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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/2011 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Actual lap band surgery

    So as my surgery approaches, I find myself more intrigued by the actual procedure! So of course I went to YouTube am found a video! After seeing how the procedure is actually done, it helps ease the fear. Hope it helps someone else. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-K7ZdFW4sc&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  2. 1 point


    went to old navy with my girls today and bought some things! Three months ago I was a tight 26 and a 3x or 4x. Now I am in size 18 and xl shirts. Get 75% off sale if anyone needs clothes!
  3. 1 point


    NSV~ - Ran first race - 8K 5miles!! time 1:01 12 minute miles! I'll take it! woo hoo! I'm hooked on running now. next up 5K July 16th - goal 11 min mile
  4. 1 point
    This world is so cruel to children. Children are a gift from God and their little spirits can be hurt or damaged so easy and sometimes never repaired. Something needs to be done about how children are treated in their homes and in foster care. I think people should be put to death if they sexually abuse children why waste our taypayer money to house them in prison. Children are innocent and should be defended. If my child (grown now) or my grandbabies 4 years and 19 months were ever sexually abused I would shoot the person myself even if it ment I had to spend the rest of my life in prison. I am a Christian and know this sounds harsh but how many poor childern are sexually abused, kidnapped, torture and killed everyday for the pleasure of some sick perverted person. My heart breaks just thinking about it. That will be a question for God when I see Him why? Why did you not stop this. I know people have free will and God allows that but the children do not have a choice in it. Cheri
  5. 1 point

    What about beer?

    Not a guy but am an occasional beer drinker so thought I'd pipe in. I didn't drink carbonated drinks of any sort when losing but now in maintenance, my band isn't that tight and I can have a beer or two without too many issues. More than that and the bubbles make me feel really full and uncomfortable. Despite this, I have been known to sometimes push through this to have more than two (I recall a particularly messy St Paddy's day this year... lol) There is absolutely nothing as great tasting as a beer on a stinking hot day. And yes, I think drinking it out of glass and not the bottle definitely helps as the carbonation dissipates a little as you pour it out.
  6. 1 point

    What about beer?

    Guess how I got FAT : BEER! BEER + ASSOCIATED DUMB food LIKE TACO HELL AND JACK IN THE CRACK LOL. Beer is going bye bye, See ya beer, Fatboy_Slim
  7. -2 points
    Looks like these guys have got incredible decreased price tags, though that "Buy Gadgets Online" appears to be a little unprofessional. What ya think? Have any of you actually buy there? Or even some other solutions?

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