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To tell or not to tell

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Wear your Passion


Wondering what others do as far as telling family and friends, do you tell or not to tell. My husband knows and then only 2 other people in my life know Im wondering does it give you more accountability if lots of people know or is just all about me and I just work on it on my own and see how it goes?? Im so excieted I sort of want to talk about it to others but like I have learned in the classes and program I am in some may think I am takeing the "easy" way out....which oh if they only knew how hard its been to even get this far in the program and Im sure it will get harder before it gets better but thats ok I am so ready for the outcome and am so ready to get rid of this weight that I have carried for so long....So to tell or not to tell???

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I tell everyone. I think it definitely gives me more accountability. It also helps at work, people tend to not offer me sweet stuff too much. No one has made any rude comments to me about it - not to my face anyway :lol:

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Totally up to you Iam not telling anyone outside of my family but that because when I mentioned it to two co -workers they jumped on it and tore it apart telling me not to do that I just needed to try harder and they were sure I could do it on my own well duh if I could I would have I most definately would not choose to carry around an extra 100lbs and at that moment I decided it was nobody's business but mine.I will say my family was the opposite they were really excited for me and offered a lot of support and understanding.But I think everyone is different and you have to choose for yourself so let your gut be your guide with htis I think,As for me I say congrats to you on making such a tough decision and I wish you all the best on your journey.

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at first i told people.... then i started getting the "look". The you too the easy way out look... so i stopped and when people asked i told them i exercise and watch what i eat... it is the truth after all.

Now I pick and choose the people i tell...

Good luck

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I told everyone lol. I post my blog on facebook, and get lots of feedback from it.. It definitely gives me more accountability! I haven't gotten a single person with the cajones to give me flack about it yet.. :lol:

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I told a very few people , my mother , at first she was not on board, but she is now, my husband , and my daughter . Not telling anyone at my office or my employer . I decided that I was doing this for heath and not accolades , therefore , I dont need to tell everyone . :blink:

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i didn't tell anyone except family at first. then alot of people at work noticed i had lost alot of weight and was asking. the only ones at work that know are on my shift at night and in my department. I to didn't want everyone "staring" at me thinking i took the easy way when in fact i had been trying on my own for years before i just did it. It is your choice if you want to tell anyone, and it is no one's business. I told people i work with as i work in Healthcare and if anything happens to me, they know i have a medical device implanted in me.

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I have not told very many people and really like it that way. If you want to talk about it, attend a support group in you area and then you get many new friends and can share your stories with them. The support group helps and teaches me a lot about our tool in us to help us loose the weight.

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I tell everyone. I also post regularly about it on facebook and when I update my blog I post the link as well. It gives me more accountability.

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I have let my family know but I have kept it from everyone at work.

Honestly I wish I would have just told my hubby and best friend. I get really tired of the first question I get from family is "so how much have you really lost" I have read a lot of post and I have started to use the comeback "I haven't weighed in recently so I don't know" or "i'm not at goal"

No body but me and my doc need to know the numbers. Also if I focus on the numbers it drives me insane. I like to focus on clothes. Something I have always hated to shop for. But right now I am down from a 24w to a 16w.

You need to ask yourself what kind of support you need after the surgery. Do you need the accountability? or do you need extra emotional support? Work out buddy? Do you not want to hear it at work? Just go through some questions and listen to your heart on who you would like to know.

Hope that helps, it's a tough decisions.


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Thanks so much everyone, I hope by the time I have my surgery i will know if I want to tell others or not....For now I am just working hard at the gym and rideing my bike. Love to ride bikes! I am more worried about the 2 weeks pre surgery then anything I think....

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Hello I was so excited on other people results I ran my mouth and told 3 co workers and my Fiance and a few family memebers not yet my mom she is so aganist eveything, but I haven't had mines yet I get my date on 9/11/11 I wish I really didnt open my month only because anything may happen

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I tell! my coworkers all know. some have questions, and i try to help them understand. others tease me in a loving way. they know i dont eat the snacks they bring in, and it doesnt bother me that they bring in snacks. I dont expect anyone to change their ways because i did. I do encourage the ones who want to have the surgery to come to support meetings with me. They often ask how much weight have i lost. i just answer them that i dont get on the scale everyday. (which i dont) for the most part, everyone is supportive. it is your individual choice whether or not to tell. do what is most comfortable for you. good luck.

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