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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Amen! I totally agree...but I think I wasn't prepared for...just how many. Heck, I haven't even started in on the 'after WLS weight drop'...well, at least it is something I can continue to be ready for. It still doesn't change my mind one little bit. Most of the ones that will show up will be ones I would have likely gotten and already have been noticeable if I hadn't been morbidly obese..
  2. 2 points
    But I do understand how you may have received that as judgement. Like for me I’m telling everyone for them to keep me accountable for my choices of what i choose to eat and family or friend gatherings but I know you probably didn’t ask your family to keep you accountable and just wanted them to know about your procedure you had done.
  3. 1 point
    Yes, Dorothy Sue, I did. Actually, I lost only 53 or so pounds over a year out. My goal was about 150. Then in the last 4 years, I gained 26 or so pounds and plateaued at 300 for a few years. I had ditched the whole WLS rules and went rogue. Too many reasons to give a hoot. I failed. But something in my Soul recently urged me, excitedly, to start all over again. I use BP as a big motivator, teacher, best friend. It eventually worked because I am now full on into my bypass diet, with the support of my husband, who must follow a diabetic lifestyle. I'm excited, hoping it's not a "honeymoon phase", and doing very, very well. Though I must say that getting in "enough" food has been a challenge. But with all the support I have, I know I can do it! Are you having issues with weight gain/regain? Polly
  4. 1 point

    I can’t drink enough fluids

    Does your dr know that you can't tolerate even sips? My dr wouldn't discharge me from hospital until I could manage 3-4 oz within an hour. I think you should contact your bariatric team asap and let them know what's going on with your body. Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. 1 point

    Allergic reaction to peotein drink

    The guidelines for post op foods without artificial sweeteners? Just don't use them. That stuff is poison, in my way of thinking.
  6. 1 point
    Fara Jacobson

    Scariest Stall Yet

    Have you tried actually eating more calories and shocking your body into weight loss again?
  7. 1 point
    I’ve experienced the same and still do sometimes (I’m 7 years post-op gastric sleeve). Could be GERD, which I have. Definitely check with your surgeon. Keep trying to drink, especially your protein. You don’t want to get dehydrated. It’s the #1 reason WLS patients return to the hospital. You may also feel fatigued and burn muscle. Gagging on an empty stomach is very painful, I know the feeling! I’m sorry, I hope you get some help soon.
  8. 1 point

    Goal after I reach my goal.

    With 39lbs left to go before plastics in November, I am starting to look towards my next goal. Last weekend, my coworker expressed that she was embarrassed at the gym because she didn't know how to use any of the equipment. I went in an hour before my class with her and showed her a lot of things. I timed her wall squats, showed her proper form, and every time she would say she sucked or was weak, I was the opposite of my usual self and was very motivating and encouraging. She even offered to pay me for the session! I've been thinking a lot about this and how great I felt helping someone else. I think I want to pursue a certificate in personal training in 2020 and do that part-time. It was so fulfilling! And I found myself echoing the things my trainer tells me. He's rubbed off on me!
  9. 1 point

    Sore after surgery

    after surgery i really could not eat much.. you could be feeling weak from lack of calories or you blood sugar going to a level your not use to...
  10. 1 point
    Okay so I’m pretty sure everyone has a stall between weeks 2-4. Mine happened at 12 days post surgery and lasted almost 3 weeks. So here’s how it went: I lost 22 pounds in the first 12 days, then I lost 1.8 pounds over the next 20 days. There were a couple of times in that 20 days where I gained a 0.5-1 pound, then lose it, then regain. After week 5, I started losing again at the rate of 2.5 pounds/week average and 10 days ago I hit my 3 month stall (I was sleeved on 2-6-19). This time I’ve put the scale away and refuse to step on it for at least another week or two. Oh and during these last 10 days when I’ve lost zero weight I’ve managed to fit into a pair of pants that were really tight on me at the end of April so I’m not panicking. The weight will continue to fall off and the scale will continue to move down accordingly

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