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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/2012 in Blog Comments

  1. 2 points

    My Halloween Nails!

    FYI- My daughter makes vinyl decals for nails @ Myvinyldestination on Facebook. Anything vinyl check it out if you go on FB.
  2. 2 points


    Not sure how long you have been banded but what I could eat two years ago and what I can eat today are totally different. I can eat lobster if it is cooked really well, now if it is over cooked and a little over cooked I can not eat but I can't eat shrimp that is over cooked either. Maybe it was the way the lobster was cooked. But they do say shrimp and lobster are two foods that may be more difficult. If I lived in NE, I thin I would be in heaven for a while, I love seafood and yes we get fresh sea fo od in SC but no where near as fresh as NE. Oh and I do occassionaly allow myself fried clams or calamari but it is usually only 3-4 pieces, the breading fills me up and the fried foods make my stomach cramp.
  3. 2 points

    My Halloween Nails!

    Dang you girls.....beautiful.....im gonna get mine done some day.....maybe take my twin with me !
  4. 1 point

    My Step Daughter Is Going To Be Fat.

    teens you cant talk to them they kniw everything. At least you are showing her what good eatting looks and taste like and one day she might turn to it. Hopefully she is no over weight now. Good for you for tring and showing her something that will save her life one day. line dancer also step mom to 3 grown kids
  5. 1 point

    My Step Daughter Is Going To Be Fat.

    She is blessed to have a step mom like you! My parents were always at work when we were little so we ate a lot of junk food and fast food.Unfortunately those were that bad eating habits that stuck with me as an adult. I would have done anything for home-cooked meals every day!
  6. 1 point

    My Step Daughter Is Going To Be Fat.

    One day she will see you are on her side. I have a 34 year old son who is very obese. I have tried everything with him. He knows better because he has been thinner. He now has a wife and 2 sons who all eat crap! They lived with me for 10 months so I know how they eat. Awful. At least you are making great meals. Good luck with her seeing you are not the wicked witch.
  7. 1 point


    Don't give up on Lobster!!! It might have been the way it was cooked, the loberst itself, or just your band for the day. I can eat anything most days but occationaly I will have something not work well with my band at that moment. The next time, no problem. The band likes to keep us guessing!
  8. 1 point

    My Halloween Nails!

    I just realized that you can see my booboo on my pinky. That's what happens when I use my teeth as scissors.
  9. 1 point

    My Halloween Nails!

    No tips here... funny thing, I hit 40 and my nails became rock strong..... go figure.
  10. 1 point

    My Halloween Nails!

    here is my hand now here is my hand before

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
