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Rants, raves and just general thoughts about this process.

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Almost a year since my last update

Hello out there in bariatric land.   I haven't seen my surgeon in a year. I was stalled and he wasn't happy with me. My nutritionist doesn't call me.   I just started losing again, i guess this moving around thing works. I'm down to about 210. I just had to get a size 18 pants and they fit weird.         I've been working on my mental health. As we know, being overweight usually comes with low self esteem and depression. I've been going to group therapy, and individual. Trying to come to the root of my problem. When the weather was warmer i was walking before my appts, when i arrived early. I take 3 flights of stairs to their office. I think thats whats making me lose now.   I stopped taking my vitamins, just...not sure why, lazy, depressed, thought i was okay.   I've since started taking them again. I might be on iron pills forever.   I still have the mentality that i'm gross and fat, just now with saggier skin. But like i said, i'm in therapy.   Sooo...thats whats going on. Oh and i posted in the forums about a weird sensation in my bellybutton region.




Still around

Hello to anyone that still wonders.   I'm down to 235ish lbs. I'm on iron pills. My hair has been thinning/falling out for the past 3 months, so i'm on biotin.   I REALLY need to work out. Apparently this surgery didn't cure my lazy. D:




2nd post op doc visit

I've lost about 12 lbs since surgery. Meh.   My surgeon told me to walk for 2 hours a day, and i should lose 40lbs by January.   I feel like i'm losing too slowly.




Yeah, i'm still around

I haven't really been on here lately. I've been depressed.   I should be happy with the surgery and all, but i just don't care..   Maybe i need better meds. I've been down all week. Not walking, avoiding most people. Bleh. At least i have therapy today, lol.




Healthy Ravioli Recipe

Chicken and Spinach Paleo Ravioli   http://cupcakesomg.blogspot.fr/2012/08/paleo-ravioli.html   Kinda funny because the blog is named "Cupcakes OMG"   Check right under the recipe for other healthy ones, like her "Caulif-redo Sauce".




The scale moved!

Holy ****...finally!   I am 28 days out and i thought why not hop on the scale. I had only lost 2 lbs...i checked and had lost another 5-7lbs. (My scale is off from my surgeons)   Finally. That's awesome. Especially since im menstruating. xD




I want some damn coffee!

It's noon and i am so tired.   I haven't had coffee in over a month. I wonder if i can have a 5 hr energy, it's loaded with vitamins.   B6 - 40mg B12 - 500 mcg Folic Acid - 400 mcg




I hope i'm not skinny.

I don't want to be a size 4. 16 would be fine.     I went to a halloween store and found a tank dress i really really want,(for everyday wear) but i have no idea what size to get it in.   I'm afraid it won't be around when my body hits it's right size.




Today is my first day of "mushies".

http://imgur.com/zdYqs0t     Soo...this is breakfast.. Eggbeaters, 2 petite brussel sprouts, 1 piece of cauliflower, 2 petite asparagus and spice.   I'm not even half way done, i don't think i'm going to finish it.   Lighter to show scale, lol. (No, i don't smoke.)     Edit: Ehh...asparagus was prolly a bad choice, i have to chew it forever.




21 days out & i have acid? I had that hernia fixed...

I feel a little acid at the back of my throat. My hiatial hernia was fixed, i'm confused. Maybe 21 days isnt long enough to heal?     Also, having problems getting in fluids, protein and food. One is always lacking, and it's fluids. Well, and food. I only eat two or three times a day.




Posted about pain

http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/92717-3-weeks-out-sharp-pain/     I can press on the area and it won't hurt. I'm confused.     I'm also scared/paranoid, i got dressed. I'd really like to go back to bed though.




5 more days of puree

Then i get mushy stuffs.   I'm healing well i think. I bought some Mederma because one of the wounds looks like it's going to be a huge scar.   Constipation has started, woot woot.   I'm still having pain using my stomach muscles. (Sitting up) I also have pain in a new place. It's by an incision but its not coming from it. It's not red or irritated. It seems to happen when i stand or sit.





Was out at stores for almost 4 hours and the gas in my shoulder is still there, what the hell.   I bought firming cream, compression wraps and checked a number of stores for the Quest Bars. Looks like GNC really is the only place that has them.




First Puree

Chicken with mayo, cauliflower, italian mrs dash, pepper and onion powder.     I scooped it all into a small container and am eating the stuff stuck to the inside of the magic bullet, lol   My stomach is making all sorts of noises, and i'm not sure how much to eat..




First post op poop

More embarrassing than the male nurse giving me a bedpan.     I couldn't wipe properly. The pain on my left side was killing me, i sat there for 10 minutes trying until i said "screw this" and grabbed the shower hose.   Worst poop ever.  




Fat b***h attitude, lol

I planned to get this. (Uncensored of course, lol)   But now...eh..i still want to get it, even if i end up not as fat, lol.




I miss the adjustable hospital bed, lol

Waking up at 2am and trying to get out of bed is painful as hell.   I don't have a normal bed with a frame that's all purdy. It's a bed and box spring. No headboard or nothing.   I kinda miss the remote for the bed, it would help me stretch and move the gas around. Now i have 6 pillows propping me up, lol. One of those pillows is used as a cat guard. They've been trying to lay on me.    




Today's the day.

5am, just got out of the shower for round 2 at the hospital.   I am not looking forward to this. They did, however, call me last night and told me i am at the top of the list.




Even more scared :(

I had an allergic reaction to plasma. Broke out in hives. No surgery until tomorrow.   My blood isn't clotting as well as it should. Which is why the plasma. I took no aspirin so they've narrowed it down to not enough vitamin k, which is in veggies, which I can't have on the liquid diet.   I had a panic attack while getting hives. I also was used as a damn pin cushion for 15 minutes until the specialist got there and nailed the blood draw in 1 shot. I cried, they really dug around in my hand.   I just got home, then up at 5 am to be back at the hospital by 7.     This is my first hospital stay ever. And it was horrible. I'm afraid to go back in the morning. I've never had plasma before, and this happens on the first try.   It's like Karma is trying to kick my ass.





It's surgery day and i must of gotten 3 hours sleep, awesome.   I also learned i cannot make a post with my phone, boo.




Thanks mother nature (TMI female stuff :P)

Why do i start menstruating 2 days before surgery?   Seriously. Like i haven't jumped through enough hoops with the insurance and the moving of the date and starting liquid diet all over.   I am so pissed. I'm going to bleed everywhere! *facepalms*            





Do not look at plastic surgery posts 2 days before your sleeve.     I am terrified of saggy skin and needing surgery to get rid of it.




Still waiting...

I've been on the phone since 10am.   I am so pissed off. (Can i say pissed?)   After everything....i'm waiting on this woman to call me back, telling me the insurance called her and approved this letter. I have a few hours left to wait i guess.     I don't think this surgery is happening on Monday.   This will be the 2nd time it's been moved. The 1st time, someone in the surgeons family died.



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