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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/2012 in Blog Entries

  1. 3 points
    Well, it's about 10:16p St. Louis time. After nesting like a pregnant mother getting ready to deliver twins, I have successfully cleaned the kitchen, done ALL the laundry, finished my business tasks I needed to get done, swept, dusted. You name it. Has anyone else experienced that? I'm sure my husband is thinking, "You should get surgery more often and our house would be cleaner!" Kids are all tucked in, I'm getting ready to hibacleanse scrub and then I think I'm hitting the sak. I was not required to do a pre-surgery diet at all, but felt it would be best. At first I was going to do all hard core, but I really did protein shakes, and high protein meat. No bread (except at Maggiano's once) and I've quit soda cold turkey. I've lost 9lbs pre-op. Today I did egg whites with spinach, 2 pc turkey bacon. Then an Isopure for lunch, and I've had two protein shakes. Not as hard as I thought leading up to surgery. I'm fortunate enough to be a nurse in the surgery center world, so I already know who my CRNA will be. Kind of weird though now everytime I see her I will think, gee she saw my big NAKED fatty-boubaladdy self! Oh well. I guess there could be worse things right. Super excited to start feeling better. 0930 can't get here soon enough! I don't even care about skinny clothes or looking, "hot". I want to be able to bend over and tie my shoes without being out of breath. I want to get up in the morning and not have to lug around an extra 200lbs. This fat chic is ready to be healthy!
  2. 2 points
    In less than 2 hours I will be on liquids only and ALL I can think of are Hot Krispy Kreme doughnuts ... LOL!!!!! I am sooooo thankful and grateful for this forum there is nowhere else I would feel comfortable saying that without judgement. I just pray that I make it through the night without breaking down. EVERYone pray for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. 1 point
    Joyce Real

    Just Updating

    Well I am nearly three months out and 28 pounds down. I feel good, but I always felt good, Changes are happening, I am down one size in clothes and even my ring size is down one. lol My doctor visit last friday went well and I may get another fill Wednesday. My biggest gripe right now is my baggie pants keep pulling my underwear down lol
  4. 1 point

    5th Day Of Pre-op Diet

    Hi, just checking in to see how everyone is doing. Day five and I am feeling great, I am handling the liquid diet like a champion!!!! I can tell in my face that I have lost weight. I went to a support group today and everyone seemed so happy with their decision. I can't wait to be sleeved. I hope everyone has a great week.
  5. 1 point

    My New Best Friend

    I contemplated writing an entry for the day of surgery. I even started one, but as I read it back to myself I fell asleep. This may have been because I still had general anesthesia in my system (I did) or because it was really boring (it was). So, suffice it to say that surgery day went well. The only hitch in the system was that the nurses attacked my fingernails and toenails to remove my brand new manipedi. The anesthesiologist said clear polish was fine! C'est la vie. I went in at 8:30, came out at 10:45ish, and was discharged just after 10 that night. And glad to be going home. With an absolutely giant bouquet of flowers that my lovely friend C - a bandster - got for me. It's a beautiful bouquet with lilies and roses and orchids and tulips. But it is ridiculously big. Like altar piece big. I swear, the florists in this country are all designing bouquets for weddings and funerals. I've never seen such large bouquets of flowers. My poor friend P looked so funny carrying it into my flat; it's bigger than he is! But C was so wonderful to think of me so I don't want to sound unappreciative. As I'm sure you have surmised, the cold wasn't a cold - and a good thing, too! I can't imagine what I'd be coughing up in addition to the I've had a tube down my throat ublech. My new best friend and I are getting along nicely. All day yesterday I felt like I had been sucker punched in my gut, but today I am good. I only have incision site pain when I try to get up from whatever position I was in, so I wrap my arms around myself and that helps. I have a gap-toothed smiling cyclops of bandages on my torso and, as predicted, the one for the port is the most noticeable with regard to pain. And I'm not hungry. I wasn't hungry yesterday after the surgery and I'm not hungry today. I'm still eating a bit of broth here and there and pushing water to try to get my minimum 2 liters in. But I'm not hungry. And this I find amazing. We're talking about the girl who has been ravenous her whole life. Who would turn into an absolute B because of hypoglycemia. Who would have double and triple helpings to be sated. And I'm not hungry. Astounding.

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