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Heart Broken

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Some of you know that I have had 3 miscarriages. My hub and I have no problem getting pregnant, but I just can't get past the 1st trimester. Well in the last week I have had 2 friends give birth and 2 annouce they are pregnant.


My BFF for 20 years called me yesterday to tell me her news, she is pregnant with baby number 2. She is already through her 1st trimester and just found out she is preg. Don't get me wrong, I am happy for her and her husband. They have one daughter and have been trying for 3 years for another child with no luck. They had given up hope, but low and behold she is preg and 3 months in. Her due date is my granfather's birthday.


While I am happy for her, my heart does break for my babies, my 3 that I can't hold. My doctor told me I could try again this summer and we plan to, but I am just so scared. All the test they have done have come back with nothing wrong, so they have no idea why I keep miscarring. My OB/GYN says that as soon as I think I am preg, like one day late, to come in and he will do an ultrasound and if I am he will start progestrone to hopefully keep the baby.


I don't know what will happen, but I am scared. I am scared of gaining to much weight, I am scared of losing the baby, I am scared I will never have a baby.


The name of today's game just seems to be scared!

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Thank you for sharing. You've through so much! I pray this summer you get pregnant and you are able to have a healthy baby to hold soon! Unfortunately, this tragedy happens several times to some women before they are able to carry a baby to term. This does not mean that you won't have your own little angel in your arms in the future! It sounds like you have a wonderful doctor who is going to do whatever it takes to get you through a pregnancy full term. I wish you the best of luck.

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My sister in law had the same problem and they finally diagnosed her with some type of hormone problem. She had to take shots throughout all her pregnancies. It was really hard for her because she is tiny and taking the shots were hard but she had 3 beautiful angels. Don't give up. Maybe see a different doctor? Wish you the best success and happiness.

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I'm so sorry for your loss! I knkw what you're saying . I have watched both of my daughters go through this same pain.

My eldest had multiple miscarriages until She insisted on having her Progesterone checked and now she has 3 kids. So be sure you do jump on that. We really don't know why Drs will let you go threw multiple miscarraiges before they check it. Its a simple blood test.

My youngest had a baby girl stillborn at 6mths ,3 y ago and has not been able to get pregnant since. She's had one unsuccessful IVF last year and we're in the process of waiting the 2wks, hoping for a positive pregnancy after having her 2nd round of IVF.

It is painful to be around happy pregnant women, I understand.

I'm sure the Progestrone will give you the baby you want. Research it, like my daughter did. Its very common.

Thoughts & prayers for your next pregnancy!

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I'm so very sorry for your losses. I have to say that progesterone saved all 4 of my babies. The first time I was pregnant I started to bleed and was put on progesterone, baby was born healthy, I was then tested and diagnosed with luteal phase defect and needed progesterone for all my pregnancies, all 4 were born healthy because of the progesterone...I hope and pray you will have your dream of a baby in the near future...(((hugs)))

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So sorry for your loss :\ I will pray all turns out the way you hope. I have a cousin who went through 7 miscarriages and they found out her uterus couldn't hold, so they sewed her up and she couldn't do much, lite duty. She now has 5 beautiful kids. Don't ever give up hope.. it will work out in the end!

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I know when you are trying for kids and your friends/relitives get pregnant so easily it sucks beond words sometimes. So I get where you are comming from.

Reoccourent miscarriage loss should be treated by a obgyn who also deals with Reproductive Endocrinology as well. Sometimes M/C is caused by genetic issues or sometimes it's an edocrine problem with the mom herself. Early care is Key. Have you been told you have any edocrine issues in the past such as low thyroid or Poly Cystic Ovarian disease? I have PCOS and my rate of m/c is very high due to the disorder and it is all due to insulin levels within the body.

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I was telling my daughter what you've been going through and she suggested that I tell you about a book that helped her and where she learned about progesterone. Taking Charge of Your Fertility , a link to it at www.tcoyf.com. by Toni Weschler

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Kime... you and I are a like. I have had every emotions you are speaking of and those you are not revealing. But wonderful things can happen. I am 50 years old and I have a 5 year old son. You see, when my son was born, the following month I turned 45. So becoming pregnant at 44 is a miracle and it let us know that God do not forget his promises.

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