousLife in You know you lost weight when   
    When a regular sized bath towel wraps around you WITHOUT any gaps! That has to be the best feeling. I realized this last night when I got out of the shower.
    I even wrapped it past the gap about 7 or 8 inches. HOW FREAKING AMAZING!!!
    Kelly :) :)
  6. Like
    kellyw74 got a reaction from LuminousLife in You know you lost weight when   
    When a regular sized bath towel wraps around you WITHOUT any gaps! That has to be the best feeling. I realized this last night when I got out of the shower.
    I even wrapped it past the gap about 7 or 8 inches. HOW FREAKING AMAZING!!!
    Kelly :) :)
  7. Like
    kellyw74 got a reaction from felinakay in MyFitnessPal.com Members   
    i use it. kellyw74 is me. i just sent a request to be your friend!!
  8. Like
    kellyw74 got a reaction from jilliemay in Do you still get hungry?   
    I am a month out today and YES I do still get hungry. I am hungry almost all of the time! NOT HEAD HUNGER, I never had that!! My stomach growls all the time! And yes, I do take a PPI, twice a day.
    I am hoping that once I am able to eat more solid food, it will subside. This was the biggest hope for me pre-op that the hunger issue would go away and so far it has not!
    I hope it does for you!
  9. Like
    kellyw74 got a reaction from felinakay in MyFitnessPal.com Members   
    i use it. kellyw74 is me. i just sent a request to be your friend!!
  10. Like
    kellyw74 got a reaction from jturnage in Food Help!!!!   
    Here is mostly what I ate on mushy's
    thinned refried Beans
    wendys chili
    scrambled eggs w/cheese
    baked potatoes/yams
    soft cheeses like string, laughing cow, babybell
    ricotta bake got to worldaccordingtoeggface.com for recipe (so yummy)
    foster farm's turkey meatballs put a little gravy on them if they get too dry, but they are really moist!!
    lunchmeat with laughing cow cheese spread on
    cottage cheese
    Hope this helps!
  11. Like
    kellyw74 got a reaction from felinakay in MyFitnessPal.com Members   
    i use it. kellyw74 is me. i just sent a request to be your friend!!
  12. Like
    kellyw74 got a reaction from kgb in Anyone Wish They Had Not Done Their Gastric Sleeve Surgery?   
    I was and am very lucky. I had the Cheif surgeon at my facility and could not have been in better hands!! I followed his advice to the letter. Lost tons of weight pre-op, which I believe made my surgery and recovery MUCH MUCH smoother!! I went back to work in 7 days!
    My only regret is that they did not have this surgery when I was much younger! I am 36 and would love to have about 1/2 of my life back!
  13. Like
    kellyw74 got a reaction from Debbie G. in My Dr. says my sleeve can stretch really quickly!   
    This is great to hear. I am due to have my surgery soon and I needed to hear this!
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  14. Like
    kellyw74 got a reaction from Mel34 in What has been the most shocking comment about the sleeve at any stage (pre-op, post-op) or about your weight loss?   
    SEE!! That is the VERY reason that I have chosen not to tell anyone (except husband) about the surgery!
    People that do not research about it are SO IGNORANT about the surgery and really PISS ME THE $(&$ off!
    I would like to punch people in the face too!! LOL
  15. Like
    kellyw74 got a reaction from cutie pie in Ashamed of WLS?   
    I told nobody except my husband, not even my own mother knows and she is my bff.!!
    I think people can be so negative and just down right mean about the subject. Just the other day, I was talking to my unlce's gf and she was telling me about a friend of her's that had lap band and how she "would never" do something like that!!! why not just diet and exercise and do it "THE RIGHT WAY"!! I was so offended. What is the right way is what I wanted to say, but I didn't. My husband sat there snickering and we laughed later. It isn't like I sit on the couch on my A$$ and eat bon-bons all day long and lose 5lbs at the end of the week. It DOES NOT work that way!!!
    But, that is how ignorant people are. They really are un-educated and have not a clue that you still have to exercise and eat right. I have worked harder to lose every lb since my surgery than I ever have in my entire life and THAT MY FRIENDS is THE HONEST TRUTH!! There is not a magic trick or pill. Nothing about this is easy!!!.
    I may tell my mom in a couple weeks when I see her-she lives in another state, but for now, only my husband knows. I tell people I eat low carb and high Protein and that I exercise. That is the truth, I just omit the part about the VSG.
  16. Like
    kellyw74 got a reaction from lonnielou2 in sleeve diet   
    It varies from person to person, but I am 4 months out and I typically eat the following:
    Breakfast I will have a scrambled egg, I can eat almost a whole one if it is plain, but if there is cheese on it, I can only do 1/2. If I have a couple strawberries or some other fruit, I am only eating 1/2 of that egg too. If I have boiled eggs, I can eat 1 1/2 of those. I eat meat sometimes 2 oz is my max of any dense meat.
    lunch I eat maily meat, again 2 oz and I am done! I usually only eat the dense Protein at luch time. I like tuna, salmon, foster farms meat balls, turkey burgers, hamburgers, tri-tip, any steak, chicken (that is what I had today), meatloaf, pot roast, grilled sausages, etc. I try to stay away from luchmeat as it is softer (not as dense) and has a lot of salt in it.
    dinner again more dense meat, but try to eat 1-1 1/2 oz to save a bite or two for some veggies, this is about the only time of day I eat them and usually only a few times a week, so I try to save room. I just take a bite or two of hubbys potatoe, green Beans or salad. It doesn't pay for me to make my own! LOL
    Snacks I like beef Jerky, peanuts, almonds, greek yogurt, Pure Protein Bars, more dense meat, cheese, fruit sometimes, granola thins from nature valley are yummy. I try not to snack too much, but have to some days to get my caloires up because I can eat so little most days.
    Hope this helps you.
  17. Like
    kellyw74 got a reaction from cutie pie in Ashamed of WLS?   
    I told nobody except my husband, not even my own mother knows and she is my bff.!!
    I think people can be so negative and just down right mean about the subject. Just the other day, I was talking to my unlce's gf and she was telling me about a friend of her's that had lap band and how she "would never" do something like that!!! why not just diet and exercise and do it "THE RIGHT WAY"!! I was so offended. What is the right way is what I wanted to say, but I didn't. My husband sat there snickering and we laughed later. It isn't like I sit on the couch on my A$$ and eat bon-bons all day long and lose 5lbs at the end of the week. It DOES NOT work that way!!!
    But, that is how ignorant people are. They really are un-educated and have not a clue that you still have to exercise and eat right. I have worked harder to lose every lb since my surgery than I ever have in my entire life and THAT MY FRIENDS is THE HONEST TRUTH!! There is not a magic trick or pill. Nothing about this is easy!!!.
    I may tell my mom in a couple weeks when I see her-she lives in another state, but for now, only my husband knows. I tell people I eat low carb and high Protein and that I exercise. That is the truth, I just omit the part about the VSG.
  18. Like
    kellyw74 reacted to MSanti in How did you do it? How did you get to Goal?   
    I am in the same rut. 6 months out and 70 lbs down, haven't lost anything in almost 2 months. However, 70 pounds is a big deal!!! My only advice is to stay focused and keep following your doctor's advice.
  19. Like
    kellyw74 reacted to cutie pie in Ashamed of WLS?   
    i decided not to share with everyone ... just my ex-husband and best friend ... no one else knows ... my decision - i hate being judged by others who have no idea what it was like for me trying on my own to lose all this weight i have tried everything and yes i would lose some weight but always gained it back plus... i don't mind working out, but i love my sleeve THANK GOD FOR RESTRICTION AND EXERCISE OR I WOULD STILL BE 247LBS. So you're not alone yes we are made to feel ashamed, because of people who judge so harshly... but i would do it again in a heart beat and not tell a soul... it's a personal choice- to tell or not to tell- your decision : )
  20. Like
    kellyw74 reacted to Indymom in WOO HOO!!! GOAL BABY!   
    Congrats . . . what an accomplishment!
  21. Like
    kellyw74 reacted to susnl in WOO HOO!!! GOAL BABY!   
    Congrats Kelly. You look awesome!!
  22. Like
    kellyw74 reacted to mnbsleeve in WOO HOO!!! GOAL BABY!   
    WOW!!! Kelly, congratulations!!!! You look awesome!!!!!! From your posts throughout I know you've been so dedicated to this process and it sure has paid off!!! Good job lady!!!!! You look incredible!!!!
  23. Like
    kellyw74 reacted to kemo46 in WOO HOO!!! GOAL BABY!   
    Way to go Kelly, what a great acomplishment. I too thank God every day for this tool we have been given. It is a life changer and we have been given a second chance. We now have a new lifestyle to maintain and the best line I have heard is we now eat to live and not live to eat.
  24. Like
    kellyw74 reacted to meggiep in WOO HOO!!! GOAL BABY!   
    I am so jealous, now that I think about it! ;-P I am a size 14/16 so I can't imagine I will ever be an 8 much less a 6! I have 25 or so to go...
    YOu look like a completely different person in the after pics- I am so happy for you! MWAH MWAH!!!
  25. Like
    kellyw74 reacted to MegInNOLA in WOO HOO!!! GOAL BABY!   
    Kelly, I am so excited for you! Congratulations! You look amazing!!

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