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    KarenLR75 reacted to MrsGamgee for a status update, Whew what an up and down 24 hours it's been... Yesterday I was pretty confident that   
    Whew what an up and down 24 hours it's been...
    Yesterday I was pretty confident that I was finally through my first stall (after 3 full weeks!) and I was feeling good about getting 5km of walking in using my Nordic walking poles. 
    I also have mastered some of my pills... ursodiol and calcium citrate have become my nemesis, because they are both large-ish pills and they get stuck on the way down and trigger vomiting... three times a day each! Turns out I can split my ursodiol in half, and take two smaller pills to get it down, and I can crush my calcium citrate and take it with a bit of apple sauce. Victory!
    But then I did something pretty stupid and tried to eat half a smokie at dinner. I thought it would work because I have had kielbasa successfully, and I was using mustard as a bit of meat lube, as Fluffy calls it. Yeah... not smart. I spent more than three hours dealing with slimies, foamies, and general vomiting. Ugh! It was awful. The only highlight of the evening was that my Roughriders won their game. 
    This morning, I was up and out for my walk by 6am, got in my 5km (although I'm feeling it a bit... sore legs), and managed my morning Rxs without issue. Even had a great poop! (who knew I could get so excited about that?) and I was down 1.2lb from yesterday! Woohoo! 
    My plan for the day is to take it easy food-wise. Had some greek yoghurt with protein powder for breakfast and am planning on some egg salad for lunch. Giving my poor pouch a break from all the heaving yesterday. Here's hoping to have my first vomit free day in over 3 weeks. 

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